Mrs. M. F. Riggle is m with a very seVere cold, which wiil prevent. her singing at the Congregational church on Sunday merging. One of the jolliest p’arties eVer held in Winnetka was given t9 the mem- bers of the Congregational Church. Sunday School and their friends on HalIOWe en The church parlors were beautifully decorahd with fes- toons of yellow and brown crepe ba- per and artiï¬cial pumpkin. blossoms, 'wbile a number of bougbsand beauti- ful leaves completed seemed. that was at once sombre and effective. The room was entirely lighted by jack’s’ lanterns and barn lanterns. Several Hallowe' on games were plny- 'ed and enjoyed by young and old. Among other attractions, were a ghost. 8 giant, 1 night bowler. a Dutch doll and a fortune teller. It noise is any sign of suocess, this partymas truly the event of thé year. The‘Winnetka and Rugby base ball teams played agame on Wed- nesday on the Rugby grounds. The score was 37 :6 l in favor of Win- netka. ‘ ' ‘ The first meeting of the People’s Club will be heid at the Village hall on Sunday evening. Nov. 4. ' Every- body is invited to attend andï¬ll the ball to' ()Verflowing. Miss Jane Adams will audress the meeting and some tine music has beén secured. FOR RENTâ€"House in Ravinié for winter months or year} ‘ Well built, and In good condition. Call or address W P. Geherty,Raviuia up '11.- 2lâ€"tf special. .sale of trimmed hats lusti just :old through ï¬r Maynard Wednesday and Thursday in Wlfl-i to Augï¬gt Ziming' 0" “himâ€, his will†- » ~ v lGleuwe homestead Er. Zieasiug The first lecture of the Stutlentsgalso buys about one ha ire iii-tour Lecture Course will be given byéof tbs house belongiu’f In Mr. F. Ernest Seton Thompsou,_a at Evanâ€":5 Newhall. Mr. Newh'éul gives pm stun, November the 9th. . session April! 1st next; Ind is now E con~idering plans ior ai new house. Miss Vreeland of Chicago, had a: M _B Newhall, “iguanaâ€, has The mother and sister of Mrs w. Benn, who have been Inalrihgiur- Zieï¬ing Ni“ Prwbly make quiteu Ienghty 'visit here,- have re- Equlte extenswe alterata “‘9 Md “n" Iurned to their home' m New Jersey iprovemenIs in the place He has for Mrs. M F Riggle is ill with azsome time been eonsiIf: :H'luR other very seVere cold, which wiil prevent: places slang the No" ‘ Shore and her singing at the Congregational: Glenooe is to be congamlated on church on Sunday morning secunug such a man 10 a resident. The Winuetka and Rugby base (“ENC-0E more“ 5013353. ball teams played a game on Wed 1 Nov 8, The Imperil ‘ Qusrteue. with reader. Nov 12IL§Dr H. W nesday on the Rugby grounds. The Thomas, subject: Fm 22, Dr; score was 17 to l in favor of Win- wJamesM Campbell. sub or "Robert netks. Burns." Nov. 30, Mia: suIliR, Pre- Th 5 t t' fth P l ;. 6 [8 meta mgo e eop e’s sident of Rockford Col ' , subjeot: r“ I A. :n I. L [A -L AL.‘ V. II“... L H The W oumn ’3 Society of the Con- gregational church met with Mrs: Dale on Thursday. Miss and Mrs Herdmau have been visiting Mr and Mrs. F. A. Herdmau c the past “'Wk Mr._Chas. Bitterling has returnad to Winnetka after an absence of sev- eral mouths. ML Can-hon Pwuty spent several days this Week hunting '3; Camp Lake, Wis. A mac-ting of the Library Board was held in the libru‘y room last Monday evening A Very successful dance was held at the “inuetka Ciub on Tuesday 6V t‘lllUg. Misses Gertrude and Bertha Thorne‘ visited at Des Plaines this wevk ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Dyerar'e at- home again after a have week's Quting in the East. V MiSS Pusey has (etumed to her home after a Week spent; with Miss Louie May. ’ inâ€: smuuuuu "my!