:tables he Market 1ARKBT. ivory Day. re you $25 b$35 ,ight Co. :o Postotflce. your Family maable prices Highland Put. DNS. MMmSIm :7?’ Wearrya anyartidcthat L hiswithout and had usage R 00“.» lUNDRY OAN RV. 6: CO. and tryit. ,VC ESTATE Overand upon this entire sub-foun- dation there shall be spread and laid a bed of clenn boiler cinder: which shell constitute the cinder foundation for laid walk. Said cinder foundation shall be ten inches in depth along the center line thereof and increasing gradually in depth to within six inches of the Iides of said. cinder foundation where the same shall be eleven inches in depth, and ironthence it shall maintain said depth» the aides thereof. 1 ,‘uxA AL-.. This sub or earth foundation whor- eyer noeeutry must be consolidated by wetting and ramming so as to give propersttbility. Soft and spongy plwes not mot-ding 3 ï¬rm foundation must be dug out and ï¬lled with cinders and well completed so thnt when said founda- tion slull be wet sn'd rammed with iron ahod nmmers eight inches square and weighing twenty pounds the same shall haye the grade nforcaaid. Beid cinder foundation shall be thor- ough) paddled with water end oom- peeteg end leveled by ramming with runners as eforeseid so that the ï¬rst byer of concrete work to be laid on the. name a hereinefter provided shell hevé e cleer thickness of four end one-half inches along the center Line of slid «in- der foundation end diminishing gred-' tally end regain-1y in thickness to the edges of said ï¬nished concrete walk es hereinetter provided, where the thick- ness thereof shell be three and one-half A sub or euth foundstion shall he made by grading and ï¬lling so as to ring the umeto the grade hereinafter pee,lfled which foundstion shnll be six feet wide, the inside line or edge there- of shell be distunt sixteen inches from the lot or lots upon which such side- wnlk touches or shuts and shall be per- nllel therewith, the inner and outer of mid foundation to be rallel which foundation shall be ed and ï¬lled us Home“ so thnt the same shall have en unlform depth of ï¬fteen md one-hal Inches below the grade of the surfnee the ï¬nished sidewalk. Sud andcwalk dull be constructed and Ind of concrete with cinder foun- dation, according to the following spec- iï¬cations. directions and provmions. nundy} ,-- .c. ‘uuu, 830110! 1. That. n concrete cement sidewalk be constructed in the City of Highland Ptrk' in. upon ind along the southerly side of Centre} avenue from the westerly line of lot. 9' 1n block 24 east. to the _top 0’; blnfl' At Lake Michigan. :I Boito;dined by the City Council of the City of Highland Pu-k, yCounty of Luke 3nd saw of Illinois. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST An ordinance providing for the con- strnction .of s concrete sidewalk on the southerly side of Central avenue from the westerly line of lot 9 in block 24 to the top of bin! at LtkeMichignn. in the City of Big hlend Park, County of Lake and Mate 80! Illinois: Save our coupons. Bring them to us and we will give you mockery ptoï¬t sharing scheme. Our object is to make this store the most, popular Call an'd‘see us, we are always pleased to see néw faces ‘ 4' Given away free with our cash sales You can get piece by piece, get sny piece you want The set consists of Cape and Saucers, .. )inner Plates, Breakfast Pla‘es, Pie Plates, Sauce Dishes, Platters. Vegetable Dishes. Pitchers, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls. Teapots, Spam-ms, in {a :t everything that goes withafinesetofDishes‘ V . I901 SIBEWALK HHDIIAIBE. HIGH FREE! Richly DeCorated Engl The pattero is a flower and scroll deslgn of rare beauty, elegant and tasteful in color gxwutim. It is llviuhly ï¬nished with goh In fact it is the most beautiful pattern of FINE DECORATED PORCELAIN that bu fever been imported from th EUROPEAN POTTERIES.. The color is‘the fashionable “DRESDEN PEARL BLUE." Any part of said sidewnlk which shall intersect a drivewny or can-inge en- trnnceto any lot. tract or pucel of lend touching upon the line of said walk shall be constructed as above. except the thickness of the ï¬rst layer of com crate for the width of such driveway shall be ï¬ve and one-half inches in the center and diminishing to the edges us “creatid, where the same shall be four end one-hell Vinchcqz ‘nnd the depth. of a , a. Said concrete work shall be made by thoroughly incorporating in a dry state one part of best Portland cement or a cement equal in kind. quality and eï¬i- ciency, two parts of clean torpedo sand and live rts of crushed limestone. which i meétone shall meas- ure not more than one inch in any dimension and not less than one-quar- ter of an inch in any dimension, which shall be thoroughly mixed together. and after which ust sufllcient water to wet the mass all be so added that when it is rammed