ld‘y an tile «en Thom in neither shame not blame!!! being a pint manure. The thune and blame come from .protendingflo be a quart measure. Number Two. Many are called but few as about: for mid Index-ship, ' To pretend well 1’ a giéat art; but to do v'ell is a (router. and the â€Ind! of each m proportionate. How cannon-bio it is to pon- ba people became they do not amount to more; when after 111 tholou is chiefly thein. ' Our moat fetal mistakes occur because we no the victims '0! misplaced conï¬dence in ounelvee._ The moon so many people are making ‘Iocinl claims’ is because then demand neither capital nor ptiucipal, and falsely promise to escape labor. Oliver Wendell Holmes en- tneatu no to lie merciful to band has reptilianâ€"end not sit down on them It' I! not the only one when sitting down on other: {I liable to give us a tnmble. Ruskin says the most fatal sign of vulgarity is imnsibility. This in’aensibility may be shown either by indifference to the feelings of others or a total unconscious ness of the etfect we are produc- 193 by elaborate pretenses. The social claim, if properly un- derato’od, is the highest of all claims, since it means personal development and personal re; wnroe. But the absurdity is in making a social claim founded on nothing It is like counterfeit money that will be accepted by the ignorant, but when oflered to the expert brings its own penalty of merciless contempt k Alonzo J.‘ Whitman, once‘ a. state senator from Duluth, Minn, is locked up in the Harrisbn street station for cashing a forged checléifat the Auditorium Hotel on J one 26. The check was for $200. When Whiteninn left the hotel on Baby day he pcid his bill. amounting to 8122 and received 388 in change. That Wag: the last seen of him in Chicago until he won unwanted at the Stratford Hotel a few nights since. He GARTH Gobrnnr.’ Inset outime believed to be a milliomire but lost :11 of his width throng h emulation. Hie relatives came ofleuto tObiO rescue to prevent prosecution. Thai! penance animated and he he: now to full back on thatever “social pooition’ he may hue gained boarding at the Auditori- Im Hotel, and being cute condor from Minnodotn. ‘ Tha Ttibuue' man in evidently ‘a fellow of inï¬nite jest' as well u a grant compo-or; It may be in- dolepoo .or it my be vivacity that prompt: him to furnish this ex- tract from the Whoopety Maga- “Please write to the editor and tell hill: Which advertiumdnt do you “tithe beat un_d why? Can you suggest acme adver- tisement that we do nbt now pub- liah and which you would like to «sad regularly? antvkind'of pictures do you like but in_ the advertisements? In addition. to. putting these vital questions before you, we would state that next month we will publish a' similar series of questions on the stories in the Whoopety Magazine. It is our hope to stimulate and encourage interest in this class of ï¬ction. Have you a favoriie among‘the xdvertisements? In this connection we point to the fact that this month we have ï¬fteen pages of stories and poems, as against t‘en pages in the last number. - Does not this show that the unâ€" varying 9193118000 and constant improvement of our advertising pagss‘h awakening theinterest of writers in othsr lines and causing them toafeel‘that the Whoopety Magazine is s splendid ,medium for. presenting their productions to “pillions of readers each‘ month 1’" “ ‘ , Ha aim suggests: “It is now time‘to rgmnrk that if the street railway men walk out a lot of south siders will have to walk in.