uhernoon. Hr. C. E. Wilcox in “tending the Gunners Cou-‘ nation in Aflnn tie City this' week. On Toad-y Ir. Wilcox spoke isolate the oo-vontton on ‘Gunned Goods from the Buyer’l sundpoint". PM 3“ re- ports his spent in exceptionally good. ‘ Mini Eliubeth Steele bu [one to Glenn Bay. Wisconsin. (or n two week- visit. Dr. nnd In. J. F. Beaumont. gun A very pn- joynbln anenflne My to eighteen Bighlnnd Pnrk {fiends Wodnendny evening. Mrs. June. W. Prindiville left on Thundty morning for California. where she will upond the re. Wade!- 0! the' winter. Mrs- Hurklin entertained nfew friends nt arde on Wednesday evening in honor of her birthdey. The lecture on Abrshsm Lincoln given st the High School on Mondsy evening by Col. Merrie“: of Chicago was s great success. Col. Merriam wes a. persons! friend of Lincoln's sud ls each had many interesslng anecdotes to tell of him. His (elk wss followed by s short. speech by Mr. Dcment, slso of Chicseo. The lecture wss well attended, I. few of the Daughters of the Revolution, and all of the cadets of the Military Acsaemy being present. new Began Léflmr. a trip to. the: West Ipdies. Miss Muriel Boulton went on thg same day to be the guest. of Miss Eleanor Smoot at, Ann Arbor. A musical programme Was given at the High- land Pork Club last. night. Miss Harding read “The Blind Girl of Cutie come†by Longfellow. with lit-5.10m; at. the piuno. Mr. Day Williams was the “cellist, and with Mrs. June: and Mr. George Jones played a trio. ‘ Perhaps the most. thoroughly enicyshle stair of the week wss the Pl'M'O Vslentineï¬psrty which took place on Wednesday evenisg. This nOvel ides originated with 9 number of young men who are to be congratulated on the success of the evening. About, twenty-four young people took part meeting» the home or Mr. Fred B. Moon, where We M course of the supper was served and games indulged in. From there they proceeded to Miss Lillian Herdklotz, then to Miss Gertrude Brand’s and ï¬nished the evening’s frolic at; the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norenberg. The four- teenth will long be remembered by those partici- psting. The following is only one of the many excep. tional land bargains to be had in Tullahumu and vicinity: No. 138. This tract of land contains 164 acres, 7'5 of which are under cultivation and fenced. Small orchard Watered‘by creek and spring. A nicq 2 storied 6 room house on the placé, with 2 barns and two smoke-houses. This-tract “located within a. mile of the n ntion, and clone to church‘ and school. The land is slightly rolling. but only enough to drain itself Well. Soil on this tract red- dish clay slightly mixed with gravel. Thin is one of the best bargains we hove considering location and'prioe, nnd its adoption for 3 stock farm. The price of this tract is only $1,800.00, and it will prove interesting to my one wonting n trnct of this size. At the present this is on the bngnin counter but will not be with no long. On Thu'sday Mr. G. D. Boulbon and Mr._ Ken- Homaeoker‘u Excursion next T‘uudsy. W/Mt People AIM Doiflg he: is giving n bridge pt?†“I“ n". ““591 5‘30“ l. ("‘3‘ ‘ “MM“ â€a" undid“: (Q: the loï¬duum in one county whore whloh ll ‘0 be WWW“! 5! l hm card 1""! in the district, includes sevonl oonntkn. me“ i. “mm" {he Cum“ Co“; the “moon The tho lnw in invulid because 6 bill was not unis City w“. '0“. 0a Tnudny The ï¬rst “km“ W" of .tho m took roul dam times in ench house he! re n was voted oko baton the eonvontlon on ‘Onnned in... gt. Bylnn Dolls School on annuity Inn. The “PM“ TM “W“. m' " m“ a" “' ulntnn M a Buyer’s Sundpoint". Pm nll w shit In. tho to celebrate the birthdny- of ‘W of ‘ conference “mum†"9°" an no: ‘ hill. .5 w excepuonnlly (00d- the null boyl 0‘ the school. Leghlndve expon- uy, howaver. that noonfoum ; report in eqniulent. to 5 bill. in Highland Pa rk HiGHLAND PAliK-NEwsoLETTER The am month. port, of flu season wok blue .1. Sylnn Dells School (on Sunnis] Inn. The mm m tho to celebnte mo biflhdty. of “to of tho mll boss 0! the uchool. The Chic-go Telephone Company issued this week 3 neyv directory to u:- Iuhecrihen in High- lnnd Put. Highwood, Fort Shel-idea Ind Gleneoe. The new book is mullet end more convenient. thnn the’prefloul North shore directory, nod it. was prinwd u the Newer-Letter omen. Prof. Trobrldge of the Moody Bible Institute will conduct I song