ltebruh Bulk Suspendn. Bellwood, Neb., Jan; 28.â€"â€"The Platte Valley State bank closed today, and in in the hands of the state bank exam- lner. The mavens!†has caused much ucltement. A. H. Gould, cashier. is un- der arrest charged.wlth forgery. HeKinley Memorial. Exercises. " Des Moines, 13., Jan. 28.â€"The sen- ate and house committees ap- pointed to arrange a program for a. suit- able memorial for the late President McKinley reported this morning the fol- lowing program and the same was adopted by both houses. The exercises will beheld at 3 o’clock tomorrow after- noon in the hall or the house or repre- sentatives, tomorrow being the anniver- sary oi the birth of McKinley. The program is as follows: Call to orderâ€"Président of senate. Prayerâ€"Dr. A) B. Marshall. pastor Central Presbyterian church. Music-"Lead. Kindly Light." Addressâ€"Governor A. B. Cummlns. Dissolution of joint convention. "It is one thing.†retorted Senator Spooner, “to km men with arms in their hands against the government and against the flag. It is mother to burn them." Teller Bel-ea Storm. Once when Senator Teller taunted the Republican senators by declaring they knew the statements made in the recent Manila dispatches in which Gen- eral Wheaten was represented as criti- cising the opponents oi! the govern- ment’s policy in the Philippines were true. halt a dozen Republicans were on their feet in an instant. ’ Lodge Challenges Statement. Senator Lodge. at whom the taunt seemed to be aimed particularly, hur- riedly croeeed from his seat to the mnln aisle, and, white to the lips, passionate- ly challenged the statement of the Col- otado senator and demanded that he withdraw it. Senator Teller so modi- fled the statement that further hostili- ties at that time were averted. knee Problem Interjected. One of the sharpest colloquies of the seeston was between Senator Spooner of Wisconsin and Senator Tillman of South Caroline. The race problem, in- votrln'gthe lynching at the negroea mu; 1 W into the controversy and me; use wand by both come ot the colloquy Senator Specie:dielaled thetitthe sune rule} were to be thrilled to colored people in 1 the Philippines as Senator Tillman re- 1 ferred to in the South, then “God help the colored men in the Philippines." Sharp Colloquy. 1 “God help them in the Philippines now,†shouted the South Carolina sena- ‘ tor. passionately. “You have already it butchered in three years three times as runny as the Spaniards did in three cen- > 1: es." The senators In' their excitement seemed for the moment to have forgot ten th’e subject or the debate. Davenport. Jan. 30;â€"â€"The third great ï¬re to visit the city within the past eight months came Tuesday and de~ strayed a portion of the plant of the Bettendorf Axle works, causing a prop- erty loss close to $100 000, and almost equally serious damage in loss of time to the plant and of wages to the em- ployee during the time the factory Will have to be comparatively idle, await: ins completion of repairs. Taft Goes to Washington. Cincinnati, Jan. 28â€"Governor Taft of the Philippine islands left fox-Wishing- ton thls evening. He goes to consult with the president *nd the secretary of war and furnish in ormatlon regarding the Phllllppines necessary for further legislation for those islands. Flames Destroyed a Large Part of SERIOUS FIRE AT DAVENPORT. Washington, Jan. 28.