rk Llin. 'itb iks ,.â€"._â€". Tww _. . _... a“. ,0.,. W gone six weé‘ks" V , Mrs. Clyde has two little nephews from Chicago spending the week with her. Humid wigs-on sunï¬sh/sis! and Its. aster, Ohhuge.‘ no an Item leordhsstetnned oconpying T B Beddoe's housihm '8’ Ghiosgn, i for the 311111111121: ‘ Elf D310 J 3:?) m " ߠ3““ ° l xiii. sens, Blythe, at Racine..th “‘ and ma. Bl we, a: Cslflomimlum“ .Jphn Onley lefltorunskegon, '0â€. the gm“ of Mrs Owlfnture. . m» ““9 "eh . Dennisiust vest. -ltnd M Herman Schroeder is recover The “on Times†couch ' Sag from his injuries. ‘ to ‘griefe Wednesday I: Miss Olive Swain returned to guard James ' . _ Dowagiac, Mich.‘,'1‘h11rsds1 35 snd costs trotting 'hi. - , Miss Beattie St. Mary s, ()nt. ., is horses over the iron bridge in viog Then miting her sister, Mrs. F. Asbury lotion of the bridge ordinance. T601189“ Miss Smith, of Madisonville,is Miss Jessie Love: of Sycamore; PMS“ still the guest of Miss Mhry Lane. 111. ,formerly principsl of the high Then 6; school here, sud who bus been improm abroad for a year, came to Glen- during cos, Wednesday, to attend the Miss Miss Blsncbe Hurford is at- ‘ tending a house party st Marlon- funeral 0‘ Blanchard Delong, who 5t I d‘ was one of her old pupils. - clnb l ette. ' __ . . . 1 . u s .- 1-:A In. wvvm,:rr, ' The Tiptons are mourning 1h 3 loss of their pet fox terrier, Tiny. the. gue‘ata of Markham B. Qtde this week. Min; Margaret Fanning r3- tnrned Friday from North Mani- tou Island. ' Mr. and Mrs. Andrey 'MéLeisM hare returned _£rom a trip to Oregon, 111. L. H Floyd and wife have gone to Fox Lake for the remainder of )the summer, < Mink Fannie . Jacobs, of West: cheater, Pa.,is visiting her brother, William V. Jacobi). Hugo Elaenberg are rejoicing‘ over the birth of a httle daughté‘r; who arrived Monday. _ Miss Elsie. Mortimer returned Wedneqday _7 from a delightful visit at Lake Geneva. ' 351mm: Orde- and bridg were Will Perry and Gordon King have returned'from 'a two weeks’ outing-pp in Wisconsin. Edward James, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs Stanley, returned to Pprtland, Ore., this week.’ Thozatork visited the home of ï¬r; and (My; Clark Warren, Wednesday, and left their: unbaby daughter. _ Mrs. George Ligare and two children left this week for Glad- stone, Mich, to be gone until '86ptember. Min and Mrs. Herman Paepcke â€â€™33; at; trotting 'h'io hoises over the iron bridge in via-t Pinion“ of the bridge ordinance. " ' ' " DC! _-__‘___ The: t content 1. nrize t: Min Jessie Love. of sycamomi Ill.,former11 principd of the high school here, und who has been abroad for a year, came (0 Glen- _coe, Wednesday. to attend the ‘funer'nl of Blanchard Belong, who has one of hei- old pupils. The happiest automobile victim yet tound 15 Charles Thome, the actor, who on Tuesday last was captured with his machine He .cheerfully and willingly went be- fore the police'magistrate, listened cautiously to said charges and gra. cionsly paid his ï¬ne of $25. ' V'Thé saddest event and nnogst‘1 shocking in weaks is the dehth of Blandhard Delong, who died Mon- day Ot‘typhbid feyer aftgxf only} _week"s illness; He was an only [9011. Rev. Moses Smith, former tiénai church, oï¬cistéaï¬i‘Tï¬Ã©' funeral Services, which were held Wednesday. The intétment ins at Rosehill,‘ ' - " Mrs. Dupee celebrated the 80th! anniversary of her birth, Monday afternoon. The gathering includ- .ed only the immediate family. Mrs. Dupee remarked that she regretted she eould not emulhte her mother who on her 80th birth- children, grahd-cbildren and great; grandâ€"children present to honbr the occasion. ' The popular concert, which wasl given a? . ‘the Congregational church Tuesday awning, uncle: the auspices otthe Y. P. S. 0:13. proved a very pleasént social affair and was largely