John Newhall returned this wick from North Manitou. Miss Mary Deitrich is ill, threatened with nervous [wastin- tion. A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the! Congregational church Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Miss, Margaret Kol- logg and Rev. Laurence Howard were married, Rev."Marc W. Dar- ling ofï¬ciating. A'reception wag held at the residence of Gvneral C. E. Howard; after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Howard left on the 7 o’clock train for thyir future home in Providence, R. I. Ground has been broken for Mr. Ben Newhall’s new residence on Central avenue. Mrs. Richard Kellogg, of Leon, N. Y., was the guest of Mrs. M. W. Darling tins weak. Mrs. Woolson and dmwhter Ruth, of Des Moines, Ia. ., were guests at the Manse over Sunday. Two of Andrew McLeish’s ï¬ne- cows disappeared last week, wheth. or stolen or strayed is not khowu; Don’t forget the Opportguity Club s‘ale Saturday afternoon, September 28th, in the church parlors â€" Messrs. Theodore Riggs and Donald Howard, of 09119, Dak), Miss Foster, of St. Paul, and Mys. Edward James, 0‘ visiting his parents, John R. James. ' Belnap, of Chicago, were guests at General 0, H. Howards‘ this ,The Spaoldings, who have occu. pied Major H. S. Vail’a new hose for the season, expect to return ‘to Chieagoneit Monday. Fin walking lists. the Ladies‘ Bazaar. mopening meeting of the High- land ark Womans’ Club will be held Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30, withabusinese session, which will be followed by an informal program. Mrs. R B. Brown will give readings lrom"‘Joel Chandler Harris,†and sppmpï¬ale vocal selections will ‘ be Last Tuesday afternoon. while Mayor Evans and wife were out rid- ing, they attempted to drive over ,a barbed wire fence surrounding their property in Highwood. The horse’s hind feet got entangled in the wire and it'became frightened. The may- or immedintely jumped from his carriage to assist the horse, and Mrs. Evans, during the excitement. jumped Inleo, sustaining a very severely sprained loot. Although .the acci- dent was not a serious one; Mrs. Ev. ens had to receive medical attention and the physicians have the sprained foot in a plaster cast which is very painful. Mothers write us that they have solved the problem of keeping their children well. Give them Rocky Moun- tnin ‘ ‘3 each week. A blessing to mother .md child. G. B. Cummings. hib._'1'ei in i0 be served .at the close of the meeting? and a pleasant time is expected. Additional Local. GLEN COE. of California, is 3. Mr. and Mrs. , The marriage at flies .‘iaud '31.: Kerwin tour. Earl H- 'Purdy took; place at 6 .n'clock' last Tuesday evening, at the home of the bride's parents in Waukegan. The Wedding waea very neat and pl‘l'll y aflnir, only the immediate rel-tin» 3f the contracting parties beingr present. The house was tastefully dwerated for the occasion and presented a cheerful appearance.~ BM'. H. G. Leonard performed the cwremony. The bride wore a travelirg suit of gray and was unattenllecl. She in the eldest daughter of Mr. M. W. Marvin, county superintendent of schools. ‘and'ia a well-known and very popular vnung lady of Wanke- gan. The groom. One of V the mam. here of the hardware ï¬rm of P. C. "Purdy .81 Sona,nf this city, is a young man of very ï¬ne character :~.nd held in high esteem by his many friends. After a repaat, which wa~ seryed, Mr. and Mrs] Purdy left m the 8:30 train for Bnflnlo, and other points 01 interest. They will be “a: home" to â€their friends after theÂ¥20rh of Octo- ber. While the all'air will be a sur- prise to many of their acquaintances, they join in giving their rmigratulu- tione to the newly married vonple. Rudolph-Floren't. The Highland Park p [blic were somewhat surprised, and perhaps a little startled Thursday to learn that Miss Mae, the only daugl tw- r of City Marshal Rudolph, and Professor Floreut. late instructor in French in the Deerï¬eld high school, were mar- ried, and that the ceremony was per- formed as long ago as Mario, I901. That accounts for the Board not engaging Professor Flore r" another year, holding, we preemne, that a married person is only a e: « aid-class teacher. That accords w i‘. 