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Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 15 Mar 1901, p. 1

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25%” . h m in W then shay J “9' ML AVENUK.‘ rest. of Sun oflee. ....... ILY LIST at» -, r7 n... ma Mk». II! Déniuon SW'. W L ‘3885 huh-Ichbs. I‘oIIS. In; 931‘“- Road and row.“ nt3ce$l¢fi° [[9, Mm Hod We“ II! the ”at. iUNCOI. . Ca. m. at 81W” nix!“ h a u. 5. Ban ”Ju- 5" ‘ human. NO .4 LLI â€". Column. hum-nuts. M tilt you :91" right M in brk, “ I. m. 'ER BROS. Thoma! DE HOTEL. Pillow l Coun acs . . . S Day-lies, . , ...... I Tray C Rough weft“; LADuas’ List. Colhrsl. ...... (.uffs, flair ..... :3 Undervuu ...... Handkefch'dgu Chemiscnai [)resscfi- . - - Child’s. . ......5~8 Shirtwnists. . 15â€"15 Skirts plain. lsâ€"ao “ a w “ 40-50 BATflS! Tun-ox: an BAGGAGE OI Sim That Theodore Watson will make a good justice of the peace goes with {m the saying. A man who can mug. an institution like the Bail . Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Montgomery returned to their home last Thurs- day. .Tfiey camesii Weeks earliei than ihey expected to on account of the mischief done in thgsir house last Sunday by burglars; .. ' - All kinds of music boxes cloned Ind remind by C. H. Schneider the jeweler, .Bighhnd Pu]: and Winnetko. ‘ The man who has'the charming Stubb- cottage is Mr. Doty. A young man with a wife and two children. So well pleased 18 he with the place that he has leased it for ihme years. Save a dentist bill by using Schumach er’s antcseptic tooth powdu. , James H. Dufley, 0dr city express man, and tax collector, has been very sick with rheumatism, .but the tax collecting in still going oh So my fellow citizens pay up before the books clone. "Kenneth 'Boulton and Henry C. Street are recuperating for another season's golf campaign among the everglades of Alabama and hauling redjnappers out thé Gilli of Mexico. v There will be special services at the Ebenezer church Sunday evening next. March 19th. Prof. F‘. W. Heidner of Naperville, 111., ofliciatifig. Every body is welcome. ’Capt.‘0. H. Morgan proposes to help set up ,a good honest capable oily government and then go to Europe fonthe season. his family will accompany him we“ understand. the teeth and purifiegfllg breath. The John .T. Rafl‘en house on out Central alvenue is in the market and is one of ’the most desirable pieces of property in this city either as a residence or an investment. Special inducements for Hutch at. The Ladies‘ Bazar.‘ Mrs. Bohl. Tel. 302. down here soon from Waukegan fin .to their new house just east of Dana ‘Sweetlaud on Hazel Avenue. Have you tried Schumacher’s antesepfic Tooth Powder. 1: presetves and deans' Superfine: McDonald has spent most of the week in Waulgegan at- tending the meeting 'of , the county Your name engined 9n fifty cards with plate for ninty-flve cents. C. M. Schneider. Jeweler.’ DeWitt C. Purply ,is building a new and spacious porch in frontlof his residence on Central avenue. 1 Ed. Ingalla of Elgin, spent a few days last week, with his brother, the doctor; 1’. Mr. Andrews moved his family in to their new home just below Mrs. Small’a, Saturday last. C. W. Hilliard has taken, the Henry C. Street house again and will‘be out soon. See A. Abercromby, th'e gas fitter’s mfiisplay ad. in this issue. A.» wt-wu >« Mr. Mattoson a family is expected Mrs. A. G. McPherson is misting from n senate stack of the (grippe. ‘ LAKE FOREST, 860‘ domains for 81.00 at Mrs. Bohl'fl. filmfilfifiliiilfl II! , Highland Park. VOL IX. HIGHWOOD. Ward W Willa“ who hugs: the J. L Ball place last summon an_ enter- tained his neighbors with fm gangs, speeches; 6120., from a gramj'nhono, has taken the H H Chandlfl; house over on Sheridan Road and I ill be- come a permanent resident of the Rev. A. A. Pfanstiehl anc ., family start for Europe Monday sailing from New York the 20th.. ’1 he only thing that perplexea him is 30W he is going to get. along oval“, th‘; re this summer without the weekly: yerusal of the News- Luna. He gv-s well provided with the American gimprints company’ a wash checks. ;; Mt. and Mrs. ‘Whitesidec, Cham- plain N. Y are visiting Either oat-enta’ Mr. and Mrs. G. D Boulton a home. It kind o’looks as though :5 coming event was casting a shadowE before. though we have not noticedgmy un. usual stir across the strelgg; from Ravinook But then Lontgq' is not over yet. ' B; A cup of delicious coffee, maké s a good breakfast. To have the best rou must buy Seal Brand Java and Much ii F. M. Evans. 