woon ALCOHOL. , 'mmum-mwmnmn § . RAFFEN a: BAKER. f Coal. Building flate’rial, * ‘ and Ice. ' ). HARRY . PM- All kinds of Lamps and Fixtures in dock. Bell work and Private Tel- ephones a Specialty. 1W0, ‘ the undersigned. do hereby acme to tafund the money _on a fro-cent, bottle of Greene’s Wax-ranted Syrup of Ta- if it fails to cure your cough or cold. Wealso guarantee a 25â€"cent bot- tle to we satisfactory or money re- fund . Gunter; B. Camanms. a FEED W. Scumucunn. Put Ave" One Bleak West of the depot GLENCDE. HIGHLAND PARK, :â€"-â€": 'ILL. “mam. GASOLINE. nsxzma. LINSEED 01L. TUBPENTIN E, NEATSFOOT 01 L, BICYCLE OIL. SEWING MACHINE OIL, IACHINB OILS, AXLE GREASE. Another ridiculous fo‘od lad lias been brandod EH] the' moat competent auth- critics. ey Slave dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food isrneeded for brain, another for muscles. and still another tor bones. A correct diet will not on] nourish a particular part of the y, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed byindigeation‘or dyspepsia. You must. prepare for their appearance or prevent. their coming by taking regular doses of Gmn’a August Flower. the favorite medicine of the healthy, millions. A Telephone 07. P..O. Box 807. HIGH BBADE OILS MID BASOUIES few doses aids ldigestfon, stimulates the liver. to healthy action, puriï¬es the blood, 3nd makes you ~fee1 buoynnt and vi‘ You can get D110. G. Green's ’rc uble remedies at G. B. Cummings'. Get Green’s Special Almanac. 03-11-25 FIRST ST.. NEAR CENTRAL AVE. fag-onus:- Hotel lngleoide. HIGHLAND PARK Lumber. Coal m Building Material. ext-ammo. “-2.123 “ . .C ROGAN. ...:Oflic¢,2€8Ccmn1Avmuc.... Telephoneâ€"No. 79. DR FRANK M. INGALL‘S GLENCOE HOTEL. Oflce and Y3!!! h Lumber Did" . W. BYSONG Whoa-ak- and Retail Dulcr in HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. A. ROBERTSON. DR. JAMES WATSON. man-mt. TELEPHONE NO ...... Whit.“ BflIfl-FOOd Nonsense. DRECKAYE. a Manual 0. DZNTIS T, A Card. HIGH LAND PARK. Tuuuox: 213 BAGG-AGE H hndPut. moon. 5!. Join; Avg. IIIBSE To! 31. We have no (I offense, but was the propriety of ' aside their ciga ‘ to their phones girls†up at the e tivated and reï¬n towhom the in [guy he very oife ‘ Ire to giv‘e any ï¬sh to suggest tlemen laying before they go ims our “hello ’,=hange are cul- .yoqhgladiea, ‘ of the weed, Slum, down at 1e truth of the , =~ge town is all Trofessor Pe Evanston, denies bible, and that c stirred upover th j utter; Thnl’a nothing; only full 3 ing out to its logical results the {reed of his de- nomination, whic f proclaims its faith is falling fr grace. Pro- fessor Pearson is .nly practicing what they prea . If. he can stand it, the biblel :a'n’. Don’t be alarmed; the bibllul s not hurt. We understand‘f‘ghat the plan is to have the kaiser’ fpmther, Prince Henry, visit the took yards-and. other important was during'his visit to Chicago. 4: (at us suggest that the city cot}; cil invite him out here and shoï¬i'him. our city police courtroom, §ithythe “pens.†etc. This ’wonl ; L new ideas 0f hdm Qt‘istering justice in thiq great wbr power country of ouis.‘ ' i ' n.“ once made a wag) to vault over a pole so many . make doubly mu“? he went of} nearly a mile an fan irith all his might to within .2. e rods of the pole, when he saé down on a log for half nn‘hour at: :1 rested before his ï¬nal effort Dur aldermen are sitting on the-é 30g. . .- i j ' Don’t concludail but the adder- meu are doing‘ .othing because you don‘t heat 1‘ great racket around town, a young fellow l l The recent "'ption and ban: {quet given by } leading elecâ€" itricians of the intryï¬o Signor :Marconi in hon of hisfwireless telegraph); has flocal interest. In his speech loni said he had the secrecy of station where r : hearers seemed greatly pleased with his statemenfl Commenting on the: signor’s 1" h the New York Post calls ' fact'tlmt our own 1 Gray made the; .: {e discovory as long ago as 18 . Perhapsthe scientiï¬c world : ‘1 1' iii due time come i0 recognize. ability and wort of electrical inve .. on. in the domain Wm Enacted at the Pow we at Highhnd M a second- clu- nutter f? Advunfllc rm; no" on W- n "mm Park ' . ~ SheridanRoad f ubï¬shing Co. A. E. Douay, ' N mamas! cw:- H P! Publhhed every Ffld: Mama I: Ruh- WPHk.IIL.IndV?’ neth.1fl..bytbe Tamika} gunk-drug. TERMS n. ' a van “.50 IF PAID ADVANCE FRIDAY, 1 .