Board of Lobal In: mémonts o! t_he City of Highland A A When writing to the above firm kindly mention the Sheridan Road News-Letter ' ' A O â€ï¬ts-WWW 0W 0 Notice is hereby given that bids will be received for the construction of ‘a cast-iron lateral main water anppli pipe, six, inches internal diameter wit one ï¬re hydrant, two shut-off valves and all other necessary adjuncts and attachments to be laid along and under Rice street, connecting with the water main on Cary avenue, thence southerly along the center line of Rice to a point four hundred feet south of‘the mutherly line of Roger Williams avenue in the City of Highland Park. Illinois, as a whole. in accordance with the ordi- nance therefor. Said bids: will be opened gm 28th day of; October“ .fl '.‘ :01 5;?er mu- â€v . '31):- m. " v M be luau! of Local Improve- ments in the City Hall Building. (Not lebsthan 19 31mm rm: monomer! t5..«_lavs. .mmmï¬mï¬â€œ -7 Wwv' v- -W . FI‘he speciï¬cations for such im prove- ment and blank proposals will be furnished at the oflice of the C 1tv clerk of said City in thé City Hall building The contractor wiï¬ be paid in Olm- movement bonds which will draw mâ€" terem. at the ate 0! {he (5) per cent per annum The “1qu bidder will be required to furnish a bond as] to twenty-ï¬ve (25) per eentum oft. contact price of some approved surety compuny gum!» All p s or bids must beaccom- punied med check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Highland Park for a sum not less‘thnn ten (10) per oentum of the aggregate of the proposal. Said proposals or bids must be delivered to the President of the Board of Local Improvement in. open session of ‘said board at. the time and place ï¬xed herein for opening the same. No propoml or bld will be con- u‘idcred unless accompanied by a. check as hex-sip pnovidgd: ' The Board of Local Improvement.- reaerve the rich: to reject any or all bids should they deem it. best for the pubï¬c good IOTIOE FOB [ETTIIG COITRABT. Illustrated ‘ Fur Fashion Book 187-189 State Street' JUST OUT Showing all the New Styles * in Fine Fur Garments, MAILED FREE: Send your address. . "JOHN T.‘ SHAYNE 00.. -: IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS FINE FURS_ }, Notice is hereby given that hid: will be received for the construction of a [environ lateral main water- su pply; i pipe six inches internal diameter with Wilts. three sfmz-ox vhlvv's and all other necessary tdjuncts and attachments, to be laid along and muan A; emw mumsvnux 3th: thence easterly “along the aoutherlv side '0! Lineoln avenue to the northefly line of Beech street in the Cit y of High- land Park Illinois, as a whole. in ac- cordance with the ordinance therefox Said bids will be opened on the 28th day of October A. D. 1902. at the hour of 3 p. m. at. the oï¬lce of the Board of Local Improvementsin City Hall build- ing. (Not less than 10 days nor more than 15 day-quota date of netice.) heeing laid improvement minst defects arising from poor material or» poor. workmanship. for a riot! of ï¬ve years from the date of e completion and aceeptance thereof. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ROBERT G. EVANS,’ Presidept -of the Board of Local Improvements 'of Chg of Highland Park. Dated October 14. A. D., 1902. 21-23 Board of Local Improvements of the City of Highland Park: IOIIBE FDR LEIIIIG 00!“!ch i Ali topomla or bids mustbemwmn- pani b a certiï¬ed check payabiebo them-es out of the Board of Local improvements of the City of Highland Park for a sum not less than ten (10) per eentums‘i o; the aggregate of me roposal. proposal or bid- must go delivered to pthe President of the The speciï¬cations for such improve- ment and blank' proposals will be furnished at. the ofllce of the City Clerk ofgpid City" in the City Hall bgilding. The contractor will be paid in Im- provemént Bonds, which bonds will draw interest. at the rate of flv'e (5) per cent per unqngn. Bond of Local Improvements In open union of add band a we was and place ï¬xed herein for opening the tum. TEE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWSJETTER. No propoul or bid will be considered wrest at the rate of ï¬ve (5) pct gm -_1_.._ -AA___-_I-A A" L- .