1 Paul 5 theory, that‘a married man was only about half as valuable a pastor as a celibzite. We congratulab' Profeeeor and Mrs. Florent; may thnir years in life be many, full of usefulness and joy, and may they uei I?! have oc- casion .to regret the solemn atop they have taken. In Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkard; are Being Cured Dally No Noxious Doses. No Weakenlng ot the Nerves. A Pleasant and P03- ltive Cure for. the quumr Habit. It is now generally known and under- stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body ï¬lled w ith poison and nerves completely shatm‘ed by pe- riodical or constant use of 3ntoxicating liquors. requires an antidot-r (supable of neutralizing and eradicating this poi- son, and destroying the craving for in- toxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at honie without publicity or‘loss of time from »businvss by this wonderful “Home! Gold Cure," which has been perfected after 1mm y years of close study and treatment 0? inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard 2: drinker. Our records show the marvelous trans- formation of thousands of drunken-(ls into sober-industrious and upright men. TWO nARRIAmE s. OI manna Park's Youn: People Partly-Marvin. Wives cure your husband 52! Children cure your fathers} This redey is in no sensv anostrum, but is a speciï¬c for this disosaée only, and is soskillfullydevised and prepared that it is thoroughly solub":e and pleas- ant to‘the taste, so that it ran be given in a. cup of tea or coffee w‘thout the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands‘ of drunkards 'huvéï¬cured themselveswith this price'mxs remedy and as many more have bern cured and made temperate men by having tho “cure." administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and bellew today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. Do not Walt... Donut b0 deluded by apparent and misleading “improvement.†Drive out. the disuse at once and for all time. > The “Home Gold Care" is sold at the extremely low price of One Doll“, thus placing within mach of everybody a “eminent more THE HOME GOLD CURE. Vlrnr Spite of Théhlselvus. \Taud M. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. eflecwnl thun others golï¬ng O25 to 850. 7â€"-L _-..l., can but val-u vuucl- www- - V Full directions moon'mv each pack- uge. 8 ill udviee by skilled phyli- dam w I: requested without can ch: _. Sent prepoid to uyportof the war! on receipt of One Dolhr. Address Deputment. A 631. Ed win B. Giles 00., â€30 And 2332 Market. 8!... Phil- ndglphia; . r, -Aâ€"anlu mu. I.“:15â€.3:).l'renpondome is strictly fldenï¬tl. ' Insertion. m this column. an 1|!th 9c lg}; one "wanton. .5: " four Mm than â€word! 5 cemne. All ad! in IN! column be paid in Id- nnce when: .dvem no «gull! ac- count with mu once . max. WANTEâ€"Tn‘or nenl house- work; no washing or w: u : one used to gm range prelerred. A dress 1’. 