â€"'rhe anmp- pines were the storm center in the senâ€" nte today for nearly, three hours, but the debate was devoid of deï¬nite results. At times it looked serious, and the specta- torn 'ho thronsed the gaiieriee watched it with breathless interest. Acrimony in senate debates is not frequent, but it has been years since there has been such a hurricnne of bitter vituperation, persona! taunt. ugly charges and un- modiï¬ed criticisms as was witnessed Not since the discussion at the res- olutions leading up to the'Hispano- American war have there been scenes the like of which occurred in the senate today.- Even that debate lacked the personal bitterness manifested at times today. Irritation was amused on both sides. and once or twice personal on- countera between senators seemed im- minent. mow PARK : Sheridan Road News-Letter. ; WAN ROAD raw-mus 00- Suntan Around to A1180? by Tennis and remand Encounter-i for Time Seem Imminent in Chamberâ€"But Problem a. Futon PHILIPPINEDEBATE IN THE SENATE MARKED BY EXTREME BITTERNESS the Battendorf Axle Works in That City. inn-tonal Bitterness Dilp‘luyed. ~The 'Philip‘ ILLINOXB of King George of London, Jan. 27.â€"I§H(’§§ptchener an- nounces from John [mgfggrg that Co!- " itjiloers on Sat- -} . or Splukop. Peoria. 111., Jan. 27.- St. Francla‘hospitnl‘ 000, will be dedicat â€".: lug. Right Rev. Job op of Peoria. will de 5% e address. ~ 1 Peorl'a. 111.. Jan. _â€"é’, 0 new Corn- ing distillery. outsld :h rust. will in- crease its capacity A 1, bushels to- morrow to 4,000_bus 1:18‘ Beet Sugar Gimmvonyt » Washington, Jan. ..â€"-â€".W L. Church- ill of Buy City. Mic ‘ chairman of the beet sugar delegatio . f thst state, m ‘procity committee today. He declared 4:18 real issue was between the Sugar t t and the domes- tic producers, und've reused conï¬dence that congress would t its influence on the side of the trust. w Senator. . 38. â€"The two Ire met separate- New Jonoy’l ;:" Trenton N. J., " houses of the 19315! ~- ly today and vot=27 on the United States senator-ship. . i-e election re- sulted in a. strict rtlgf vote, u to:- lows: Senate. John ‘ . “:r den. Repub- liéan. 17: Congreuk'an McDermott, Democrat, 4: H 2:13Den, 46; Mc- Dermott, 14.. 4 tional Retail Groce ‘izssoclation adopt- ed a resolution this Evening indomirg the passage of a natii a] pure food law. 3) Drowned Wool! and disapproved of {E poet legislation. D fins the afternoon papers of interest :3) the association were read. A ' 4 Chicago, Jan. 28. ~urea people were instantly killed and our lerlously ln- jun-ed by a Mlchlm'xlentnl train at a crossing at Waist Hz r‘nnond, Ind., this afternOOn. The day! are: MRS; MARY POL 13:. JOSEPH BOIJEK. JOSEPH SWISGAS’. The party were hi a closed can-lags and were retuynln; y: m_ a. funeral. The cnu §9hul lullâ€"u nun W â€"' drivereschped unini" Victoria, B. (3., dication now pain : ‘o the ions of the British slop of war, :‘ndor. carrying 0. crew of 130 men an omcers. She ten Vancouver for Hon-‘_ulu on December rd of since. On 3 and has not bee , December 6 the Ir an: of Ahousett picked up portion: at I boat-bearing the brass letter 0% nd other marks identifying them ‘ belonging to the admiralty of Eng“; -'. The lighthouse keeper at Cape B 1 found a chrono- meter ‘and go|d Waigx of English put- “I tern. Three Persons 1m: ("d by TH West Hammer: ‘3: Indq Wk Returning tr "1 Inner“- nun DOWN Ari-"A caossma National new] 9 rs’ Auochtlon Give; It: I mment FAVORS A 911% #000 LAW. Milwaukee. W15.,‘§§xn. 2§.TThe_N§o F" :: Boston Am0d0% v "wank“ Inn #953 Catholic Hospgégil flgdlcgtion. .0 the loss of the :5 ndor. carrying I =ofllcers. She ten L111: of Ahousett f a boat burial nd other marks belonging to the The llghthousé man nnd Bad. and the instruments of most of the students were amend and about 20 cadavers, which were on the dissecting tables. were burned. The ï¬re started in the crematory in the hue- ment. The loan 1| 8300.000. Minneapolis, 1mm, Jan. “â€"1110 untomy building 1t the University of mnnuom wu gunned by m tn- day. TlgoJllgmieg 9t Protease" Era- , ,_A~ -3 Street, Aueumentt Legal. Washington, Jan. 2.