“ .Chas. Thoma has returned from a trip east. ‘ J _ Mr. W. P. Butler has been visiting his sister, Mrs. A. B. May, the past week. ‘ I. ï¬ll. can“ IH§Oiflflt Winnetkaa I . l I i J. a i The “Jolly Six" will beentprï¬ained by Miss Bertha Thoma next week. A, number 'of . new/Kooks have been added to 'the public libréxy. Miss Pauline Tayldr has _ returned from a long visit in Racine, Wis. ‘ Mrs. Haber and Mrs. King were the guests of Madam Prouty this wuek Mr. Robert Hiucbliï¬e is at“! ill gt his daughter's home in Winnetka. gm .3 Newhall, ajI "Ignace, has {just sold through Mr. J‘Jiaynard I toAuinst flamingo?! biagu, his IGleucoe homestead ï¬r Ziessiug The Twentieth Centu [for reorganization Mon Mr. ‘Alvin Smith,- 0 Iowa', who was oalfed home by the saveye illness of his father, has returneihome. ’ The Christian Endea n- Societies throughout the chant) were fairly represeuwd at the Com; _§|tion Satur- day ‘ 1; 5!. Dec. 4, Dr. J. L Loba. sub ject: f‘Au Evening in Luis,†Illus tratedby Sternbpticou Eiéï¬rs. - Dec 11, Dr. David Beaton, 9.1:; }ject_-V:’ "Scot land in Story and Song: The date for the ope: Lug Concert is definately ï¬xed. Tb others are subject to possible chan e . (Price for course tirzets, $1.00; single evening tickets, ‘or Concert, 400., for Lectures. 30c. E3; Miss Ella flall' 18 visi Eng Mildred Daily at Downer’ s Gro's Colonel Davidson, r Highland Park, was a visitor last i'amrday. _ Mrs. Merton Smith as returned to Beloit, Wis. after a: weeks visit with her mother. " Mrs Bugb‘and “IRHEBTOWUQBC companiad bv Mrs W; J. Under wood, of Chicago “I m3 ) Milwaukee Friday. the: 26th inst, t“ attend the funeral of their brother and nuclei, Mr; Johnathan Browne. , Mr. Browns “'35 87 yaars of age am had beep a resident of MilwaukeeI5 Juuty since Mrs Sophia C. Stone we Qffler. Elijah Stone, died at 'sr home on Sheridan Road Sum“: y evening. Revival services were e’émhi at the Congregational chum Tuesday afternoon. at 2 o’clock.-‘ §3urial Wed nesdav. at Toulon, 'IH. 1; ‘ 1836. The subject of Rev. M W. Dar. linga dismursé for SabEj th morning is Moses, “Or the Triuu oh over En- vironment." Evening-f ‘ The Con- tury’s ngress," what it has done for health. Miss Margaret Kélll ï¬rst of the week for 0%: to attend the wedding at: vv Una-ab .....-. » Miss Winnie Spackm E“ spent the latter part of the week 'f-jv‘itb friends in South Chicago glj Miss Jessie Scott, of (link Park, and Miss Muir, of Lake View; were guests at Mr. J L Day’s over Sabbath. inunuuiun- Schoél will reopen M ember 5th. - Miss Helen Clement' lzretumed to her home in Chicago Wltdnosday. The Women’ a Guild ill meet in the church parlors Tuesv 1y afternoon Vat 1:30 ' The young p'eople ha a dance at the Golf Club house Wednesday evening 3}, ‘1‘. Mr. Eric Todd enwrti nod a unm- ber of his young friexfgls Saturday eVening last. E3; “litmï¬iliflli ."iiiï¬: Glencoe .1 _ : ‘l § t n G'RA rs LIE-RE. g Club met tiny eveuiqg. y _ ' gnu nu day, Nov- gg left tbu erlih, Ohio, 3 friend. ‘ The attendarme was large, the in tereét well sustained and as a whole it must be accounted a grand success eminensly gratifying to the Ebenezer folks and their friends and it will not be without good local results in the future. Such events are mere than a pissing interest and they cop. cern chose beyond the immediate circle a! the church at the church or' society responuble for the celebra- tion. . The music for both services was choice and inspiring. being [umished by the Northwestern col'lege male quarMIe. Messrs â€R. C. Stall. A. Butzbaob. D. H. Wing and George Schmid. The flnrsl deeobstions were profuse, the roost noteworthy be'in‘gvtvhe ï¬gures “100" indicrtin‘g ‘the year of history réoorded in blue and white. very striking and signiï¬. cam. The Prohibition Rally which was held in the Village hall here tonight Was rI- ry largely attended. The band Wis out and everybody was enâ€" thusiastic. P A. Robinson, Grays lake’s.