0. Box 465. lghland Park. Ill. FOB saw-.501wsfvumum A’xn lumenâ€"8100.00. Home gvnue and sound. Inquire NEWS-LITTER omee. II u“ FOR BARâ€"[lime Red Cross hazing stow-4:11:10“ new 3nd in good con- dition. Haws-Luna omee. All doctors have tried tocure Cntnrrh by the use of powders, acid; genes and inhalers and drugs in paste form. The powder: dry up th‘mucous membnnes. onusing‘them to crack open end bleed. The powerful wide used in the inhllers have entirely eaten Away the seine membranes thnt their maker: hnve aimed to cure. while paste and oint- ments cannot ranch the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who he: (Or many years nude I close study end specialty 0! the treatment 0! Clan-h has at last perfected [treatment which, when faithfully used, not only relieves at once. but permanently cuanturh. by removing the cause. stopping the diwhnrges.nnd curing nll inflammation. ma HALEâ€"Stem timer {or eight or nine room home for sale cheap. 1n- quire of L. 0. V.n Riper. pâ€"l'! FOR SALEâ€"Smlll kitchen nnge. les-Ls'rrn omce. lt is the only remedy known to science that nctunllv reaches the nfllicted pom. This mmcdy ll known In “Snuflles. the (lnnnnteed (‘atnrrh Cure." nnd is sold at the extremely low price of One Dol- lnr. each pmknge contnlnlng internnl and cxternnl medicine nnï¬lcient for 3 month‘s tmtlnent and everything nec- esiary to its perfect nu. - "Saunas" is the only perfect Ontarrh cure ever nude and is now recognized '35 the only safe and positive cure for that Innoylng and disgusting diluent. It cures all inflammation quickly and permanently. nnul is 3130 wonderfully quick to relieve Hay Fever or cold in the head. u Something New Under Catarrb when neglected. often lends to consumption~“8nuflies" will nve you if you use it at once. It. is no or- dinary remedy. but a complete treat.- méni. which in positively guaranteed to cure Clinrrh in any form or stage if used according to the. directiov which accompany esch paeknge. Don i. delay but send for it at once, end write for full particulars as no your condition. and you will receive npccinl advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to \01: beyond the regular price of “Snufliea.†the Gunrmteed Cawrh (hire. Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar; Address Department I. Edwin B. Giles , Co.. 2330 Ind 2332 Market Si... Philadelphia. ceived fur gradin . draining. paving with muc- adam and otherw lt‘ im rovms n! Centnl av- enue in the City of HVghl Park. tram it. lnteroectlon with the cut line of Green street thence west to the westerly citv limits of and city as a whole in accordance with the ordi- nance therefor. Said bids will be opened on the 8th day of October. A. D. 1901. at the hour of a p. m. It the oll'ice of the Board (il Local Immvemenp. in city_buil¢iip!. l ~n-...~n.â€"nno Bpard o! Local‘gm NOTIOE FOR LETTING BOITBAGT. "1“";ou u. u. ~. ., vvvvvv arclflcatlonsl for such Impmvemen! and blnn ls ‘ Ill be furnished I! the oflce of the Clty Cletk. in the CI!) hull. 'n... mmmom mu h} [mid in bonds which Illc (It-mu: m nu. W-Iu v- â€"~vv , . menu of the City of nghlard Put for a sum not leg: thgn él‘en (10) pelr Chang)!!! of the‘ :37 flex: 0 t e prnposl . ‘ i proposa s or bid: must be delivered to the Preuldent of the Board of Local Improvements in open session of sald board at the time 1nd place ï¬xed here. in for openln the me. No propanl or bid will be con-l red unless accompanied by a check I! herein pruvjdgd. , 4-..“-.- mannin- check as herein Bocvided The Bond of a! Improvements reserves the mm to reject any or all bids Ihuuld they dee I beat for the public qqod new: It WM mu ulc yuuub guv‘u The successful bidder will be reqmml lo furnish abond equal to Twenty-ï¬ve (25);)" centum of the Contract price of some approved 9|!th condoms ruarant'eeinz Illd- improve- ment «alum e ecu arising from poor m;- terlal or poor. workmanahlp. for l pcrlud' o! ï¬vs yemtfrom {he dfate of the compleuon an accep ance t Hen . , 'ROBERT G. EVANS. Praldent of tlie Board of Lnal Improve- A _ meats ofï¬ng City gf_Hl¢hlmd Park. lllu uuu- yu- yuâ€"w wu- oï¬ce of the City CIï¬tk. In the cit) h-II. The contractor will