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Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 26 Oct 1900, p. 6

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I , v O I” {I m’.‘.Iuil§IC" Mr. Christian Monra’i has gone to New Mexico”. 5 Mrs. J 0 Parker 13 out of town E for a hw days / ‘ a: Miss Gooding wi 'Heave Winnetka ; won {or the winter. ill I!!! warm iiififi‘fimt: ‘ Mr. C. C. qurne I ba's rammed from it trip to Florida. ' , Miss Almy Ho,t spent a few days id Winnatkalast week. ‘ ' Mrs. C. C. Arnold has returned from a two weeks’ visitiu the east. Miss Elizabeth-Aldrich viii leave soon for a visit to Marion. Ohio. Prof. Herrick and family leXVe after a summer-spent in Wilmette; Miss Cavicé Buckbee visited in \V'inuetku last Sunday, and Monday, Don t target the Republican mass meeting at the village hall on Satu'r day. Miss Grace Gran-s is visiting her sister, Mrs. Zuhllm, at Beatrice, Neb. - . A little daughter was born this week to Mr. and Mrs. E. W Weir; senhurg The \\ innetkn club announce a dance nu thereveuing‘ of the 30th of October. Grand march at 8:45. ‘ Mr. Chas. Weeks. who has _heen sum-ring for some time from an Eur j'lry tn his knee, has fully recovered; , Mrs. 'UIIIs. Windes game a hm. cheou nu Waluesdavjn honor of Mias Sue Garland, who lS Hailing 3H4 Winrn -tkII. ~ . The hidies' auxiliary of the Win- natLa dub gIIIa II Iery unjoyabie m- cemmn and musical Last. Friday cap! in m after 0 marrie! an the 9dr of Nm'ember to Mr. J. H HvlmId former” magi-i user ofIlw “‘iIIIpIka Water warty} Rrv. Quincy L Dom} “ill prrIIclI a sermon On pruiemiary life and reform urn Sands“ man ing at 11 o’clogk at the Congregationql cburéh. . A IIIIIIIlIer (If {he lmfie‘ of \Vin- netka atvended Hm meeting of the1 Womn.. ~ Buard of Missions of the Interim at. KeIIMIod on Wednesday Mia Hafinah Ahranm’ will he‘ I Mrs. Chas. Q. (3035 who for u :_Iny years was II mait'ent of: \‘iunelka. 8 Id who had many friends here, died aI her home- in Guam last Wed IIesday The sympathws of all' the Md residents of Wiupetka w~Imd many of the rumâ€"is extend to the husband and son who aIIrvive her. _ All Ihé thIZt’llfi of “Ti Iuetka are' i Ivite'. to attend :I Republican meet- i gauche villagvn lmlI nu Snmrday e Inning, October 2-7. at 8 o ’clock. Three good speukrrs will address the audience: Shelby \1. Cullum. Stacy W. Osgonhuul Charles C Arnold. Come and 5.me your patriotism by filliu'grthe VIII-age hall to nvmfiowing. FDR SALEâ€"“In \Vinnetka', Infuse . meat lake; seven rooms mid ball} 'ruom. Address Box 238, “in ur-tkn. I ' "lo-c: but by “III-(l5 ‘ Chief among the assets of Italian how teLkeepefl. gnu-chants and railroad: is the money left with them annually by tourists. They will aggregate about ”5.000.000. and the individuals named have just taken st9 to cultivate the, traveling foreigner with the View of encouraging him to spend stiil more; A congress has been held in Rome un~ der the leadership of Sig. Di Ferrari, a former member of the cabinet. who in his address to the delegates said: “We propose to organize all the forces of Italy which relate torthe cultivation of this industry." " 7. (Ill-3 Leuvlnx New England. ’ Over the greater part of the New England. coast the. supply oiclams bu suddenlydiminished to’an extent which has become alarming. Extensive areas , ;_AA_: nu; mvu...‘ _.-..