ll» By BNBN fnr “3'5““ to 015 P" “.“k‘ to nun-cl! t0 reliable ï¬r.- ‘Qunu I: ha... Bv :0“!!- and gene?“ 0 flux 177- Ind 6.000 {in}; Pd 4 Any part of said sidewalk which shall ink-meet a driveway or carriage enâ€" trance to any lot, tract or parcel of land touching upon the'line of said walk shall be constructed as above. except, the. thickness of the ï¬rst layer of con- crete for the width of such driveway shall be ï¬ve and one-half inches in the center and diminishing to the edges as aforesaid. where the same shall be {our and one~hulf inches. and the depth of said cindex foundation shall be nine inches in the center and increasing gradually to within six inches of the edges of said foundation. where the same shall be ten inches and continue thence to said edges. and the thicknese of aid ï¬nishing or top layer shall be cement equal in kind. quality and em- c‘lency, 'twu parts of clean torpedo sand. and ï¬ve ‘pau'ts- of crushed limestnm‘. which limestone shall meas- ure not more than one inch in any dimension antlnut. lesa than one-quar- ter of an inch in any dimension, which shall he thunmghly mixed mgvtlwr, and 13er which ‘ust sulï¬cicm. water to wet the masr'i s all be so added that when it is rammed in place in manner as aforesaid a ï¬lm of mulstun- shall apgear on ï¬che top. ‘ nu;|,.:,x»4,u_ ‘r‘rV‘v‘ -V Upon said concrete shall be laid a. top surface or ï¬nishing layer which shall be one inch in thickness and shall be composed of two parts of best Portland cement,or a cement equal in kind.qualâ€" ityand efliciency and three parts of clean torpedo sand. which shall he mixed to the proper mmsisteney with water and spread Smoothly before said ï¬rst layer. has set and thoroughly troweled ofl‘ to a smooth ï¬nished surface. All sand and stone used upon said work shall be clean, free from dirt. dust}, 10.1111 and any foreign matter whatever and’ shall he kept thoroughly dry until used. Said sidewalk shall he laid in sectiongs or blocks 'of ï¬ve feet runway length. enclosed in wooden Iorms and said blocks shall he laid alternately, leaving the intervening space until all alternate blocks are laid and cement set. half inches thick in the center therept and diminishing gradually ' and reg- ularly in thicknem‘ t0. the edges of said ï¬nished cnumete walk. where thcsame shall be. thru- and one-half inches in thickness. Said concrete shall he thor- oughly rammed over its whole surface with iron-shod mmmcrs of the size and weight aforesaid. "“n" Said concrete \i’urk‘slmll be made Ivy thumnghly int-orpm'ming‘in a dry state om‘ part of [Kr-st Pprtland cemem or a Over this cimlerfmlmlat‘inn mm shall then be spread a layer of concrete "ï¬ve. feel wide so that. the cantor line. there- of shall be the same as the cenlrr lim- of said cinder foundatinn' and. so con- Stflu'tt‘d that the inside lilw‘or edge of said (amen-u- \vhvn cmnpk‘tved shall be at a distance of twenly-uvo inchvs from the lot or lots on which such sidealk touches or abuts and shall be parallel therewith. the inner and outer edges uf said sidewalk to be parallel, which layer nf concretq shall beï¬mr and one- Said cinder foundation shall be thorâ€" oughly pnddled with water and 001m pacted and leveled by ramming with numners a» aforesaid N) that. the ï¬rst layer of concrete in ork to be laid on the. salm- as hereinafter provided Niall have a clear thin-knee»; of {our and oneâ€"half inches along the center line of said cin- der foundation and diminishing grad- uallv and regularlv in ““0 knoss to the edg es of said ï¬nished com-rote walk as hereinafter pmyided where the thick- ness thereof shall be three and cogs-half inches. Over and upon this entire sub-funnâ€" dminn there shall be Spn'ml and laid a bed of clean lmih-r cinder-5 which shall constitute the cinder, foundation 'for said walk. Said cinder foundation shall be ten inches in depth along the vent»:- lino