EVENTS ('3 THE WEEK AT THE FORT.. Road Tax Nairâ€"$1 (1) pct your. Company B will have l“ nod rifle- in the near future. Sergt. Roborhon is looking for. whrd to. his dischntge 'on the Info! next month. Gen. Grant will View the parade at Chicago on Memorial Day. Ptiv to Hudson 01 Company B is out pf the houpital after a spell of chi] Ind four. First Sexgt. Hoke of Company B made a flying business trip to Chi- cago during the week. Private Moore of Company B ban opened I tailor shop for the beneï¬t of the men of that company. L/r\\ . The 150 recruits who arriM m- cently from Columbus, Ohio, are be- ginning to lqok like soldiers. Mrs. 001. R. T. Yeatman qndmn Richgrd. Jr., are expected from Stanford, 00011.. next week. ‘ Sergt. Wood and Private Somsok. of Company B, are considered two of the best. bag pupohets It the post. A new uniform, which is a great improvement over the old, will be issued at the post next week. The oï¬ieers at the poet tendered a ball to Vthe Highland Park Club at the oï¬cera’ qusytero last evening. ing made in the soviet-ago at the post. The work in being done by A number of companies at the post will go to Chicago on Decoration Day and be guests at. the celebration in that city; prisoners. Paul Burgess, 11 three - montha’ recruit, daserted from Company B last Sunday. He enlisted from Bangor, Maine. I " ‘ Spldiers who desire to subscribe to Tm: Fom Snnmnm NEWS can leave their ‘names with Private Bowers, Company B. 27th Infantry. Sergt. McLaughlin has again joine’d Company B, 27th Infantry. The sergeant was discharged in Feb- ruary and has just re-enlisted. Miss! Marie ‘Wessley, of Chicago. Miss Elizabeth Johnson, of Stock- holm. Sweden, are guests‘ai. The Moryipe Hotel, Bighland Park, . A military band of fourteen pieces from Brooklyn, N.Y., arrivad during the week at «the park, which is very aalislactory to_the management. Target praciicé is "the main tank me at the post at. this time Some excellent marksman me qualifyingâ€"â€" 16 out of 20k a common occurrence. ‘ Sank»: It the I E. Chaps! at Highwood Ito hoiug very we‘llat- te.ndod showing that the em)“: 01 the bright and tble pastor uu up. anointed. Au extra large uttendnnce was the result of the annual May concert at the Swedish Lutheran Charoh, held on Thursdny evening. A good tinny was enjoyed by all. " Prints June: Dewitt, barber of Company B. 27th Infantry. is about to embark in a matrimonial venture. The boya Vol Company B wish him and his bride well. The change in the weather _is cer- tainly agreeable to every one, Many couples can be soon marching to the tune 01' the hulflrog thningh beau- tiful hlbsaoms over to Highwoo .. Lieu_t. Hawkins holds On excollom record at tuget practice, and it is no trouble for the lienteï¬aut to we threw bull’s-eyes out of every ï¬ve shots. ï¬nd Hardly ever less than I (our. ' If you want to bus news and ynul know of anything that will heneï¬t3 our readers or your company. eee‘ Private Bowers of Company B All nevvs must be' In by Thursday, to ap- 'pear in the Saturday isqu. or: fA special men’s service will be held' In the M. E. Church on Sunday evening, May 29, at 7: 45. An excel lent choir has been procured for this occasion. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to the soldiers and the public in general. Companies B and C of the 27th Infantry, will lane for Fort Thomas, Ky», about the 18th of nvxt month, where they will go to release a com pany of'the 3:1 Infantry, which is to go to Alaska. ‘ It seems that some of the boys would rather climb over than go through thdstraight and narrow way. As a result mu boys were ar- rested by thé Higbwood poHce on Tuesday evening for jumping the fence into the park. are town In DIM to he wont to pass a law making it a misdemeanor for an able. bodied man to refuse a job of work. What. a lot or cypplel that In" wu.‘ make. In the words.of Admin! 110310! "le. VH“. Ratskyl" EWÂ¥WW59WuumW “ ' 3 Phnoe 54 . e. West Central Avenue ? f; ()1: north shore Vacant and Improved Real 21;; I ‘went.) EVANS . STEVENS 69 VI. 0mm m. mt door to mmm Pm Hem uwwwmwwwmw i M WOLAKE : radios and Bents’ Suitsto Ordet. First class ka 4‘! 4 i MONTHLY CUSTOMERS i Pressing and Repairing a Specialty 3 Next Docr Ao Amulcan Express Ofï¬ce, Central Avenue. ' PA:one3 n.--r.. “w- ._...~.._ 1.ka Lamb. $3 .xw.¢tm.1+w%++w» ii.» 2:; .r.r+}+hwr.rb,wtiï¬m 0r Care J. L. Houghtellng. Wilma. THAT YOU CAN DRPEND 0N. North Shore Agency for the Bain Wagon North S‘hore’ Electricwvâ€"CSâ€"râ€"lâ€"ipany KERQSENE WAS A SUHPRISE You'k‘now whexl'o tn gé't them: At WHEN YOU WANT Péabody. Hou‘ghieling To lhc'man who llvcd by cxmd‘ia light, and the mun who was used to the odor of ‘mal oil smoke. sidesteppe‘d a littln when they wanted to pi} pa his house for gas New-ideas in lighting have had Lu ï¬g ht. theil way This is what, El. EC 'l‘RIClT Y is doing now. Electric big ht. is the only illuminant todtw Which is éutirely flee from odor or smoke. Y on cannot aï¬oad to he \\ ithnut in, A postal card will bring our roprysontallve to your door. LADIES’ AND» OENTLEMEN’S We will do your Wiring Reasonable. BUILDING LOANS LOANS TAl LORI NG run-rt.“ No. 104 Deuboru Street. GOOD HONEST ~ FRESH GROCERIES TELEPHONE H P. 00 CHICAGO. G. F. BOCK’S. IE SE Phone 383 DEE! U at 10.1 10. 10. 11.‘ 11.1: