A four foot section of 8 inch out iron pi )hnll be furnilhed nnd laid throug the West «11 of the septic tank at the North end. The pnnter oi the me being 2! inches ’BOuth’ of the inni a hoe of the and wnll and tho Mt- tom of lhe pipe be ï¬nch with tbs bot~ ton of the tank. Ind on this pip'e ont- IMG the tank nhnll be furnished uni bars; the mm shall be 36 inch» long and 12 inches high, open at the top. Théee “T" ï¬remen shall'be net in the 36 inch opening of the 3 foot wall betWeen the two compertmente‘of the tank, one on each side of the inlet pipe; the center of the frames bein ‘3 inchel from the edge of the Wall. hey shall be anehored in place a’e the wall in con- structed and must remain tight when completed. There shall be furnished and constructed one stop gate made from 3 â€inch by 3‘in‘ch’-p1ne plank with grooves in bottom and ends to elideï¬own over the projecting "T’s" of thed’e frames for the par se ofcloeing the entrance to either 032m compart- ments of the grit chamber while the other is being cleaned. A simila- frame constructed in“ a similer manner end of name material shall be provided Ind net in each . o ning between the compartment‘e‘ of â€camber and the. tank on the 6 fiiph‘l} ' at the top of. the 24 inch wall, etpe , that the ends of the "TI†shall be ’carried up 15 inches instead of 12 inches, and the plank stop board shall be 18 lnchee’ wifle_ineteed of 12 inches. In etch sectional the grit chamber then Ihln‘be “ratiï¬ed And inserted I piece of 8 inch out iron pipe, toject- inï¬ through the well in)» the a umber M. ts .bottomLend on eneh of the» pen. jiut out-id; the wnll. shall be rnished and M an 8 inch d V gate bras-mounted huh and nut. 'v ï¬e ith which .1 piipaa um! mum gym manner ere miter dam-then. ' 11 valve shall have a cast iron ex- tension valve box placed over it with the top of the box set at the surface of the groungi. ‘ ‘ There shall be furnished Ind con- 15th two wro Miran T‘lmmea 29‘9“!va in 6.6 32y JHMFI “T" tsnk. The II inch division wnll shell coincide with the u inch section otthe 2,...“ '1‘“; $3M: 3"3}! m u . s tron door of the chsmher to 0 inches below the low line for the cen- trsl lunches ofthe well sndthere- lsider or 0 inches st eech end. it shell beesrriedup to thelevcl oftheside wells of the teak. iesvinalri opening so inches wide between two sect- ions of the grit ehsxnber extending from the top of the wells down to 0 inches below the flow line. The 10 inch iron inlet pipe .shsll enter verti- cslly through the center of this It inch division well end shsll termlnstc 8 inches below ’the now line of the tenk. A csst iron elbow shell be furn- ished end pieced in this vet-tie“ pipe beneeth the floor of the grit chsmber with which the main outlet sewer here- inefter described shell connect. The inlet section of the pipe to be furnish- ed-‘sn'd built into‘ the . concrete es the wells ere constructed. ' , d“. 3§§€8323 i=3 33:2 m‘,§3§lï¬ 8$333423? Eizgéis coin; ohm out fro- IO inchi- ubovetbob' “tout-chum. i‘w‘kmï¬-yw AMI-Maren“ an medic-onto thank. After thetenk has been constructed end the forms removed, the interior ieurfeeeeof ell wells, including thoee jof the...gri_t chamber. end the floors, lehell be plastered f inch of Portland Cement mortar composed of .1 part of. Porthhd Cement end two ports clean eherp send, This plaster shall be thoroughly troweled down end ell ir‘ “subtitles inthe well removed or 611‘ ed, leaving the tee]: in e clan, Imooth end vworknnnllke condition, through- out. . A 10 inch cast iron outlet pipe con- necting with the outlet herein provid- ed to be let in the outlet trough of the unk, b menu of proper bends. ehell be fern shed end contacted connect- ing with the outlet pipe end he curried I. dietence of no feet duesâ€"greet of the center of the ton]: on eline 5 feet loath of.†the couth line thereof. where it Ihe'll temlnete in e concrete bulk-heed which ehellhe built eroucd .the end 01‘ cold pipe, mid hulk-heed being 8 feet< wide end I feet deep end 8 fleet long ex-J a a “V--- ._-â€".