thereof and increasing gradually in depth no wilhirrsix inches of the sides of said cinder foundation where tbesame shall be eleven inches in depth. and from thenw it shall maintain said depth to the sidvs t‘hefeof. This sub or eurï¬i fnundution when ever necessary must be culimliilated by wetting‘ and ramming '0 as to give pmpcrstahility. Sufi mu spungyplaces not affording a ï¬rm foam Linn must be dug out and tilled with cinder}; and we" cmnpacted so that when said founda: tinn shall be wet and rammed with iron shod mum-rs eight. inches square and weighing twenty pounds the shine shall have the grade aforesaid). A sub or earth foundation shall be made. by grading and ï¬lling so as to bring the same to the grade hereinafter specifled. which foundation shall besix feet wide. the inside line or edge there- of shall be distant sixteen inches from the lot or lot-s unon “hich such side- wa’lk touches or nbntsand shall be par. al‘lol themwith the inner and outer edges of said foundation to be parallel which foundation shall 111“ graded and filled as aforesaid so that, the same shall have an uniform depth of fifteen and one half im hes below the grade of the surfau‘ of flu ï¬nished \Hie“ 11111 Snenux l. That 'a concrete cement- sidewalk be constructed in the City of Highland Park in. “pan and Mung the north-easterly side of Sheridan road‘ formerly known as Highland avenue, from the east line ofg Forest. avenue thence wuthmterly to the northerly line of Cede:- avenue. Said sidewalk shall be constructed and land of concrete with cinder foun~ elation. according to the following spec- iï¬cations, directions and provisions. namely: Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Highland Park County of Lake and State of Illinois. An ordinance providing for the con- strnetinn of a concrete sidewalk on the northeasterly 'side of Sheridan Road, formerly known as Highland avenue. from Fur-ant .avenm- to the. northerly line of War avenue, in the City of nghland Park. County of Lake and State of Illinois: 'chF‘tï¬kEgboumfwhich ï¬nishing SIDEWALK URDINANL‘E. y SECTION 4. in case of failuru to. col' lcct mid special tax in the manm "afore- said the City Clerk shall withir < Hoyoar thereafter. make a report of :«‘l such special taxes, in writing. to th .- County Treasurer and ex-oï¬lcio Con n y Col- lector of Lake County. of all t u: lots or parcels of land upon which sn; h special lax shall be so unpaid, with tl v names of the'respective owners there! if. so far as the same are known to him 2‘ ad the amount due and unpaid n ‘ each tract. together with a copy t I ,s ordi- nance. in the’ manner pro - be“ by Sec‘ tion four-(4) of the Act the General Assembly of the State f Ill (this, en- titled “An act to pro ide .’ itionul means for the construc on of ‘nwalks in cities, towns and v lages," in force July 1, 1875. SECTION 5. This ordinance é‘lall be in force from and after its pas .. we and due publication. E Atteém Jouu men’, City Clark. gather with a list of the lots J'§lparcels of land touching upon the lin ~ of said sidewalk. the names of th owners thereof, and the frontages t‘v: went as well. Whereupun the said ( i“: ('lerk shall prepare a special tax lis}. against such lots or parcels of landw'nd the owners thereof, ascertaining ‘ .' com- putation the amount of spec :1 tax to be charged against each said lots or parcels and th liiwners thereof. on account of in; con- struction of said sidewalk. i ‘nroporv tion to the fronmges o! eac of said lots on said sides'valk. which 5 Mini tax list the City (‘lerk of the (-‘ity if' Hi hâ€" land l’ark shall place on 6 3 in iis ofï¬ce: and the said City Clo rlx' shall thereupon issue warrants, di euted to the City Collector. for the coll .n-tion of the amount of special tax matsuertained and appearing from said special tax list to be due from the respective Owners of the lot. lots