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Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 6 Aug 1904, p. 3

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has fourth ’Brien. ' :he the mth. xdays the it of The “The S! 4 March interact to may in Highland Pith ‘ who will romemli‘v‘f Hon. J amen W. Davidson 33 a cadet of North. western Militnry Academy, gradu- ating from there in the yénr 1891 Mr. Davidson is a relative of the Ionuder of N. M. A. ~ Th; article bolpu. taken from the Shanghai (W) Times 6! Each 25th will 'ddubtleu be (R “Diplometieelly were and exceed - testy eourteoue is Jemee W. David- eon. the newly appointed Americen Coneul Generol et Antung who or. rind by the Chine on Wednesday. A Time me who requeeted the fever of an interview at the Astor House found his request immedi- ately granted. ‘ Mr; Davidson is a fine man phys- lcally Ind with! I person of parts Born in Austin, Minn, in 1873, he first. came into the public eye in con- ‘ nection With his work with the Peary Artie expediton in 18934. On re- turning from north Greenland he left immediately for the Far East to act as war correspondent for awayn- mulb6::ercallfat Autuégd'hfd“- Mr. Davidson leaves for Chsfoo,” I T' y e m; on :3 2" Monday or Tuesday where he will < l "a. man w 9 requea e try-to obtain transportation to An- 4 avor of an interview at the Astor .. . ‘ 1 tan d h' t , and tune. The latter probability is some- . ‘2?” tn ed '8 reques um I' what remote, however, and should 1 | My 33“ , d ' , (i b no vessel be found to take the new call“ 3" :29!“ a ne mar; p y:- consul to Antung it is probable that y‘an m. ' ., person 0 p“ a he will be conveyed by an American Born In Austin Minn In 1873 he _ ’ ' "’_ , ’ man-of-war. - _ firstcame Into the public eye In con- - ed - nection With his work with the Peary Ask as to whether , he had-any Artie expediton in 1893-4. On re- doubts as to the cordiality of he re- turning from north Greenland he caption, he said: :‘The In“ advices left immediately for the Far East to received by me pug; ‘0‘ leavmg San act as war correspondent for a'syn- Francisco on the .th ult, were to: dieate of American newspapers. He the efiect that Russia would not put ansnt three months with the Chinese obstructions 0‘ any wild in the way. army and‘ two years with the Japa- Since then I have ”sawed no fur- nm forces and for services with the ther news of an official nature and latter was deoorat ed by the Emperor have no reason whatever to believe ‘ ' that my progress will in any way be J . . . '0‘ apau , - . . hindered.” Heine appointed consular, agent in Formosa by President Cleveland in 1897, was appointed (:0an by President McKinley in 1898, and his new appointment was signed by President Roosevelt. Mr. Davidson’s extensive trip re- cently thkougb Manc‘huria doubtlese‘ attracted, the attention of the ad- mininettation, and His book on For. moea, which had been so favorably reviewed by the press, gives abunt- ant evidence that he is a keen obâ€" server vand'a student of men and things. an N. n. A. ououua. Mr. Davidson left’Formosa last Aughst and after making a careful study of conditions in Korea reach- ed Port Arthur by the way of Pek- ing. At Port Arthur. the Russian government provided him with a special Pullman ear and with inter- preters, servants], etcL, and for al- most four months he traveled through. the country stopping at important stations, making trips oi! the rail.