Work 31'. . (railed. SLED {litlllflm “Inn‘s!†#15:: Ban: patterns at Mrs. Bohl’s. * Dr. Books: will leav‘e for Flori: da Jan. 2nd for the winter. New Year’s funds at Sweetltnd’s. Stanley Thorn spent Christmas ‘with his parents here m the Pink LAKE FOREST, Remember Sweeumd handle! in high grades of Cindi“. ' ' Our merchants any they have had a better run of trade this Christmas than for many years. . â€"Ctlrlef<m Vail who is a junior at Cornell college, is spending the holidays with his parents: - home for Mr; and Mrs. Dyke '01 Crystd Lake, are spending tho-holidays with their daughter, Mrs. Find (flow. Miss Fanny Emreï¬, Bradshaw Egan and annmber of‘othets who have . been away _at acting!g are. â€i“ â€1mm: "lï¬i‘iï¬lID: n u;-- "pâ€"Wf‘Wo’: talus in nude,’ .. 'ï¬tzvhï¬n mm shed at m pariah. “*3 dress P 0 Box 322, Highland Park; :13 Mrs E S. Hcflichols is visiting at Tolouo, 11L, win: her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Smith during the holidays. Schumacher's l’oppernintï¬enms are the ï¬nest mule; ‘ 5‘ The gas company has'zi gang»! men at work on Laurel avenue . and 'Seodud Shoot where they have gbout two blocks aiditch piped. v ‘Wm. Morgan, who a few years égo made the-Parkhi's home .imd did Igood deal of electrical work here, spent a few \days here, the past week. _ ' ‘ ‘ {The Reliable Steam Laundry (does mbre Emily waking than any other flaundry betweenflvans'on and Lake" Forest. Give them a trial and you will gut-int go elsewhere. ‘ . Home the phqtoglfapber reuewa his Xmas oï¬erof a large portmit with with every dozen of photoaumit fur; the: sluice. Nothing has giwn more satisfabï¬on than those large oolo‘red portraitsx. ' ‘ W E. Brand has gone to Wen- ver, 001. form short trip and will make several other steps, for he w'mhee to enjoy the exqusite scenery of the western states in their ' wintejï¬ splendor. D. C. Purdy, who has a bardwarg store on St John’é avenua, has taken his two gaps; Ends and Arthur,“ , as bushes puriï¬ers. Now the sign than the dear reads D. C. Purdy Soils. Mr: Pligdy gave a one-third interest to énch son as a Christmas present. , a ll: mama wishes people for' their kind! Judging {ruin the number of youngsters which pass along the, streets vigil skates on their shank der, there must be skating, good skating and plenty of it. Row is the chance F to make use of the NEWS-Luna's {magma ad. gum-catamarans: ‘ â€I muWatyumi Leave your order VOL IX. Highland Park. H‘IGHWOOD. wisbes to thank me kiudcï¬rismu pa?- {(31- Séhumaeher‘s â€at, V m wishes tu intuit A number of subscribing to' the NEWSâ€"LETTER have taken advantage of the free offer, and ingny a' link} heaPt. has been made glad with a new sled or a pair of- skates. There are still a number of shake and dads left for others td obtain ’ by paying . Levin, the jeweler, is an expert as French and Father Tithe Clack; Sec» ond door north of paseoiï¬cye. back subscriptions and one year in advance. , The Highland Park council M Slé, North American Union will hold their grand prize: masquerade hall in Goldberg ’sOpera House next Han. day, New Ye‘ar’ s eve. Prior ’s’orchoa- tra will be a prominent feature. They promise an enjoyable time “3 all who attend. ‘ I, A nice new namrtment of Candies for . \ ear 5 at Sw‘getiand’s. amigo Hibbard ï¬ns called away hurridly last week to attend thé funeral of his only brother whotel,‘ home was in Boston. The news of his death was very unexpected as the Judge had visited with his bgother in Michlggm on! I’ * We have maniac details as {0-1195 canseof hiadmtk as yet" Tbé NW3 LETTER extenï¬snympsthm' m hing reav ement. A sad and perhaps fatal accident happened to the father of our city plumber, C. P. Sullivan 35138501“; van Sr. was hit by an electric car at comer of V me and St. John’ a avenues. Cbi‘iétmas night. His shuulder was crushed and his badly cut ‘At but reports he was at“! alive, but grave doubts are held of his recoveryf Professional Nurse, wishes ‘engï¬a- ment in Highland Park or vicinity. Address, P O. Box 465 Later. kit-[Sullivan died day (Thursday) morning. ‘ ‘ if you wtnt a nut and upâ€"to-dnte package of candy for New Year a, go to Sweetland a. J An indoor baée ball. game was played in the Academy gymnasium on Monday évening,‘ ‘ Mr. Pian- stiehl‘s V young men via. High school boys. The batteries were as follows: Bert ‘Green pitched and Hamid Sweetland caught for tbu High School while Arthur Purdy pitchéd and Ray Philips caught for the other side Mr Pfanstieh} 3 boys came out ahead but what the score wads/we do not know but. surmise that théy were not much“nhead ' - I! you. liege a. Watch or Clock made in any mmï¬try 1n sha world or any stvle brimi it to Levin, the jeweler. ac. has no $1M?†the repairing of complicates! with m- abet: movements. ‘ecuud door north of pestofliee. ‘Abold robbery was committed on Saturday evening between the hours 0f’5:30 and 6 o’clock. The burglare entered the house of- Mrs. G. 4 Bob! by the front window and left by the from door. A noinb‘er nf nimble knepeake‘s, silverware and juveluy were taken, and as Lheburglara came at such an catty hon! andalan oppor- tuned timers! the bee'up'ants of the Muse bad juet gone net for half an ' FURT SHERIDAN HIGHLAND P-Al bn II', it is sunnized that the invader: m "a very well posted ,end the city pt) ice are keeping a siterp' lookout t) the thieves and ilwg‘tho missing In age. . Kr. W. C. Eddy oflDeeMoinae. I we, i-o visiting at the home of his ' Either-indems Laid during the : ideye. = {eats reteihd 3t flotinle price- et 1 men’s Market :3: Wee: Centre} L ng:ed Schumacher éaye he éold I or a hundred pounds’ofhiatnmoue me- made chooolate‘ enema and . be: ï¬ne candies of hi own mike. us far during the h ideye. Now L'md knows that advertising in the ~ :ws Lama pays“ J g 1ҠThe Brothethood 0f Motive ï¬remen of Chielgo wifl hold I char- , ball at the Coliseum on Wabash venue, between Fifflsenih and Six- enth streets, Chieazof for the bone. s of the Railroad Menu We in , is city on February 28 This will '. s one of the mthmum afl’airx "v I e“ .3 followed by the d‘etribuiion'oï¬ 1* adie's, etc. ‘ ‘ \nyone doubling th meï¬od of \ shin by the Bdhblcrsteam: Lum- y is kindly invited too‘me and watch acne. They will 'be :ahowu evctr ’ing in connection wi the wuhiot ironiht, andhm for them- :fDAY, DECEMBER 2'8, I900. :10: mh'nnd Iiopipnï¬ng cnedit 0123.275 V13. Centralabenue gUnder the Supervisiqr of the prin- ital, Him GillespieJlbe pupils of 5: Winnotka Ms packed a ï¬stulas box, Wing of dolls, : The inmates of the Ri‘ilroad Men's 'ome were treated é’to: as ï¬ne a hristmasdinnor as anyone could ish to partake of. The menu con- sted of roast turkey oyster dress: I“; raw oysters, cr‘nberry lam asked potatoes, French pea, obi awry, mince pie, chess? meet- cider. indy, nuts. dates and Orange. 33- are. tea, 006cc, milk phallic and icknackstoo numerous to menï¬on. ‘ho wife of'Jamu Giana was a vis- or md‘onjoyodrtho‘flay very much. u' vicugo. ‘ Christmas exercises were held at :3 United Evangelical chqrch on )nday evening Tim. children gave Iery pleasing entertainment which e railrbad menhavefla'vet 'iiven for charitable 'purpo'u ' As this is air oï¬cial home they aka great. ide in it. , - Notice. The opening «it: of E. C. :hren’s New Matt â€the 275 W. ntrtl avenue will be mt. Mono .y, Deeember 31's.. $1Lhongh no“. in be on sale tomorrow (swanky) ulahy Packing (3035 mums will he mdled and sold 38 Chicago prices. lune: I ' Phi Winnetka plilllié schools sad last Friday for the holidays. 6 winter term will open Wednes- v, January 2nd. ‘ ; m. and Mrs. James Wallace are itiug at the horned Mrs Wallace' 9 her, Mr. ‘T. E. Pilmon on St'. hu’ 9 IMdp, durln‘g the holidays. )on t pgy abhor poop]; a: meat bill‘s. y your the.“ at Bojmdyu’s meat mar- mum; M it, www the Mutual Beneï¬t â€Mama“ 'fl! RAVINIA. ' The uau'al Christmas Exercise. It‘ the Ebenezer church wen! given on Christmas Eve ti) 9n appmciltive au-1 dieuoo An interesting progrlm con ‘ dating of rocitutiona and singing n5 well rendered by the children of the‘ Sunday Schod and seven! selections were furnishad by me adulu. III place of the customary Christ- quu tree, there'wu a reproduction of the Babe ’0! Bethlehem, and a.» visit of the throé wise men. who warn guided h.) the star, which rose and room above the manger. During this part0! the progrhm the room was darkened, and the‘ noft "no! :strains» of a gamma hymn was sung. :making'the Scale 3 very imprenhivo ions. The cumminmont'closed with iho Ibunl dislriliutim of gifts to the 'expecu'ml 18th people as we“ as tho oldur ones. I' rounded and not the smut of their guns phase all balm-e Lb“ time. Ind lave “1:11an of mil-m guï¬ma Eminent society as atlia" Em! m held in regular thines meeting My evening and the following diners were elected: . . Pmident. I. J Baud . V Vice President, G C. Vetter. Rec. Secretary, Miss Alice Brand. Cor. Secretary, 0. 