or parcels of land tnuéhing upon the line of said sidewalk and said ('ity Collector shall proceed m collect said warrants by making a. demand therefor upon the owners respectively of the lots or parcels of land ’lznuching upon the line of said sidewalk . if they shall he found in the City of Highland Park. and to make return theren If. with the. moneys collected thereo l. to'the City Clerk of the City of Highl md Park sixty days. (60) days from the dated the issue of said warrants. in thn- manner provided in Section three (3) ol' the Act of the. General Assembly of the State of Illinois. entitled “An act to prmide ad- ditional means for the construction of sidewalks in cities. towns and vi llagea in force July 1, 187.5. l’rm'ided. huwever. that thelnwner of an} 101 or parcels of land tum-l- ing upon the line of said pmpqsed side“ ulk aha“ he alluwed thirty duyr after Wis ordi- nance shall have been pub. ixhed in which to (musty-net said Sidt’Wfl ll: along- side of his lot. ur 'pivce uf gro md, 3nd thereby relieve the same from 9 we spec- iql tax hen-in pwvided to h.- levied therrun for lht‘ construction rf said sidewalk. SECTION :3. That so much improvement. as shall not b1- r said owners within the time , shall be made by said City": must theme! be wholly path 5 special taxation of the lot. lot eels of lgmd contiguous to and upon the lime of an much a! ‘ , posed sidewalk as shall be bui? City by levying the whole cos} 'upnn such lot. was or parcels « f proportion to their res retin- : n on said prop med Sit ewulk J domaid. V Said sidewalk shall be so cowatructed that the grade of the top of said Tuished walk nearest the lot line sh l' ‘ when completed. be on uniform .r mice of eight inches above the grade 0 !’ :the sur- face of the paved roadway of Mid Sher- idan Road at its center line 0p} in site the. point, whet-o the walk shall lw laid as herein pruvidedmnd from said '11 mar line or edgv of said walk the surfar-r of said ï¬niShed walk shall slope ymduallv tow-aids the street “ 1th a {n l of our third uf an im h {on each foot u u idth of mid w alk. ‘ Said materials and cunstruc‘ be under the supervisinn'of an (.0 the approval of the Fm Street Work of flu) City of Park. 8301qu :L A bill of the 1 {st of so. much of said sidewalk as shal l-e lmilt in) said ( icy shnw mg in sewn Iieitems the cost of grading. material laying down and supI-rvisiun. shall 1 Mod in the (mice uf .tlIe C ity C leIk of? Ie City of Hi}: lIla‘nd Park. certiï¬ed h) ' e Fore- man of Street Vi ork of said ty,‘ to- layer including the flange hi reinafter mentioned shall be fluted fo the full width of said driveway or 1 vitrance i with the lines four inches apa: .1)arallel with each other and with the 1 1gd es of lsaid sidewalk. And provid. further that on each side of said ï¬nis 11 (I walk at said driveway or entranc and ex- tending eighteen inches into l.1e mine a projection or llama1 of can rate of layers made as aforesaid, the thickness of the ï¬rst or bottom layer tI- be {our and one~half inches and of the t -p la) er to he one inch shall be constmcted in such manner that said flange 11h ull slope down from the edge of said ~‘dewalk nearest to it to the .surface of} 6 drive- way. Which concrete shall 111.- laid on a cinder foundation made ns.:1"oresaid and elcven inches in depth and 10 con- structed as to permit the cone ‘1 :e to be depressed down to said dri .'1 way as above provided. For said flan :11 or pro- jection and its cinder foundat1 1111 there shall he made an earth orsulet 11 vidation in manner as aforesaid. the 3i c~ of said foundation to correspond with the di- mensions of said flange or pvujection. Said sub or earth foundation s|1 111 have a suflicient depth to accomm Mate the cinder and concrete foundatinrs to he laid thereon as aforesaid for s11. 