,NS ‘andPUTUPBY 'a re Dealer. rptoved Real .» ER SHOES gT COST HL, Eggs Hintz 'etables. :tion Ladics' -; in: Company I} i I Guaranteed AGINT the exclusive this city fat the made to '1 6. Bold, SUITS EASURE AT ‘ 1901» {Richly Decorated English Pdrcelain Dinner sets Given 3 ’ Call and see us, we are always ï¬leascd to see new faces. 7 We want to extend our but 'Mr. George Kemp sang “My Old Kontuckv Home,†several songs peculiar to the negro camp meeting, and plantation melodies, to the en- joyment of all. Mrs. Brown has a musical voice, which makes Iisiening to her reading a great pleasure~and her rendering of the negro dialect is {particularly After the business session ad- journed, the Club was highly enter- tained by Mrs. T. Barbour Brown, who read soxéral seléctions from Joel Chandler Harris‘ account of the doings and sayings of “Uncle Remus.†The members of the. graduating classes of the Northwestern Military Academy, the High School and the Grammar School are invited to be the guests of the Highland Park Woman’s Club at its study classes during the current 'cluh season. They'are teguested totake part in the discussions and the boy or girl giving the best essay upon any one of the subjects before the Club will receive ï¬ve dollérs in gold, the prize oflered by the associate members. At the business meeting. convened at 2:30 p.rm.. the Club was made aware of the interest in the organi- zation manifested by one of the asso- ciatemembers. The‘attendauee. was large, which augurs well let lhe soccesa of the new year. Sixteen new members were welcomed and several guest»; of the afternoon applied for mem berehip. These facts are ){entioned toshow the growing popularity of the Woman’s Club. The opening meeting of the sea. son 1901-1902 of the Higlflantl Park Woman's Club was held Tuesday. October 1, at L'ibrary Hall, mmh was prettily decorated for the ac casion with autumn leaves and wild flowers. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB. Given away free with our cash sales. You can get piece by piece, get any piece you want. The set consists of Cups and Sat :rs, Dinner Plates. Breakfast Pla‘es, Pie Plates, Sauce Dishes, Platters. Vegetable Dishes; Pitchers, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls. Teapots, Spooners :n fact everything that goes with a fine set of Dishes. ' ‘ ~ / ' Save our coupons. Bring them to “and we will givesypu' crockrry for them. You pay less for your goods here than any plm in town. and “ proï¬t sharing scheme. Our object is to make this store the most popIIIJ trading plum in town: We ask your assistance in making it no: Exmnim- e H I G H L, [61X 1‘51 1.) 1313;}? LR FREE! A. Beat1t1f11l Dilimer Set! The pattern is a flower and scroll design of r Ire beauty, elegant and tasteful in color executien. It In lavish}, ï¬nished with In fact it is the most' beautiful patter) of FlNE- DECORATED PORCELAIN that has ever been imported lror EUROPEAN POTTERIES. The culu a the fashionable “DRESDEN PEARL BLUE " News-Letter (Oflicer a ointed to make said. ass“ ~ l_)lted_ {hland Park. Illinois, >: SPECIAL A815 ISSMENT NUTIIL‘E NU. 73v\'otice is hereby given to a l 'nersons interested that the City Council of t‘m- City of Highland Park. County of Lake and State of Illinois. having ordered that Paul: avenue. in said City. be graded. drained :ned with macadam and otherwise improved mui its in- tersection with the east line of SLJOh_'Ir~ avenue thence easterly to the intersection‘oi mid Park avenue, with the westerly line It Ravine Place. Highland. Park. “L, the ordinance for same bein on tile in the ol’hce o’ the City Clerk of sa (1 city. and having 3 pl ed to the County Courtof Lake County or 3‘! assess- ment of the costs of said improvemt-n' accord- ing to beneï¬ts. and an assessmt-I ‘ thereof having been made and returned to «1 Court. the. hurt] hearing-thereon will be i '1 on the Eighth (8th) day of October, A. l) 1 I01, or as soon thereafter as the businesg 0‘ 'he court will permit. Said assessment is pay i.