†, A generous recognition of thepe thip suburban jokes is ‘all that is needed to make the Chicago Tribune 3 great American news-l 939913 . § '- The trn'ncpcrf Thorn» arrived ct San Francisco this‘ Week from Manila. Ithad on board companies Gdand H,of the 15th cavaley, 114 enlicted men, 120 casuaie, 82 ‘lfé'k’: 2 insane and thirtyathree general prieoners. She had euflered much damage in her encounter with a ty- DEATH OF I. D. TALOOT‘I‘ It in but ï¬tting we should chron- icle the (teeth of our lste Stste’s At- torney. Q. indent TIM“. whose funeral was conducted lest Saturdi'y at 2: 30 Brief seriices were held in the home of Rev. W. E. Tollnnt. teeded .by reletine and intiinste (ï¬ends, otter which the body wee borne to Christ Church. The poll hrere were the vsstry men of the church. the deceesed hsving been one of their number. At the church, one hundred Knights Tsmpler in full reï¬lls. united the cortege. .The Jakefloenty Ber shoeistion sttended in s body. Following the ‘church services the Knight Templsrs took charge 01 the exercises. “The Lexington Quertette of‘ Chicago sang. Burial wsa at Oakwoodem Rarely has there been such a tender- ing 0! floral tributes an were at this funeral. The parlor wee banked with the choicest flowers, roeee pre dominpting, which were Mr. Tel- cott’s invorite flower. The Mother’ I Club.of which Mrs Tnlcott is a mem- ber sent beautiliil flowers. Everyone of the seven constituting the club, his lost it near relative the past year. It was discussed It the club a month ego that Mrs. Taicott was the only one of them who hed not thus been bereered and she remsrked, “I won- der if Iwill he the next. †m FIRE! Last Sunday as the people in the Presbyterian church were holding their Sunday Schooli‘the pines and- denly ï¬lledwith smoke. An alarm wee turned in, and .the small hose Gown: in hand at the church was celled into action. The ï¬re wee extinguished before it. had done much damage. A ‘ new furnace had just been put in the church last week and this was. the ï¬rst time it, had been used. It ignited 'the woo}! around the register in the parlor 'of tho church, directly bapk of the on- 33». Quick work on the part of those in the» church and gut eï¬cient ï¬re company alone saved the place. aq theta web a heavy wind blowing. This is the ‘eeoond time a ï¬re has oc. curred in that ehumb. It was ' 10x- “mate that it happened while the church was ooeupiodr Had it been empty the headway gained probably could not have been overcome Mr. McNelly of Bend, MoNally Co., Ohioggo, vieited kaegun lust week.loohing' up e site to locate their pubï¬ehing house, this place standing as good Inhenoe no any of the places veg considered. It in to be hoped Wauhegan may be auc- eeoeful in pining the plant, 5 Subscribe for tne ans-Lnr'rnn 0509 in = = PROFESS!ON_AL CARDS: : Golmumx'llom 81-09;,» 1 to a p. x. Turnout 100. DR. MILTON H. BAKER nounâ€"03‘ 17!? 5-5;";‘3 “w".â€" HLGHLAND PARK : . ILLINOIS ’WI. Tel omnoun{!m5 0: DR. )AME WATSON 0M Fletcher Block HIGH]; HIGHLAND PARK Insertions In this column. 5’ 17qu- ql: lap. 9n: III-gluon. 'Fon SALLâ€"Ahm led Gross W lor helmet. Inquire at mâ€" an; ofï¬ce. -â€"-â€"â€"â€" Oï¬icc open from 7 a. m to 7:13: Oflico open from 9 a. 18.30 dz . BM! train: drive and depart“ inflowj? WWA middle aged hon-cheaper; Protestant unincnmbered; 309d home, three in family.“ Address B. limp-I‘m!!!» ‘. _, .. 24,-. south Bound! Rec'd_and dispatched times? '“ 9- 3;: ' Po “6 a . â€" 6;..55pm. Received Dispatched 5: 36 p.m 5:16 p. m. Sunday mail is received at 7:31 t. In. aid dispatched It 5' .43 p. m. All at“! close 0 min t parturc of trains. 3 u es before the I.- «11:53. Roger- Pun-k. (Toll. “oolloot") All add! in can um am: he was: A. vance where venue: has no result: it,- count with this once. com and Board in print. hoop. Steam heat 3nd electric light. Kw!- grn canypgignees. - Inquire at Km Get our terms below nomlg your goods. HLAf‘ff 3K. '0’“ {b John: Ave. ILL HIGHUIB PINK POSTOFFIGE. DR. E. H. POMEIOY ALBERT R. SHELDON .F ‘ Homholdufumitum a hm hm DR. 1". C. KAYE Want Column. 190 Pith Avenue. HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. Rec‘d and (11‘:pr 7%? 5‘ ‘8' n The Morning ivcmh 30m. m In» ' Avenner‘l ILLIHOIB