Mr. B. H. Chumâ€: is able to be About .again otter a two woeh’ illoeu. Mrs. J. C. Parry gave Ilunchoou Monday. Coven were laid for eight. 'Th- Skokie Golf house has been mowed and is being generally im- proved Mr. Dudley Wolf andAfamily‘have moved to Kenilworth. ' ' Mrs. W. D. Scott gave a tea Fri- day afternoon at laat week. ' Mrs. Charles Shaw ‘gave a card party Wednesday evening. Miss-Nina Kellogg returned from Leon, N. Y.. Tueeday of this week. Mr. Howard‘Nutt wan a guest at Mr. Walter Green’s over Sabbath. Mr. R. n. nhntm-n .i- nhln in km: 7;.Gleuooe. 8; C. A-.A.. l5; Gleuooe, 8. ‘ - V , 4 ’Mr. Charlea Clark. a non union man, was attacked on hia 'way. home from Lakeside atati‘on Friday even- ing of last week.‘by two union men. He was struck over the head and face; laying the scalp open and making a severe gash in the cheek. Mr. Clark managed to stagger home. Dr. Cook was called and sewed up the wound. From last reports Mr. ~ Clark's condition wa's favorable. There will be a socInble inythe church parlors Friday evening, my 4th. All are. cordia‘ ly invited. Those attending are requested to bring one cent. Messrs. Hill. .Sibley and Beebe were the guests of Mr. Jack Fan- ning the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kregar re- turned to their homé‘onv Blufl street Thursday. after a_ two months’ ab- sencé in Chicago. The subject of Dr Darling a dis course for Sabbath evening. Apr 29, is “Thq Christian Lifeâ€"â€" How to be gin it, and how to go on with it †Miss Ella Ford, ’of Park Ridge, was the guest 9! Mrs. A, M. Tipton; this week. The residence pf Mrs. A. H. Grogs, corner LongWood and Central av. enues. has been sold to Mr. John G. Shortall, of Chicago, president of the Humane society ' Three enterprising Glencoe boys, feeling the‘ approach of. summer, took a dip in the lake last week and strange to say escaped an aihg'ck of pneumonia or bronchitis. The Glenooe Jdniors played two guinea olbase ball Shturday «her. nobr. last, with the Highland Park’é and the C A. A. oI-Evanston. ' The score was as follows: Highland Park, THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. Guucon‘ It is reported that an application may be made soon ‘by line Waukegan Gas Com ny {or a charter in Glen- coe. It understood they will not expect any exclusive privileges and would be'fvillingto make a maximum price of 81.25pm- tbousand. House holde waiyi welcome the advent of -' Glencoe, not only for :light but for Heating and cooking purpoeee, especially ‘for summer kitchens. iM-qi The election lest Sutntdny for two members of the Board of, Education was a big surprise, especially to the two ladies who were candidates and expected to have a clear ï¬eld. Two horrid men suddenly appeared in the arena and were u‘ngsllant enough to come out winners at the ï¬nish ‘ol; the race, Mr. Kletzing, the presi- Bum reelected without oppo- sition. The vote in demil‘ was as follows: U. B. Kletzing, President, 206. Members of Boardâ€"Dr. J. H. Cook, 116; Daniel .‘MCArthur, 114; Mrs. M. R Barnett. 94; Mrs. S DeLeng, 85 O R. Barnett, 2 The acquisition of these two new male members [8‘ expected to contribute somewhat for a while to the public interest in the board meetings GLENCOE onus STORE, MI. I. M lTlPTON n Registered Pharmacist. Pm Chemicals, Patents, Confectionery; Cigars and School Supplies . Public Pay Tel hone. Prompt Messenger and llyery Sérvuce. Telephone "0- 3p Gleam. J. HARRY. Pm. GLENCOE \HOTEL', Park ‘Ave.. One Block West of the depot. GLENCOE. TELEPHONE 213. ‘~ . farm. We see that in the newly. orga- pized county board our representu; ' tives are on several important com- mittees. , Mr. Hogan headed the ,ï¬ ' nance committee, the ‘lnoet important one there is. besides being: on' some others, while Mr. momma is chaim man of one and second on the poor. Deerï¬eld may be a small town off in one corner of the county, but her men of brains and ability are recognized. The Board elected Edi- ‘ tor Lamey of Barrington as chair- man, showing how well they appreciâ€" ate good editors. ‘ Chtcnao Phone M 8965. PARK BROS. 8: BEGGS, PLUMII‘RS th‘Aoo “DI iuucumuu'u. u. yam? Communicated. Clue Tees Putin; At N. M. A. Yesterday the class of 19(1) at the Northwestern: Military Academy planted their class tree, adding one mere to the beautiinl row of elm: which year by year eastward from St. Johns, along the line of Ravine avenue. takes its course. The oc- casion. was. celebrated: with ap- propriate exercises. The class records were carefully sealed up and placed under the tree. This has be come a regular exercise at the Acad- emy and suggests to us that it would be a capital idea if the custom of‘ planting trees in Highland Park were more generally cultivated. Why not, as at someother places. have a reg- ular“arhor'day" and make it a day of phblic celebration ? Or. if not a day, then half a day, and so educate our children to the importance of setting out trees on our public grounds and along‘our streets. Possibly it is too late this year to have any formal oh. servance of~euch a day, but will not somelpnblic spirited citizen make it his special duty "before another year comes argued to organize an enter- prise of this kind? Surely. as we look at the long row of elms 111603 .St. Johns avenue on the west side of the academy and the row that my yf‘ur by year forming along the south 9 de, we must admit that a goodly examplh is being set fer us. «Shall we copyi Headachg owder's â€".â€"a6 evidence of- their mori . F. W. Schumacher has Sold over Egret! t_bothalnq packages qf Antir Highland Pgrk.