C: IWempnparedtohaveFléwmiormfdendsmmydtthc cum ocean steamers from the M Amcricanandforcignpgrts. GIVE US A TRIAL =Nomoreb¢autifulgiitforGuistmasthanaBoxofCutFlowmtoyourfdmdx. WWW“ a box of RM Carnations. Mlgnoncttc and Roman Hyacinths. éHUIIY, English "New†3 To Our customers and Friends‘Everywh‘ere O and MignoncttcssoldinChiagocomefmmomGermanbhnd‘Bahr." OurdwnnewCamatimSccdlh'sg, “HELEN RUDOLFI'LNItluulkdthc WW9!“ Weiare now in a position to fill drders for" Flowers to any pm 01 the“ L: . £3: : United States or Canada, by Telegraph, through the ' ' r'“ r i‘ E - best ï¬rms in the country. Paytthrecnhwsesavisitifyouwhhtomï¬OOOdtluï¬ndtCamatimh bloom. The biggest ‘ You CAN SEE'ITHERE