â€"_- ‘he furnished end placed in poiition fthereln. Theee frames shell have open- ing: 86 inches Ion by 24 inches wide end be ï¬rmly ed and nnchored in- to the concrete with their tape flush with the surface-of the covering; The iron gates shall be in one piece or be ï¬rmly bolted together with 1‘ inch space between the, hate; each grate to Weigh 100 pounds, or as near thereto «practicable. Seven- of these frames shall‘be placed over' the tank proper along the center line thereof, end each mid-way [between the trap wells and the end of the tank and between the beans; thtee shall be placed over the grit chamber; one directly over the inlet pipe and one over the center of each compartment. . __- v-â€"--vâ€".-â€" Ii not; end in the lower 3 inches of t is 00ch dull be furnished and bedded I. layer of expended motel “0:5“? 16 pounds to the square ya . he top of the covering shell be hhed Wm: nude-well: ï¬nish of orth Cemenflorm. wig? thef out- ercorngremn to ar no 1} inchoeudmeuldu ï¬nished by pha- teri-c with Portlnnd Cement to a. die- .tenee’ of two feet. below the top of the Thou shall be furhiahed tad pet in this mere}: covering 10 iron frame: Ends tqfeggive inqn gfnteg which 751ml! The entire unit, including the grit. ehunben nnd tide vans, Dbl-ll be cov- orodwichn flu eoncnu covgring 6 incl». thick min; n n the wnun and beta: heroin pro ed. The cov- ering dull the supported I» proper from-until the concrete has} oronzh: 1.. -4. __A L. .L, ‘ o 6.5 33.8 05 3 9.358 on» 39.. «can a vi (5609 .3253 in :8 a in 3353 fun at tho north and wall of the an]: [Ito rand theo‘hor shall bloated w its center 0 {out North 0! the out:- ciua 01].]; pith and o! the null. tenk t he h. f rt! 3 ct t purpoee o euppo cover! . (our concrete bane. an 11 inches by 0 inchee deep; one locet- cd with ite center 8 feet 6 inchee South of the North trep well: one with he center 8 feet unchee North of the cen- ter of the South trep well; (and the other_two between? the lest ebove men- dthé ulcuuum mm nzwsu'rrn cog-“with “it Thu. 6 Mick manhole be continued at the eastern terminus of the dare. aid deaqribed outlet never. The said mtnhole the“ be 8 feet internal dinne- ter and surrounded with I brick well 8 inches thick cough-mud in all re- in the menuer herein rovided for 'o‘ther manholes. except. t. shell hm 3 much“ bottom ~18 fugue. m, .L- a-.. -1 _L1_n, ‘ #4., an to ot'whiéli ME£~M'_TBZ :5}? slant on o! 0.!" £901 gb‘ovo egg dquug A_.I LL- '7‘ , and the lntoflor of this manhole mu The said outlet sewer shsll be con. attucted of cast iron pipe weighing 50 pounds per lineal foot and be connect- ed with lend joints; it she‘ll be leid with its inside bottom or grade line at an elevation of 57 feet shove oi datum where it connects with the sep ic nit end shell rise uniforml‘y to 66.4 feet st s int 600 feet west 0 its eastern ter- m nus. From thenee’it shell rise uni- formly to an elevation of “.4 feet stits eastern terminus in the shove mentiOn- ed manhole. ‘- 20 feet south of the center line of Prairie avenue; thence east along a line 20 feetsonth of and parallel with the center liueot Prairie avenue fan a point within‘the city limits of Highwood 10 feet east of the West line of the east. 1-2 action 15 aforesaid where it. shall ter- minate in a brick manhole hereinafter described. ‘ wideon top, 2 feet doe ï¬nd 12 inches wide 1.1. the bottom. he. tank, grit chambers, sludge pipes with _ their valves and ï¬ttings. the outlet pipe end outlet ditch, shall be included with and be understood to form a part of the septic tank when hereinafter referred ' mm a main outlet sewer shall be constructed comi‘ecting with the septic tank and the lay-gees pipe “herein fro. vided.,and be lei along the center inc 0! the septic tenk_exgended to a ‘poixit hrsneh end seetioa curve pipe. end he hid North slong the West side of the septie tsnk on s line 0 feet therefrom to n point 11 feet North 0! the North endolthe tnnk whereshend shell be inserted. end the pipe ehelleontinneto snd connect with the 10 inch cast iron outlet sewer from the sewet system hereinntter provided for. st e point 24 teet North of the North end of the teak: sn 0 inch brsneh shell be torn» iehed snd set in the Innin sludge pipe; ogpoelte the sludge pine herein providn to be pinned in the 'orth end of the septic tsnk snd cont , tions he lnnde therewith. end nnother I inch breach provided with the neeessnry pi . fltr tings and bends shell connect with the two 3 inch sludge ogipee from the t {chflr.d? :orad (“Shh-'11 beprr- ‘n so one I: t ~psea pe. lhetween its connection with the 10 inch outlet newer from the sewer sys. tem. end the ï¬rst 8 inch‘ ‘eonnection with the sludge {elves of the yrit chnmher; this vslveshsll he s sin le gste bras mounted huh end not vs. ve wfitiin vslve box {ï¬t-rig toi the :21}? 