- gï¬nl- .1. “I. Inn-um .- r-vr V‘fl unless accompanied by a check as herein provided. - . . y The Bond of Local Improvements reserve tha right. to reject any (n- all bids should they deem it but for the pub_lic goad. The successinl bidder will bereqnired to furnish a bond equal to twen -ï¬ve (’5) per centum of the conï¬rm p co in! some approved surety company guaran- teeing said improvement against defects arising from poor material or , workmanship p. for a period of ï¬ve years from the date of the completion and acceptance thgmf._ President of the Board of Loco.) gupgovements of City of Highland au- Hoard a! 14ng lmgmvagenm. 01.31“? I city ofï¬ighland Paf‘k: "’7†7ҠHOME NR LEWIS GMTBABT; Notiueis’hereby gmn that bids will be received for the construction of -a cast-iron lateral main water suppl I pipe six inches internul'diflmehe‘r wit one ï¬re hydrantk two shut-of! valves and all other necemry adjunct-a and attachments, to be laid along and under Dean avenue. connecting with the water main on Dean avenue where it. intersects Cary avenue, thence simm- erly 119mg the center line of Dean aVenu‘e to the eeMer of the intersection of Dean avenue and Roger Williams avenue, in the City of Highland Park. L 11).. as: who'e. in loom-dance with the ordinance therefou Said bids will be opened on the 28th (11' of October, A._D‘, 1902_, “ï¬lm your 9 3 p. 51.1. It the _- 7â€"V _--_- vâ€" - w- -__v ï¬gé-‘éfâ€"{ï¬e Board of Loca'l' mprove- menu in City Hall building. (Not less than 10 duyn nor more than 15 days from due of notice.) Thu apeciflcutions for such ingrow- niem. and blank propoula vi 1 be furnished It the (mice at the City Clerk of 3“! city in the City Hun bnï¬lding. The .eoï¬trnétor will be id inwlm- provemnt 'Bonds which 3' ll-dnyv ha- wmn4,.a. 1).,“ 1902. a ,~,21.-23 ROBERT a. EVANS, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS per â€mum. ’ . ‘ All posaln or bid: must be wooin- mi by : certiï¬ed. check puytble punied by D. oertifledeheck 1). this to the ,order of the President 0 the Board of ' Loctl Improvements of the City of 'Highhnd Park for exam not less then ten (10) per comma of the aggregate of the proposal. Suid pro- posals or hide must 'be deflvemd tn the President. 0! the Basin of Local Im- mvemontg in open {session of said at the time and plice ï¬xed here- in for opening the same. ‘ No proposal or bid will be considered unless accom- pn_n_ied 1337 q ghee}: gs herein provided. , The Board of Local Improvements reserve the ï¬g ht to reject any or all bids should they deem it. best for the pulmcgéod. _ ____ â€u . ‘ The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond 31 to twang dive (25) per ce'ntmm oft econtmgt p cc of nan-â€murmured sumv onmn‘nv ï¬llflmntm weing said improvement. age: nu detects arising from poor material or ‘poor wOrkmxmship, for a perio‘d at ï¬ve years from the date of completion and accept- ance thereof. ROBERT ,G. EVANS ’ _ President of the Board of Local Improvements of Fity of Highland Park. ‘ Dated October 14, A. 111902. 31-23 Local news _ matter will be found on every page of this week’s ans- LITTER. WANTEDMGood oteady tenant for farm bones im south" part of Higbknd Park. Rent $10 per month, with garden space, and tenant'ia expected to have general oversight of premises. and protect owner's interests. Addrm. . F. E. Batman, 97 South Clark strut. Chicago. Get your job printing done at the an-Lmn. my