SEE ; ï¬re h dram. two shutoff valves 3“ all 0 r necessary adjunct: and ‘ attachments, to be laid in Green street Meeting with the main in Green “not 100 feet north of Central avenue, Moe northerly to the mthl '01 m place in the on, of Highland k. 131.. as a whole, .in acoordahoe.with the ordnance therefor. Said bid: will he owed on the 28th da of October. A. ., 1008, at the hour 0 8 p. m. at the a.†of the Board of Local Improve- coma in City Hall Building. (Not less than 10 days nor more than 1.5 «lays i: Great Irrigated mm“ commissions: 'V'A‘J'i'ik S. F. Ry.†System ’ Gm! Norther- Banding, CHICAGO ’Botrd of Locol Ifnprovoménts of the Oltv of Highland Park: Notice is hereby given that bids will bereoeived .for the construction of a. Club-iron lawn] min wgter mp ly fly six iqchgs internal diameter, w th . A' A _ _L -_A _.- _“Iâ€"“ FINE SHOES AND RUBBERS «Central Avenue : Highland Park, m. dun 10 dnyu nor 1: from duo oinotï¬cc.) ï¬e Ipiéimdoni for such in: ve- neu and blank proposals w ll be furnished u the once of Oh Clerknf $3..“ ' Park in the fly Hall as. v ' contrgetdg wi1_1_b_¢ acid _in In- he gontnctdr will be id In In- provement Bonds which ds will my lawn the nuof ï¬vepor «dong-nun 9A.!" mm: m LETTING comm. Valley’s BLOMDAHL All prognosis or bid. must be cocoa» ‘ ponied by I certiï¬ed check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Loom Improvement of tho City of Highland Park for a. sum not lea than ten (10) per oentum of the aggregate of the propogal. Sai‘d proposals or bids must be delivered .to ihe President of the Board of Load 1m rovoments in open session of said he: at the time und plane ï¬xed herein for opening the me. No proponl or bid will be con- sidered unless accompniod by Lobeck salient! 9“?“de The 303111 of Loal Improvements reocrve the right to reject any or all bids should they deem it best for the public good. ..... IIIL, , ,_AI,A: ' “The FEM] Hdder willba required to furnish 3 bond; ear“ to “vent 4h: (25) per centum of e cont/net. p ea or! somé approved surety company ymum ] teeing aid improvement-glint detcck‘ arising {tom poor Inner-is) or workmanship, for s rind of flu yours m (15:: off 0 oompMioI and no ROBERT G. mums Preside“ of the Mo: of Loan [flyovemenu of Cityo! Highland MW 14, A. 0., 100:. 31-1 Sarita Fe THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. my. ,, ‘ V â€In: * Captain Jarvis M loud†t“; Fort Chri, Texas VDLFIJ. B. Merrill I)“ «In no. turned fu‘m Fort Riley._ “ 0.5V. Jon-I. of AW:W¢ ï¬r“ Spunky and My Itch friends ni- thé Post. Dr. H. D. Brown left Wednes- day on a two’ months' leave and will make an extruded trip through Elbe East. I Captain Bab ind Ctptliu Al. (on! have returned from Fort Riley th tipsy have been urticipqting in the army maneuvers Private John E. Church. of Company F, 20th Infantry. U. 8. A., this weak received bononble discharge from'the army. Lieixtenant J. E. DeWitt left this week on a twdweéks’ leave of absence for Washington. D. C., where he will meet friends and relatives. roar SHERIDAN.-. Mrs A B. Corey,who has been spending the past month at the Post with her son, Lieutenant J. B. Corey, returned this 'wepk to her' home. in Minneapolis, Minn. The last regular Friday night hop at thé ,Ofï¬cprï¬i club Was not so. well attended; Owing to rival attractions ‘in Lake Forest and HighlandtPark the same evening. The cavalry ball given’by 'the third squadron of the 2d ‘cavalr-y at Fort Sheridan Park Saturday evening was so great a success that they hope to give another In the near future; ' Miss Maude Hollingsworth, of: Leavenviortb, Kim, who has been WW5 I‘ura: uuuu E. Shun)" .fl!‘ Fort Sheridan Park, has returned toCbicago. where she 15 attending Miss Starrett’s Preparatory school. The football teams from Fort! Sheridan fared rather badly in thel two match games played last Sat~ urday. In the game between the Poet team and the Ravenl‘ood team the score was 11 to 6 in favnr ‘of the latter, and in the‘ Battery team vs. Kennington/ 15 mo, in favor of the latter. ‘ Several improvements are in evidence at Foét Sheridan. A new drivew'iy is beng ‘mtde through the Innervation ground. which will; connect with the ap- proach to the Fort Sheridan sta- ‘tion Ind-new boardwalk in, to h Nil-1w this numb t6 the mupm The pduï¬twt Ins been let for the mmmng of the vent wad from 056 F0“ Sher ' Lulu Mon “laugh m the On- tenth dub. than conï¬ning this lWï¬ï¬‚w . luau you property with W 8. Band. Agent. Pauli-bod room or In u? «at. Inquiu ï¬le Ltdi.’ Blunt. .‘g Wilts-hum and in no. hving t doligbflul time with friend! . in Wurr‘n. PI. » Dr. leye’e petieuu ue enxio. for lie Mum. and hope to ï¬nd lb health improved. and that he i!†eoon open up for busineee. The Lshe'eounsy Epworsh Lupe convention on Wednesdsy. while only fairly attended, passed ol m successfully and proved svgy plâ€. ant. occasion. A very m luncheon was served by the ladies and than who attended $0 scum tion more than app'ncistsd the hospitality scc'mdcd shom hy the Highwood congregstiom ' _ hire. Charles W. Kirk entertsigid at an extremely pretty luncheon I1 P- 30 sure to register before Tuudl‘y, an. October 28, it you cum to vote It to tho Nun-bot Mon. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. the Exmoor Country club, Friday, for Mine Van Schnicls. The table!†nrettily decorated ivith comet-ion and daisies, end red. heert-eheped cards, with the monogram of the hostess in one cower and the name of the gueet muted each place, and covers were laid for ï¬fteen. Our paper «icon to leek a certain completeneee thie week’ an the forms go to preee minus the Moraine column that hie aï¬cided such pleeeent bite of naive to the modem ell during the peat â€MM We miee the faithful liu E". R.- m% the Moraine that no enlivonod streets as it oboe??? bowled along in rain and algioo,on in many trip- blck and forth "to the station where it never failed to meet the incoming guest. In our ram,- L blings along the Sheridan Road thin week were painfully conscious of s sense of lonlinees. Ae‘we approached the erstwhile gsy Martino that until now has'slways greeted us with flag: flying proudly, and Viewed its lor- lornxlgesrted’sppeamos which made an feel thit a.eertein throli of lilo Ives wanting to complete this part 0! the town, which this summer he been the gay and {Morita moose ol the North Shore society user and fur. NOTICE N V01 8R8.