httend‘edl ‘Tbe artists . who assisted were Mrs. James K. Calhoun, Misses VerrnarBichardson and Grace L. ‘Winter, and Frank F. Winter and D. aW. Fowler. Dr E. M. Culver, haying oom- plota'd the internship at the Llary Thompson Hoppitnl, "it THE snsmmu now Mum. : v . i ' h ‘ n - ' , » ' [Wham and Mrtammmw in. ,Suter, of Chicago, amitends to_ ‘ in 1.0100090 and. g '1‘. B. Beddoe's houaej'hiuve an , _ ii! Chi ‘ alto. phyucitn at theh'id to a mind to: chaos than tho Hon; Ruben 1unrtowohmhopeloltbrfllttnt W. {Goon of Wtukogtn. As one lfntul'e All the mt: it t chance. it)! tha leader! of the Lake county Itnd thori it no team; why the kghl Intensity} Hr Coon is well and not have “all the chance known throughoot this section. ,1in the world." His record as state senator was 1 _ oxceptiontlly pleasing to the poo- _ ,SKEEIE' [319' IS a whole. We have no doubt that, if élected, he will perâ€" form the duties of the ofï¬ce in a tair.nnd.Jmmrtial manor. 7 A There will be {women’s putting 1‘contett at 3 p- 111., Saturday, I int-ivy. fr! hm. . -â€"â€"â€"« ! There will bee'women'epntting {contest at 3 p- m., Saturday: ‘prize ta begivenu 1, There have been numerous improqutn luncheon: et Skokie ldnring the past week. ' Miss Lang-a ‘Ware. was hostess at- a delightful lunchogn qt the ch'ib Wednesday. Covers ' were laid for twelve. In women ’s semi-ï¬nale, Mon- day, Mm Whipple defeated Miss Leslie 1 up, and Mrs. Hall de- feated Mrs. Jacobs l‘up. ; wIn the boys' competition Fran~ cis Butler defeated Gardner Cope- land 1 up on 19 holes. Will Hongliteling defeated Théodore Beta 3 up 2 to‘ play. - ' ‘ThBDeLEOIid round of match play for the Hoyt cup Was postponed last Satui'day on account of the heavy rains, and it will be plgyed Dr. C. A. Wood, who lost 360 Saturday evening between Skokie and the station, is still in search fof it and hopes it will be fou‘nd by 1 some ‘one who has a "con- srii’ence.†There were lonly four entries. in thegjuniors’ 'm'atéh on Tuesday; Samuel Gmlay and John Bolte defaulted, leaving only Erid Todd aunt] flog-agar! “QI‘fgl‘qm .m‘an ‘1" play ï¬nals Tuesday. There will! be a new feature at} the qlqb Saturday {when the xï¬en’s team matehes will come off. Mr. Bradstreet’ a team to play Mr Burdinga, and Mr. Oardic’ a team to play Mr Orde’ a, Saturday at 2:15 p.111. Next Tuesday they offer‘ two‘ balls for the lowest net score, one bell for second lowest net score, in boye’ handicap match arranged by Mr. Dundee Todd, who at- ranges theJundicape each week. Balls are to be given by the club. Boys to play every ITnesday of We won. ,ll Hut: 0' Oh MM! Scnpi and 1143!: ismng old floonugpe.‘ einlty. flUN‘iESEIf , , MEXCURSIONS , CALIFORNIA ' â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"- , Great Southwest 33 FROM CHICAGO 30 FROI ST. LOUIS , _ 25 FR“ KANSAS CITY LOne' Way. second class. daily. during March and April, to SanFrancisco. L08. Angeles and othexl‘palifornin‘poi‘nts: I Kfizona points. ONE FARE PLIIS $2 RDIIID "my March {and 18A Aril 1 and 15 and 20. From Ch cago, St. Louims and Kansas City to Kansas Oklahoma, Texas. Colorado, New Nexico. Arizona and California. Corresponding rates from coat. gener- ally. Ask your home agent. ' Through sleepers and chair on: to California. over the Santa Fe. the comfortable and quick way to go. 'Write for free illusâ€" trgtod land pamphlets. . .n AA,_L1A 7312335553â€" ‘eicliiï¬ons will emblp. you so noun“ inspect the many ad- vplxt ofl homemaker-s and in-‘ western n the at. Somhwa‘ and Californ . Part. culuattention is in- vitedto irrigl’ied lgmds in Arkulsas Van 'o;,(301mdo. Pecos, and Rio Gran a valley- at New Mexico. Salt River Ville of Arizona. and Sun ‘rJqunin Vs ey of California. Wm. Witten, ""“B'éiéiif‘r‘a‘sï¬iï¬n or we Mulls». Inch 0. Sam Ft .8131:- CHICAGO . P MEET III] IILMD HOURS