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Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 1 Mar 1901, p. 1

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......... 50¢ ’a beatnik! spring ml: up. ‘ . J. C. Pair] anter- Monda’ evening. cLeish ibuing‘the . Bedlow the g‘vntle- pl}. B. 11an have “hair friend: in tho Elnt'wn. Bewball haq‘ rammed ktlipin Indiana. He itilue and about (on! IO. """ u. . . blue. 8!.00Iww. . D335 now ...... Ilden was the guest of I. Mr. J. E. Colburn, hum magma, Ifileolors.',... 5c Papa tau-brie. 5e up no: or Red. , Ir Paper ...... 70! Think, 10 | Lane. “unaided her friends with a flared by :a suppér mg last. lunch of. Chicago. Lon 9f Evanston, were 8. B. Hutton) ovor rmlshlngs, etc. (‘all Shoes f Glcncue friends sur- Mrs A. HI. Murdow n “inneth. Monday spent a pan '0! the ads at Evanslon. ,‘b‘x spent several days , friends in Chicago. arabo has bought the m on Gwen-00d 3â€"81.50 pic: ”I" I....â€" ...... 85400:) n o! overcoat; I.“ meant, ' )ds the s of the on," .ENCOE. J. K. Calhoun and not week with Manda phone 47. Swain has been i“ with ’oolson wait the 200“ I. M. W. Darling'oyet entertained at dim!" umsey Nah I 8093‘ of over Sebhatb. RE. shirts .ts on part '0! the . SUI) ficup 81.25 82.00 be able to- work‘for some d'uys. There will be a - Grand Masked Carnival at For: Sheridan Park on St. Patricks Eve. Saturday, M‘a' rcl) 16th given by 9th Battery, Field 'Ar- tillery Prizes will be awarded. Tammie viriu be furnishad by Prof, Iredale’s .' Orchestra. -A pleasant time is assured. Adinispion twenty- five cents. Sparkling Spi‘ing Want-delivered, 6 one-hut gallon botgles to case, 30 cts, Wm. Tillman,.P. 0. box (59. - in the United E.angelical church on Sunday morning and evening. In the foreuoon communion services will be bold in 00W]: with' the The firm of Denman a'ud "Hap'p having dissolved. Mr. John .Happ, the junior partner will cdzitinue.‘the business at the same old stand with all the energy, promptuess‘a‘nd suc- cess of the old firm. We are told one fellow Wants to run for office and be plected so he can, “get even with Basye.” We thOught men were elected tooflice toséne the public, but where does the public come in theré. ~ In startillg the electric motorjn the NEWS-LETTER office last Monday, Fred Moon met with quite an ac- cident, burning his hand .with the electricity. He will probably not All kinds of music taxes éleuned and répaired by U. M. Schneider the jewulqr; Highland Park and Winnetka. I The Presiding Elder, the Rev. 8.. F. Eritorf of Napérvifle will prgacb Prof (wyton of. Indiana has been added to the faculty stafl' of the Military Academ) filling tbevacancy caused ‘by the resignation of Capt; Burke. Aftei- an the delays, the Revolu- iion flag stat! put {1p by the Daugh- ters, has' been repaired. We under- stand Mr. Morton did it and his head did not “swim” while he was up there at Work. Henry Clay Basye has nearly r6- covered his normal equipoise sings witnessing a marriage the other day, being so seldom called upon for such solemn duties. Sparkling Spring Water. m gallon can, sllcents. Nu clia‘rge {undeliver- iug. Wm. Tillman. l‘. 0. box 459; William King did not erect those poles in the post office “indows to keep children and loafers 05 the seats. Mr. King 15 a mechanic. Sewi‘ng 'mtehines cleaned .afid m paired by C" M. Schneider, the jeweler, Highland Park and Winnelkg. git" “fi’fii‘i Eߤlfiiii "<5 The Rev. C. _.H Branscombe of Glencoe Was a welcome caller at this office Vesper servicés at the Presby- terian church next Sabbath, March 3rd, at fio'clock. Everybody will be‘mada welcome. Three. of the four “Wildwood” cottégés, are well under' way, the céllar is dugand the lumber oh the ground for the fourth. Mr. Daniel Pease paid a visit to the NEWS-LETTER office Thursday. ' iiuuaais