service on Sundny night. u. the ,First Buptist Church. A large chorus will sing Inome of the newest. and latest Gospel 80am. A nhcsml of the chorus will be held on Sundoy ï¬ler-noon u mo. The girls' buket lull teun of the High Sch-Jo! will pity the McKinley High school girl-1|: the High School gymnasium next Tuesdny qhemoon. On Sunday morning at. 10:45, Rev. Geo. D. Bog- ern of the Baptist Church will preach on the sub- ject "Finality in Religion", taking the topic Iron: Prof; Foster‘s inn-school: which has caused snbh wide discussion among Baptist. ministers. . Mrs. Samuel Slade left. on Tuesday morning with he: sister. Bin 5ngan of Chicago. to spend a month or six week! 1!. Pub Christian, Miss. Mr. Blade I ill jot; “raw. A peteï¬on for mandamus to compel the'"bourd’ of electioqwmminloners of Cook count: to per- The Socialist party has attacked the new primary law in the courts uni will test. its validity. mit the Sod-Luau tpzholda primal-1h... Sm am in the supreme court. The mandamus. h’rings' up many poihts in the law on which the validity will be attackéd if the court, takes jurisdiction. Some time Ago-the election, commissioners re- fused ti) permit the socialists to participate in the primary on kebrnary 24 because they had nor. polled at the last election at lens 20 per cent of xhe total vote cast in that county. The petition which has been ï¬led in the sup- reme court asks that tribunal to compel the elect- ion commissioners to permit the Socialist party to hold a primary under the old law on the ground that the new one is unconstitutional. While admitting that the law contains some de- fects, the eommissioaers are sanguine that. the court. will uphold the entire set. The commission- ers are prepared to defend the law. The mun points on which the putty bases its petition are the following. That. the mm invelid became it. places I ï¬nan- cial restriction on a citizen running for public ofï¬ce by requiring a ï¬ling fee of from $25 to $100 before 3 candidate can hIVd his nune printed on the oflic- ial primary ballot. That the law is invnlid beam it. requires 3 puny to poll 20 per cent. of the total vote to hue n primsry in Cook county 3nd only 10 per cent in the remainder of the “we. . Tint the luv is innlid .beoauu down in the “no it prevehu the nomi’nnion of more flan one Sbcialists Attack Primary Act "the petition bu been ï¬led by Mr. Stu-cent. "patenting the Sochlim of Cook canny. “The Socislista are linking the ï¬ght, but. both the old psrtin no interested in 1.110 ' nutter." odd Mr. Strover. "No one is utisï¬ed with the new primhry luv. beans: the more ii is investigated the slower it. develops that it. in not n reform mou- are, but I scheme to perpetusw the present. politi- esl whines. There is no doubt. thst the isw is nnoonstitntionsl, for it is s image-pods! shit, bristling with sections thst osn be interpreted in s dbzen different wsys. it. is so full of smbignitiel snd contradictions that. one csn drive niour-in-hsnd through it in many places. “Inasmuch as the Socialists polled 30 per cent of the vote cast in four wards in Chicago; that party could demand a primary in thee’e hard: at least, under the law, but not in the net of the city. and thie condition adds to th~ mend conkelon arising from the numerous intemretatione placed on the act." ' The supreme court mok jurisdiction in this use this mowing when it {NOW the motiqn for log: to ï¬le the petition. Nothing Cvu said by the m as it enacted the Oran-Waking WW Am politicians this union of the Socialist: in ‘W the hill in “ken â€acuity and h is grout]: J " the min bf. decision but. 1: "is likely mt: hiking to the near approach of the primary day, the not“ will take up the subject. at. once and render a. deciâ€" sion, ï¬ling the opinion later. An you looking for omens? See those in the new State Bank Building. Wen ï¬nished. modern, light, and suitable for professional pnrposes. Call and see them. Ask for C. T. Ford, manager, Chicago Telephone 00.. Schumachcr} Headache POWJCI'O . Phone 2581 5‘. Joluu Avenue. Hiï¬uuul pal. mind. Ever Have Headache? fed. W. Schuuiacher. Druggist Don‘t we the oflinlry morphine- lulen powders nml tablet; you see dwertiucl. I nuke 3 preparation tht contains no nerve-deadening Jrnda. It 1: I‘uolutcly lnnnlcu. But very effective. The next tune you Are troubled. try it. OEcep for 'Rent