1 flange or projection, and so that the ~: me can be depressed as aforesaid. [SEAL] Passed Sept. 3d, 19011 Approved Sept. m: 1901. \ YB. G 13‘ lyOl' in" slid ‘ owners hp con- 5 ’proporv mvner 0! ing upon Mk him“ his ordi- ‘I ’said mule 'hy art-Said ud the â€or by 01- par- mehing .9 pro- by said thereof land in mtagui uilt as In shall subject man 0! ghlnnd THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. so unpaid, . with the names of the respective owners thereof. so fur a: the same are known to him, and the amount due and unpnid ’upon each tract, together with a copy of this'or- dinanee, in the manner prescribed by Section Four (4) of the Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illi- nois, entitled “An Act to provide ud- ditiond means for the construction of SEC. 4. In case of failuretooollect said special tax in the mnner afore- said. the City Clerk shall, within one year thereafter. make a re rt 0! nll such special taxes in writ ng bathe County Treasurer and ex-ofllcfo County Collector of Lake County of nll the lots or parcel: of land upon which such spgcill _ tax shall b0; Ssx‘. 3. A bill of the mat of so much of said sidewalk as shall be built by said City. showing in separate item the cost of guiding, materials. la lug down and supervision. shall be tilled in the otiiee of the Cl! ' Clerk of the (‘ity of Ilighlan Park. certiï¬ed to dry the foreman of street. work of said City. together with a list of the’ lots or parcels of land touching upon the line of aid slde~ walk. the names of. the owners thereof and the frontage thereof as well. Wherenpon the said City Clerk shall prepare a special tax list against such lots or parcels of land and the owners thereof. ascertaining by computation the amount of the. special tax to be charged against each of said lots or parcels, and the owner's thereof. on ac- count of the construction 0! sasd side- walk. in proportion to the frontage of each of said lots on said sidewalk.which special tax list the Clerk of the City of Highland Park shall place on ï¬le in his oflice. and the said City Clerk shall thereupon issue warrants. directed to the City Collector. for the collection of the ambuut of special tax so asoer-‘ tnined and appearing from said special tax list to be due from the respective owners of thc'lot, lots or parcels of land touching upon the line of said sidewalk. and said City Collector shall proceed to collect said warrants by making a demand therefor upon the; owners respectively of the lots or pa'r- cels of land touching upon the line of] said sidewalk. if they shall be found in? the City of Highland Park. and shall make return thereof. with the moneys collected thereon. to the City Clerk of the City of Highland Park. within sixty (60) days from the date of -the 'issue of said war rants. In the manner provided for in Section Three (.1) of the Act of the General Assembly of' the State of Illi- nois. entitled “An Act to provide ad- ditional means for the construction of sidewalks in cities. towns and vil- lages," in force July I. 1875. 'l vi twd to each bearing. Provided. however. that the owner of tiny lots Or parcels of land touching updn the line of said proposed aidewalk shall be allowed thirty days sitter this ordinance shfll have been published in which to construct. said sidewalk along- side of his lot or piece of gmund. uud then-11y relieve the name from the sperial .Lax herein provided to be levied thereon for the construMion of aid sidewalk. * SEC. .2; That an “5th of mid im- provement as; shall not be made by said owners within the time aforenid shall be made by mid Cit and the cost thereof ha who“ paid or by special taxation of the {on lots or parcel. of land contiguous to and touching upon the line of so much of the pro ' sidewalk as shall be built by Elli City by levying the whole-cont thereof upon such lot. lots or parcels of land in pro- portion to their respective frontagw on said