(-Iily banker and candidate for Circuit Clerk. presided; Leo F Jvonlnsne; of Ivanhoe; candidate for Presidential Elector. and Col. H. P. Davidson, of Highland Bark. candi- date for Congress. Were the simkera. ol. Davidson reviewul the hialory of the political parties of the coun. try. showing theneed of a new politi- cal par; v. He answered the “throw awhy your vote†and "can't win†arguments most efl'ectively. The speakers were vigorousl’eppluuded and reference to Mr. Robinson's candidacy brought forth ll rduud of applluee. showing his popularity. The band boys made their ï¬rst pub lic appearance and did very well. Thehbflce. The Eenr-zer church folks eele. hratad the Centennial of the Evan. gelicql church last Sunday, by special sen-pines and ' discuurees morninï¬ and evening. Rev. B. Hintz (lisouBSed the “Beginningof the Evangelical Association in‘ Illi- nois†in the morung'nnd Rev. H. J. Kiekhoefer Ph. D. in the eweoing spoke cf the “Geuiiis oi the Even- gelical Association.†Mrs. Lucina Hoodoo. departed this-life Monday, at 9 o’clock, a. :11. MN. [-10an was an old sonlsr and for years had lived on the old homa- stead uo'mmaat of Haiuesville. She had a strong wastitution and until a year ago was as Hpry us a much younger person. She leaves child- ien; County Clerk'. Al. Hendee. ol Waul+gang Mrs J. T Morrill Mm Frank Beak. of Tenn. , Mm. Fannie Lamb of Denver, Colo; Benjamin Hendee. of Sumner. Iowa. and Mrs H. J " “Wee-lock who so faithfully cured .’or her mother during her long illness The funeral was held at the home uttwo o'clock Wednesday after uoou,'witl1 interment at the Grays- lake cémetery. Thurs was a Prohibition Bally held at the Town hall Tuesday even- . ing which was very well' attended coueiueringthe weather Mr. Robin- son acted as Chairman. and after a few n marks introdueezl Mr. Jaoeanee who gave a short but interesting talk, and then introduced the speaker at the evening. Col. Davidson His addreus was good, and‘thoee present seemed to appreciate it very much, and we are sure will giVe the subject some ".hought. Prof. Doing; 6: Aurora, and was Cross, of Chicago, were present and tack part in the program at the Con- ventidn Saturday. They are pla‘ lug {qr I speck] line of study for t i! winter. Mr. andvflra. Orhon Washburnev and Percy Boyd,attended the lecture by Dr. Francis E. Clark. at the Y. ML 01A. Auditorium Monday night. J. H. Washburqe is t9 buildanew house on Whitney stipet and will rent into My Donaldson. There in a great demand for houses this fall. INDEPENDENT . 0! any party or inootpontion, but work for the best interest of the peo- ple. Levin. the jeweler, third dog:- from the postoï¬oo. They are two curious fellows, Saint Bill and Palm Mark, Their ways are like the Chinese Being shady, strange and dark. And if you are perceptive _ And' your is clear and cool, , You can’t so: their wolfuh slum Though tin-yum in wool T’Was only silver Solomon meant He didn’t refer (o‘cld. ' Saint William says he is convinced That the country sun will bust, If Bryan should be Wm With his blows aimed at the mat. For of trusts he as the Patron Saint They are his special can . He knows it's death for them to breathe Pure Democratic air. When you want to catch a Sparrow , And get it without fall .A good plan Is to sprinkle Seine salt upon it's all. ButtheholyMarkhasasurersdpeme Republican votes 1:) land ' It’ s a little “palm oil". well rubbed m Upon the voter‘ 5 hand. Saint William took a contract In the island of Luzon To free the nigger! ovel' then: From the haughty Spanish Don. So he tfalned his caning guns And with raking deadly ï¬re. , Sent the Spanlanls to perdltion - Or tojoln the heavenly ~choir. When he got the poo: black devils tree And the Spanish grlu was beoke He gave them othet shxkles And a newer fashloned yoke. When the blackamoots seemed! hurt at that - Saint William hcdid say “By our gracious Lord if M ‘say '09: Now Solomon or some wise man Declared it to be so That the root of all that' s cvil Is the sutpstance known as “dough." . But Saint William he gets up and sweats With an oath w bad and bold . _ “â€4 There will be h-I to my.