in place in manner as aforesaid a ï¬lm of moisture shall ap ar on the top. ‘ ' pon said concrete shall he laid a top surface or ï¬nishing layer which shall be one inch in thickness and shall be composed of two parts of best Portland cementpr a cement equal in kind.qual- ityand efï¬ciency and three parts of clean torpedo sand, which shall be mixed to the proper consistency with water and spread smoothly before said ï¬rst layer has set and thoroughly troweled of! to a smooth ï¬nished surface. - All sand and stone used upon said workshall be clean, free troni‘ dirt, dust, loam and any foreign matter whatever and shall be he t thoroughly d until used. Sai sidewalk shall laid in sections or blocks of ï¬ve feet runway length. enclowd in wooden forms and said blocks shall be laid alternately, leaving the intervening space until all alternate blocks are laid and cement set. Kid cinder rendition shall bé nine inches in the center and increasing ggldually to within six inches of the o: n._,_ .I_u-_ _L4_- Al... edges of, 88m foundation, where the same skull be an inches and continue thence to aid edges, and the thickness then be spread a layer 01 concrete five feet wide so that the center line there- of shall be the same as the center line of said cinder foundation and so con- structed that the inside line or edge of said concrete when completed shall be at a distsnce of tiventy~two inches from the lot or lots on which such sidewalk touches or sbnts and shell he parallel therewith, the inner and outer edges of ssid sidewslk to be parallel, which layer of concrete shall be four and one- hsl! inches thick in the center thereo! and diminishing gradually and reg- ularly in thickness to the edges of said ï¬nished concrete walk, where the same shill’be three and one-half inches in thickness. Said concrete shall be thor- onghl;y rammed over its whole surface with ironâ€"shod rammers of the size and weight aforesaid. u ,Lnna L- _.-.l_ I... Over this cinder foundngion there sill“ SOMETHING '§rHAT WILL INTEREST you aIJtiful Dirlner Set! Free! Given Awagrv With Our Cash Sales Free! Well cookgd ‘food served 9h neat and attractive dishe's m akes home pleuéant and cheerful. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. <‘II‘J'BI venue at its center ï¬ne oppo site the point where the walk shall be laid a herein provided for. and from Maid inner line or edge of said walk the $urlwe of said ï¬nished walk shall slope gradually towards the street with I {all )" one-third of an inch for uch tool. 111 vs idth of said walk. » ‘. _ Provided. however. that the owner of an y lot or parcels of land touching upon the line of said proposed sidewalk shall be allowed thirty days after this ordi- nance shall have been published in w hich to construct said sidewalk sloug- sï¬itle of his lot or piece of ground, and thereby relieve the same tram the specâ€" :11 tax herein provided to be levied thereon for the construction of said \uiilewalk. ‘ Said materials and construction shall 3w under the an rvilion of and subject to the approva of the Foreman of itrleket Work of the City of Highland Pu. . Samoa 2. That so much 01 said improvement as shall not be made b said owners within the time stores: d shall be made by said City and the cost thereof be wholl paid for by special taxation of the ot. lots. or par- ~.:els at land contiguous to sud touching mm the line of so much ofthe pro- p- ised sidewalk as shall be built by said Sity by levying the whole cost thereof 0’ said ï¬nishing or top Is er shall be one inch throughout. w eh ï¬nishing layer including the flange hereinafter 'u entioned. shall be fluted for the full u idth of said driveway or entrance u ith the lines four inches ape rt. parallel v ith each other and with the edges of mid sidewalk. And provided further that on each side of said ï¬nished walk 14' said driveway or entrance and ex- ‘tvnding eighteen inches into the same .:4 projection or flange of concrete of layers made as aforesaid. the thickness 0’ the ï¬rst or bottom layer to be four a 1d one-half inches and of the top layer in he one inch shall be constructed in such manner that said flange shall slo dawn from the edge of said sidewa k nuarest’to it to the surface of the drive- n a . Which concrete shall be laid on :3. e nder foundation‘mwde as aforesaid and eleven inches in depth and so con- 5‘. ructed as to permit the concrete to be «,L-preued down to said driveway as shove provided. For said flanfe or pro- jvction and its cinder foundat on there :51 mil be made an earth or sub foundation :in manner as aforesaid, the size of said (mandation to correspond with the di- mensions of said flange or projection. mid sub or earth foundation shall have :4 sufï¬cient depth to accommodate the winder-mud concrete foundations to he in id thereon asaforesaid for such flange 0" projection. and so that the same can be de ressed as aforesaid. Sal sidewalk shall be so constructed that the grade of the top of said ï¬nished malls nearest the lot line shall, when completed, be on uniform grade of six inches above the grade of the surface 1>’ the south paved roadway of said Goldberg, Manager. SPECIAL. xrnthem; You pay loss for you: goods here than any place In lown. and we 3h he misty to you In. an a ‘ading place' to town. We ask your nuisance in making it no. Examine each I I sol carefully lot coupon. h Porcelain Dinner Sets Given Away. :3 We want to extend our business and :4 [I guarantee satisfaction FREE! July. 1. l875_. ... -v.