__.,, which ‘fonr on five yzsrs :30 produced great numbers of clams are now praco tically ban-en. The explanation is sim- ply 'that the demand has increased a} such a rate that too huge a number of the natural “seed" clams have been re. moved. and. extinction tuddeniy jol- Winnetka. unritnmunuuuuiy "fliiifl'fl ilfiMfiul ~13 Gen. Viéle has gone to St. ' an] on a visiting trip - C] Miss Thompson, of New York via‘ ited her father the restaurant mm and musician. , Mrs. F. H Bubb and dang: spent most of the week in Win ton ‘viaiting friends ’ g . Mrs. Capt. W. FnMnrtih hasfiéona to Fort Wayne, Ind, for_. uglisit . g3, among relatives. , ‘ ‘ 2‘ Miss Eu‘a Towne and My Smith, of Milwaukee, havabée xting here this Week Mrs. Major Forbes has joiue ’husband hate at tbs Fort, lllid quarters for a permanent home The show at Sheridan Par week was' pronounced very (in was liberany pagtonized. Liefit. D. E.' McCoaL-h nimi, among relatives and friends i. adeiphia Cbadeu Bobérg who had 't‘br} mis- fortune to binak an arm, anq some of his ribs has so far recover»: as to be about again. A 1‘. Mrs. James O’Mulley (nee "‘«i’ee- uey) of Chicago, spam the w gak at her fatuer’ s buautilul home mi Ed the y R forest primeval. ‘ .. Miss Grace Ives, a suite! 0% 33am. I was of the Eleckric Kuilruad, (353;;ects to leave soon for 'b’avaguu, l‘. s.,. tu Lake a position in a hunk. {-. A. D.‘Hulmes,xwhu went. to”; vine: Ala., tu lest“); m a mule: mg case how the‘ guvemm’en formed h‘la' duties and 1113:; NR Stanley keen-s and wife, ‘4? C. M. Elecmc mad, the mi: tjug in Hip to Colorado any? Want-n points, on a vigil. '10 If tings. ‘ " ‘ Charlestensuu’s saloon W:_‘ bur glariged this week, but as Cb: “he i.~ a man of sew-49 mid takes can; 9! his nickelu they lung] uuly some? 20 or \ thereaboum. ‘ , i f Capt, R. P. P. Wainwriglzl 3, who has been engaged in buviug' borsus [on the gUVerumcut all 0'! r the .West, has about completed tI:- Work and IS expected home soon. .m .h This cul. mry is overrun wk §musb room gatheiers. ‘lIIere urE‘4 from ten to‘fllteen here daily tron? 3hica- u «to! w.“ ’4 go. ‘m’ul many mare last Sawfly , and I I" I all go back “ith. killed bushel: :S v», Mr. W. T. Ward. whose w§ to Virginia mum months a protracted viaiI. has gout (JOY: himself [or u nburt visit lug friends, uni to return with I It is I‘LLIIIIrt-d in milimry: :iwles, and geneml‘ly helievmd that Q .m 39‘!) Infantry; “hick Went Imm‘ mIe to Manila Sept.10,1899.wi~i suou heave the Philippines for a Iguw to this 1‘ 1)qu Micfiagl Sweeney, whu lg‘g lived her: sincg 1845‘}, very culely g'iays he guess-es loss of folks wha- Tu,” on! here to gatheraud eat mush‘é’lpms (P lot. of Which are uneutahle tn Elatulfls will he carried w R038 HHS-gr Cal vary usxt week. Tum. show? neighbor'is a man of sense 21;? Don t forget that this Stu; érb 0c. toher weather-aha very First for taking fillOthmphs-«wdn’é always last You will want ybnr F: m and the baby’s photos for thei when it is liable to he sun-EH weather Get them nowé: Weather 13 good and Home: spirited. SW88! A Maine c'Jrlp has made.é ery, unmaly, that the way}; .' Limo 'béans 'is. to run H through a clothes wridger. ‘ ed enough with four wringe . ‘ 20000 cans in one ”day. ’ neither George Ble-umings High woqd. s Wifr. gm- 0 ll truth ; W" anvd. f the wipe:- uahrr - rein i that 3unts- Lsteul - :3 went er Ou ) UH vio- last 1!. A fine baby Bay has come to make his home lat-George Frazier’s‘ - . The dldest daughter 0! Benjamin Buttérfield has the scarlet fever. The Methodhts are hOIdiBK Sun day afternoon serviwa in the‘ village half. MisQMildreé Daily,“ Downer‘s Grow, is a guest at Oman Wash burn’ as I Mina Ella _ Lester, Wis., is trimm‘ér at '3 season. 1 ' The ladiesf did society are prepar- ing for their hung!) bduar, to be held in December. ' ‘ Mrs. Ella Kinney [has purchased a fine building lot of P..A. Robinson. Cmmii‘l‘eration,58400z , ' Mr. Nieliolas Smith is very. sick with asthma. 