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Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 6 Jul 1900, p. 1

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m of saw, and im- mugs weaved. ‘3‘ ' Locum. pelepholn or whet neck. m Mfll My 6009- 1 hp‘eu. mu. ' i securing at theirbo-u'a‘ II to “1|..mele NS rein"!!! m. mm}; rd with films. all c0893"! man’s Films, Papers, [IA BROS. 8: BEGGS, é “M’ummsm r111. 't Ices, kins (0‘65; 1 Pauli 9; lb Cents It ‘ I0 teats 22?: «i. am“. bins, 100 (101., 'ach. Islamic; (lume'gn ”Vt Yd! but!" md Makers ! r oceries ’ptovfed RC8! weSt Prices-~- , UP! (:0; PLUIIIIS I. in“. Winner; Brothers. of the day is ing LINDWALL. IIIIII OI Til. and Window CIICABO E? Mr. Hambleton‘ was only 3111a": of rugs. having been bornjn Chicagv in 1889. After graduatiilg from that Chicago schools-1. hobo}: a special scientific coarse “Harvard, gradu- q’miug from the law school at the Northwestern Uuimrsity in 189042111 than _engaged in thei‘real estate busi- The dcatb of Earl hfinmhiotan last week, as the result at a; {all from and injury from his», factions horse. gave this community aabock such as it ,has widom received. The body was rammed to hia‘ former home 'i'n Buunua Park. Thursday {gaming from the Ev_anston hairpin}. The inquest was held and- tbe fiimatfl= attended Friday afternoon from 'hii home. It’ was conducted by Rev. Frank Du Murder, rector Sf..- [’13st Episcopafuhurch. The fitterrdanca. of course. was very large, as his bus incurs and social relatidus werae‘,.§reÂ¥y extended. arr! the final tribtltes Were wry numerous and of rare béauty find ‘xgste. no. LAKE F OR EST. passed their'énmmei's in {Ens 13600131: simplicity and enjoymunt. ._l,:_.‘L "un! 1.1qu 3..-"-.- __T I limit -. At its conycil meeting Mon- dayr ht someoué complained that, beer was ‘ being surreptitidusy daliv; ered in the city by outsiders. The mayor told thq marshal- to keep his eyes Open andiarrest tb‘e flarmns’ greener found. The council ad journed and as'the mayor and alder _ ._., m-.. km,“ :g.§u¢u;§sxav.lsa¢nfiflg : mauuuauunuui I ~ ,, - men Were binned; walking home they saw'u pucpic'ioua looking team which the mayor hailed. The ‘driVel‘ halted as he saw that the mayor, alf dermen and marshal combined were, "too many” for him; Mayor Gotten proceeded £0 and ine the contents or the wagon and found what weaned to ‘be hem-gases; 'He opened onel pulled out a bottle; held it up to the glare?“ the are 1'1. AL-.. Hutu It 'I' -7 ,, lamp. Yes, it was beer. He then! ordered themses all lined out of the wagonpnd placed on the Eidewalk. Then taking ghe 'bottle in ll'lz-r hand“ be washed it on the curbing. whilei the beer rau’ of? in the gutter: '1 benf ha Ire-Mal another'boitle in the same‘ way, and another, and anutlmuill be bad smashed. every last bunle in thos’duzun or more we. and the gutter mu with beer. After, the last hotfle hid been denim he said? to ma dr.vet,“ly name‘ is Goiidn, l mu mayor of Lake Form,“ righteous, eminence: you no mint- iug; pick up your traumas“ and go W” ‘30 went. Daimg this truly original andrhi'ghly' in. strudin.”d inspiring performance. VOL VIII. Mr. flambleton’s Final. HIGHWOOD, we sugppse thb alderman “pitched in" an [wiped his bougr, the mayOr demolish the tsqutents of the bear wagon. We don’t see how. as thé pfliciul_guard-ikn§ of the pace, pm- ‘ A“-.. ity and morals of that college town they wold doYIefa, and» being intol- ligant and pubiio spirited citizens they must have aided in his heroic work. 5 All honor to Hnyor Gorton and his associates. The} have set a noble example of \‘thW to do it"; let other mayors and alderman (allow their ,spiondid exampb. r ._..; “unomvv - Aflovelflnl. On Tueéday afternoon next. at 2:30 o’clock, at the parlor of the Hilitury Academy of Highland. Paris. Miss Margaret Martin, with the 4 no‘ srstanne of Dorothy Gaynor, the 1k Year old daughter 2L3?“- Jeanie ‘. L. Gaynor, the well-known artist” and composer; will illustrate the original and‘ noveljmethod of teaching Which has made Mrs. Gaynor one of the most prominent and'suoccnsful monk: watchers in Chicago. Mrs. 