palm Coal, Building Material ....and ice..;. All kinds of Lamps and Fixture: in Stock. Bell Work end Private Telephones t Specillty. um 0mm leis-Lute! (mm. rm 92 J. C. ROGAN, Electrical Construction Ofï¬ce in. . .. D. c. PUBDY 85 SOIS’ HARDWARE STORE We, the undersigned. do hereby to refund the money on a. 50-wnt bottle of Greene’s Wmnted Syrup 0! Tax-if it. fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a. 25-cent bot.- tle to rave satisfactory or money re- (nude: ' GEORGE B. Ctmmxes. FRED W. SCHUMACHEB. whmcs‘axe and Retail Dealcr In ............ HIGH GRADE OILS and GASOLINE flighlamLEark, .lll. Kerosene. Cssoline. Benzine. Linseed Oil, Turpentine. Neltsfoot' Oil, Bicygle Q'il, Sï¬ying Machine Oil. I Mmhinc Oils. 'Axlc Grease WOOD ALC,OHOL Bring your Job Printing to the NEWS-'LETTEB ofï¬ce. .HNHLNHUHHOH/Hm H40. mm 2â€"O:P>ZU _v>â€"~_A. FF. Another ridiculous food tad has been branded by the most competent auth- orities. Theyhave dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain. another for muscles, and still- another for bones; A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearunce or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green 3 August. Flower, “the favorite medicineof the healthy millions. A few dome aids ldigestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, puriï¬es the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get D220. 0. Green’s reliable remedies at G. B. Cmnmin'gs‘. Get Green‘s Special Almanac. Cg-ll~25 TELEPHONE 6'7. Mice and Yards in Lumber District Ofï¬ce at Hotel Ingleside HIGHLAND PARK. : IL} a. vivruvuv Iau 18 Ofliee Hours-31 to 5 531 DR. JAMES WATSON DENTIST HIGHLAND PARK I St. Johns Ave. ILLINOIS Opp. Depot DR. E. C. KAYE DENTIST BIGBLANDI’ARK. :\ ILLINOIS MISS A. L. KUIST. : : PROFESSIONAL CARDS : : LUMBER, COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL W 73 It. Maud 8t Phone «I Raffen 6: Baker TELEPHONE 77 DR. FRANK M. INCALLS HIGHLAND PARK. ILL1NOIS NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE A. Robertson ,; Fletcher Bluck. . W. BYSONG Bruin-Food Nonsense. ....DEALER IN.... ....Dealers In TELEPHONE 34 FIRST ST. 15 mm A Card. BRAUUATE NURSE P. 0. BOX 397 ILLINOIS Telephone Phone 382 cooki Eva this ‘1 the. e show Rah there‘ we (1i breac cafe. wautl tion vote who . by El triflles ï¬nd so drove on: But shakes and stumps were too mue .his smooth shaven, child-like face ’as no match for an oak stump or th hard frozen snow and ice, and the r ' ult was,those pesky inanimate thin .1, left their trade marks on Joh ; face and scalp. By the care- ril constant use of vasaline, ‘and tint baths in' warm water and (1'1, his marred face begins to teen 1, its wanted shapliness and , . John save the trees and in Germany had rn'ore man- ners gran to assault a gentleman in Hib % like] not . meal theï¬ H ig} erent‘u th‘, see if If it you the I]?! or no; stirn we“: is f0? Advd hing ribs made known on application at H fund Park m. Enï¬du thePoï¬- Dulce at Highland Park a sec clans matter. Sheri New I Pnblhtiled every Friday morning at High- land hrk. "1.. {Ind Wlnnetkn. 111-. by the If If’ T.;1}pam No. 92, Highhnd Park; F Thinking a “double upper" i‘ 9 thing, he pljocured one and lithe beat west side hill and on see anything. in .this you do not like, lay it to :rd or Dorsey, though very { they did not write it, but it ‘ ut hurt them and they do 9 ‘ They out three square 3 day, when they. can get «They are bound to make nd Par-k n clean, honest} town, and will do it. They your to pay your subscrip- ! promptly in advance, and i; ght at the polls for men ill use the public’s money 11 and prm’kntly as they their own. p [1' in. Some way, as‘Dr. and used‘to‘aa-y of riding his I», the tr'oea, stumps, eta, per- E‘in getting in his way, but id not propose to be baffled ï¬lmâ€, FEB; 21, 1902. 'highly ~esteemed friend, John the west side tonaorial artist, . to show his athlatic skill as a g, 6116 night the ï¬rst of the {imphould not fail to go in ’9' for themselves, and sample Everything is neat as "own house, {ind Miss Haven [g woman whom, you will like. iaek. Miss Cora E. Haven is )ert cookihg teacher, and she howtocook all kinds of the -Purina » cereals, of which .rc six kinds. erdo not like the wheat foods not try them, but her barley 111 health oats are very ï¬ne, whole wheat bread which pled, was very choice, the was baked at the Emwood FINE COOKING. . .Ralston food folks have a {school or exhibit at E. M. grocery the last three days of :j hear the » NEWS-LETTER gl up some of its readmï¬s last i Glad of it; that is what it idan‘Road Publishing Co. fDonsn, - - Manager. ate: Building, 271 Central Avenue. Huhlmd Park. TERMS $3.00 PER vgan ;0 IF PAID IN ADVANCE (Inconpon‘M-au.) OFFICES : THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. } BeIdeP-You, wllL confer a. Inning favor sud receive a. reward. if you will re â€the name of dealersjrylng to 521 one. substitute for the lull-cm Med cine Co.