[He boo hyd‘up lst, Hm no can do "RM h MNIJRI‘S M can. [HM .mi wed yes EVANS. IST, dware bandit m ’t try to any I_ Highhhd Purl {gain- in MI CS. 'lutely a. Hut is right we bundle. PARK, ILL TS. free ! On I w‘lltchim if“ erfmeeting. Ever: of a welcome, strangers especial- 1y. ‘ , SWEDISH 3. Ram. N. 9. Ole- . maker. Pastor. ‘ ’ ' 3:45 p. m. «‘Sundayachool. 7:00 p. m. - Epworth League. 7:45 p. m. â€"â€"'8unday evening services. Everyone welpomed. , . ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY-â€" Smithy ‘ ing service; 10.15. Wednesd y evening service, 8. ’ 199M bvenne, (ï¬rst street north . of plblic library.) All an welcome. 2 p. m. â€"â€" Sunday-School.V I p. In. -- Vespers. - Special servmes during Lent. BAPTISTâ€"Prof. J. Whyte, Pastor. 10:45 a. m.â€"~Sung:g morning serï¬ees 12 m.â€"$ï¬nday~ . 001, M. R. Bovine Sunday) 10:. m. -â€" Sunday -school W. 0 Hip. well Buperinteyndent 11 a. m. â€"- Matias. Litany, and ser- mon , ' First. Sunday 11: Math Hoiy Eucharist- 5 11.111. â€"- Evensong. 0:11" asys awarding to notice. LUTHERANéRev Raumann. Pastor. 9:. m. â€"- Sunday- -School 103. m -â€"â€" *unday morning services. 7:80p. at. -â€"- {“111de evenin services. Services are conducuid m ermn. ‘ 8T. JMARYS CATHOLICâ€"f ngher .I E. Madden. Pastor. A __ 8130 t. m.-â€" First Mass. ‘ 10 I». In. ~â€" High Mgss. EPISCOPALâ€"Iiev. EBENEZER EVANGELICAL -â€",â€"n Rev. G. G. Schmid, Phsmr‘. 7 10; In. -- Sunday-School, 0. B. Brand "y Union. , 7:45 -â€" Wednesday evening prayer meeting. ‘ All ore eorgiially invited. FIRST UNITED minimum»â€" Bcv. A. Male. Pastor. , 9:30 o. m.- Sundayâ€"School Aug. Wmeetingsof the City Council, First Tuesday eveniugof each month a 8 o‘clock. ansnv'rnkmx ~ Rev. A. Alpin- stiohl,1‘a.:stor.~ 1:0 45â€"81mm morning sevices. 12 m. ~Snnd¢r8ehooh B. W. Patton, Superintendent. - I 7 p. m. â€"â€"Christiau Endeavor. Week-day services: ' a p. in;â€" Wednesday, mlies‘ Missiqm Second Wank-Lewis 0. Vin; Rigâ€, A 8.01mpitt Third Wardâ€"George W. Roberts, Wil‘ lmG. Stubbs. , Fourth Wardâ€"-William (m6, Fred Umnslade. ' , ALDERHEN. » First Wadâ€"4!. H. McCaï¬ey E A Warren. Danica Cobb ............ ,‘ . . _. ..luyor John Whey ........ . .' ......... Clark Samuel)? Knox....~....' ...... Attorney Budd A. 801mm. ...... . gm Thomu‘ u. Dooley ............ nursing John M. Kline ............ Night Police John Nelson .............. Night~ Police Lewis B. Hibbard. Police Magistrate, Thou. Morton. .Foreman Sta-eat Work Edw )1. king ..... Supt. Water Works Ale: Scott... ..Ass’t Supt. Wamr W orks Thoma Morton†..Chie! Fire Marshal John Sheahen ....... Ass’t Fire Marshal Bond of Healthâ€"Dania} Cobb, Henry S. Rankin, M. 0., Helen M. Lynch, 1!. D, CropleyG .Phillips. .. Board of Local Improvémentsâ€"Daniel Cobb, William Gmï¬hLewis 0. Van. Riper. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY . CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK . Superintendent._ , 0:45 p. m. -â€" Christian Endeavor. ' 7:15 p. m. ~â€" Sunday evening services. 7:30 p. m. _-,- Wednemlr evening pay- Sunday services: 7:303. m'. â€" Holy Eucharist (every 0:45 p. m. «Chï¬sï¬an Endeavor 7: 30 p. m. ~xnnday evening acrvioés 7:30 p. m -â€"- Wednesday ind. Friday evening prayer meetings.â€" Sï¬nday morning servié‘es: and Wm}â€" ’ nesday evenipg prayer meeting are er meeting. - 7: 30 p. 111.- â€"~ Friday English prayer meeting. Sunday morning seaices and Wed: nesdiy evening prayer meeting conducted in Gen-mun. All are welcome. Superintendent. 11 u. m. --â€" Sunday naming services. 6:45 I» :11. â€"~ Christian Endeavor. 7. 