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Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 18 Jan 1901, p. 1

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it Washed. “arched to iron, with all M {mm-pond. M herebiclgp, mph“, i betting um h: Nugget )1:an p orclock mop-ms. Ed paghgflcu- Dunn'- hound youlihwr' 5, um; .11 in «iv-4 an? The 9“.“ and “08 “P 'M'W?“ postal. .6!” tho but an to how you done Kindiy lad“, norm call for your y’ou heard the.” '0‘ him-taped“: I'm sized cm I 3:on of Emkn. I 0. Pin Fly. 1;. lo quot. RIM, Vi” III non” I81 9““ 08'. horas. ()mplan 1]] all [or your 13mi- latch or Chick nah i the world; or my lavin. undead-r. Ii. the twp-H.301 I W Vnpot L.” a gas front???) per ray-day aim, which Id gasoline» at can A bandied and}. out: for 1 coin, not. «deity andmhnpor lo mob, no 'odot, Fine» My}..- Ev- Iu'nd to given, period one: ”tum“; Gut LET finer, lam ’7 gig or by th ‘ Mand'Pnrh 31-h r 341:: par de- 0:40 twist: it all: UM nod. we "It! you to lily Fm whip]! will!» Box up WWW" ntalogue. We Ibo igb grad!» ‘m Rxmnnum‘ Btu; 30.. 152-1544156458 hm ‘und (Inning 10gb for 3 Home! I!“ Apply to J: 31mm LAW“- ’ Vino Avenue, ‘ Highhnd ha. 3in lion: in audio! Mamba ind. {morn-no luau mm MN "3. thin harness. at R. W101“ mola- ‘olumn. miture Co. N. MA 14‘9“ Wuhan. Lnity. .22 It you have g Watch 0;- Clock madé‘ in any country in the world. or any style. bring" it, to Levin. the jeweler‘ He has no superior in the repairing of complicated ’watch or clock movements. Third door north of poswlfiée.‘ Dunn‘s 4 Some of the energetic men of this town have planned a toboggan slide and are carrying their ideaé into 'pnctie‘p. The east end of Park ave- nue, which leads from the pocket to the lake shore was the hill selected for the slide, and where the road conga sligbdy aBd Borders a deep nviiio they have erected a strong gaunt mun: "lawns" n: ' The board of 'héalth is fnokiag after the welfare of the public and will notin each. {31?in of thfnpces- any at Wuhan prmfiwtiou against smal} pox. _ ' _ _ Swims": mumfin m: Bazar patterns at Mtg. Bohl’afif,’ Mrs. Buello, nee Minnie Lucké‘,d T. L: Home, Phomgmpher, has 90M fine caleufiars for his customers. Call for yours befofi they ufe'all John Knudsen has Raft. for CM: lord, Nortli Dakato, but he takes the les-me with him t6 keep posted concerning home afiairs. ' The last indoor ball game, .Mt. annstiehl’a boys via the high school boys, was a victory fot Kthe bjgh school boys. ‘ Schmuch‘erfs Headache vawdemcom “in no celery. ' The house of Chas J Stu-fiber, on the corner of Second and Elm atreota, is being handsomely deco “ted inside in, the latest styles of On Friday evening- -tbe Art League gave an entertainment} at the public school hall which was very largely attended. Mrs. F. B. Green recited one of her original dialec't pieces. Then Mr. Pbilbric of the Art Insti- tute of Chicago, illustrated Brown ings poem, “Pied Piper" While Mrs. Green read the poem. The building, including 15¢ "store and dwelfing of Mat Conrad at Shermerville, was totally destroyed by fire last week. Levin; the jeweler; is ' an expert on French and Fatheffime (30¢ka Third door {mph of Mwfiice. Dunn’s awn: paper and paint. 'Mr. ’Edwar‘d Wendling is~ doing the ' work and when completed the home-will be for rent. Ripon. Wis., is Mrs. Fritz Babb Stv. Mary’s chur’ch has just dis tributed folders 'gi‘ving she full re port oi “)8 Christmas ofl‘eriugs of We are proud to mention that Miss Pricilla Carver was chosen by the Amature Musical Club of Chicago to attend the Federation of Mfisical Clubs bad m Nashville Tenn, J‘am nary 8 10th, 1901, and participate in a concert gived by the representative. members of the club. ‘ lw Sweeblands Celery Headache l'uwderp. "K instant cure. LAKE FOREST, '1“. v They certainly ‘ knbw that “it'is more blessed to give than to receive.” 