‘ way line to dietant cities and cover- ing‘the whole of Manchuria. He collected. a nine of information, which he will use in bringing out We new books, one on Manchuria and the eeeond a guide book to the Siberian railway. - After completing the work in Man. ‘ churin, Mt. Duidton made the hip to Moscow over the Sibaghn nilvny. }ofl Ambuildor Ir. Davidoon h I W “tho Goognphioal Socioty “Ii niaci- Ito of the Royal Goognphionl So ciety, a member of the Japan Society of London and Asiatic Society of hp; an and a member of the Artie Club of America He is the author of 1“The Island of Formosa, Put and lPreIent,” and a contributor to vari- on: scientific moieties. magazines and other periodicals. Notice is hereby given to Ill persons interested that the City Council of the cit of Highland Park, county of Lake an state of Illinois, having ordered that a connected system of sewers with man holes, flush tanks and house ecu- nection slants be constructed as fol- lows: On Vine avenue commencing at the intersection of the center line of Vine avenue with the center line of St. Johns Place. produced in its course across said Vine avenue, thence _west- erly along said Vine avenue to First street, on First street from said Vine avenue southerly for a distance of fif- teen hundred (1500) feet, on Green Bay- roed from First street southerly for a. distance of eighteen hundred (1 800) feet, on First street northerly from Vine avenue for a distance of two thousand (2000) feet; in the pity of Highland Park, county of Lake and state of Illi- nois, the ordinance -for the same being on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, and hating applied to the county court of Lake county; for an ‘ asseésmeut of the cost of said improve- ment. according to benefits, and an as- sessment thereof having been made and returned to said court. the final hearing thereon will behind on the 15th day of August, A. D. 1904'. or as soon thereafter as the business of fihe court win permit. ,AA,,-L1_ 2â€" L nnnnn ..... , _. Said-assessment is pnynble in ten an- nual installments with interest. at the rate of five per centum per unnnm, on all installments, from and after date of first voucher. _ Al} peygonn defining vâ€"v..-- . ma flle objections in this! court befdrE sai da . and may a. pear on the hear- ing an make their dense. Joan Nuwnx Finn“. ,Ofloer appointed to make aid as- augment. Dued M. nighlund Park.111..Jnly 901131004 9-10 Special Assessment Notice No. 98. Sub-crib. for the Nst-Lmn. Board of Local] ovements of the City «if H lurk! ?ark. . nmumm giventoall gums» mad that has for t gun, in, draining, Pawn!“ with ma- " ' "3613'"M improvin . the Green Bay Road, sometime- know: ‘ ‘land P thence northefly‘slxag Green Bay Road to its iuncuon street, (except where said Green Road in any streets now pav and ex ”fining? feet wide each side of center line Laurel avenue; or eighteen (18)}eet .over all). and First street from its junction with sand Green Bay Road, thence. northerly to the 1 north corBorate limits of the city of ‘ Jii;hland ark were opened on the 27th ‘ da of July, A. D. 1904, and James Cape ‘ 81‘ ns being the lowest responsible bid. ders, the contract was awarded to said James Cape.Sons on the 27th day of July, A. D. 1904. Said bid is for the work as a whole and is as follows: - 12,750 cu. yds of excavation at 50¢ per yard ........ . ........ 8 6375 00 ' 12,900 hn. ft. of 4 in. tile at 159 l per foot ' ................... 1935 00 11,500 lin. ft. of 6 in. tile at 20c per toot .................... 230° 00 , goolln. ft. of 8 in. tile .at 25c rfoot ............... - 22500 - 400 in. ft.vof8 in. outlet sewer ' ‘ a at per foot. .............. " 160 00 1800 in. ft. 10 in. outlet sewer D at 50c perfoot... ....... . ..... 900 00 60 catch basins at 825 each. .. . 1500 00 0 126lin.ft.ot 26 in. culvert at .0116! Of "AIMS WITH“. "32:50 per foot ............... 315 00 7o lin. ft. of 30 in. culvert at ‘ $3 per foot ................. 210 00 40 cu. yds. concrete at $7 per yd. :80 00 13,700 [in ft. pavement at $1.71 per foot ........ - . ; ........... 23427 00 27,4001in. ft. sod edge, 2 .ft. ‘ wide. at 5c per foot .......... 1370 no . Total ...... '. ...... 