be paid In bonds thclI bond: will draw Interest at Ihe rate of Fm- (5) per cent per annum peAllp pnroulpflor bids mum be IccompanIed by 3 cc 'ane on th cl orderuf the PrenIdenlm _thek_ rd. of Lg?! Improve (A. u gum DatedSeptembetx'l. A. D IN! Noisce is hereby iven um man will be re. :ived for ï¬nding. (ainlng._pavjl}gynh rpm- A worthy successoa, Want Column. ' Imrmvemenu Hi8 lllnd Put. the Sun. P-l U to make room for wim propose to sell all the my Summer Stock . Call early and get you HAVE YOUR STOVE Bays: mock. PM!" AUEITIOI to ALLEN! - McDOh VOUR‘UP-TODATE HEADQUARTERS-“FM ‘h ' celled line of M and Com-co. om: STOCK --I-the been vita you to insp bargain days in A FULL LINEâ€"of SN Vegetables. Au Ee'ï¬gï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬‚ï¬n may tile 0de said Court Deï¬ne on day. Ind may up the hating and "I“ q_ _ “IR detuenoe. ~ uunuu. â€Iv-u. w .......... In aid cit . he waded. dnlned v macadlm ndotherwlulmpmved mu tenectiun with the east line of StJohns thence easterly t0 the tuteroertion o! u nvenue. with the weutetly hue of Hate. Highland Put. "L. the (mum same beln -(m ï¬le in the ofï¬ce of N Clerk Mud city and having I plied County Courtnf Lake County or an ment of the coat.- ot said Impmvement Ina tu beneï¬ts. and an uses-meat hlvlna been made return to and the tlnnlheurlna t ereon wil be had Eighth (sun day at (kwher. A. D. I! won then-«er u the businen o! a will permit. Sald uses-melt hp. abl- (Kl) mun-l installments with ate: the "tenth per centum on all loan: except the flutJrum and alter comm All Demon. dedrlmx may tile object (onion: ipom Dated iahi an. A. I). not We pity Thomas Platt. the l' lican boss of New York. He - not let Theodore Roosevelt he 6 nor of New York a second ten cause it would make him so str candidate for the presidency in Hence he insisted on making vice president. as that would 0 him for life. as a vice preeiden always a political nobody. ’ Roosevelt is president three ahead of time also, and poor Such is the irony of history. Vic-.- ....-..7, a uâ€"Nmk‘e II hércby [Iven‘tu all , lama: the City Cuuncél at (he Huhluld Pa .County 0! In» and : llllnogs. pulp; «dean! that Put a ‘4 ) .a_|....a h-.. }3 St. Johns Ave: c. I. cumuiucs. pm. on a con PECIAL ASSI-ZSSHENT NUTIC r 11â€"wa u héreby liven 107 all ‘ 0: Can J. L. Housman-lo \ 0n North Shore BIG REDUCTIG Peabody. ll- Kind progressiw din! invimtiun :- and go} my; prig' C. A. KUIST BUILE '. M. .JVANS, UP-' L( NO. '6 ( 'lCA 60. ' IN SUMMER SHOES -stockl AT COST . .Iance of .ml Avenue. LOMDAHL. .JANS want and Improved Real Estate. Eamous Cerewm Flour sad the unexâ€" pen Can (ioudamd Soul Brand To» 3, most complete in the city. llld we in- éiit as to quality and- low' priestâ€"Six zuh week. :‘x and Fancy Groceries and ughleling 8: Co. lknrbon Stu-er. f You Don’t Like ['0 Drink “Things" â€"â€"pure, double distilled WATER _ ‘lbluuc v- - H 'drox Summer Beverages are 001mg. refreshing and healthful. ()rdcr H ydrox products of lot, Highland Park. . Lake Forest. MEI ANDERSON. Lake Forest. e Hardware Dealer. LD'S BLOCK. \‘0. won. 3 0! mac. ï¬lth 1: mos Broke. NO LOANS x In- uue um- pick. "It! too. I In ald or- be m. It is always “50°d"‘ nicious" or "33¢" ore is a winner. And we exteni n‘ cor- jveryune m call..soe our elegant dock and from when? *- huportnnt um One concerns the Emphasize 00:! the health. - . Whoever the donor, if the wag purchased Digit isddkiou. ; ur goods are ect moiety way EPurekr‘i‘d‘I‘ and éxqbeukldy Iavomd' ' . very m nm 1 ugly-pat“ mun-d and all is fresh. . b caught. 4 Door- uorth 0' PW. G. a. CUMnINGS. ONFECTIONERY FROM when ....Telcphm 4b- GROCERY. ‘â€"-ncvet “Sul- Highland Purl: If. ‘ LAKE day via will b. return flip to Central thic'dq voq litl Mia! hit-pl! 0H“ m in part “Enid 01th. lately