1 :gstlttiiatactistisu fl hutsMnuuunu Increase Business,_.3 news-tenet. Highland Park. Never)“ {:9 on .5!!va {:3}; “'Vl'iti'efie dnlys .0“; mauldvmme tokeep’bmi- mess is “81} la 10‘ The best medium to: take shore eméwriaea is the i HIGHWOOD. is visiting her gases: I The January meeting of 1' a Lake County Central’ Teachers’ Hieading Circle was held atRockefvger last Saturday foreuoon and- al’érnoon, about twanty teachers being' weseth. The interest manifested w:' i great, and the meeting was, on th .7“, whole. the best of the year“ The m§ tmoet ing will be' held at Graysia 7, Feb ruary9, sessions opening (7’ 10.: 45 a.mnnd]:..30pm ' all Rev. J. H.‘ Kengle offlj" Illfand for two years past ,‘1 aetai‘y of the: Y. M. 'C. A. 66: gal city has been secured to aseiu, in the special Gospel meetings mg being held in the . Unitéd Emmanuel church. » He will be here on axillonday evening, Januarj Elst, and fill at.) one or two weeks. . ‘ board fence to guard againé; going finer the steep precipice. 'I‘i‘ey also have placed twelve lightsT 3. (mg the eOuree, and all they now Idk Is a good snowstorm, then burn: {for the coasting. , 7‘ g ’ Mrs. J. W. Mauck lbftqn 'uesday for Canandaigua, N. Y., to b Ipresent at the funeral of her sister, airfiss L. A. Ball. Who died In the Ad§~ Ebndack mountains where she had bei u some months' m quest of health SI, A large crayon is given w} dozen photo’ a at Hurne' a Fort Sheridan, Ill. The C. ‘M-. aleétric mi}, ay will giveagrand benefit masqe rade at Fort Sheridan Park on Kin ’n’cnins birthday, February 12th:- flEi/m rail road. boy; are fiery euthusiz‘é'ic over the afiair and want it 90 Be E; grand success. The man for Witt"; this benefit is given is very dEbrviug. He has broken his leg twicr 1 within a few months while perfm mg his duties, and the public coulfl“ not. do a betteract or true fellowniip than to buy a ticket or two, eve 1 if they do not attend The admin: i» m is 25 cents a person amid gom’ time is guaranteed. ' Mn. G. L. 'Braod enjoye last week from her girlha ‘and college chum, Mrs. W11 of Middlebury, Vermont. 3 was iormgn-iy Miss Emma Deérfield. Have your Dressmakiug da' Stroek's, 269 W. Central gvem The annual business meé :ing of the Ladies’ Relief and Aid Society will be held at the reeidenaw 15f Mm: Sampson, January 22, at 10,; 0, n. m. Matters of importance are 1c be dis- missed and otficers‘ electel for the yeah A full agtendance of ' l mem- bers is desired. 3_ 3} v.1... ... .._.__-_ _ fl. Sweetland‘s Headache PM ’{eys are morevpopfilar than eve}, Thy; cure, Nzws-Lmsn~81.50 rpei‘ i770“- The subject fiéfiw FORT SHERIDA iiiéfixiism PARK. iia’ visit. [3 friend uu' Dow 1 every ‘Studié. FRIDAY, J. Jim was my Mend. un one unlucky day. The usual gauge. I vretty girl. came in our way, And from that time Ire Bet-mod to drill Iplfl. For each united to win her maiden burg. And though] tried «ch at and winning wile. ’Twasnot to me the gave her sweeten mule: Each day] saw my chancel now more dlm. Until. to my Malt. one thy she mnl'ed J lm. ‘Ah. lucky Jim. ‘ How I envied him. Three ye ha‘dpaned. long vemthey seemed - to me ~ . And “lien-Rm died: once mote then the In- ftce. ‘ ‘ \ . Before me routine loud hope-d the put. I waged. I died. imam-d hernia: . I've got my my mdjlow lbs la luv wife. lows: A'. J. _ Nnerenburg. S. P. Brand and’Rev. A. Haefele on last Monday attended