‘s Rocky Mountain Tet. Geo. B. Cummings. Cf“ I desire to any that my record In th» general assembly in all knew and are familiar with, Ihd I pointtothut with a personal pride. If the prople of Lake county honor me again, I "feel that the experimce of the past will well quality are to protect the agricultural interests of Lake county, as Well as the interests of the work- ingmqn, to the, fullest extent, and to better serve my_party, the success oi which meunn u. quatiuuution of the- present great prosperity of the- country. ' The sky looks bluer. the sun shines brighter. n {ee'ling 0! youth Ind strength creeps over the soul utter taking Rocky Menuhin Ten made by the Madison Medicine Co. 39 cents Geo. B. Cummings. Cg-H Ofï¬ce open from 7 a. m. to 7:30 p. In. Oflice not open on Sunday. Mnil trains arrive and depart as follows ’ Sdu'm Bouxb 6:54 A, :21. received 1nd dispatched We will be thankful for any 'item of local news or matter of public in terest. Telephone No. 93 or 773. ' Trusting that you will give me your support and communicate to me anything that will be to my in- terest. and assuring, you that the same will be fully appreciated, I am. Very truly yours, ‘ GEO. R. LYON. 9: 33 I In. received and dinpuched 11:91 a. m. “ 3: 35 p m. “ 5:38 p. m. “ V 7:17 p.111.“ dispatched. Sunday mail In dispatched I“: ll p.m All mails close 30 minutes before the departul‘e 0! trains. "WANTEDâ€"Cotton tags for washing pram Will pay 2}; cents per pound. Apply-at NIWB-Lmli olflce. In -view of the fact that Lake county has thrice honored me in this capacity, and knowing that some persons may not (up; a fourth term, WAUKBGAx, In... February, 1902‘ Emron' Newsâ€"lenâ€"Dear Sir:â€" aniug decided to allow my name to again go before the republican convention of Lake county for re- nomiuation for the legislature, I take this means of personally informing you of the fact, knowing that. Il- tbough I should be pleased to do so, [may notr be able to visit all my friend; in the county. In the light of the facts, and with the full knowledge of the loyalty of those who stood faithfully by me two years ago, and because of the â€our ances of support from those who 060k little interest before, I have decided to ï¬ght out the battle along the same lines. I make this brief statement in order that thorepublicana of Lake county mayhot again be misled by unfair methods. Respectfully requesting your. ac- tive support, I beg to remain, Yours very respectfully, A. K. Sunâ€. The methods used to accomplish my defeat were of such a nature that many of the delegate. who at In the convention and \oted against me have eome and have asked me to give them another' opportunity to rectin their error. Two years sgo I was s csndldste before the republican voters for the nomination to the legislature. Dur. ing the campaign and until the con- vention met I believed, and still be- lieve, that I was the choice of a ma- jority of the republican party select- ing delegates, and of the delegates themselves. . TO MY W08: . A new campaign in about to open in Lake county. ‘7 511 mm 5:31 p. Highland Park Postofflcc. Nonm Baum» received. A W. Fletcher, P.“ Discount on all Cagh-in-Advanoe QWM O mmmm LOA YES FREE?! Purina "Brain Brvad" made Elmwood t «(C One Ian! M l' urinu Health Bread given free Ii. our store wiih every purchase uf luo packages of the following RALSTON-PURINAA CEREALS: , HE HAS TIIE IEST STOCK II HIGflUIfl PARK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. : MCDONALD S BLOCK ammo.“ 0 WW W***W*W***m* :*********************¥¥ ** An expe rt Cooking vï¬emgnswwrntor. dime: from Purim Kills. “When Purity is Paramount." St. Loni». 80. will be u the stone of. . . . - CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF RALSTON-PURINA FOODS WOOD AND COAL COOKING". STOVES C. A. KLJIS’I‘ Everything Fresh. and Prices LOW. FRUITS All] VEGETABLES II THEIR SEASIII. 50 F) e ‘ ‘ 1 K/Câ€"Bllt FEBRUARY 20. 21 AND 22. 1902 F. M. EVANS MISS CORA E. HAVEN. EEL RANGES, RALSTON BREAKFAST F000. RALSTON BARLEY FOOD. RALS'I'ON HEALTH 0515. RALSTON nommv umrs. PURINA PANKAKE FLOUR. PURINA HEALTH FLOUR. 7 During Pea-Jag: To saveâ€"â€" Free to his pawns on _Subscriptions to by the rill be uy of