‘m 3 1w... (xxcon pun.) ounl L 24, 1902. l Cantu! Avenue. Manager. THE SHERIDAN But over on Carlan’a farm bet- ting is the thing. There is nothing else, we are told, except an open and well patronized bar. And gamblin ianot only the bus- iness of the nee, but its purpose is permanent, seven days and nights in the iveek and ï¬fty-two weeks in the yeQ', as 139 are in- formed. The Gazette learns that everything is qni_ V and orderly there. But honl 1mg will that be 50? "Let it run all winter as it is said to run now, quiet. Nu Lake county people allowed near- it, or Within-its incloaure. When spring and suuuner oomes; what would happen? 'Everyhody knows the. varied forms of vice which natur- ally and inevitably gather about such a place. Perhaps not on that identical‘ acre, but there are ether acres near by. ' ‘ Besides the moral odor of and) a place would contaminate the whole of Lake county from Bar- rington to Benton, Zion included. It would put in peril almost every home in our county and be a perpetual. temptation to our young, the students in our schools and colleges, and give Lake county a black éye, throughout the . country. Nothing of the kind can be said of‘ the betting over on‘the fair grounds for a couple of days.. . “LOGICAL mole. , Monday’ s Wining“: DailyGu- matte devoted a opinion and 3 half of its 22 inch Column to these- cnlled “gamblag hell†out west on Carlsn' s innit It domhol’de- food the plough“ it says. the ?Citizens"lleagno‘ to be consistent should go for‘f‘the county fair managers for allowing b'etting, etc., on its races fair week. We have no desire to restrain the committee respectuig gambling at the fair, or gambling anywhere else. But the Gazettes logic is lame, very lmne in fact It as- sumes that betting on the in} races and this new institution are parallel, and then hurls logic at th‘e committee. The committee will take care of itsell. But that, logic. If the Gluette’s parallelism was correct, ill logic would lonnd. But ‘tlie' cam are , momgltallel thslids;d trinu'gk. The-m: hflting- H66 for only a couple of days, and is only an incident of the flit. Hundreds of people, yes thous- ands of people go to the fair who never think of boiling. They go to see the labor, the "boss trot" included, but no betting, That is all. The belting, gambling if you will, is but an incident, and we dislike and disapprove of it: in toto. ‘ 1 Wad not Rey. Hardin rather rough on Profeï¬or Pearson at Evanston when he said in Mon- day’s ministers’ meeting, “This man ought to be skinned, tin; hide salted and nailed upon the bum door. †Of what earthly use is such unbridled‘talk' as that ? Chicago clans lo be the liter- any canto: of the country. When Boston mad: the following from Monday’I‘Daily News it will give up 1116: contest: _ Thu. studs!“ In {be college play Hod poise and nerve and will; He kissed a girl from 13an And didn‘t have I chill. ' thatled Carth to oherve’ of the people of Great Britain: “Forty millions; mostly fools." > NEWS-LENER. Telephone l [2. - Delivered in Time for Breakfastat 6:30 Hot Rolls, Fried Cakes, Bread 9f all Kinds. All the Latest Wel‘t Central 'Ave. _.__â€":_MT_ W:Af..__.â€"9!â€" sax; Mt oi light fmm any ' other luminant. Wewillgladlyï¬xmishatimata of costof wiri'ngsothatyou a mayknawthe expcngbdorccommmangdu'wcrk. What You Can Have Highland Park Electric Light Co. TELEPHONE 50]. Eelctr‘icity NOERENBERG 6: HINTZ 0! Care J. L. “gluon-g. Win-91. 0» North Shore Vacant and Improved Real Estate. loI.Pricos Fresh Stock courteous 1mm GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ‘ine line 0! Cute: always on hand. car, the most oonptetc Stock at We and Fun, Peabody. lloughleling 8: Co. ‘ MRS. BOCK’S, [2. Next to door Postoffice. flu-ls Servedatall "unl- Rm WEST CENTRAL AVE. BUILDING LOANS ELHWOOD CAFE Groceries, Vegetables ~ and Fruits on g.the Market TELEPHONE 651 To be found in Highland Puk. N0. M4 Dentur- Sue“, Md Fineset lee Chan) and Soda drinks I speak“; CHICAGO. Highland Park. HI I’R‘ FI l’ri Ed! Pd Jot