the funeral of Rev. John Schneider at Chicago. Rev. Schnei- der was {or many years a Presiding Elder in the Evangelical church and Wall know to many of our Highland Park ' . He was in‘hia'flflth year at the ime 0! his death and had been a aufierer for nearly a year. ‘ I know just what there h In married life. And when [think of Jthhnuah underground. Enjoying peace and quiet most profound, Ah. lucky Jim. The “week of pine!" was well attended' In the United Evangelical church and an unusual interest was manifested. Gospel meetings are continued and promise. to be full of interest. are against the thousands of thei‘ enemies during the siege was in tensely interesting. m Ouoll Club.- 011' Thursday ufternqon the mem- bers of the ()suoli'Clinb listened to an account of the troubles in China given them by Mrs. Chauncey Good- rich fwho'has spent many years in the Celestial Empire. ‘ The story of her flight in the early morning With her husband and three little children from Lungeho. m the Methodist Mission Compound, near Pekin; of their retreat to the Lega- tion buildings of“! the death of Miami» of the few nu red'foreign- Mrs. Goodrich is a missionary having spent twenty one year's in'the work among the Chinesa and at the time of the Tenant outbreak was stationed in Lungcho, about twelve miles from Pekin. After‘ sketching the condition 01 the empire; the aspirations of the Emperor, the outstmined character of the Dowager Emproesv and the position held by’ the foreigners among the people, Mrs. Goodrich told of hot personal experiences. . Mrs. Troxel was the hostess and was 'assiat‘ed by Mrs. Viele' and Mrs. McGlachlin at the tea table. while Ming Trans] and Mrs. Everett fur- nished the musié for the afternoon. - 080a not. open on Sundsyl A. 'W. Fletcher. l‘. M. 93.11. 11521 g. is“ p. 0mm open'h-om 7 a. m. to 7:30 p. m Mail trims arrive 3nd depart as fol 6:57 a. 9:30 a. 12:55 p. 3:17 p. 5:32 p. 9:3'1'3. m, x521 a. m. it“ p. :11. 5:37 p. In. 7:17 o. m. 7:17 p. Highland Park Bostolflce. Twlco LUCKY Jim. Sou'm Baum) , mocked and dispflehed Nom Bounty received and dispttched flow I envy him! ~4an Topic: dilpntéhed. {Y 18, 1901. RAVINIA. their sin- ‘ and Mrs. while lur- )1]. hand ndny John hnei iding The prdgrammeopened with I ae-. leetion of music rendered by the High School Orchestra. coed-ting or; Mouser: Evans. Van Biper. Conrad and Sweetland. The boy-gangreat Ki- honor to Ilr. Florent who in so My“ - kindly and masterly a way conducted made ‘ them. The club greatly appreciated W the courtesy of their presence and d‘” their music was charming. 'Their fl” b5 last selection was the National Hymn m °f ‘ whose enthusiastic measure thrilled mg up all. Mine Smith assisted an pianist. ‘Thel We, the undenigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on I 50- cent bottle of Greene’ 3 Wnrnnmd Syrup of Ter it it hilt to cure your cough or cold We eleo gum I 25 cent bottle to pm ntiefectory‘ or money refunded. Minn Helen Palmer favored the club with two selection- which were greatly appreciated. i Bring your job work wtlu- Nun Lmn omen. Mrs. Smoot gave an unusudly scholarly paper, tncingthe influence of witchcraft upon the litenum: of [Tr-nee, Italy, and Spain. She ro- {en'ed to the lags that indent?! to this day ounmen'sonu-thoir menus in “Imitation-by placing mod-l The bond 0! mnnngoment of the Highland Park Womm’u club ex- tendato students the‘ privilege of obtaining coins: fiche“ w these lectures for 81.25 or tingle tickets for 50¢. The-o ‘leatureu, ‘boing historical, are thought to be of eapecialbeneflttostudonts; when The Won-'1 Club. - M Wm. 