' People want to laugh when they visit-a. play; house nowadavs and.“ the Wiznrd of 0:," the new extravaganza which come-s to the Schwartz The!» tre \Vaukegmn, on Thursday, 04'. 8th, is said to abound in more wholesome rollicking fun and bright spontaneous oomedyf than any m odern spec- tacle of recent date. Not only is “ "l he Wizard of Oz“ 3, wonderful spectaeulaï¬â€˜ï¬‚ulnph, mn'g'niï¬cently costumed and staged by the gnatest living pro- »ducer of extravaganzas. J ulian Mitchell, but it line the essential of every great success, a well con- ceived story with original characters. “The \Vir ard of Oz" is described as a veritable world of beauty melody, laughter and delicious fascination to the Cy: , ‘ -'»\ Mm J. L. Miller tad Mus Joy left Thursday for the South. Mr. and Mn. Juno; Bpgk! and funny hue mud to Cflvary. Mr. C. Deehl hu purchued the house formerly owned by Mr. Tilda on Illa] Ovenâ€. Miss Elupor Smoot w‘u‘ decal! vioepmident- of her elm n the Univeuity of Michigan. The Rev. A. A. Hmtiohl delivered his lecture on 'Holland†at Wilmette lust Mondly gvening. Min Alice Blood 0‘! Panda“. Witqnis. ha been visiting “in France‘ Everett. Mrs. 'uump. Mrs. J. n Cnhmmund Ruth Col- burn have gone to Florida for the winter. Mr. dud Mrs Durajne Smith (nee Emily Oboe) aie the happy parents of a baby boy. born Sunday evening. A complete line of 1am Periodicals at Lax-h son‘s the Ne'w‘n Dealer. Subscriptions taken for all publications. . o Many childrén's helm were made glad yester- day morning at the sigl t of the ï¬rst snow of the season. The ï¬rst. snow fall lest year oecnred No- vember 2901, just three (1333 earlier than this winter. - ’ . ~ Mr. J. W. Mulch president of Hilladale College. Billed-1e. Michigsn visited his niece Miss Feeder. Sunday. Axel Norrlen, who created a" disturbance in the home of W. H. Dobrick Thanksgiving night. was ï¬ned ï¬ve dollars and‘ cost by Justice Weiee of Waukegan last, ï¬lm. rday. Norrlen had _been 1m~ bibing freely Thankéfving day and at night when he came home he was looking for trouble and found it. He_ went. to the home of Mr. Detrick. took the door from the hinges. and went through the house, breaking furniture snvj glassware. un. til an ofï¬cer w.“ calledin He was then tsken to Wankegsn. 0n,his return from the county seat he felt vindictive, and having imbibed" snmcie’nt Dutch courage, he “began. operations in inont' of Mr. Detrick‘s home: He wus'reerrested. Ind ï¬ned 835.00 and‘ cost; with s severe rebrimend.'_e‘nd a promise that his next escapede Would‘he punished to the limitL This is not the ï¬rst time Non-lea has created disturbance. but MrfDetrick wee the first to see that he was punished. Mr. Detrick denies tint there was a qnsrrel between Mrs. Detrick end Hrs. Norrien. Br. J [.1153 3k opzician npazi dish, is in Pligh- laud Purl: every Summing/Afternoon. lle examines yourcyesaud premh'e‘ glans" needful. Appoint- mvms may be Id; at Levin'ljewdry store. ’ ’ W 1W? P601016 ,flre' D’mg in Hig/Jlana' Park. glIGHLAND PARK‘NEws-IE'PT'ER A ; â€The Misses N‘cCafery arevlsiting-Misthlahel »Cole during their brother's illness. ‘ Mr. Erank McCaflery is at the Highland Park Hotel. - Hr. George Campbell is in win; the Shingles. The mull-r meeting a! u A sister of Ire. C. A. Smith is very ill with he held next Tnelday lounging pneumonia in China). Master Vnn Bergen bu been conï¬ned to the house for two Weeks with the grip. Mr. snd In. T711. Sgenesr hsvs lefties the South. where they'will spend the-winter months. Mrs. Mann; who has just returned from the Philippine lshnds. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Tnoxel. A class ofiyowng‘ girls of the Presbyterigï¬; Sun- day School holds bazaar at the home of Mr. R. G. Chandler this Saturday afternoon. Christmas fan- cy work will be sold. candy andpppcom' ill be on sale and éhocoldte-will be served. '“ . Lusdn the News Baler up save you “ï¬ne sud trogbl'e if you place your magnzinénuhaoriptions withhim. High School with the proceeds of the recent enter- tainment, arrived Thursday, and has been placedin position ready for unveiling. The public will be interested to know tint $140. 61‘ was clehred from the High $0h'oqi Drama- tic Entertainment NoVemb r 13th. The desired statue of Joan of Arc has been purchased. it repre; aents the Maid of Orleans in sitting posture and is life size: Perhaps many have seen the statue an it has been in the lower hall of the Art Institute in Chicagn. There will he exercia s at the High School Monday In urning and .the unveiling will probably take place then. As this Work of art cost only 840. 