gunman an LAKE FOREST, i3§§m§§§l>§§¥fill"¥§2 i .:' as Iii§iifiiiifiiiti§i§ltdfi Success“! merchants Increase “WM”... nevi-Eater. VOL IX. Highland Park. The best medium forlake shore rnumxiaea is me? Never] lét up no dAdvertis- in: In these dry: one mutadvemse ‘0 keep bus- inesu a well as to , HIGHWOOD. We think we said lash week, at least mintended to, that Wr Obee told us personally several w (8 ago that he was not 11 candidate g 1' any olfice, he was “out of politic ' as he expreqsed it, and We said ,0 We believed he meant what he 51 l. and we have not seen nor heard ylhing to change our mind For 0 wolves we believe Mr ()bee me}; t just what he said, and will clm- _e our mind only when he by big ‘nduct compels us tovdo so. ‘ ’ 1?? There will be no) service in the Baptist' church Sunday g fittings during the Mouth of March, ‘nt' the members under~ the leaderj ,i[) of their plaster Rev. J. P. Why “a will conduct in; Evaugélical RB? :08 in Fort’ Sheridan Park PM;c m at 8 p. m. ' The Baptisrt peopk think they can do a gfiaatm 'WC- 'fand reéch a larger number of p ;ple at the above named'place than! 39y can in theirown church. , _Music£§vill be a very prominent featurb Hf~ the meetings and Mr; Whyte wi : make a short address It is expec' '1 that the Lake ForeSt Glee :club ill as. sist- in the musical part of ta 3 pro gram next Sunday, All are iirdial- ly invited to this service. ivo ad mission fee .wiH be charged ud no coilechion will be taken. Social Praise Meeting. Last Wednesday evemarte low of the Presbyturian chm were beautifully decorated on the «pt-easier: of the annual Praise MeetifigE under the auspices of the Ladies MilI louary Union of the chhrch. Mr. T. H. Spencer presidad with heat usual Mrs. CO]. H P. David 1) left Highland Park Thmsd'ay vening over the Monon route for lo'rida. Shujnm ..g{.1 to Majwél} ' honlavé pineappie plantation at Aw Park Whei‘e her daughter now is, - xd will spend the remainder (lithe winter there. The number of H hland Park residents who spend Ef‘rom a féw weeks to.~several m ‘ Florida seems to be iucraashfi every Our popular vocalist. 'Mias ,Wycofl' has been surprising the c5 laughs of our state capitol, Springfiegii, with her singing. Last week: Fri 'ay eve- 11mg there was a musical at t_ 19 home of Mr. and Mm. J C. Pi‘ riks in honor of Miss Em EmmmiWycofi of this city. spirit, but it is to his pr Teesion. He 15 bouiid to be the best di suceessful dentist on this nor shore, and being well aimig' in bi‘ career he is engaged to keep at it?‘ to tlie finish. and we eugw'e to say He will auccéed. Congratulations, ,{ocior You; mum; engraved on fif with plate for uintyfive cent, C. M.’Schneider.‘ Je year ment’ in- Highland Park or Professional Nurse, wishes v Address, 1’, O. Box 465.1% preaching. All who ham? i heard Rev. Endorf before will not ubt be grad to hear him .again. FORT SHERIDAE HIGH1.§,:xND PARK, eler‘ career to the .e} will )cior.‘ cinity u the ahings W the ,ip of ‘a will lgflgeg cards grace and emeiency. Solos were rendered by Mr. F. Anderson, Misc Harrington and Miss Trexell, while Mien Myrtle SveetlIInd presided at the piano' Address” were made by the Rev. Mr. Labaree and wife, the latter the sink» of Mr. O E. Schaufl- [er of this city. Their missionary home is: in Persia and they gave I'ery interesting accounts of their work. Mr. Planetie lclosed the program with a few remarks The thanks} airing oflering; was large. At the social hour-refreshments were served, the tables havingheen beautifully furnished by' Mrs. 