30 p. ‘m. -â€"Sunda_y evening services. Week-day meetings: , 7:30 binn- Wednesday, Senior pray- conducted In German. Strsngers are especially welcome Noerenberg Superintegdegt. ' 10:“ a. m.:â€" Sunday ‘morning ger- CITY OIHCEBSZ CHURCHES. P. C. Wolcott, Ree- While Justice Dooley was visit- ‘mg and, 1131111 supposed, ‘mnléffing out the necessary papers to grimt' [the change of venue, Hr Lindb 2m lsteppod out 'of the ofï¬ce fo1- at 1st 11119 minutes, _ whereupon file E honorable Dooley took snap juegge» inént on him and declared 55.3113 Elma foifeited, and then infongud Mr.L111dblnm that if the be. Is were not paid the next mornin£~3 1e should arrest .bim again. a .311 othet words, he attempted .. to blaster him into a prompt [311’s tment ofthe-axilonht; but,as3l.11' Lindblom’ did net yield to A "1211'. kind of blaster, .001 Devxd on was cited ti: 3931111: and 91 our 3cause' why, heshou‘ia no} 9191.119 bowl Be in;- tï¬fn asked; 1n: change of venï¬e and m rein: id; The result was, the .mattei' promptly taken 1311‘ an appesjf to P Duvidsou was 'usked to gig} an ghis bond and did so wins us §dolightfali11the eyes of Jdé ice {Dooléy When the time of‘ 2' in] name. Mr Lindblom asked ,1 a ‘clmage of venue which J ice ‘Dooley refused to grant, 11} "e- ï¬ance of law, but after long i laying couiluded to send -i constable two miles to Mr (ii stock and bags him come up (5‘ :1 'to his ofï¬ce and Qty the (X \. despite the fact that the pcface ée “magistrate. was not astoné’ 8 $11357 (1w away, and the law explicitly “ le- mands that a change of ve‘; 1e shall"bo taken‘ to the DBREG'St magistrate, and does not cont-m; plate any such silly farce st :1 justice of the peace carrying: his» ofï¬ce around in his pocket}? fl anybody could do that kin.. of thing, no doubt Mr Comsfgi -: waSas competent for such a 2: as ever magistrate was. ‘ 3 A year ago, during the 11' let; manic oontest in the foerth: urd between Mr. Gbee and Mr. are; ne- slade; Mr. Olaf. Lindblom, e 1 ater in that ward mm favor of ‘Ir; 'Greenslade, as indeed most c3: her intelligent citizens of that were. In the eyes of the h .E ‘ able William G. Oboe this W84, of course, an unpardonable sing: For} Mr. Lindblom or anybody els" to work against himund if Mr. ( bee thought so, of hoarse Mart: Jail iTom DOOley thought ditto. [he :result was, as Mr. Lindblom v as pasting up some little (led with reference to the election? he; happened to paste one in a [I which technically was seminar» a clause in the city ordinexï¬i, It was not more then was . , done every day m the year by he or another and was even do; 1 a few days later by some of- thefi- 6y ofï¬cials, but that was no niaj tar. It was a pretext for the honorxhle' marshsll, Thomas Dooley; to 5* 1m- coed at once‘ to arrest Mr. L ugl- blom. Instead, of takixig Ellm before the police magistrate a he s iould hau‘ donéflhough perl ops 11' at legally bound to do), be 5901; 115111 before the honorable jus ire, Peter Dooley. The penalty for the oifense in the ordinances is Elf ry trifling, but this did not pre}r11t J ushce Dooley from pnthng under ï¬fty-dollurbomis O‘ol Elm. 'l'heCRy’vsJJnjblon Amt: ‘ A'goodly number of peOple ‘ inquired of us since theiaav of March 15th what the an isle bended ‘Gitv ngainst Lindh vn'" meant. The circumstances am: 'simply- as; follows and may no: doubt, at just this time beef; sat: interest to many voters in E g; land Park ‘ ‘ TH, SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER You’ll do more good with one maul than you will with half a dozen tack- bammera. You’ll get more beneï¬t from a regular advertisement, of sufï¬cient size, in the but pa in town, than you mll {tom ha] dozen smaller “adsâ€in a weakeipaper. ' If you have only one “ad,†Hue it right. You don’t believe in cutting your store in two, do you? You don’t establish a branch until you, he! sure you‘ are doing all 'you can in the main store. ‘ Be sure you are doing enough in the best paper before you think of adding another. ' Momzâ€"Don’t buy cheap advort‘u- ing, a newspaper man that will all you space'for a song, know! that it is not worth much, bone. his desire to f'ï¬ll†at any pm If youï¬aven’t money enough to buy tvgo ig ‘mula, only buy one, use only one paper-Aha Md make the epape large endagh to be felt. ' ‘ 3 The bigger the maul the quicker and easier he will do the work. Two men, or a dozen, withhck'hau- mom would not get the plank (driven in a hundred years. There’s a par 81161 to this in advertising. If you’re in a hurry to drive you’re business, ‘usé two paper-q and make theudvottiu. ing maulwthe spaceâ€"an lugs as pogsibie. .