The contact f0: laying the water main- on Carey y, Roger Williams IVOIIDPI Ind Sharia-n Road In Ravi uia has been lot t9 John M. Haley of Chicago for 82, 904. 26. Easter service- will he held at the Presbyterian church tomorrow at 10:46 a. In. Special music will be rendered by the choir. The church will be heautiï¬ed with floral ofler- in“ The pastor, Rev. Mr. Plan- stiehl will preach an Easter sermon. The alering will be for the Preahy. terian Hoepital: in Chicago, one of the very beet and meet useful hoepi- tale in the United Statue. Thie‘oenee should appeal to the hearts and pock- et book: of every humanity loving pom. Everybody is cordial! in- Vihd ID attend the worship ,. “much wide acquaintance And exyeriowe-with the trade Schneider J: Cook. the enterprising young jaw. elem, have been enabled 'to add a most complete line of silver-phied wares-It very low prices; in fact, at lower prices than Ihe some lines can be purchased by the department stores Consequentlan their motto is ‘live and let live" you can strike a burgain by calling. inspecting and purchasing. They guarantee their goods to he of a quality as good and inmany eases superior to the lines carried by the big Chicago depart- ment stores, and their prices for the same much louver. Rumors are afloat that papers will soon he ï¬led for the First National Bank of Highland Park. ' ' ‘ Butterick's Patterns for sale at Miss Erakine's; ‘ . ECONOMICAL. TRY IT AND _ SEE. g“ , "'UBHTS 1m: WORLD . IT'S SOMgTHlNG NEW H. P. Electric Light Co. MOST 45. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. In View of local demand for an ab- sol'utely pure drinking water William Tillman and some others, remember- ing a noted spring. out on e beauti- lul knoll o'r swell at the pnirie neir lain boyhood home a mile or so north west ol town, decided to utilize it. An iron pipe was sunk 130 leetwhen the solid rook was struck. They drilled into that ï¬ve feet more when the vein of Interâ€"was struck and it came boiling and npurting above the ground in great shape and from that day on the flow lane been steady, nbnndant and uniform in quality. They have constructed a large oe- Inent basin or reservoir to hold the water and this is all enclosed in a substantial brick spring and bottling house. . The water will beput on the market this season for the ï¬rst time, delivered every day at your door anywhere in this city, in Glencoe and Lake Forest at the low rate of 30 cents for. 6 two quart hettles, securely sealed. Aseach healthy person should drink from two to three pOIInds of pure water daily, in summer at least they want good water. From the. follow-- ing-snalyais, the ï¬rst or mineral one made by R. W. Stark ,of the state water survey. and the second or chem ical and sanitary one by C. V. Mil. ' ler of the University of Illinois, it Will Is seen that the water has- a slight cathartic effect. but not unduly Anyone wishing to try this Water will be furnisheq a sample case free of charge. ' L . Rumor, that voracious maiden, says that three of our business young men are going to commit matrimony in the near future; guess who they are. One of them will put up the cigars the second will send us a package of home made sausage and the third give us a nohby hair out. Their “cages†are all ready. ' Mrs. Bluisdell of Ravenawood (nee Jessie Inman of this city) died last week and her old friends in the Purl: sent, a beautiful memorial wreath. Stu-dun: nitratg. . Souslum chlmide .......... , .......... .24 Sodlun1,chloflde....... , 1.15" Sodium, sulphate ........... ..}2.42 Ammonium sulplmq“ .. .09 Magneslum sulphate... .. 2.71 unedum 'carbonate . 2.99: Calcium cubonate ..... .. 4.98 Iron carbonate. . . .Trace Alumlm; ......... ‘ ......... '. . .08 Sllica...«.........., ...................... .82 Total ................................ 25.69 The above indicates grains per U. 8.. gallon. Teal residue by evaporation ...... $20.8 Mxed residue {mineral matter). .3792 Volatile mgtter (loss ur‘lï¬nitlon)‘.. ...4l.6 Chlmincinchloridcs...â€............... 14.0 ()xycen consumed ........ '- ............... 1.0 Nitrogen afree ammonlu...,.. .290 Nitrogen us albumlnold ammonium. .0233 N "men as nitrite: .................... None N lumen as‘nltrates ..................... .100 Tho Spanning spring. The contract for buildihg the newer (tom the city building west ouCcntral avenue to the slough hon been lutto R. G. Evans for $l.l37.~78 mundmuu house of Mr. Geo. P. Bvorhart is murinu rumpletion .nd m" 800!) hwn uh 'v!‘ (â€(U'Mll' 01.11108th :.- mm, »,_.-~..A.A,, .u. [urged and unlw : 'r . ~hnw~ in“. 1.1“‘ ha :n , ‘ i NIH. Humphrys h w a , 1 .uul NOdOl'niZWl an ‘ . , H lvl is; looming up In ' - ‘ l‘In-se improvements L: w , . ,, vhJugml thumped of “NJ I" mlnn unlof town Ind the n-sidenh nut pruperty onion in that «111:0! the city feel qufl‘o “in the swim.‘ The wonder in that mob beautiful lying land has been “appreciated so tong. * Mr. J. E. Clark and daughter, Marion, of Kingston. ()nt., have been spending II few dayswith his brotheir, Mr. Frank C. Clark and inmily,i n~ Highland Park. On Sunday they entertained at dinner. Miss Sara La- vell, also of Kingston, enrOnte to California,und Mr. and Mrs. Row auIlson. of Evanston, formerly of Kingston, forming quite a little gathering of residents and former residents of the “Limestone" Cityâ€. “Little Boba’†heart would have warmed had he heard the good wish ea and God speeds of the little com- pany of “Loyalists. " g The second annual interdenomi- national rally of the Evanston divi: sion of Christian EudeavOr, North Side District B. Y. P. U. dndgChicago Northern Distric EpWorth League will be held at the First Presbyterian church, Evaneton, on Friday evening. April 20, at 8 o’clock. The speakers will he Rev. J. A. Roiï¬'lthaler and Rev. M. W.'Haynes, and the North Shore Choral Society will sing. The meeting will be preceded by an in- formal reception to the young p90plo of the North Shore in the parlnrn‘ of the church, beginning tit 7 o’clock. It is hoped that a large delegation from the Winnetka C. E. Society will attend. , Remember that the ladies vote at the election to day [Saturday] for members of the High School Board, The candidates are Mr. Clarence 'T. Morse of Kenilworth and Mr. ‘James M. Johnson of Wilmetta‘ Polls in the Vi lage Hill open at one o’clock'p. m. and close at seven. FOR RENT~Nicely furnished 7 room house. Address Mn. Nu- LIN Glenme, Ill. - 203R Winnetka. Glencoe. of Mr. Geo; (-mnpletioa Hr w‘K'Plï¬pflll- h .1â€" Wm†1‘"-