‘ox- note that aberg I sur- math 3 and lh the their Iappy resent Velch, rue“. Nana de- ninth; hare rill. nag, aty- l the v1». ine- The Basket club was entertained malt royalty at the home of Miss Gertrude Chadd!“ last Week. Hi6! Cioï¬ide Bevillatd, accom- by he! brothet, was the guest Allie Streiber. Sunday. . ï¬r. and MN E. J. Hintz enjoyed a pleasant‘viait Sunday from Mr. and Mré. _.A ‘Hintz, of Ruvenswood} Mrs. Etiward Moon returned this week from†a pleaaant wiait of four months with relatives m ballads. Wednesday wiW the return of A. P. Dunn train a dehghtful trip of apvern‘l weeks :0 Canada. Local new: matter will he found an every page; of this week‘s Nan; Luna: ‘ - Mrs. 1MB. Fitzgerald and daugh- tej‘, Wilmetm, hm returned to Evanston. " ‘ Mr, and Mrs. Vetter are rejoicing ovér {I ’lihl'émwh boin (0 thin» Tues- Mn. 1‘. J. Bender has fetal-Md after enjoying . ploaééut visit of two W“. home of her aonin low: (my, 1.5... , 1111-, L. . Party. who has been quite in; who tomong to a hospital in the city; Friday. than your property with W. MAgmt. The Nettie P. Street Industrial School will open tomorrow, Novem- het 8, an) a. m. in the rooms of the public libnry. ‘. / toEgandale after a delightful and prolonged visi‘t with'iriends in the east. ‘ >Mrg. W. Silber-Schmidt and family have taken the Prindiville house on Shelidan road and Maple WW Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Lawson, of Evanhton, were the guests of Mrs. Harriet Palmer and family over Sunday. II new" mooted to the mm: oi the (aims, toms and (Images mm the non» Shore i W n are happy to report that Ben iFesseuden is doing" my“ and Dr. Lynch in! conï¬dong the} it will not. a long nor hoary Magi“ *7,“ Mr. N. Clampitt is gathering his second crop. of Mystiawberr'vs in his garden this Week. If anyone doubts this he éau call'at the NEWS-LETTER oï¬ice where ‘we have a few on aim bition. Mr and Mrs.‘Frederick Rudolph enjoyed a pleasant visit" of several days this week frog: their daughter, 6 Mrs. I“. Florent little grandson, Verau, of Chicago Mr. and Mn. William- C. may are the guesls of Mrs. Samuel Lfl’in. Mrs. Eddy will make Highland Park her home during the winter. ‘ Mine Anna Goldbgyg, gmojnpnnieg by her brother, Ben, attended a party given in the city Sunday even- ing by the West. Chicago club. A. Bitter. thanklofferirfg meetin'g, followed by a pleasant sOcial afternoon, ‘Thriré- day, at the home of Mrs; F. C. Noerenberg. ' . ' Miss Wessling, whu- has‘heen spending the past year in Patton, Iowa. liaé returnerL to Highland Park. w‘lmre she intends to spend the winter, uhd is at present the guest 01' her sister, MTB- Silas? Brand Interest continues to grow in Mme. Du Mausacs embroidery class which held a very pleasant meetmg Wednesday at the home of m A prize imisquemde ball will be given by Council No. 99, of the North American Union, In Goldberg’ 3 open house, Thaw m, No- vember 26 The music win be furnished by i Chiohgo orchestra. Ticketiwoantuupomm ‘ > 4 t l The lgdiegpf the “WM. S. of the :Qiffd_Â¥{‘ifll0g§lical church held a Flnmfloï¬ufl and 90, Ladiu Bazaar FRIDAY. NOVEMBER’Z‘IQOZ. " ‘ EIGHT nous Miss Pillsbury. of Boston. >W|l0 héebeeli â€we gm of in; EH/J Nelly at Grammars. bu rammed to Chiagp. imbue she has decided to openlstadioeud locate plrmauemly. Hie. Pillsbury, whom; an exception- aily ï¬ne mueicmn, but just returned from Vienna, where she has been studying for the past two years with Leechetizky daughter. Martino, leaves tomorrow for Lexington, Ky. .,. where they wil speud'the month of November with relatives. Mr Nelly, who accOm-j} ~flantes his inmily, will not remain south, but expects to rejoin them at Thanhegiving. when a grand family reunion will take place at the home of Mrs Nelly’ 3 parents tylieh milliuery at Ladies Bazaar City Clerk Finney was not a little surprised to learn this week that he was the proud grandfather of a little grandsbn a week old, his son, New- man Finney, having succeeded in keeping his marriage to Miss Irene MeGrath, of Chicago, which took place at the bride’ shome last Dpcem- her, 11 profound secret. er and Mrs. Newman Finney and little son will make their home with Mr. and {(rs. John Finney for the present. Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Seldon with their little 8011, Richard, will leave for Colorado. Monday, to be gone. indeï¬nitely. The services at the Baptist church next Sabbath morn- ing will he conducted as usualhy Rev. Seldon. who will preach on “Glorying iu the Cross.†It will be his farewell sermon to his devoted cougregation,‘which so "Sincerely re- grets and appreciates what 11 lose his departure means to the church. However, we shall hope it is but a temporary parting and that we shall sometimesee him back in hit old pulp1t 1n Highland Park withre- stored health. Mrs E. J. Nelly, with her 11111:] The [ion] decorations both at Mn.- E. A. Small’l and at Mrs. C C. Yoa’a were in charge of FritzBahr. So beautilul were the flowers. and so artistic the malignant the it is im- possible“ refrain from a word of praise Mrs. Da‘niel Cobb, Min Franbes Everett aqd Miss Adele Enron: were among the "guest. of honor_ in- vited to rimâ€"bet. Mrs.,Robert J. Bun-dam at the receptibu given'iu her honor by the West End club of Chicago, ‘ Rem, ï¬nd: Mrs. 'Eiukbeluel‘ were gifven‘ a dgliéhtful surpï¬â€˜Ã©q party gt their home Monday evening by the young pedple of the K. L. C. of the ‘United Evangelina] church. " The pastorat‘teudeg an important busi- ‘ness meeting, 3% church gather id’the evehiag and when he rammed to his home about 9 o'cIOck Wan ‘aatoniehed to ï¬nd himself surrounded by a friendly boat of forty invaders wh'o greeted him with “surprise!’ A very handsome parlor lamp was presented to Rev. and Mrs. Fink. beiner by the K. L. C. After the games delightful "J“..LmM-u my“: served. The annual meeting of the High- land Park branch of the Needlework . Guild was held November 3 at the . home of Mrs Millan Two hundred , and eeyenty four new articles of cloth. ‘ ing, towels, etc., were contributed and sent tothe following charitable inetitutipne: Highland Park Relief 'und Aid Society; Lake Bluff Orphan- age; Allandale Farm, Lake Ville, Ill.; St. Mary's Orphanage, Chicago; Baptist Orphanage, Chicago; Visit- ing Nurses’ Aeqociation, Chicago; Home for Crippled Children, Chi.‘_ cage. The following oï¬cers were elected: MieeA. LaBer, president; Mrs. P. C. Wolcott, vice president; are. R. P. Davideon. secretary and treasurer. NO. 24.