‘ 2e in ten (IO) annual installments Wllh i- {west at the menâ€) per centum on all irstullluents except the ï¬rst. from and after cm: “matron. All pertains desirin may tile ohm.- *tions in said Court before sai day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense .‘ , JAMES H. I)“ In our slylv of climate. with i2~ sml~ den changcsuf temperature-wrath. viml and smmliim-Anfleu interminglwi in a single (lu3'r~it. is no wonder that mu- childrou. friends and relatives we su frequently taken from ll by nogH-cted colds. half the deaths resulting from this causv. A bottle of Busch-u Ix (lor- man Syrup kept about your hum: for immediate use will prevent St‘l'iu‘ls sick- ness. 8 large doctor's hill. and pvvhnps (191“th the use of three ur {Oll"1l()ï¬t‘s. For curing Cuusumptiun, Hemorv-l' ages. l’neumonia,Ԥevvrc Caughs. Cmup. or any disvasc of the Throat or Lungs. its success is simply wundvrful, in your druggist will tell you. (let. a «maple bottle from G. B. Cummings. livgular size, 75 cts. Get Green‘s Prize Almanac. ‘ ‘ 'Lr-SF-ll Makes nssimilnticm perfect. h-uu‘thy blood, ï¬rm mum-ks. strung T:L‘V‘V(‘b. Quickenskhe brain. mnki-s and km-ps yuu wrll. “rent medicine. ’R'cky Mountain Ten. . 350. Geo. B. I'um- mingv. ('g-iz'.’ After adjournment, tea and waft-:3 were served Mcsdaniea’ W, B. \\ bite and Royal Davidson presid- ing at the tea tables and 'get quick retu: i Advertise in the SOMETHING THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. A Gentle Hint. Given Away With Our Cash Sales Free! Well cooked food served On neat and attractive dishes , makes home pleasant and cheerful. Ben Goldberg, Manager. :mem.) member THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWSiETI‘ER. If? The Bring; your Job Printing ‘0 the NEWS-LETTER ofï¬ce. ‘ Telephone furnishes communication direct from your residence to the physician.- I-t is worth its cost alone to know that the doctor is inmzedialeb/ accessible. In case of accident . or sudden illness what a relief it is to hear the doctor say: "I will come a! once." SPECIAL. Residence Rains. 5c. per day and .- Chicago Telephone Company. ’ C. T.FORD, Mgr. FREE! ngbllnd Pnrk. Ill Vine Avenu, FINE LAUNDRY WOR ~ DO ESTIC FINISH Qw- Specialty SHIRT WAISTS WD FANCY SKIRTS as they «odd be done. We are also prepar I to handle your Family Washing carefully a d at very rcasonablcprlccs W'est Central Ave. We want to extend our business a F‘I‘esl" Iiggs. ,.: Poultry and Long C ove Creamery Butter. All the Latest On IMPROVED HIGHLA D PARK REAL ESTATE in Sums of SI, )0 and Upwards.» MONEY ’ “O LOAN AT I PER GIESER BROS. “EAT MARKET. EDGAR M. RELIABLE S Magnesia Spring Water ï¬rmed Fresh Every Duy. We bring our prodc direct from the farm and can deliver to y always fresh. Weaimtohandleo rthebestandfrahat. lOl WASHINGT' N ST., CHICAGO. MRS. BOCK’S, Groce es, Vegetables and F uits on the Market and Finest U céNT EAM LAUNDRY ‘ JR GOODS THE BEST. Phone 403. AIR 13"" "w «7' rim!" ‘0 yoo‘: fl“ I I x pan-M caudally for coupons. i will guarantee satisiactioc old. the l90| FREE! Highland Park.