338997 00 The owners of 'a maiori‘ty of the front- age of the lots and lands upon said Green- Bay road wherein said work is to be done may within ten days from the date here- of,-eiect to take said work and enter into a written contract to do said work; at ten per centum less than the price at which the same has been awarded. ~ ROBERT G. EVANS, FRANCIS D. EVERETT, . v JAMES H. SHIELDS, Board of Locallmprovements of the city of Highland Park. Highlzind Park, July 27, x904 Board of Local Impr'ovelfients of the ’ ‘ City of Highland Park. , Notiee is hereby gi ven to all persons interested, that the bids for the grading, draining, paving with ‘macadam and otherwise improv- ing a system of streets in said city consisting of Walnut avenue; from the easterly line of the Green Bay Road. otherwise known as Green street, east to its interéection with 'the westerly line of First street produced southerly ‘ in itseourse across said Walnut avenue, Second street from its junction with the paved roadway herein provided on said Walnut avenue, north to the inne- tiou of said Second street with the easterly line of the Green Bay Road otherwise known as Green street (ex- NOTIBE 0F AWARDING CONTRACT. cept where it interseCts the paved road- wny on Oentrel avenue). LeureLavenne from its intersection with the westerly line of First street westerly to its inâ€" ‘ tersection with the eesterl line of McGovern street, and Elm P we from its junction with the easterly line of Green Bay Bond otherwise known as Green street, euterly to it: junction with the‘weeterly line of St. [Johns evenne were opened on the 27th day of July A. D. 1004, and Edward M. Leing being the loweet ,reeponeible bidder, the contract wee ewerded to said Ed- Hum 1:: may 0 ‘ ”C I00 said En. y'it F1 ‘ ”at; 315 0° 27th '0! :35? w m WnlAQQWiWU'I'?! ' A .1904.- add to 1 whole and in alt ”$13.: :thh and has {8111931 6100 0‘1.th plenum; "Mia" at. 35c par yua. ....C 2135 on an lin. feet { inch drtin tilt - vu'IMper foot ...... ....,~... 994 50 my... feet oinch dnin m. ”it 181: per foot .......... ‘. . M9 00 X600 lil: feet of 8 inch tile .1. we par loot. ................ 332 00 aunts-u inch sewer out- . mum-u we per foot. ..... 1'0 40 .h-h-um each... 819 on a» museum pue- .“ figwfw,%.‘.fi.,. ‘07” “ 'oodqdzl lb“ .» mun par scuffing. 3“ Q m1 ............. 4.}...st no The owners of \a, majority of the (mange of the lots nnd 13nd. upon all! street: a heretofore namod wherein said work is to be done In: , within an (by: from the date he , eleot‘to take “(d work and enter into a written con- tract to do and work at ten 1- centum less thnn the price nt whic the name hu boon "worded. Row. G._ EV’AXI. ' mecu D. Evans“. J Am B. Saunas. Bond of Local Improvements City ’0! Highland Puk. / Highlgfid'Park. July's-z, 1904. '9â€"10 Mrs. Nelson A. Miles died very suddenly this week. F. W. Wilbon has been on the sick list for a few days. , If you wish your piano'or or; xglam tuned call up Telephone 333. Next Tuesday eve'nihg‘the city cduncil will hold its regular meet- ing. . ‘A girl “baby was born t6 Sergt. and Mrs. Boldisgard the first bf the ”Week. ’ Julius Laegeler 3 baby Charles has been very sick during the past week. I; Mrs. John Skidmor'e is im- proying from her recent injuries and is able to walk around. The Swedish Lutheran church will‘hold their rpicnic today on. the lawns of Daniel Pease. Master Willie Brown who frac- tured his elbow, is improving bu't the arm is still in the plaster cast. Mr. and Mrs. Hartzel! Cobb visited Mrs. Cobb’s parents on the south side in Chicago, Thurs- day. The citizens are complaining of the order issued at the Fort, pro- hibiting citizens from fishing on the pier. ‘ The Ladies’ Aid Society wili meetâ€"Thursday at the residence of Mrs. Daniel Pease. All mem- beri aracqrnestly requeated to be prmnt- ,J’ , > HIGH WOOD. for the. work I'l.

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