- h . V‘Ou‘e min and 039 maul would drive the plank-dowu,but it would gake longer; Admin-z. . When a contractor is in than to drive a long ï¬lank down the side of a new sewer 9 sets two men at it. Each with a big maul hits it ulter- nate blows as often and. as hard le beam. The strokes come as evenly as a pendulum sqings. ' The program opened with mueie by an orchestra under the direction of C. E. Schaufllerend wu followed by prayer by- the Rev. A. Hutch. after which Mr. Kenneth R._Smoot, president of the Board of Educa- tion and a. resident of Highland Park, gave the introductory addreel, introducing Prof. J. W. Cook,pree- ident State Normal echool at De Kalb, UL, who spoke in. place of Mr. I. B. Freeman of Springï¬eld, Ill. .Mr. George French of Woreee. ter, Mam, gave the following Idé dress and the whole prom"! In delightfully interlpereed with pub by the omheetre m eehool chorus and Miss Eva Emmett Wy- ooil, whose beautiful singing hue-o thoroughly enjoyed by all, ï¬ne e promineht feature' in contributing to amost delightfully enjoyable enter- tainment. Refreshments wore eerved to the’†\guests and an opportunity was afl'orded the public to admire the handsome oommodioue structure which a da so much to the dignity of our city nd to our own eel! respect and pride as citizens of Highland Park. Lian. Cause Fdr Raldclnt. The formal openihg of the Town- ship High shool of. Highlhnd Park, [lilywas held on Friday evening, March 15th, and was an “WW 'ment in perfect keeping with the beautiful new high qchool building which was formally opened onthnt date for inspection by the public. to again announce himself an a proper person to ï¬ll the oï¬ce of justicein an intelligent community like Highland Park. But, so far as we have been able to hear, the sentiment is one and the same in all directionsâ€"“We have had enough 'of ‘(In) J natice Peter Dooley and‘ the present city marshall." the circuit c'oqrt at Waukegan and tried before the judge, who did not need but about ï¬ve minutes. more or leaa,?'to set aid. the whole proceedings off. tlw arbitrary Mr. Dooley, and in n decisive manner that might well do good' to the soul of any law- abiding, honest, reputable citizen. Wepresume that J ustioe Dooley in his mind will take some except- ions to J udgd Donnelly’s ruling. At any rate, he has , the audacity ELECTRIC LIGHTS ELECTRIC BELLS FIRE ALARMS HIGHLAND PARK Electric Light Company Up-b-dlb Shoe Stare. Repeat Departmentâ€"Fine work at Regular Price; ' HIIIIOUIKQIIIQIII! We ndvertite with oor homo paper and keep the money It bole, rather than ive it to tnneient trump echemec. If you want your book ï¬lled quick we mean your pocketbook), and went to. me economy in the collection of clamp. (the kind the government given) trc'de with the loved rriee grocery home In thi- county You will 8'ï¬nd hot cluegoodc u owest price: It mrs. Beck’s'arocuy, w. m m WV '1'“ where port of the merchants undertook to in- “w a cresee their tnde end get all the basin- they possibly could-away from the other . memheoh by giving tnding‘ dump. 0! cm course thew-toners paid (or the stamps in the long run, as more bed to be paid for the goods, and the premium we: paid for by the customers. We have always been gled Highland Park has been opened from such an emiction. we once Ijncw a Oran .l. L. Wing. Win-och. 0:: North Shore Vacant and Improved Real Estate. I have just received nu early shipment of Fine Shoe- for Spring trade and want the public to all and see them.†’ W. J. Walter. ?! LIP" OH! NO. 80- Coal, Flour and Feed. Salt, Drain Tile and sew Pipe, Eu. Peabody. Houghleling 1- (‘0. NO. I“ W Street. CHICAGO. WALTER 8L FRANZ'EN, BUILDING LOANS SPRING STOCK OF FINE SHOES ...... LOANS maintain-Mummyâ€: hthMme-qmud ï¬n mun-Ilene. Thiamtlgthooflcind Am undo. popula- priood. M1 and. bin at Ind Mandy “and M. lulled“: ll-lmhbngthddnmth m lid-(IMAM am in thdnln-II black. mammal, W with hop. lia- nwoo. Prigeomo. Imamm mam HIGHLAND PARK, - - menu 45 J. A. BLOMQAHL, . ..TOILETARTICLES. .. WWII)!“ G. B. CUMMINGS, In. «I Donn null d m . lutmmmmmmw 532k?†... ... " w‘ m “ CENTRAL AVENUE. GLENCOE ILL. D. RPM