Hill Clark is visiting Month in‘ ‘Chiougo. Mia- Juuot Thompson is the gust of her sister. Men. M. B. Ordo. $IC.:OOQ’GGII§O.Ԥ:.’I I3. .I:§:C:§Q†ling Johnson of Chbcgo m the guoot of Mn. Charles Shaw the put wank. Mr. John Love was the guest of his sister, Miss Love, the ï¬rst 0! the week. Mr. ‘and Mn- Hugh Campbell were 'gueota at Mr. ‘W. H. Johnson’- lut weak. Mr. and Mn. Fadd Bamhoiuol of Chicago were guests at Mr. B. Ngw- hall’s on Tuesday. Miss Alice-Putnam of Southide. Chicago, wait the guest of MragB. Newhall last week. - Miss Catherine Thompson has re- turned from Dixon. 111,, where she was visiting friends. Mr. D. Newbal! Pierce of Leland, Mich, was a guest at Mr. Benjamin .Newhallelast week. The Old English evening to be givan by the Episcopal Guild has been postponed until after Lent. The Dancing Club 'will give .a masquerade at' the residence of Mrs; J. F. Forsythe next Tuesday even- mg. ' curtains. TBBIJ“?QIDOD’B Guild will :ï¬leet next Tuesday at the manse at 1:30 p. m. to repair shades and make The Young Ladies’ Missionary Society_ will meet this (Saturday) afternoon at 2: 30 p. m., with Mrs. 0. R Barnett Capt. Ransom Law has recently sold his farm near Jackson, Tenn. Capt. Law had deï¬nitely decided not to ï¬turn to Tennessee and had no further use for the p'r'operty. .Mr.Jamee K. Calhoun, for the Board of Education. gives notice that the old School house will be eold to the highest bidder February 28th. Since the tigle to the prop- erty is in the Village of Glenooe tho '"CCï¬liiï¬ICQIOMG'. U. mu3uuuna $uucummm§ TEE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER A letter received in Glenooe e day or no einee from Dr. John Nutt. San Diego, 031.. gives the unwelcome news that the wife of Edward Nutt is so very ill that there are teen for the worst. Dr. Nutt himself. Ive-r:- gret to heer,’ is far from well. The health of Mn. N utt has improved einee she has been at San Diego.- nation has actually ptoyoked a good deal of comment. There are frequently eln trees' in parks. Elms, as we have recently learned, sometimes have “daughters. †From a daughter of the elm to a daughter of the park is therefore not so long a mile as might at first blush appear. The eveht to which this reference leads up is a daughter of the Parksâ€"a very dainty duodec- imo in blue and gold, Just arriVed last Saturday. Newest thing in Glenooe. To Improve Sheridan Road. , Louis J. Pierson, attorney for the village of Wilmette, has announced that the village board of that town will give contracts for the improv- ing of Sheridan drive through the t0wn early this spting. A sufï¬cient number of frontage signatures has been secured to guar antee that the drive will be improved within the limits of Wilmette“ The money for the improvement will come largely from pubic taxes rather COMPANY TELEPHONE CfllCAï¬O A good protection in case of ï¬re. ‘ The best protection, you can get for 7 cents pex day is a telephone in your resi- deuce. Aï¬ood protection' In case of sic It protects you in any emergency. Property owners in the northern part'of Evanston along Sheridan road are I 'tating the improvement thhe rmds‘in that section where the road in o! dirt and is. either sandy or muddy throughout the summer. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested. that the City Coun- cil of the City of Highland Park, in the State of Illinois, having or- dered the grading. paving, draining and otherwise improving Sheridan Road from the north line of aection 86, township 43, north range 12, east of the third principal meridian southerly and easterly along said Sheridan Road to the south line of fractional section 31, township 48, north range 13, east of the third principal meridian in the City of Highland Park, County of Lake and State of Illinois, and for levy- ing a special assessment therefor. the ordinance for the ‘same being on ï¬le in the ofï¬ce of the City Clerk have applied to the County Court of Lake County for an assessment of the cost of said improvements ac- cording to beneï¬ts, and an amesej ment thereof having been made and returned to said court the ï¬nal bearing thereon will be had on the 12th day of March, A. .D., 1900, or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will» permit. All per- sons desiring may ï¬le objections in said court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. * The ordinance provides that the aseeesment is payable in (5) ï¬ve an- nual installments, and the rate of in- terest (6) six per cent. ' THEODORE M. CLARK. . Ofï¬cer Appointed by the Court. Highland Park, “1., Feb. 23, 1900. Special Assessment Notice,