'aud as he in eighty years old his rpcovery is doubtful. ‘ Miss Valeria Esty has returned from her tacufiou and is again in stalled as milliuer at Kuebker‘ a score. Miss Fina Tart, Mia: Mable Wicks and. Measdaulus Higly and Wash- burue uueudqil the Sunday School equventiuu at Lilwrtyville Saturday Knebker Brim. have purchased the laud'of \Vhipuiq Webb, adjoining their prupertyl,‘ arid will lay out sev- eral lots, somel 0! which will be fine building sites} ‘ ma... non mu. Crew at I]: nee. 81:31th on n Dash to ' the son-n- Pole. There has: just sailed from Bam- burg what may be set down as among ‘he most darling band of arctic explor. em on record. The little vessel ,1: file Matadom'a common North on fishing-boatl'with a regiuter of but 44 tons. It depends wholly on all power. Tho" crew condltl of six men, the oYmer and captaln . being Lient. ,Von Bauenduhl. His plan after leaving mensoe. is to sail a far north as tlle‘loe will permit: then he will abandon his little véslel tad force his why ahead with sleek. Al to his returh. that will be guidedlay circums'tancjes. any: a contemporary. Though the Matador In so will], yet the expedition taken along enough provisions and fuel to last three years. This 'is packed in water-tight boxes so.constructed that they can be used either as rafts or boats. They have runners also. and so can be used as sleds. Capt? Von ‘Beuendnhl has spent his entire rtune in preparntion for the trip. e is 45 yenrs old and has passed Wynn at hen. He and his crew are enthusiastic and expg'essed themsehes :us confident that they would return With the secret of the pole‘ln-thei‘i' possession. OFF ON A DARING VOYAGE. fle‘xuuw lull-ole. ‘EmperoriWiHiam has had to flu!» dun "hat {mum 'curl of the mulâ€" tzmhe which has helped to mute the kaiser famous because Ruby, the {m- periul barber and the cnly ma‘n thnt‘ knew how go ,do it. has liesn'dismiued for impudejnce and for trading on the royal (are: It; "njoyd. ' GRA Y’S LAKE. mter, of J-auesville, at Bauershall’s this IO. I’Dmt IOU“. ”am 3:! :eeeeaamunn m. .m' Mrs. Will Jacobo andlitlle daugh- ter returned home Tueada‘y. Mrs. William Scott ia flailing friends at Covibglob, Ky. - l Mine Laura Miller spent Saturday and Sundav with her parent- .Mr'. Hubbard lathe goal of hia daughter. Mrs. W. H. Johnaon. Mrs. Frank Newhall spent the paetweek wilh Chicago friends. ' 1 Allie Culver spent Sunday. with his mother. Mn. Eugenia Culver. ' Mr. Shortall and family left Wed- needay for their home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Braybrook. of Chi» cago. epenl. Sunday with Mini Hur- dow. . copal church will mutWWadnondu at 10 a. m. in “he Guild mom of the ‘hhurch. 1' Mr. Lewis. at Chic-go, V.“ a guest at Kev. Marc Darling’n-ovet Sunday. ‘ Mrs Carter Harrison Ind 300 ion guest: at Mr. Heston Ovuloy’l the first of the inch. , Mr. George Park, has sold hip building on the corner of Vmon‘ and PHI: avenues. - ‘ Miss Elizabeth Dupee returned Inst Weak nflofn arveral vooh' III! with friends m Chicago , Dr and Mrs A H Kurdowlefl Glenooe Tut-ml" and moved into their new home in l) inuetku 'Mra. Charles Dennis and ”Mr. 3James Dennis spent the pin week with friend: at Benton'flarbar. ’Rhe Womed's Guild of the Epil Finland ia no longer a member of the international postal union, aa by an imperial Ruuian' nkue the Finnish.