proposed sidewnld, built Is nfore- said. hearing and two feet. therefrom.uid joisp m be thme by {our incheq in di. mensions and set upon the nurrowest aide. Each plank shall be nailed to the3 bearing with six thirty-penny nails. two to each bearing. Said materials slid construction shall be under lh» unpervi‘siun u! und subject to the approval a! the foreman 0! street work of the City-of Highland Park. ‘ Said sidewalk shall be constructed of good pine lumber of sound qualit of two-inch planks dressed on one de. each plank m be not less than six nor more» than ten inches in width and emh plank to be live feet four inches lon . which shall be laid crosswisejvith t e dressed side u and cut; to a true line.so that. the Inner and outer edges of said walk shall be parallel with the lot. line upon which said sidewalk touches or abuts; said planks to be laid on three bearings of hemlock joist of sound quality; set one bearing in the center of said walk and and hearing on each side of said comer Said eidewulk shall be so constructed that the grade of the top of said side- walk shell, when completed. be six inchesnbove the surface of the ground in front of the lots when: said wnlk in to be. constructed as herein provided. Said‘ sidewalk shall be ï¬ve feet. four inches wide. The inside line. or edgL of aid sidewalk when completed shall be at a distance of eighteen inches from the lot. or lots which touch or nbut upon thc line of such sidewalk. Said lidewulk Ihtll be constructed and hid according to the following ppeciï¬chtions.directions lnd provisions. namgly. _ ‘ An ordinance mviding {or the con- struction of a p ank sidewalk on Dean Avenue, in the City of Highland Pu]: County 01 Lake and sum of Illinois: $301103 1. That a plunk sidewalk be constructed and laid in the City of Highland Pork lh upon and along the easterly side of Dean Avenue from the southerly line 0! Sheridsn Road south to the southerly line of Roger Williams Avenue. Be it ordsined byvthe City (buncil‘ of the City of Highland Park, Lake County. Illinois: SIDEWALK UHDINMGE. “ “a..- v..., - .v... . ,_... SIC. t. In can at {ailment calm and mnxlnthemnnet mm. the City lerklhnllvflhlu one uthemfler. make I mpwol Ill-och spec me- In writ"): to the County Tye-Mum u-oflido County Collectornl me County at I" the lot- or parcel-d land upon which such upedll ml shall he no unpaid. with the names of the re- spective owncn (bowed. to h: u the name are knitgm mblmhmdthe mountain;- and an; pa upon can mmamw n to mummy-nee In the manner Wham Secuon l-oun ol the Actoflhebenflil AI» umblyolme 0! "Hook. entitled. "An Acnopmvidem mm the con- SEC 2. That an much ol Illd improvement uuhall not he'made by mid owners within toe time aloreuaid ahall be made by and city and the coat thereof be wholly paid for by clal taxation of the lot. Iota or panel! at Ia mn- tiauouatoand touchi u the line ol so much of the pro . 'alk as shall be built in ' said city by levying the whole coat then-g1 uponoatégleiilot. Iota 01mm.“ in pro Ion lure-ï¬le! ve ea on aai proposed aidewalk. ilt aloreaaid. SEC. 3. A hill at the cod .0 much oi and sidewalk aa ahall be built by laid cit . show- ing in separate Item! the col oi lnx. ma- terials. Iayi down and Euperv bfl. ahall be tiled in the ce ol the City Clerk at the City at Highland ark. cemfledto by the foreman oi street work of aid city. together with a Hat of the Iota or Ilof land whim†the line of aid walk. the namel of ovmrra thereol and the frontage thereof as well. Whereupon the aid City Clerk ahall a special tax list againat auch iota or pace of land and the owner- thereoi. aacertainlng by °§"“’2‘“°3".‘.