00 the faculty expect now to purchase “The Ride to Canterbury" a picture depicting Chaucers characters on the road to Canterbury, which is a copy of a frieze in the home of George Gould. Probably the remainder of the money will purchase'pictures bf Bismark,Napoleon and Goethe for the modern language room. - r Sunday evening the ladies of the Woman’s Missionary Society will render a program at the First ï¬nned Evangelical Church A voluntary thankofleringwill be received. Mr. R. G. Evans, Miss Alice Evan Ind Miss Emma spent seven-ll days at the St. Louis Exposi- tion this waek. . The lectur'e o! the 0330“ Club was given by Mary Sedgwick Graves. Subject: ‘Beginnings of English Limture and Art. “ ' Mr. pm! Man. J. W. Brindiville have moved'into the house on thecorner‘of Laurel‘and Dlle avenues . which has reeeqtly been remodeled. ‘ . . . Society, Art, Drama. and Music are a; few of the many high ciass'features of The Chicago EVening Post, which have secured for it. the We of the best people of Chxcngo and the suburbs. Are you one of the readers of \his high class paper ? WANTED â€"- A mpechble mu: an‘d wife to like one of lace homo during winter month. Fuel 3nd 113!“ will he {uni-bed 5nd r‘uo‘n-ble remuner- “ion to right. pgrty. Addruo Box 535, Poatofl'lea. The statue of Joan of Arc. purchased by the Mrs. C. C. Helium: enter-mined Chicago Men“. It the Hichltnd Purl: Hotel our Quality. Leslie "codex-y is ill 'with what fever. The other children Ire shying with Mrs. Juno- Duly during his qlckneu. ' The Mt oncer‘s Club 0! the an'hweourn Military Academy has issued inflation to (Milk tsry Hop to be held in thedrlllhtllnextl‘ridly evening. Those knowing. Mr. George Onrver. non of Mn. Henry C. Cunt, will be interested to but ihnt he in: n non. Mr. Cnrnr In: {on some time been living in Battle, Washington. Mrs. Margaret C. 01-01: and Mrs. Mury Campbell have opened dressmaking and ludies tailoring parlor: in “whom formerly occupied by Will T. Stewart, 171 Psi-k Avenue. ’ The Pastor's Bible Study Clues of th Presby- terian Church met for a socinl'time at the- ome of Mia. W- W. Flinn Friday evening. ' About. ï¬fteen were present and games and refr‘eshmenfa made ‘ City M\-sh.1 John Nelson this week suspended Louis Avery from the police force for unbecoming and disorderly conduct Avery created a disturb- guce in _'Robertson 3 stare Tuesday, .und Marshal Nelson. acting in the absence of Mayor Evans re- moved his star. ' Weginesday of this' week Miss Frances Everett gave an informal luncheon' in hondr of ‘her g’ueat, Miss Alice Blood. Those; presentflere: Mi'ss Julie ' cumming, Miss Maridn Schwarz. Miss Helen and“; Miss Julie Morgan, Mrs. W A. Alexander and Mrs. Harold Sweetlund. ‘ people. The’ Dorcas society of the Presbyterian Church held an all day meeting at bhé home of Mrs. H. P. Daï¬dwn qunesday. About '17 were present and they spent the day sewing for the children’s ward of the Presbyterisn Hon'pical. ‘ Patrick Murphy, who killed his friend. Charles Austin. last week Friday evening, has been bound over to the grand jn on a charge of killing Austin, the ï¬nal indie ment however, will prob- ably be for manslsughter, as the‘deed was presum- qbly accidental and induced by, provocation. The coron'r's jury was composed’of 11.0. Evans, An- drew Bock, Edward Nevins. H. M. Prior, Louis Avery and John Nelson. , A Triduwm will he held in_ St Mary 3 Church beginning Mondty evening. in honor of the Feast of the «Ifnmecnlnte ( onception. This is the Golden Jubilee year of the Declnnthn of the Donnie of the Immaculate Conception and specie] services in honor of the event ere being held in all Catholic ohm-chem. Monday evening the sermon will be given by the ,Beverend F. J.‘ Earth of-Lnkeeide. Tuesday by the Reverend F. N. Perry of Revenu- Wood end Wedneediy evening Reverend E S. .Keonghh D. D. secretory to the float Reverend Amhbishopoiiigrey. 'rï¬m mating." m u eight oclo'ck end the last one. Thundey evening, will close with the solemn benediction. . Ir. F. C. Chrk utd Min Esta-Me .ppent umaay- inSt. Loni! lat week. The? main" meeting a! me City council will. Mrs. Henry Danni-an has been ill (or some “use. a. very pleasant one t9 the young thin] o‘cl this you. team an t Monday _ It. ll .1 rubber g Blomdahl nooond no Commun‘ were Lyund: privile in the eitcept I pne of Exhibit? The seni The 7 Ireland. Foley is aelectiox There 31 be deén magazin of the 4 tribuéio Bfooks’ Sunday. Appe’ar‘ Festival viée wil Dimitis the cho‘ ‘illnctn the 00} eight every ciolog the