‘ postage stamp la withdrawn from nae, and the Russian postage-camp substi- tuted. While the Finniah postage nnmp until a few week: ago had no value in the eyea of atam-p collectors. it has now at one jump reached .0 the head of the list. and will probably be the moat. valuable in the "ampul- lector'a albums. The Finns are of courae fnrloua against Buuia for thla additional demonatratiou of the Bear to blot.thelr oonhtry‘ 98 the map at the worm. firopérly Qddrened and provided with a Russian posture Quip piaccd by the .side of the Finnish. So far no none. his been take; by tie Russian govern- ment of this inning method. But the Finns are by nature a sub- born people. and‘therae‘bod the] adopted to sflll compel the Busslan an- thoritles to forward letter-a with the Finnlsh postage stamp is amusing. Their correspondence t‘hey inclosed ll an ordinary envelope. on which whey placed the Finnish tage stamp in the usual corner. hie envelope was then inclosed in a thin transparent. envelope, plalnly showing the-Finnish stamp. The outside envelope was then curl-tinny n. lint-nun. The Chicago Trlbmie gu- ofl 'th. following: To the Emperor of Chloe: You etc a human. end I am I Chris- tina. I! you will execute the murder- en 0! my minister-I we'll all it uqupn. If you don't‘ do that. you will get. R. h the neckâ€"Keller Wilhelm. FINLAND’S STAMPS VANISH. { Glencoe. u'ay that tho politic-l supplement of the Antioch Nan in the best thing ofthek‘ndwwin Lake county. The hit numbet «I per- ticulnrly ailing. From flak it would seem shut out Archibald out! I higher ‘vuluo on the Antioch Supplement ithnn the Ngfl-Lnfll’l Prohibition " rub-nun ‘ an- in that. Mr. Poet- If your eye- W have hmdachu. all u Cooke’s and burn your by an export MW”; SITUATION WANTED Cooking 'for dinner. lunch 35d evening parties, or by the day- Emmn Lelia-nmghland Park. 21-3122 INDEPENDENT 0! any pay at innatponfioo, but work (amigo belt inure-$9! the 900’ pic. Win, the jenlet. ¢hird door from the penance. East Sideâ€" Barn and Carri“? House. RICO W- ‘0’ 3- um and two connect, APP" ‘° Manager, News 0600. Your watches brain. the kl good ting. NR SALEâ€"Two £90 hosta- -â€"- one cy inde. and on. nickel-pmd qua-e bne bumâ€"very cheap. [again at Nan s on“ . FOR RENTâ€"Familial! mom. with or without build. Addres- P. 0. Box 26.5. ' 22~- FOR SALE- A niae‘ pun-cup: wag- gonoqe and double harness. ut R. It. Men's Home. 20-22 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Notsee umuw’nwufl m sm- eaed umm City Council an»: City of gunman-tum «dried dun In (My one: Mngbtthecoomdnmnn unitary wider In Dim "A.'.' with film. Towndflp Fatty-w (m m. Emile Twlve (I!) E“ d the 1mm Pflficlpd Meridian M the City of lithium! Park. County of Lake and time «Jinnah: the 0» Cl “which.” Melanin-them "(the CMdecM.“m-flcfly hum-ppm ugh-County Conan! Late. countyJuhob-mn the In :11: pl Alum. A.D.'.IMIOI In W «(me out 0! add uncommon-cam to the hem-fin, and an sane-lama: mu metro! having been made'uad rimmed ho add Court. the and Marinathemm wlljbebeldouuu- abduct Nmenbet. A. D M or I noon then-titer mmebudmdthecm rm man“. All pemfll damn: M file 0W3 in aid :‘uun mmhflww on me- hearing m min (honking. sud (Mum “Museums“: at said mm In Ive mud hull-rem wim mun] with”: of “I" m pee vemum W III“. )R MALE-14- foot using sloop. wry fact Ind IMO. Addrul 30" Rue! Winuoth ' I. 22" nnentsdmcudaflmm 1 Dun-d Hutu-drab Quote: mu. A. D mu. . , goal. 11.. Chicago Furniturc‘Co )B BENTâ€"Home in Ruinia for Winter months ‘or you. Well built. and in good condition. Gail 0t mam-w. P. Gobi-”Mm a anh Gem-we flu JR BENTLâ€"éix-room house, hot and cold water npplilnées; strict ly modern: mum-He not. Oak- wood "onus our com Lnooln near cu line and railroad depot. Apply to Thoi. Howe. 20â€"â€" “maxim OW “m A-” TRUST - let. clock and jawalty m9 junior, and you will have LLM Manner TO LET. How il thl‘n both“ you or you all It Schneider 8: 9’0!" 9!” WM CHARLES 8, RICE

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