-- _ ___, Sumo: 4. In cueot Mare to col- lect aid s in] tn: in the nunner store- seid the City Clerk ehnll within one your thereafter. nuke I. report of nu such special taxes. in writl . to the County Treasurer Ind ex County Col- lector of Luke County, of 311 the Iouor parcels of lnnd upon which ench special tax ehnll be so nnpnid, with the nunee of the respective owner: thereof. no fu‘ u the some are known to him. end the amount due nnd unpaid n eneh tact. ther with 3 copy 0 this ordi- mm. In the manner plucrihed by Sec- tion {our (4)01 the Act'ol the Genet-n1 Assembly 0! the Stnte of Illinois. en- titled “An not to provido nddltlonnl menus for the comb-notion of sidewalk: in citiee. towns end village-3' In fore. "$316413; '5'. This ordinance dull be in faukomnndcflotihm 3nd the coat of gredi . meteriele, Ieying ‘down end nupervi on. shell he ï¬led in the ofï¬ce of the City Clerk of the City of Highlend Perk. certiï¬ed by the Fore- men of Street Work of eeid city, toâ€" gether with e lint of the lot- or percele ‘of lend touching upon the line of neid sidewelk. the ounce of the owner- therenf. end the frontegee then-o! u well. Whereupou the eeid City Clerk shell prepere e qpeclel tex liet nceinet such lot. or perceln of lend end the owners thereof.encerteinin¢ h con- pntetion the entonnt of ten to be cherged net ench of aid lots or pe end the owner: then-col, on eccount of the eon- 1'utruction of eeid eidewelk. in proper tion to the tron o! eeeh o! eeld lots on neid sidew . which epeciel tee liet the City Clerk of the City 01 H h- lend Perk ehell piece on ï¬le in in ofï¬ce: end the eeld City Clerk ehell thereupon ieeue wemnie. directed to the City Collector. for the collection of the emount of: ltex nonncerteined end eppeering rom eeid epeciel ten list to be due from the reepective ownere of the lot. lots or reel- of lead touchin upon the line 0 aeid eldewelk. end lei City Collector shell proceed to collect aeid wemnte by melting e demend‘ therefor upon the owners respectively of the lots or percei- of lend touching 'npon the line of eeld eidev'relk. if they‘ ehell he found in the City of 8 Need Perk. end to mnke return the , with the moneys collected thereon, to the} City Clerk of the City of Bighlnnd Perk ‘ sixty deyn (to) deye m the deteotthe issue of nnld werrente. in the nnnner provided in Section three (3) of the Act of the General Annemhly of the 8tete of Illinois. entitled "An ect to provide ed- ditionel menus for the construction of sidewelks in cities. mun end villegee in force July l._1875. r"r""*‘ ,. v ,, on aid pm sidewalk built '3- atom-aid. 830110: 8. A bill of the canto! so much of mid sidewalk a dull be built. by said City. showlng In legal-no “am we out 91 MW “ERA“, ,{tx‘qx upon such lot. lots or punch 01 land in pmpaygion to their â€guanine ffOIIII ‘ OUR GOODS THE BEST. mm DO Shoal: Liver - “on. Huh“.- ï¬Ã©â€˜ bone- health â€l‘. 4’ child? mothe If I: ah! dr dam For c1 Punt my d d“ pl H ‘m. ['3‘ ... Inc Mus! . . Jou ‘ in". Bonn! 0. Butt. m Clerk. Igor. 1901 .1 write u that they have .po phobic- at keeping choir well. Gluten Mylo":- \. each week. A blend-g to ï¬nd child. 0. B. Cunning: > Wk 38 1901. . «a, "01. r o! flu cm of W whim. Appendicitis. Indigen- .ueh a flick W pd- of the HM Sour m, Conan-en. Dizziness of thc won: Putt-such.†Sperm. need not later “other day. no! the well-known August. ill relieve you st ones. do to Inlncl' sud get I up]: hot» Retain she, 75 can“. Get rho Mun-c. eras-u . flow It I. Do... it object in life with the All- aople is to “I“ than" the how to will goodbeddl. an be obtained by energy. Lad avian the scout! (good rudngGm’IAnénnFlowa. on b! a dupondcnt um of â€protonâ€"ruin“ no dun intermingled II o 51â€"“ in no wonder tilt our friend: f1m] Mingu- on no y “ken rum u. ' looted l! the death. would: from a. A bottle at W's Ger upkept loo-l your homela- cnle will [lamination 0- m doctor's bill. and perhaps the use of three or {outdo-es. Seven Coughs. Clo-9.0:- 3001:1105").thqu I allow wonderful. :3 you .will I you. Got A an an 0. KCumml s. Gum‘s? all-on» “-85-" "rat: Foouzm Itylepl dilute. withju 39d; FREE! AOelth “ht. I". a. gun-ht. m COCK! .0010?" 7a n.