†Time was when Saim or Palmer Was a goodly, pious Inan. But in these later times he‘s modded On a rather different pian. He gives his time to winks, And by conibinations bold ' He crushes ouuhe people’s life And (this in the 3014. ’ Now Saint William. although indish, And lacking ninth in sense, . , Being patron Slim of Republicans. Is a than af infloeote Fat undoubtedly you’ve noticed. If you eve: took the pains. ‘ ,-‘ - That the boss is more than onen NOT The man who has the brains. ANOTHD! ELECTION ODE. av ROBERT} BURNS. SR. It’s sometimes beneï¬cial To hear of honest men; . Of how they count all things but loss If thereby heaven they gain. Thetwolwishtospeakof Are known to every one. ' Their names are Mark,~ the “Pam," And Saint William. of Canton. Along in November. when chm w the W. Two ballots wen: cast": a box W. â€Youcouun'twoactmunodm.‘ CHORUS: Theywcreboflurunm. - Andonewasasthynldlyouw’ AndonebyaSundavschodm The foxy oId hm was cheerfu! and mellm Said he. “I admire that Sunday school How." I admire that Sunday schobl idiom He's true to his church, m his patty he's (mu: ‘ He tafks for the Lord. but he votes for the brewer, He votes every time for_the m. mTbeallotswmcmiuW They nestled undone like WM You couldn’t mil one of the votes from the othet, He piled up hispraycts with a holypufecflon, 1 But knocked them all down on the day of election, But knocked them all down at election. All summer denouncing the brewer. But his ardor cooled off with a change ofdu m, And late in the autumn they voted W. In the autunmthey voted W. TheSundaysghool man. nomncouidbauuuâ€" Kept busy all summer defloulgdn‘g the m5 The Sunday school man had always been natal For ï¬ghting saloon; except my: voted; THE TWIN BALLOTS. at» Node: Im'ivmmdl penooo [nu-t- «ed that the CR)! Found! at the City of Highland Mhflm Mend that on Old:- nmce mmuhmemboudamm animate-rum Duma "A,†Mam. hmconncalonuud am uni. In Bloom Namath-Menu!» feet mm: at uni purulent) mmflnduld ma. lmm 'mnudallnuheemltoe d Won Myro- ducedï¬omthemdoa pom (Int: hm- secfloo at ‘- unegen (10) getaway-up dud mid gotheccmllueotï¬. Johu'o "cone. ’tlwnce omhmon ulna: 9.5.1121er line of St. Iohn'l avenue Ion‘polnt in them:- Wotan-em (lmfeumdnd muelto the center the of Hkhm ave- nuenndthmummdmnfldhï¬cm the at [31¢th «can: mm. to flu- muwd Mood mason Fm: In». Mouth: Forum (a; norm. Range TWIN (I!) E“ of the "bi! Prindpal llama. in the Is a Highland Park. out!!! (I leyï¬dfluuni llllnon: the ()r din-age Mme In: bdngon men (he ofï¬ce ofthe‘CttyClettddd «w. and-the said city having applied Iothe W ound Like. my. llllnohonï¬g m day at August. A-D.1Mbtgnm ofthecoct of lid â€mm the beneï¬ts. M In m to" ‘ hafln‘ been mum-mama!“ out. menu: Madquflbehflmmahmm November. x: D. I“. a: . loin W! utbeblgluepdï¬c qut'vm pen-u. All . CHARLES 8, RICE. Comma W Gm MO‘WCMQHWW M. MHuhhndP-t. Octohet 10m,A_p_ Counbeknnudunodmv tunes on m heuingmdllllcthekde‘em. mmmnmmu ma Ilsa-neat In In ulna] mailman rmmmmamucol ion-HQ m mun-perm. . StualO. m" M _..ymm-'""a;.a SPECIAL . ASSESSMENT NOTICE. VA “Ste for the Republican par- ty is a vow for "boom†in the dinner pail. A was for the Democratic pur- ty in a vote for a dinner pail full of “booze " A vote for the Prohibition party is a vote tocloee the eta-where “boon: †is cold undo: aplenty of food in the dinner pail lid upon the table- of every 'mGill‘ ms It gives tong. in producing raw material and in - minufnctnriug drink (â€only 800,901 m. - Closed git} mius‘gould menu a chance to earn a living for 1,348.- 685 of the men who are nonhum- ing 'a job. Tho Ana-Ia- hula lye-t hr Drink Lat Your “monum- This money was an absolute loss to the men who spent it. They received no valuable thing in, ex- change for their cub. Their drinking wide, harder times for the grocer, the butcher and the baker; whom they did not pay lLd could {not pntmniu. . V It m not oniya Ions, but'ml actunl damage. It impaired their wage-earningabilit; and impaired their productive ability. .1 The. amountof tut year'udriuk. if spent for the necessities of life, would give work 'in shop, Mary and ï¬eld to “$9.586 men. It caused Ila-o to every other industry by ï¬ducingthe drinkvr’s ubility to buy pther things, I5. ’1‘ aw iqg iti the lin.‘ (he Ff.‘ and {m Hi ten