â€"The United States supreme court has decided the ease of A. N. King nnd'others vs. Port- land. Ore. It 171: brought to mtrnin the'enforcement ot_the state improve- ments as a. violation of the fourteenth amendment to the constitution, but the court held that under the construction of the Oregan supreme court the conten- tion is not Justiï¬ed. The court “firmed the decision of the Oman court. which unstained the useuments as legal. Isthmian Canal Sub-Committee. washinxton, Jan. 27.-â€"The senate Isthminn canal committee today ap- pointed a sub-committee consisting of Senators Morgan, Foster (La), Turner. Pritchard and Kittridge to prepare a report on the legal points involved in the altar of the Pnnnma company . Kentucky Into Decision. ' Washington. Jan. 27.â€"â€"The supreme court today rendered a'decision in the Kentucky case involving the validity of section 218 of the constitution of Kentucky, prohibiting a greater charge for short than for long hauls on the railroads when the longer haul involves the question of interstate commerce. The opinion holds that the provision as thus applied is void. Washington. Jan. 21â€"- The house adopted a. resolution calling for docu- ments relating to the old tmnlng ship Vermont vhlcn was pinned out of com- mission last summer, and ulso passed a bill to provide for the compulsory u- tendunce ot vitae-ea before registers and receiver: of the general _hnd omce. The hm to appmprhtc 8100000 for establishing homen for the teaching or articulate speech to dent children m defeated. ‘ A The house adjourned today until Wednesdny. [inns-oi. Educationd Institution Springï¬eld All hunt. Springï¬eld. IL, en. 27.â€"1t 1| 8 below here. the coldest of the winger. The mercury hovered ebout zero ell day. sun runs; u mom... La Cm. W. ‘Jnn. 31â€"1: in 15 be- 10'th Julia; UNIVERSITY BUILDING BURNS. Bore Blat- ln Northvelt. St. Paul. Mint, Jen. rteâ€"Every pas- senger train was tron) one to at: hours lateâ€, while the coat tutu were 12 to 16 hours late. The latter trains met the severest storm In the Northwest. and were not only delayed by the snow. but by n exceedingly low temperunre which made it Impossible to keep up a full heed of steam. Burlington, 1:... Jan. 21â€"“ was 16 below this morning. the coldest of the One deal: l: reported here u a result of the cold. Them,o body of Sarah Behring colored, was found dead in bed In a. shed of West me street. Several per- sons overcome by the cold were cued for by the pollen. All over the me Superior country trains were dolnyod and atreet our: were practically out of husineu. South- ern Illinois and Indium report a ruined fruit crop and damaged wheat. From Michigan came the old cry of a. peach crop destroyed. It is expected there will be a number of rename. olong the south shore of Luke Superior reported. PHILANTHROPIC PLAN BEATEN Henna Punt! Providing for Corn- pulsory Attendance of the Wit- ness inland Cues. Chlce'xo. Jan. :7.