contemplated to construct it iron ‘ Chicago II (It nonhuthis city. But the success that has “tended the work has also broadened its scope. and it is now contemplated to have connecting road: in Winotmdnu for ' as Milwaukoeend‘a booth side bou- levard in Chicago running u for as the state line under the one nameâ€"- Sheridan Road. This is favored by property owners. along the route from the Green: City to South Chicago. The'prouno‘ten of the south shore boulevard say it' wouldbeegoodplan to have one splendid boulevard along the shore under the one name-1th estimated it Willonly be'a question of he few years When the south shore boule-, vard will be constructed, and a road from Milwaukee south will meet the present Sheridan Reed. . It is held that'smeh a boulevard wenld be .e Magniï¬cent and lasting memorial .of General Phil Sheriden. Its value a roadway would be ineetimeble. mpleï¬on. By nutuprlngit in ex. pedal (our actions will Win In- pavod. Whoa «:0le as ï¬nd will has a clear «up through pretty tunnel-,4)": raving-Ind ï¬lm'- ing Ink. Michigan whoaâ€"m pin-ibis. It will lie a upbodid "noun. ' ma ranted to lid In: â€In. at. the quation o! I mad along the» north shore of the lake, it manly, Thirty miles of ma road hare al- ready been completed and some of the gaps are now in process of im provement Starting north from Lin- coln Pukjthe ï¬rst gap occurs ‘at De- von avenue end runs to the southern boundary of Evanston. Nut spring thio will be Mmplated.‘ The agitation for L the leéï¬zipletion of the road has been going Em quiet. 1y and persistently until now needy all the property owners have, joined together to push the improvement. Several contracts will be let next spring for Work in Evanston, Wil- matte, Highland Park and possibly Waukegan. Evansthn has déno good wink in 12 WWW. whom-tug“ tongi. m gummy BQAD Haws-mun. One of the gips 1's in Highland Park, but this will 30011 beremedied. An ordinancp' gs now pending for the comm e1 Sheridan road through Highland Page} £09 the liar“; line of Glenooe‘ along the lake shore for a short diskettes. then deviating in- land and passing the property of E †.12 Hamilton and E L. Lobdell, who have molly dedicated and given outright a right. or Way through their holdings; This link will be flo‘ishe'd in the spring,- so that .the road will .'be70pened clear through _ Highland Park. The completion. of the 'roed Will help toward making life. pleas- in Highland fork in the summer; An automobile line is to be established, running from the new hotel whieli is now being built at a cost of $100, 000 .to Lincoln Park every day. . Wing its share of the Shari; din road. Nearly four mil. have already Bean constructed. With the mica of 500 {not tron QM wood boulevard t9 Lincoln place, tho mdthrongh the Matty hubâ€: won paved. ‘ . cog. A bridge is iooded'here. Going north of MSW road in min interrupted In Wilmet- hbntpronioehheldontot phoni- ble only iniproveiment. The media been built in Wilmette from just Ionth’of Seventh avenue to Centre! Ivonne. From Central venue to We nvenne the wed in not built for nix blocks. J not north of Wil- mette the road in not oonntrnoted. Petitions are in oiroulntion for the improvement in the southern end of Wilmette ind iti- likelythe mom will be let next spring. ' Earth from' this break the road run: though beautiful country un- til it reaches the; big nvino' 111 Glen- The village erected a magniï¬cent founuin to‘tho association ï¬nd it is' The road mun th’tmxgh {natty scenery in HighWOod Mid Fort Sher- idan and then joins “University we. in Lake Forest. EdWard F. Gorton Mayor of Lake Forest; says he odes no immediate. prospect of getting University vivenue paved with ma- «dam. Hasty: it wouldmst a for- tune to cut-a road through the vuln- ablo'p‘rop‘or‘ty along the lake shore Luke Bin! 53-00::le “GM of building the Sheridan road will» initibonndnrien. Dr 0 G. Truan- ddl, Wt 01th. villmJu‘Old] tonignflh bill- Ior the isms-tho viii-go bond bu approved the 11in in: They expect everything to be ï¬nished “mi Chriltmnl I) “M the public my me tin mud. Wunhgnn in I' lung-dun rand of n nib-ind I hilt. running on the blufl’n top, by far the Madonna. thoroughh'n of the oity.’ Although Weekegen Ine'onee eon- name the northern flopping point of the Sheridan reed. mesh work he- been done in Kenoebe and Moe to have e connecting themeghhre. [any of the me:- in the e'onth- eeetern portion 0! etete of Wisconein dieliked‘ the idea at 11 gm reed her ing made into n boulevard. They wanted e goodtoed for nil wkinds of tame. end this in likely to be no; coupliehed within e few 109m. The men who hue been most not- ive in urging thin great improvement we the following ofleere of the Shotidin Road association: 1 President, Voln'ey W Foster 7 Viee President†W A Alene“ Tamer, F L. Hanks}. Seeretery, Alexander Olaf-i * Thyme. worked hard to urge the neeeeeity forhench‘n road against ‘ obetn'clee and sometimes prejudi‘oe against the reed being made a beul- evard. _ m; '..- J ' J and that Lake For“ k be ho- cratio but. University avenue 'u hauleurd. . Conaver,“ Cable ml , Photography"; T. L. Home, Ft. Sheridan Nnrth Entrance to P91. on emhpny lanolin: {or crash pfy_%ew del vet and Edwin-TEE @3517â€: " I We Alla Sell in mm bunches.