'Vail and hire. Troxell,eommittee. During the hour Mr Anderson, “isle Troxell and Misc Harrington rendered solos- and the last named gave a few instrumental. solos, The evening was profitably and pleasantly spent. a large number of peeple being present. . WM... The invasion at Whoelervmc. Hi bland Park invaded Wheeler Iiile gruesday night and took it. Rev. Piaueteihl and Charles Warren with about forty or lift others Vent over ere lIi Wo'fii'g mg on 3.. The Vheelerville folks came ever: after them and brought them, home at tw nty-fiva cents each to: the. round rip, the money going to help out the Wheelerville church and sun- day School; As we all know shine dozen years ago the Lake County Sunday school association helped the W heelerville folké build that beauti- ful chapel and since then they have tried their best to sustain religious services and Sunday echoel, hence their need of help. So Pastor Phan- stiehl Ivent over to give them a brief sketch of how' William the Silent with his sturdy men come down the Rhine one nightva’hile theHollandere were asleep and took the country, an event known in history as the “Dutch taking Holland" All the people packed into that chapel shouted Rahfor the Boers! ’ Following this came Mr. Warren‘s hold, unique and unrivaled feats of legerdemain. like turning air. into money. » changing 'Iv-hite' handker- chi'efe into rainbow colors, till one smart fellow remarked “I‘m afraid hr, “ill .want to change me into a girl," to which a lane sitting near. Sarcastically replied. “Oh no, he has to have handsome boys to make. girls out of ” And so for about half an hour or more Mr" \\ arren entertained the crowd. Then ReI. Bartle, who deals out law and justice to North Chicago sinners week days and the «vespel of peace and good will to men Sundays, made a brief speech and also tendered a vote of thanks to the Highland Park people for their kindly help. ' Finallj.came 'tbe denouement in the shape of Wheelen‘ill'e dough- n‘uts and coflee like mother used to make, to which our Park people did am’plé. justice. After a delightful evening. our friends rode heme in the clear soft moonlight and left a brog'd _ribbon of song and laughter and good cheer all the way from Wheelerville to Highland Park. mm}? the folks over time think they never did have such a good time. FRIDAY, MARCH I. 1901. RAVINIA. Louis l-‘richotto.............. .93 Romance 0! the Feudal cm. ' Elizw.GlumpI-ey....... . .30: Au [11501311 Socialist G. Bel-nut! Shaw ......................... I. 92 The Webb of Life. ' Robert. Herrick ............. z ......... I 91 H mm“. BIOGRAPHY MID Truman n Betwun .he Andes ad the Ocean. “LE. (kn-fin ............ b 65 Pompeii: 1!: Life and Art. Juvnnu C. ‘ (.‘hiuesefflotheruooce Rhymes. . 'e The Booboo Book. Gertrude Smith ........................ c The Book of think Ind Friendly Hens-ts. Abbie F. Brown ..... , . . c A Hundred Ruble. of Ltl'oouin. é Red Jacket. the [In of the Son- eu.’ Col. 11. 33mm ......... c Macaw. add other: of the Round- eries, W. A Fruer ............ c Thé Lobster Catchers. James Pollock and In. Mtitlnnd. .. s 935 The Manda of Elijth. lngwnl. s 996 Christmas in French Cumin. ill-"W spirit of thé time and MM nIuch ingenuity and nkill in Hair costumes which wars in true aolonill style I About a hundred guests were present, who‘ after partaking of re- freshments and' enjoying a social time generally. dopnrted thanking Mr. and Mrs. Brown for their kind and planning hospitality. The The “Father of his Country" VII uflectnally imlwrmawl by Mr. Brown who made such a true emu: wrpan that we almout fancied. to were standing in the immediate pres- ence of the old timqbew. and Mrs. Washington wu repmouwd by In]. Fesaondon. Atdornnn VcnRipor was strikingly oo‘otumed u I writ. able Lafayette. while Kr. Purdy made a hit by taking 0|! npromlnont Highland Park character. 110'“th wry. FICTION » A. Sta-ingrown on ihe Pike John Urlllloxq...... .............. n The Voice of the People. Ellen (rigsgow .................... a Literary Love utters. Ruben Herrick .................. . . . . I The Market Place. Herold Fredrich .................... u The Gospel of Freedom. Robert Herrick ....... ‘. .............. a “no Adventures of Francois. 