'o t e ground. , n p ‘ t- ’tinge hereinhefore mentiongg'ehsll be at etsndnrd we' ht gee pipe with leaded joints. ey shell be hid and bedded in trenches or covered in ï¬lls nadeof exesntedesrthumnybew quired to serve the invent purposes intended. ' ' f ,, i .. Thet on open trendh then be out: fluted in the ground leading from the hulk-heed hex-pin provided'to be eon- â€mated. to the ehsnnel o! the creek or Egan. The mid trench [to be A199,; A;__. ’ That a main tile pipe sewer of 18 inches internal diameter he construct- ed connecting with the aforesaid unan- hole at the eastern teminue of the iron outlet aevver in Prairie ‘ avenue and he laid North in Jeflereon avenue and alonga line of 10 feet east of and nar- Allalnwith the , line of theeaat 11.. . ot efloreeaid , 15 to center of flora: avenue ,ghenee eaetalong a; , avenue toa po .fï¬ 'Wte the " ’ “North 'untral " menu; thence north. along the center linen! north Gentralmnm thence ‘ east albug’thepenter Knee! Burchell avenue tothe out line of J;_E. anroh. - ell‘s subdivision of the Southwest 1 of. the Northeast formation; 15 afore- leid; thence easterly thronghvlot 50 of Highwood to a point in the center of Railivay avenue 830 feet . Southerly. mearured along the center line of said Railway avenue from the South line of Forest avenue extended East; from thence it shall be laid easterly beneath the right-of-wa of the Chicago and Northwestern ailvvay Company and of the Chicago and Milwaukee Electric , Railway Company, and thro 11 lots 13 ' and 15 of Evert and Meat-s 8n iviaion of lands in sections 14 and 1‘ Township 43 North. Range 12, east of the Third EPrincipal Meridnn, toa point in the center of Waukegan avenue oppos- ite the center .of Clay avenue. It shall be laid with its grade line or inside ‘hot’wm starting at an elevationof 07.6 - feet where ihconnects with the mam hole at the eastern terr'ninus of the outlet sewer 'in Prairie avenue i‘ï¬d shall rise uniformly at e rate of 0.4 feetto each 100 fyngth thereof i to‘the center of Nor avenue. where : a brick manhole be constructed in which a. 10‘ inch section of pipe for future connections shall be inserted ' looking to the North, at an elevation of 73.1 feet. The main sewer shall leave the east side of this manhole at‘an ele- vation 0:30.25 feet above datum; and shall rise uniformly to 78 feet above at the center of North Centrel avenue; from thence it shall rise uniformly “to 79.75 feet at the center of North Central avenue and diuretic“ avenue; {run thence it shall rise uniformly to 83 feet above datum at its eastern terminus in Waukegan avenue. ' Work to be palgf for in municipal bonda o! the City Hi hwood. bonds payable. One Thousand llara (01,000) per year for ten (lotyears, interest at Q per centuln per annum. - Io conneeted tint h opening the 0 inch vein the 10 inc outlet newer one be nnlhed with water from the weter meine of the cl . A 10 inch single gate huh end nnt v we with nive box pro- vided. shell be let in the 10inch sewer between the connection of the 6 inch weter min sad the manhole nbove westw- e! l) inehee (ii-meter looking North for the purpoee of connecting the pn- azipmpoeed nnd future eewere thereâ€" There ehnll he n iOinehbinneh eat iron "Y†brunch furnished end-0t in the lo ineh iron outlet newer at 3 point 1: feet Wen of its eaten-n mi- nne Ind e enfleient nnntity of O ineh eat iron untiea'pi I :iihNoinwrninhedh oonneetingw t e 0 n n. aid “Y" hreneh nnd belnid in n trench 0 feet doe to uni oonneet with theweeternterninnn ofthe onetimn wnter pipe new kid in Preirie venue to Jeflereon evenue; n 6 ineh donble pte bran mounted huh nnd Int '3!" shall he Vinrninhed end net in thie leo- tion 0! 6 inch pe, with I. out iron ex- tennion vnlve pinned over it, the tape! the box beingrhflneh with the Inrfnceotthetoed. iepfreeheilb‘e lo onnneetad that hv anon my th. e fl“! 5 iv! “we!