'Tueodny.Janum-y 15th. the W0- The-floon and plum in our man‘. Club inat- to discuss “The “we" '"dm m "0 Gui-Mud Euecmr the Witchcnft Superstition ml 8 30° input-M upon the Literature of Europe. The Hammett Mind Com. 1 The leader of the meeting, .31". puny of Providence. 8. L, Inn id Frank Green. set forth it. afloat: mplewdthoereofionoftbirnpp upon English Literature, making ntun undloekm (organization. ' AIM-M Attention is callodflo the second lecture to be given by Prof. E E. Spatks on Jan. 22nd. subject. Sun- uel Adam please take notice. 'Tho leader of the meeting. .Mu. Frank Green. not forth ih dents upon English Literature, making thqpoint that grant liven only voice the sentiment of the nation. In. L 0. Van Riper illustrated in afloat upon Scandinavian Liwrnture. She brought the Northern Brownie an n guest at our fireâ€"sido. Mrs. Spencer's paper was uniquely otigiunl and very interesting. She spoke regarding Germ-n Lila-tun. Mrs. Munch having been bereaved by the loss of a sister, was about. Her paper wan withheld. She In to have treated of Scotland and ho. land. tell me how to (all . (one. GLENCOE, Haul to Tol. All right. just. telephone. Tell . tone what? Why. telephone no what happens. Tell a. (one you what. Iuppeu? Why. eel-mini]. can‘t you telephonic? I can tell u (on anything it you wfill (ho. B. 0cm. Fun W. Senna-n London; gunnwulltofi w on. Thouuuforigdnom.” u lack of practice. This oortninly can be remedied. fluke their on» from 95 per continuum, ev «by air, which eoete nothing, and Feline at ten oente per gallon. A hundred Candle power light ten hours for e cent, more brillient than electricity and ebeepet then candles. No mote, no 040:. absolutely eefe. Fifteen etylee. Ev- eryl-mp gueunhed to give priest entinfnetion or money refunded. Get our complete analogue. We eleo menuflcture high grade Roller Skates. ' Tn Rm BALL Bum Sun 00., 152464450458 Luke Street, China, 11L photos of kindred cubical. The clue- in history and English In" Illo btyught togethot a good‘oollod- ion of pictures. clippings, 60.. bau- ing upon the subject; .There is gradually developing among the pupils a spirit 0! loyalty to the school. There is motherous thing so helpfn! to good. booed workonthepsrtolteschermd pupil es loyalty to the school and what it represents. Tosund by the school and. if it is not what you wentit who. totryto nuke it so, and to mske others help. is who! loyslty In an institution In... Loyslty slwsys Is founded on” sell respect. Firstthen, lips lshs- ‘lieve in themselm Quip: t the school sWtodelortben,“ the foundstionlsrsedyr Upon M maybe veered splendid. eases-sill The end of the first hilt-ya! il now at hand. The final cumin.- tions occur next week. All pupils who have “mined thaw mod- ingofWonhoc-innhohnhipand Inn nu (Allen below N in deport- mont will ho stem-ad fmu hall 0:. "ninth... ' Miss Euton‘l china in Latin we findin a pin of I Room he... made by His: Eaton. Ind view- and achievement. New Will“ “fit It Ion BESTâ€"mam. Io mums. manna-7. hot val-5t mined. on {apronâ€"uh. 1". lot. horn; furnish-d for 0 death. unfinished for Iain": of yea-I. Apply W. 0. Hip- w.~l|. m. Genullwd Linda um The girls’ gymnasium all. I“ lion Eat-ton u infirm. and lb hoya’ clan with It. Allhoh g h. “motor, are enthuniutie in the work of our nu dopnrtmt. Our indoor hall m In: been de- fouwd twice during the ‘lut week. The girh glee club it buy mk- ing on new music just rescind. The uchoolchomn, unfit“. load-r- ahip of Ili- Smith, In. lain-d me beautiful chorus. zatcacaa¢000o¢¢c¢o¢agz in “I: WINNETKA. LAKESIDE

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