“"‘é’?x°‘°{a ota ‘“ ‘“ E c arc u n eac ea or part! and the owner: thereol. on mat of the Won of aid aidewalk. lII proputlon to the frontage of each of aid Iota on and aim:- walk. which apecial tax tin the Clerk oi the Cityol Highland Park ahall lace on tile in hta alike. and the aald City erk ahall e- upon iaeue warranta. directed tonne City Il- lector. for the collection of the amount at special tax so ascertained and IDDCII'III‘ from said apecial tax liq to lat-$1: [mm the câ€" tive owner: of the lot. or parcela of and touching upon the line of Iaid sidewalk. and said City Collector ahll proceed to collect aaid warranta by nakin' a demand thereior upon the ovum ively of the Iota or pa‘rcelaof land touch I: n the line oi and sidewalk. If they ound in the City at Highland Park. a ahall make return there-it. with th moneys ctéleaed thereon. to me Cltv C er! 0' the ity at Highland Park. within sixty (0i day-horn the date at the bane of said warrant». In the manner provided for in Section three (8) 0! Act or the General A I. aembly oi the that: llllnou. entitled. “An Ad to provide additional meana for the con. motion of sidewalk- ln cltiea. towna and viJ- ages." intorge Jnlyl. m “e, .a :_aa.‘_ a. “an... â€1‘ vafded. bowchhn the owner .of my lots or els of land touching ‘3'". we Ii n- 0! u' “dew-It lb I be nflowed thin day- ! thin otdlnurx shall have been pub lobed In which 10 mm sud nth-walk llonulklcoi his lot or piece of (mum). Ind then-by mug-v: the lane from the wen-l Lu herein plowdcd to be levkd thereon luv he communion of nidï¬devnlk. _ sud ramsâ€"uh?! weakâ€"cum shall be un- der the NDEWIIIOII of and lubk-fl to me up- mv-l of the human 0! are! work. a! lu ‘Ily u! Hllhllnd Put. Said aldewalk ahall he con‘rucu-d 0! m ud pine lumber ol sound witty of xwo-mch planks dreaaed on one .each pgank to be no! leaalhan alx nor more than ten unche- in width and each plant to be ï¬ve feet (our Inchea Iona. whtch ahall be lard croaaarae with the dnsaed ale up andcm to a true line. an that the mm and outer ea at and walk shall be parallel with the lot I ne In which aaid sidewalk toucheaurabuta; aal larch m belabdonthree beannxa 0! hernia: Job! at mund quality. aet one hearinlinune center or and walk and one burial on each aide 04 said center hearing and two fed rlu-rel'ro p. and Join! to be three by four Inches In dimen- dons and net upon «be narrowed aide. Seth plank ahall be nailed m the bean-a Mth rix tthy-pgnpz nalla. two to each hearing.‘ lDEWALK ORDINANCEâ€"AN ORDI- nance pmvidln; for the con-(main: n! u but ddewnlk on mud and in the Clu'of i hum! Park. Lake County llllnoh. it ordllned by the City Council 0! Ihe city of Highland Put: SECTION 1. Thy a plank uidewalk he mo- nlmckd and Ind m the City 0! H bland Put in. upon. Ind slam: the unerl Ii «second urea hum the muthctly line C um! avenue south to the wulberl In: of Laurel avenue. Sud mm: l he con-uncut! Ind laid ncconflna w the touowing Ibra- uqn._dugcu091 npqymgulonp. nape y_: _ 'Snï¬" didâ€"€611 I bf’io' MW tun thew-dent the top at when completed be six Inch†above the Mr- lace ul the â€f†ndIn hunt of them where laid “dew I! tube conducted lulu-ruin [)th Nu" thzrelor am City Council does her rby lev laid chcnu-en “wand Seven Hanan-<1 an_ .Elghtygmam Doll-3p 1:099 1|! pmpmjy subject In mutton wkhln add City a the lung- is useâ€"ed and equalized (or the alum- md County outpace- for (he earn-m yru. 3. gm. cigy £1er to! the_ Cigy‘gq ljjghllnd Put iii [did 375} ’ciiditii’A’ "7! iii: iii: SEC. 2. The City cm: i. hen-u s: The City Clerk in {mew dutch-d to ï¬le I copy of this Ouilunce. duly Ccflllll'd. with the County Clerk 0! 14k: County. Sun- ol Illinois. on o: helm: the second Tuna-3' in *ijwufl.fl .. . .. . ‘ . STREET LIGHTING. For-tree!llahllu..lotyw........... 2.171.