'Gaynor has demonstrated tho {not that tonal; wot-ify our training andrythmirc drilfg' simplified and brought within the' understanding and appealing to the imagination of 'thc pupil, are no only pownrfnl factors, but are omen-g tiaily necessary to the higher witun' of the child mind; Through the: {fieVoiopment' or he: memos, wonder ofthe brightest and most anaemia"; i"results’".is her own little daughter; ‘ Dorothy; she is starting with Mini Martin, who has been Bill-s. Gaynor? assistant the. poet winter and who if now organizing _a music class it: Highland Park and , 'wi i open he‘ ,studio there on Tuesdays Hand Fri, 3days.. The miniature recitnl or; 'any, viii-helm informal am; 'will be open to all who ureintereateté ! in this line of work. ‘ : - f. City Gonna: i There was a quiet, picasaut meet; : ing of the city council Tuesday even iug after they got a quorum tugéthe at 8:45 o’clock. and as soon as Mr lRohcrts was ‘dcclur'ed elected not [sworn in, Mr. Warren, who come if from a sick bed, was excused. Messr.» iStubhs and Greenslado acted wit. the clerk as tellers in canvassing fc; the returns of the special election i' ward three, June; 16th. The mayc; swore Mr. Roberts in as alder’ma,‘ for that. ward. The shwar on thf West ride was reported completed i: good shape, and we, contractor or. dared paid. \ A report was also mad: at the progresson the Sheridan Roa- south, and payment; ordered. 1: looks as though it would soon l:' completed. Mr. Stubbs read tb‘ audited, hills which were ordere paid and tbs month] y requiaiggon's 9 dated purchased by the clerk, inclm‘ iug four hundred feet ofhoee‘lor tk- fire department. One' bill came if 0131.25 for five shaves 'of J. 1 Hawks_ while in the! city eal.‘l boose’ by John Mohr, the barbeg. No one would 0. K it and it 'wzé not paid. There ware several tepori‘ [from the sheet and alloy and fl and water. committees.- ‘ James I: lShields and'other property ownei lo! block 56,- wanud their new pl; approved so it could be It. went GP committee with Rct. 1 (“An A request or petition came in for bridge over the big ravifio: dowu ( Dean avenue, where the 'Sheridz Road makes that square turn on toward the like. Also some éort a paper or petition for one up nor on St. Johps’. Ravinia people a very‘anxious for the-one down the way. while P. A. Montgomery an; others. want; the one north. Th‘ FORT SHERIDAN. Kéould be records? HIGHLAND P '31:, powar Dr. and Miss . , werethe‘guests ~)fM1f. and Mrs. . G. Evaqs last f. hnday. , , - ’ - ' ; Mr. De Bola of isew York. whd ffias béen visiting a week or two with ‘ his cousins. F. C. ‘Brwn'u family, ‘ heft for home Tuesday. The many friendl of Mrs. E. 'E. Pruning will has my go learn of her Math lastSnndiy zit Hanover. Ger- many. The cause Wan heart failure. Send your telogaph‘mesgagea vii the Postal Telegraph lines which reaches all‘ parts of the world. Office 248 Ohm“ Aveime. James HxDufiy. Immager. ~ "You can phone a telegraph mes- sage to Jumes H: Dufly who will gum! is promptly our the Postal Telegraph lljms 9". lil‘ destination. Wuukegnn cenim.takm tell the people, that city m “nearly 10.000 people.” «jails tbo‘ Park has “nearly L000." ' ‘ 8 hope 1|“ ‘mothem ‘ of little ellildmn vill' attend thé informal recitx‘tnd exhibit of her theory ‘of child musical culture to be given by Miss ‘Mairtiu' next Tuesday afternoon at the Military Academy. its attention of the public is call- : George Huber company's adaia'fihiu issue. They 'are arrang- ing a free duliveiy of their excellent summer drinks anywhere in this city. Orders may be given by phone 321. me referred to the. board 0110a! mptovemobts. Then half a dozen ide walk ordinances were passed. 'pread all over toxin, inciuding one u: auger William‘queuue from the "i'avinia depot to the lake. which nay-or Indy not stir up Home com- notion. Adjouruod till Wednesday he 18, whén syndry 4important matters will come up. Telegraph rates have [ran greatly lowered in the past ten years. ‘ The Postal Telegraphy did it by compe- titiOu. ., Remamher their ofliee at 248 Ceptfld AWune when you have I messaguwsend. James H. Duffy, manager. ‘ ' Those are the duys when anxious parents me looking around for good school for their children. Allow us to suggest that so far as We know, for young ladies. who Quincy Man- sion school, in the old historic Quin'cy homestead