8. Weir Mitchel ..... . .......... .l The Emhinphum Letters. sir l-‘. August Maw ................ Life of Wm MnkepeoeeThnck- eray. Vol. L, [4. Melville Life of Wm. [dupe-cc Thick- a reception at the {pinion- home of our genia tnwnsman, , Edward H: Browu and is estimable wife, to do homage to thefman whom the wholal nation delight: to honor. The room‘ were tastefully decorated with the: national colors and lighted with an ‘ dles Washington's memory I , proclaimed in reading- and reel“; tions by M}- nnd Mrs. Founder), Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Gm, ulna. the singing of patriotic Iongl. ‘ eray. Vol 2.. L. lelville Witchcraft. in Salem in 1691. Winfield s. Kevin-n ..... Otis. ........................ Aunt Hannah and Seth. June: 0th ........................... 0n the evening of the 220d the Highland Park Woman nCIub held GLENCOE, he Wild Animal Pk}, Ernest Sem'l‘houiponww The Wont-Iv; Club Reception. c 938 I. 919 746 92! n 48 751 Further, if we accept such ex? collent authority an. our judge- of courts. then about eighty per cent of crime- in thaoouhtry gm committed through thg we of intoxicnnts. None of these are committed by thg total alumina“. We are aware that Canli'nal Gibbons u not theonl great and goal Christian man wgo believe- that the “moderate and occasional use of alcoholic liqm' ll not m be condemned." but will the Oanlinal please bear in mind that evety one of the aeventy- Jive to one hundred thousand deaths every year in this conntty alone through alcoholism, In in the ranks of those who have been moderate drinken. Not a single one of them belongs to the class of total alanine-m. Are we not justified then' in holding the moderate drinker! responsible for these glut evik? We may safely add furthet that probably not one tenth of one per cent of the dmnkudl today for I moment expected to beanie such when théy begun the nodmte and occasional use of .nlooholic liquors." ' ' “I have never been able to can- vinoe myself that whnt we call total abstinemw is essentinl to morality. The model-lite and occasional use of alcoholic. liquor is not to be condemned.” "Turning to Kansas and spast- ing as a Catholic and an American, I am free to confess that the disturbanm that have occurred there since the institution of the present anti-liquor crusade has filled me with pain, sorrow, and astonishment. 'Either the. total abstinence laws of Kuhn: am wise, just, and necessary, or they are not. If they are necessary. wise, and just. they should' he rigidly enforced by the legislative authorities. If. on the other hsnd they are none of these things. they should b6 legally and regularly repealed." Playground Toni. AnuWn hy .......................... all! I dozen Thinkin‘ Ctpl. flay F. Leann-d ................ A Chflm Tree Scholar. Cardinal Gibhqna' is reported as having recently made me of .the following language concerning Mrs. Nation's liqudr 'crua‘de: me! I) sure and Temps. DOM P. Bighwood. [Aka (‘0..111. Feb. 27,100! We. the undersigned buying token lessons of Prot‘fl. 6. Gail from his 31 cue Heeling ium No icine! No Surgery! No‘ Pain! we would cheerfully advise “he" who "“11 good hellthto h in me above lolly end the. Guy know for themselves. YI‘. llorod. A Tumult. Stopluon Phillips ................... ‘.... o “3 Lyrics of [mly _Llfo. Ml. Laurence Dunbar ......... o m Al‘l‘ but. an lucuwmm F Tho Prone of Hunt! Iowhnd mFdW~WW mu Light bayou. Robert 0m: ........................ Exp-aim. Josh]: Strong ...... Sill France: 8. ”Minimal lit-Iodin- * Thong. mick ‘ W. J. Icahn 9. o. Highwood. m. lulu-qua. :munémnunuc: “W." WINNETKA. LAKESIDE 0 l4 dl78 c7“ f‘fl (029

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