†PRINTING AND STATIONERY. Ear prinulla and my purport. Iufl) LIBRARY. For public llbrnry puma-e3 ........... SALARY 0|" .Ul-‘FICERII. For uluv 0! city once“. ............. BOND AND INTEREST. For banded Indebtedness and later- e-t Inning due ....................... Am: JOHN FINNEY. Cky Cluk Sue-non I. Tim. when-I. use ml Imu ml 0! all nppmpriulom leg-fly made (or all cm- ponu- pa and to be colleacd (tom me talk-v Juneau] you 0! Ind city and“: A I“ m. having been ascertained by a City Council to be the uum of Stung-en Thou-and. Seven Hundnd and Rummmm (011.1“ Minn-ad the mum (or whk‘h um lpplupfllflbnl IR made Ind the nun: m unoum wpwpdflrd [or etch yuan-uâ€" bent u Inflow: . l- " miscellaneous W ‘puuu not heulnnbove enema“. “I II) For coming on 1nd mun. ulnln' mu â€dun... .v SEW I938. chonurucflnl. rep-turn. and main mining newest. . . . .f .................. AN ()R [NANCE L ' COR RATE I’L‘ FISCAL YEAR FRO APRILM M“. I“. BE IT ORDAINED!) flute City Council 0! the Cllv 0! Highland PI VYING TAXESFO - RPUSF FUR TH ‘ ll NA 151'. III. T0 Inga." In (one Jul 1. 1875. 8:0. 5. Thin ilunoe dull be in force from sad that in W and due publication. Pia-ed September Id. 1901. Aprovod Septnmber 4th 1901. ROBERT G. EVANS. by or. Mum: JOHN FINHEY City Clerk. [an ] ddemlks in chin, town. and vil- Inga.†in fgmeJulyl 1875. Total appropriated STREETS AND BRIDGES. MISK‘EI.LANEUL'S‘ Ll. Hum “7.18ҠImmu mun 4,113.1!) 13L“) lSâ€"Cement, north side of Vine from lot 5, block 15, the high school corner. «at to Shgridan mud. 20â€"-â€"Cement, west side of Lake street from Ptospect to Laurel, by the Dr. Taylor and Mr. Andrew. houses. l6â€"Cement, on the northeast side of Sheridan ï¬nd from Forest to Cedar avenue, from the Yerkes fountain down to the Judge Ful- lerton and Ledgemere properties. 19â€"001mm, south side of Hue! from St. John: to Linden. 21â€"Cement, west side of Dhle’ from Prospect to Central, from the lie-singer comer north by ex-Mayur Cobb's over to Central. l7â€"Cementfsouth siiie 6f Cen- tral from lot 9, Mint 24, to club house. to Lake Michigan, 2‘Hement, south of Vine from the Sheï¬dqn road west to lot one block 14, north of Mr Labor's lots. . 15- â€"Cement, south side of Shet- idan rod from St. Johns to Forest avenue. lF-Cement, north ideof Proa- pect from Dale, or ‘Jauglewood" oorqer, east to Lake, down by Fencenden’e. so the people there can get to school and church‘with. out crossing the street. l2-â€"â€"Cemont, east side of St. Johnslfrom Central to Elm place, I0 u to give sate footing for City Marshal Rudolph going home. llâ€"East aide of Onkwood from Highland avenue south to Lin. ooln, post Prof. Russell’s and Mr. Home a l3~â€"Cement, west side of Lake from Central to Laurel. lOâ€"North side at Gantral from Green Bay road to city limits, to let Dan Sheahen out to civiliia- tion. 8â€"Weot side of G road from Elm place to inc,†u to let Fred Richards and other: out to the gblf grounds. Qâ€"Eut side 06 St. Johns from High to Bloom street, over the new bridge up north. 4â€"Sonth side of Laurel from Hickory to McGovern, from Dan Cole' 3 corner down by Mrs. Ger- bolet a. 5â€"â€"-Enst side of Second from Central to Laurel, from. Gold- berg’s comer down by W. F. Ed’- wards'. 7-North side of Lincoln from Gwen Bay road to St. Johns, for the school children way “down in Em" 6â€"Weut side of Hickory from Central to Deerï¬eld. SIMWALK WAKE. Ont city council, which some people‘are trying to mate out is overwhelmed with “troubles of ex- tensive proportions," did a land- oï¬ee business Tneaday night in the way of passing ordinances. It was a. work which no other American city council ever equalled. Here is a list of the sidewalk ordinances passed that night; thoae to‘be built of cement am so indicated, all others are of plank; 1â€"01: out side of Dean from Sheridan Road to Roger Williams avenue, over the new bridge to aniniu. 2â€"Nortb side of Laurel from Second stmet to Green Bay road, from Florist Bahr’a come: up by the brick church. 3â€"North side of Deerï¬eld avo- nne from Second street to Green Bay road. mammmm-Mua- " In! Jill I“. “5%.; mm“ an." be ".4...†:mm and diet I. mandala: public-- ion. (“Al-l. manual)“ Id. an. se 53% m. . £3..." . Am: 10mm caged.â€