has no guperior in this country. The: princi ‘1 is unsurpassed as a teacher. a dis- ciplin-ariau. ,. J. Wu‘llace- Walton). proprietor of the Seldon Farm Kennel, sold a pair of fine fox terrier dogs a tow days ago to Mr. Carolau of Burlingnme, California. The price paid was 515000 for the pair. Mrs. ,Car‘olan wa's lormerly Mia Pullman and they 1, natunlly wan! their domestic animals lespecially their dog», from _the old ihomelnud. ' . Though ‘reared in New England aqd usedCusbing's manual of par- liamentary forms for years. we did not know or had quite forgotten that it is not necessary there tb have mo tions seconded except when an appeal is‘ taken. from the decision of the chair. and this is a speial-rule of the city council of Boston. . We eng- gest this [act [or the benefit of our myor, so that he need not wait (or me dihtory alderman. to‘wak'e up mud unmade motiqq. 530; can put it"u soon as made, find on ihe Thomas Bracken Reed theory count I“ present as voting‘hyo." unless they you "any,” which lleepers will not do. FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1900. Parliamentary LIW RAVINIA. Our neighbor Frank C. Emu went to New York last Friday dud took his son John dong with him. The stirring war song any: 03d John Brown’s “soul goes marching on." Vary likely, but we are quite sure young John Brown's soul (sole) and body 20 marching every hour in the day in the great American motmpqlisl The following highly intensel- ing and brief histo‘ry of tho spari- ous “ Spade Guinea." may found on the wall plates of the old Taylor mnnnimnm the French B (1 river, East Tennessee .wu [figured by our friend Col. l’. T. Turnkey, who knows all about the h'ouoe' _where these (suin-J~ were found. Such “finds".m rare and have a valuable historic interact; “Highland Park, Ill. June 2,â€"â€" Mr Esrnsnno 00881sz “I duly received your several let-I lens of late dates sad also the! “metal min” which you asked me ; to examine sud man: its com. position, vslfie. history etc. I bavegdone all you asked. But have only briefly gim you the points, in a letter 1 (er day!» since. I Love not. [owe nu yr name. no: of clay. Hope)“ gum-a “with one put: ’0! W And that old dark “garnet," it seems, is where the “gold coins" have been disc-mend. ‘émtiug at once a question of lame stung? 9\ cut or maybe tngedy. I tale un- told onmyatcry none livingcan un fold. And tbthink that Iso nften‘ climbed the winding min w tug GLENCOE, bed chamber floo'r, then on I smli ladder, ascendéd through, what I called, (in my boyilh lingual) “the wattle hole" up to that duh the“ have W H, my esteemed cousin. I guest then u no nyuhry shout the 3:50:33: the Thin!" ”was coin cundiuthat nldgunai. I hsve sailed history-undated! of nets todetemiuesstommil and who: think I an egg-:- Ft 9 your youngboys. whonust feel I latest-d In the“ W gram gust gnudhtier' sold han- sion. I will first. say that house was built on thst lonely hm top In view of [but one- thousand ysids‘ from | that grand sud limph' run- ning 'water, the Fund- Brand river I» our progemtor Colonel Pm! eul- Tsyior. in 1780 Like most houses of its day. it was had: of.- huge logshewod with the 101d ime broad axe tossmooth sun-f1 oe, two stories high with stlic and vithin its rustic wall were lhoi'r nine of his eleven childuen, is oufund live 3de thu- ighthinfiae (1798). Grand lath f Punt-m Tuylot died in ‘thnt hm Fohunty28 1827. and I middleman-l1 Mach 3, held in t) e large room in the bone. All i which I Well remeuhfl' to! I m at up to the casket or call. and placed my little had on H- c‘old ell-sic fort-held. Jud ma yam s the-mm: I also attended the uneml 1n the. same home of my lent ofignndmother (Betty Wh be Tayior). But during that span-often years, I [madam-y honmdlyu'. and week: with my gm (mother in that hon-c.1‘he woolen clock the had for fatty yen: s hung on the tenth wall in the ztettroom,ondl lunged to cm: t the sixty seconds to the min :09 lying prone on the loo: “'1 F0. 3 thuuu mutants-amt “ammonmum hmmmmm "1:di my in mum“! emnohcwnchouinnvélr Our Job m W11 11¢“th mm bu' an amide repetition. Outpnntiua' hu 3 :36“! yaw autumn-the Stun-Lam. WINNETKL (To In and-I'd.) LAKESIDE

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