‘ Shaidan RoadPubhshkiz Co. Pub-bod ovuy Sauna" momma u Blah- [and 9nd. “1.. by an ' round at the Post-05cc 'n Hmhhnd Put a mood-clan unmet. Nun-Lem Building. 171 Cenud Avenue. ' Hubhmfl'hrk. ' IMAGINATION One of the Chicago papers em- ploys a very imaginative reporter,- ss the following proves.‘ When. last Week's men under "the influ- ence of liquor opened s few front doors and ~ frightened some servo vent maids. the man was soon captured by our eï¬cient police; the Chicago sheet aforesaid comes out with a startling account of a wild man in Highland Park who performs dreadful antics which terrify all the inhabitants who A. E. Donn, -- - ~ Hunger A Guam-g run III. in“ .- mugs are vainly searching the ravines for him. Not content with this, the imaginative repoi'ter makes. slighting (allusions to the impech niosities of 0111' east-Bidets, thus betraying his ignoranqe of po. lite society, it being a Well known fact that the most aristocratic people are seldom burdened with too many- Shekels. This reporter must be put a stop £6, for even if one: should admit the impecdniésity, at least, there is lots of credit _|here, but the statements of the'imngina- tive Chicago mgr) ivill tend Etc ruin that credit abroad as well as at home. \ LIBRARY. A circular letter has been sent out stating that unless $1,000, the amount needed to exbhange the old site for the corner of Sheridan road and Pnk_ Heine, is sub- scribed by Tnesdny, May 19th, that‘the new 810,000 buildinngm be put on the old site. Printed eircnlars are good (of name pur- A Could"! Hath Show Imam-em. 3mm mu itwsémm mums 83.†Pan van $1.50 IF PAID IN ADVANCE SATURDAY. MAY ’7. 1904 Telephone No. I. Highland Put. ("mo-901nm.) 0711638: Let us have some local pride in this 'matter, and have our new ‘library building 011* a corner where there is plenty room to have an attractive setting for it. CITIZEN. ’ One argument media favor of the old site is that “tbs city owns i.t †The city also owns the streets, but that fact. in and- of itself does not make streets suitshle building sites. ’ A3313, vs Mm told the‘rs m a greater number of square féet in the old site than on the corner. But of what value are those six or eight extra square feet when the lot is of such pecu- liar shape that they are not avail- 'sbls Y panes, but they nem bring money. It is barely possible that an in- genious architect might design a building adapted to such-a aha]. low lot, but the fact remains that the old site in situated between two alieys, (the one south of the present building being ten feet wide,) with the possibility of a barn or other bnildings in the rear. ' A man who cerriee his money 'end hie wetch in his left hhnd will never lose e penny nor a timeâ€" piece in n 'hoigi-up; The precaution which in o perfect one, in so simple that few people have thought of it. Yet it hue ‘the sanction â€of the police. and its emcacy has been proven in more than one instance, says the Chi- ongo Tribune. Al soon as the citizen is confronted by the hold-up men he will. if he has his money and his watch in his hand, throw them on the nearest iawu or into the ditch; No highw robber'hae time to stop and look for er. - There is no sense in carrying valuables†in the right hendt . ee the ï¬rst move of every ecoomp iehed hold-up men is to‘grab hie victim by his right em. The movement is made tom-event the victim from reaching for : revolver. With Val-aflo- l- Left Hand Protoc- uo- I. Penna-Pl.- flu Inno- flp- .1 Police. The man who tries to am e‘revol- ver while the hold-up man is in front of him take! his life in his hands. If a citizen carries a revolver nt all he lhould carry it in hie right hand while in e dangerous street. Hie money and bin watch should nlweye he in his left. Then utter he had thrown them awn: end the robher hu deported dilem- ated the victim can teke hie time About ï¬nding hie property. This simply plen diecountl oil the ma bnu knuckles em tum ' u bu the added bounty that it an ‘Ullvlorod by u wont- uwnu :- Tothmthom: m nm‘blkubutsmdum mï¬um'tm .83. "v.1. ms. 3mm" now-Up nAsnx FOILED. emu. clung-hots, Chicago Ladies’ Suit and Shirtwaist Store Ladies beautiful Stock collars, large variety . Ladies white Petticqata, will) lgce griminings, regular price $1. 25, special price for Saturday Ohildten’ s Muslin Duvets. all sizes up to 14, this sale only Ladies' all wool tailor made Suits in all the latest styles, made of ï¬ne Cheviot or Broadcloth; also in thé latest English mixtures, regular price 818, thiasale Gingham Petticoats, warranted fut colors. this sale Lndics’ China Silk Waista, trimmed with medallions, lace in- :ertion. shined yoke and sleeves. regular 84 wgilt. ial for this sale : Ladies" n,dervests for this sale only : : ‘ Ladies' Shirtwaiats.‘ 1n lawn or mndm cloth, '01" inc, makes 20 styles to select from Reg. price 82, this sale Large size Bath Towel, regular price 20c, this sale Ladies' all wool Cheviot and novelty Skirts, in black colors. Regular price 86, this sale only Free, a box of fine Chocolate Candy HIGHLAND PARK" Plumbing, Heating and â€ï¬asï¬tting Compz ny; SANITARY PLUMBING ' Pnon CHIOAGD lADlES SUIT All) SHIRTWAiSI STORE Puye Block. Highland Park. ' C. HEIN, THE NEW STORE 0600 1163, Special Sale Saturday, Play 7 273 W. Central Ave and 89.98 390 32.98 32.98 590 150 ED fac‘ for: Ipi: die sch ert up} pr' Bu fol‘ It