5:: e Agent. I Charles 'H. Baker 18 rum:i 11g for a justice of the peace on the " $itizena’ chket”. He don’t «anti? to be called “J udge" till after eleefibn, for he knows a nomination is xuot an election. All right, Judg? Baker, your wiqhes shall be mikpected. REV. A. A. annstiehl an}? family leave on tbefi: 30 train new Monday for Chicago tn take the 3 p in). train for Newport and sail for Eu ope on S S. “Remington” Red 3 Ir line, next Wednesday noon '1‘ ey will be goné four months. 3 We have notheud any thug from “Yoe’s Boy” since our iisit to Chicagg several weeks sin‘ie‘, trust he has not forgottan thg Park, but the wedding will bring iiim out soon. Tbéae society youkgg men attend everybody’s weddfig but their own. i «Wm-”Flanagan:- thing entirely new in macaw-5:. candy. Stop In and sampie it. ‘ g; The ‘ town will Lbe wefz. served whether Jam's HIDufiey of Robert C. Rafien is docked oollectq‘ '. Both are young men, capable, hog. an and reliable.. Mr. Dufley has u‘Ewife and baby, while Raflen is not-505a: along an a citizen of ghe world. T‘joth are good men. * .v I .‘ One bird dnnt mahoaifhummer, but the arrival of C C Yoe‘é’ 1 horses, carriages, and coachmanzt t “Yoe- lauds” seems to. indicate {IL-that the proprietor and his wife, 73th are wintering in California, m:;§1' be ex- pected 1n the Park at an en {Ely day. Do not forget, cheerful ‘ “payer, that next week Wednud y Town Collector James‘H Dufl‘y fauda his books to Waukegan and bed you 'will have to go up there to? my your taxes and soon there will ’3» extra expenses added, to be paid also. - Sewing muhines cleanedig and re- paired by O. M. Schneider, thy? jeweler. Highland Paris and Winnetkgj . Road Men’s Home as he I is done, has the judicial tone am???“ temper almady developed FORT SHERIDA; . HIG LAND PARK. Anyone thinking of piping his hum: for gas will get reason; this rates by c mm: on A. ABERCROA‘BY, Central Ave. 0n next Tuaduy Rev. A. Haefela. wil' start for Aurora, 111., to attend the anon-l session at the {Hinoia conference of tha United Emngekical chukch. The 'oesaion begins. on ; Thursday, Nut. 21, and will continue? till Monday or Tuesday of the week ‘ following._ thther the pianont The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs hill be pleased to learn that their. mug family has bean increased by one sinne they left us last fall for Cleveland. We don’filmow the ex- act age or sex ‘ of the cherub but what interests us most is the fact the genial Alderman will be saluted “papa” twice as often‘as before and another pair of baby' bands will be tugging at his whiskers erery evening. after dinner as he in true patriarchal style holds one little one on eecb’knee and sings nursery song“ to them. .~ ‘ We hear some very fine people are 3, bit disturbed over the settlement among an" of some excellent families of the Hebrew faith. Tastes do difler, but why object tothe sons and daughters of, Abraham. We don’t object to them, rather we commend them, ‘ for they pay their bills one hundred cents on the dollar every time and pay? promptly and cheer- fully any obligation they make. That kind of: thing goeea great way with us. We will welcome the Hebrewe here. ' Sum of the good Presbyterian! don’t nab how they can spare Pastor anndtidhl four or five montha 'fm- a trip to Eutbpe. See here, good friank'ls, refuse to spare him now for a bit of Heat and recuperation or you may have to spare him permanently. We know a church which could not spare it’ugpaator for a briaf vacation. (It has already spared hiin five years for like theyrophet of old, “he is not for the Lord took him." ',':‘-an, W'm f;- m “9' one No. $94. ’ Sparkiing Bplfing‘ Wnter. 10 gallon an, ”cents. No qhu-ge {or deliver- Every body ie'doligbted to learn um Harvey 8.»,‘Deniwn is m be the manager (if the Moraine Hotel this season: Rein a man with a rare ind variodeXperienee an a hotel manager, having succeeded in town and country, at the seaside; in the booth and every where in tact, and :11qu with honor'to himself and satisfaction to his patrons. The GospelVMoetlngs hold at Fort Sheridan Park, Sunday' evenings, hue been encoded by large crowds, all of whom ‘have enjoyed and apprmiahd the aervlcas. Next Sun- day ovehing, Prof. Whyte will be assisted by the chorus choir ol the Waukogan Baptist churéh, also Herr Borne. a oelobnlod violihist of Chicago. All on cordially invited to attend these meetings A. Abercrombx iswepared to do Gas Fitting at_ the mofl (easonable rates. city, gramaphone, hiberninuu songs and all. Sorry to have him leave ourvlovely neighborhood. FRIDAY, MARCH 15, I901. RAVINIA. Min Harrington accompanied Miss Jennie Wainwright who sang three of the St. Nicholas song- and Miss Enron and [is- Hawkins poured tea (or him. Cane! who' wu helm for the “bacon. Miss Schwarz was most fortunate in learning the opinion of mny of our piominent