-The coldest todey weight below at 8 I. m. Tonight the temper-stare was 4 below and wee hu- lng slowly. Cold weather 15 promleed for tomorrow, end slowly modes-hung temperature a»- Wedneedhy. The moot severe conditions wnlxht existed In the Lake Superior reglon. where the tem- perature ranged 8 to 12 below 3116' the wind blew a. we. , ' At Housman. Mich" the_ storm in deâ€" clu-od the worn: within u generation. It was 10 below, and the wind blew 30 miles an hour. At Sault Ste Marie, for the ï¬rst t 9 this winter. it was found impoeaib to run ferries acres: the straits of aluminum BOREAS [IN HIS TOUR HE mm m WEB-ATV“ m m wan: Chicago Indly Treated by the Win- try King, but in tho Northwest no Constantly lament: the White Ian’- Bnrdnnâ€"Trdnl D0- _ luyod by Galen uni Banks of Snow Aâ€"stories Told by the Win. Burungton’l Coldest Day. Swept by Plum: W1: own no“! L0“- mannmlu. Dunn" ha. nâ€"Wh-câ€" Cash. 16: In. 7‘95: July. 76. On m. N. 1 had. 76: No. 1 Northern. 70; No. 3 ‘v-_.|._ In Eartha-II. 78. St. Louis. Jul. aâ€"Catuoâ€"Rocciptl. no head, The market wu steady. Boot nun-footers. 3:004. : 00'. on. man; manâ€"nun]a M. m pa. . Tho lur- tetra nonhuman-mum“ 1W _ ' 1nd clou' ‘ud w Others managed. . u' .“ " it"sâ€"Tho mu“ was mad I Poultryâ€"The mm m ulna.» â€4"“. keyg. 0011*; chug-up, 100. WW Clue-(o. Jan. nâ€"Bunerâ€"Tho mum wan satay. cm. m; m, Hogsâ€"The week's receipts amount to nearly 35.000 head min-t 185.019 head last wag-k. With enumted receipt: 0! 17.000 head and 6.“ hand can-led ovu- lut night. trade Wu made leave this mommy at stronger price. till the but offering! selling I to 10: higher. Heavy. 341004.50; light.; mind. I." ‘40. “ Sheepâ€"Tho week'- recolpt- mount «a thou: lilo he“ Quinn! 30.88 Md Inn week. Wlth ecu-nod receipts of 2.0. head today. then In 3 m:- demcna u uncMnted uric-I. Sheep. mmâ€; luau. “W-l ‘ Chimp nu ltoek. . Chlpeto. Jen. uâ€"Cettleâ€"‘l‘vo hundred head or thereubouu were received why. They were Inferior In quality. and at n low pnee rem. Only 57,000 head mutated this week min“ 71.5“ heed last week. The. manner receipts mad the general run of cattle to avenge shout . c hither “an In! week. but the two extremes of lnteflor and extre choice paid no better Qood to prime steers. 8.50 @128; poor to medium. “WW stolen and feeders. 811604.“: heaters. ammo sakes. amour»: coil. “WI. can-.11:- mu-ku wu active and m. clodn; lower. my owed It “I“: but“. 6%; loin-t, u: clued. «. Clo-e on lbsâ€"IA]. m Clouonmxâ€"Cuhfl. W.. $1.70; IV" um: luv; 81.71 M shipmenuél‘louf. n can: when. ‘1! an: com. 74 can: ecu. no can. ' BeEIlprll‘loui. . an; when. S can; cm. a an: outs. m an. Cornâ€"The market opened not!†and ï¬rm. but cloned dull and lower. I“! owned at m; huh-t. m; lov- «Laï¬gclond Imï¬ > Thu. Boy. 3m to Death. Ardmore, I. T.. Jul. 27.431300. Will. hm sud Pink WM, three colored hon. and 10,16 and 17 respectively. um burned to dud: last night In t In which destroyed char father's homo Chic-co. Jan. ï¬â€"F‘lourâ€"Tb'e W m dull an! M. Winter um. $1.04. on; umchu. $1003.80; um puma. “m0; uni-bu. ï¬lmlz bakers. 81802.70; , Woodnrd, who 15b hid mm bob the murderer of Short! flicker of Cu- Wheatâ€"There vu I modénle true. tho mute! belng um and clodnc m. I“, opened at m; highest. m; love-t. 78: cloud. Mt. Lead. 8. 9.. Jul. fl.â€"-Plre partly do- stmed the Christ WI church [at night. min; and-n to the extant of 85.000. The pipe organ m mind. The hunting in insured. p815. wm, m mm m: Moon. 13 miles west at Billing. and brought to thin city. Hotnpoltl. 111., Jan. 27.â€"wmuu P. Brunet. the out maiden: of lieu-wo- II. and for many yarn I leading am- clar or Southern Illinois, and hen duh waning. Xllbank. 8. 0.. Jul. 21.