8- Brand. Treasurer, Mien Anna Blanel. Organist, Mice Lillie Visitor. Asst Organist. 0 B. Brand. Stewart Robert Bock. Aunt. Stewart. Willie Vetter. ‘ The guessing contest» Mn. Bola-1' bodies‘ Mr Store win close Jump, lâ€"New year‘s cvening at. 3 o'clock. Will the ladies who have ‘helr m' mum-land and not the amount of their 1‘0 0“ CI“. - The O'rnoli club conï¬derod “The Question of Labor†at in last moot- ;ing and Housed lb 39 able paper on that subject by Mrs. K. R. Smoot. ' Mu. Smoot has long been iuter- tasted m the department uttbe Chica- go Woman's club which dank with tach'qiiostious and hqr reading and ptudy to? years bava especially (qualiï¬ed her to speak upon s‘ocialog- '1“! subject. She Rain the close Lactuation of her harem while‘ she guï¬oke to them. of the various solu- §tioas oftbo lubbt problems already ttriod in Europe and America and :0! up†thatnro‘yottobetmtid. - __L_ I .‘Mrs. Chm-ins E. Maxwell. who lets. Highland Pal 1 year or two ago for her bomb in Chicago, sang severnlsonga accompanied by Miss Ruby Harrington. When the meeting was adjourned the bright red candles and the holly, so suggestive of the; Christmu Ian-on attracted the ladies to the “bury where Mrs. Patton and In Wood- rufl served tbs. GLENCOE, "Tr“. with Home Merck-nu." i , There has been g great deal aid‘ on tho ' situation 0! the Evanstgo bakers’ ingot» telling their gobdn in Highland ï¬lth and Highwood. i Not, the trouble is just this: The.†wagons would 'not come up here and deliver good.“ the mar- chum; ‘practiced what am probeh' Mr. Merchant was I rmhhuzgu oE a' train from the any with It. loadad down with M It. Merchant take! (out or!" up“! and then goes straight-5'11.†3 tit and uys all the m m he didn't learn}! Sand-y udhool than! the residentâ€"then got- «on by pl“ Ling in an extn largououkof hint] goods from Ennltoa Inï¬ll-Km we hear Hr. Merchant kicking“ people buying to and, of Ht goods in the city it make- ul ï¬fth at man’s boon-Money. Kick b.- cauae people buy their [00¢ out o! town and he hind} '00“ not think of [numbing kin-homo baht. I An English wavelet once M I impunion, sitting in s stats of tho 1 most wooiul daipur. and My 4 near the int agoniel. by the db 0‘ ;one of the mountain hi. 0! W- iland. He inquired the no. of III isufleringfl. ‘.‘Oh " laid a. w. i ‘I was very botand thinty, and M i a large draught of the old! I“. .f ithe lake, and than at data on till intone to consult. my guide hook. To my astonishment, I band it“ a. inflow of thin hick wry M 0h.I-mn¢ooo wit-dism- oiug nil over-s. I Inn only I In iminutoa to lin m .0 b Our .enterprisin‘ Highland Put baker. Mt. Summorvilh. In: Mt up ouuplln forhil mail†with to identify his brood. and any“ calling for Mr. M’! M unbelur'otheyhnith’ m .ontheloaffotthahhcl. It!“ umvince‘poople that II. M is conï¬dent hiahuoldwalpk‘d he sells only on his own W. We dwrdy bow at "Io ho tomcat! in their mun WI Vwilldemand Inhaled had. _ In I. later issue we will try Ind give out readem a mon'thorough “plum or why the match-nu in tho-om prefer EM 3 W Death. To the psychologist wh‘o‘ neoc- nizes the pow“ of fungicide. I well an to the student in do PM language the followingdippd fa- Thr Argonaut my pron both In- structivo Ind Inning, 4 3 Tu Sauna Boa Nun-Ian: has juut put in I In... “We." ECylindar Pull; the “of Hub- :land Park In Mun-h In huh; {In energeticwdgo-oiudm !in their city -â€" The HWOIIIIC 'dependent- ‘ - â€"â€"." “Let menthol-Billed.†said his friend. Turning†a» â€- nngn he found: “Dam (in head him poimmune" â€"â€""‘l.'hn m at this lake [bound- In M. " “In M the manning of it?’ ’ W†The dying man looked up with a n- diuui 0011an “What I.“ have become of you." ntidhil hid. “it I bud not met you?" “1 Mid hnve died of imported MW d “ï¬e Preach W†to sell Evan-Ron bakery Highland Park. Ill SOMERVILLE’S BAKERY WINNETKA. LAKESIDE