literary men and women upon the topic under con- sideration and nine upon the. question: “To what extent shouid children’s reading be 'directed” which was put of the subject and it was very interesting to learn the views of such writer! I8. George W. Cable, John Burroughs, Julian. lethorne, Sidney ‘Lanier. Mrs. Custer. Amilie Riven Ind Edmund Chience Stedman Mien Schwarz hadwoesswlettemreeently written by these and many other well known writer- in answer to a unmet query and the writer! in? meldoftheirovnchfldhh tending-e well u of theit advice for the ehiidren of to day. i i Although Mica Schwnn' II spend-f ing the win“: in New York aha M not forget the Osooli and carried out her part in its prognmme a far as she could by writing her paper and sending it on to he rend for her be- fora. the club. _ , one" a». In the Ouoli Your Book the subject 'for the fourteenth of )1th in given aa;“Children;nChoieesih Litontute" and the essayist, Hing Edith Ewing Schwan. . Mr. A. AWby. thcflumhar Is 407 ing a large quantity of gas fitting in stoves and residcnas tn the Park. There air: a great itwnypewle bet: whodoaot know that they can secure the best fizums from ‘a private (as fitter, and have the work done in a neat and Ms manner. J. H. Sheabon, tho nilkmnn, in a candidate for constable on the citi- zens ticket. Mr. Shoohon in I mi- dent who is even known to the people of this city and um, no doubt, make u gbod man for that ofioo. ' We are eorry to announce “b sudden deuh at Charles H. Smith of Pomona. Tenn: a former well known and highly esteemed email of this city. While here he III on- gnged with John H: Chapman and others in' the manufacture of baking powder. essences. etc, in which the, were very successful. Mr. Smith died last Friday at his home at pneumonia. he was sick unLy five days. Mrs. Smith, as many win remember, made a visit here In: (all: and was vety ‘en‘thmiastie age: the climate em. of .Pombne. Soon at“; her return Ihe sickened had died. Bum my “nihi- W to i. resolved from him. Beyond this he have no particuhn. ' pastor of the First Uni“ ‘ cal church of this city with ma turned fbt' anothet yur I“! be determined at this session of the Annual Conference by “he pm that be. " Mr. Paul Gum eiected the delegflo to “In“ Highland Park congregation t! “In above named oonletonce. Geiscr Bros. Will handle the w Spring Water (his season. GLENOQE. 1‘hblou- ‘umw. Wheat Pullman limited through to St. Aquino “that change. Onlyono eighth-[Chi- ago. Sleepers, dining and chat. ntion can. Line Chic-go every Monday‘nnd Thur-thy noon. Ar- rive St. Augustine 8:30 p. a. follow- ing day. City Ticket 0503, 32 Clark street, Chicago. Taxbooks wfl be (WWW Match and: 190:. All WWI!“ h pay maleshteuxshdorc but go to Waukeganwm plea: m to make settlemtonorbdmdltabflndfla. ‘ ’ JAMESH. DUFFY. The Ch 0 Telephone 3 toll rate (21. H' Put 2: In- netka has been (mm to no I; gents, taking effect March 6th. C“ F' Wm Have You an. 1110-? Two pair elegant Bum ou- tains. .Only I few tich‘h left. In. Boga. “The Ludh- Batu.” Notice the display “Id" 01,“. Sherman Fruit Company on El. any page. These fruit [Hadley Ml! be demomtntod, End!) I“ Saturday, March 15-113 16, at I“. store of F. 11. Evan. Supervisor «J... Hobo-dd. Clark â€"â€" Frank Warren. Assessorâ€"-Fred Sohietor. _ Collectorâ€"41w“! C. Baton. ' Commandantâ€"Wm. Witho- Jankaâ€"Elisha lug-n. Pot-t £00010}, Levi I. Contact, hu- eIt Gui]. Consumer-Carl Grant, Louis I. Avery. J. A. Burke, John Gout. v ‘ CI, W LI.“- ‘ Thefiepoue, or alter lab-Ion. ‘cleo a! “a city of W Put quill: Lindbl‘o- ud‘DevldIou VII tried yesterday It WW befu- Judge Donnell]. The d1] “00' nt the Int moment at 2 Week“ W to m the utter it the dale-dent- would pay .the out. The defendants were in ho need .0 indulge in any such proceed” and inflated upon trial. The null! m,~â€"-e jury having been wnlvodrâ€" thnt the judge rendered deal-ion in favor ofthe delendlnu. Whilé d course his manner to dignified, hll language was unmieuktble in-pI'O' nouneiug the whole proceeding- decidedly irregulu. to any the I“. It now remains for the defendant- to Lake the aggressive. The people of Highland Park have been very in- dignant about thin one from the beglnping. end there it no little [0-- joicing It the final outcome of it. Judieooâ€"Chrlu E. Baton-C. Gordon, Theodore B. Wagon and Louis B. Hibhnrd. Con-tiblol~ Fred Rudolph. Bap! noon. John H. Shauna ind Jacob Rectanwnld. To Tax Faye?“ 0' But W. Commiuionorâ€"ank Stupoy Tatum I. Mr. Amount-W. E. Bra-d. Colleator~lim€u H. Duly. Supotvilor-«Duid A Holman. :3»qu gamma-mu; nm~m¢.. mgr: Work-{n99 Sendyowuummth Nun-m ' mumm. WINNETKA. LAKESIDE .16

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