â€"â€"Hon. David Bumble, one of tho oldest Intact"! the northern part at this m. died to- day of npoplexy. While 3 Inside: of Edmund: county be m for tour your county treasurer ad med m mm In the loci-Inna. any City. Mich, Jen; 27,â€"A are In West Bay City tonight destroyed the ohm of the Gnu-p luumturlu con- muy end nleo 1.500.000 feet of out lum- ber-ma uveuunotlon. Thl‘rty an were 1150 burned. Tho loot-1. 878.. w"Secretary Hitched m forwarded a letter to Suntan! B. Dole. govemor’ 01 Run". lntlmt flat in governor's reclamation In . Covet-nor Dale'- term of ones will not expire rung" lay. nest Berwln. “graph Onnpuw Pro-taut. Clllllblll. 0.. Jul. 1.-Herbert D. Ben- nett. president of the American. Illinois ud National Dbtrlct felon-nah cop- pullu. died sudden, in this city may of heart disease. “ed 84 you-u. Dan; for W- Won. Washington. Jul. Itâ€"Tho Post to- morrow will Iâ€: LATEST MARKETS BY WiflE. Winn LIFE couase nun BLAZE IN WEST BAY CITY. Allmd Inï¬ltrat- Captured. ï¬n Search. 3 Church. It. Loni! Liv. Stock. Sonti: Dakota Plano-r- lune-pout Gum Chicago Gum. uni ll ruins thrombi]! Narnia-"t: night, Report: indium tint tho‘lo- of live stock will be navy. :- not only but the teaming-m tu- but" am. AlltnlnadnotmmthoWOtm tron three to seven hours nu. la» “pet-nun was". In thi- clty M 21?.“ n m: Inch. 0! not in. en. F‘rom’ the depot Admin! and In. Schley veto driven through «no.» untivo throng to their m gt the Auditorium Annex. At 1! ti. admin! 17:. given bmktut by “I ascend†wmmlttee of the W lab. Snow Flying in Eli-ding M and Temper-stun Ming Id" Chicago, Jen. airâ€"Beer Add!!! and In. Schley arrived in m todnyet9:aou.m.,mdmm with tumultuou- uoclelm tro- tho.- nnde of people who crowded the depot end named the nutty streets. The M'- . mm here In the culmlnntiou at 0-0- station In his halo: which or curred ell don: the route tn- We‘- lutou. At the depot the M II greeted by I. delegation tron a. city council. and 1 company of and veteran or the Civil Inn. Alder-II Fowler presented a. lot of mandala extending heerti'elt welcome on II. but of the city council. Schley m not at South ‘ by s delenuon representing tho any and the Hamilton club, when M the admlrll will be during M. my hens. yhlch and: Tueldu mint. BLIZZARD SWEEPS NEBRASKA. l ChichO. Jm. zs.â€"m mun: Schley todty thrice Godard ho MI no Intention of alluring panda. Hi. I.- wks m anew to not-u nu u all time the political smbium nu tome of his admiral! â€WI! for his. He said am no clue. how M. would tempt him to Milo an law which the people or am may have expressed for him. min}! P. Adm "cum W“ W"- jmd then met. his annular. Am. to whom he was man-lad but New†7.3mm the flu other â€W- “A: St m enlisted In the [guilt â€I! I"! m sent to o Pthâ€- ‘1‘" M heard from in: m; mmm hb father mum . I“ W “I‘- wn†In which he .11! he hid m magnummumnmmm account: mums 02“â€."5‘0" Ior wu Modcboutflnmm Mluflu’rletmofthhdthm now nthahomobmm hhlsnotdlvorcod. Dr. Williams, the coroner's mullahs. who attended the “topâ€. The I“ d his evidence was tint the lung: woo congested, tint this was due to the il- iuiuion of come uncou- Irriunt; .1 ant chloroionn would have vrodoccl such condition of the Inn. Ho low aid that pneumonia. could product it. some condition. hm lurk Trill. New York. Jan. 21â€"150 neon! h! of the trial of burnt Patrick. use“ of the murder of hummus Blot. brought“ uptonpolntvhcoun am of death m sought to I. m- mined. The am Vitu- M- cu- une Introduced by the pro-mm! F. GREAT DAY FOR THE IOWRAL MoWnId-dm woman-twang menu. Emma mum: WIFE uuomnxa T0 sumo: m A cchso HOTEL. Omaha. 3011?)“. §.â€"A m but â€parent good ï¬ï¬ Ziegler Jaw 'u «mm in Am t M1?“ 9'1“} ““199 baton be!!! (C count†mve t mint“ 1!: whicl unu- 19.1 man theme! eel “1731 nit-.81 cl m.