THIS great Clearing Sale of summer Wear will provide aloud-saving opportunities that will make it the most notable e‘ of theyear. The, superb assortment oi summer goods that we offer are marked down to a third of their actual cost. W we start to clear for another season we adopt no half way methods, but we sacrifice with a liberality that is a constant soul-1 surprise. This will bring customers from every part of Lake County, for it will be the greatest clearing sale ever given by store. This great selling will not be confined to a few lines but will include every article in the store. We urge you to atten » sale, if only to look around, but if you desire to purchase, plain price tags, marked in red, makes it possible {Or you to go CV! CLEARING OF .EI'ON’“AND BELERO SUITS The summer season is nearly o’er as is: as merchandising is coucetued, but there sre‘ still several weeks during which the cool end comfortable garments will be appreciated. Now is the time when we take our loss and give the public the beneiit. Such marvelous values as we are dieting can not help but peove most appealing. ( Economy and luxury for once go‘hand in hand. A! pretty an assortment as you would care to see. all wool, just the thing for full wear, any price you want at CLEARING or FlNl-‘LCOVERT JACKETS CLEARING OF FINE COATS FROM SUITS Buck and Tan and a large selection, raging in value from the cheapest Fine Garments, tucked and trimmed with lune and tone with b1 to the bent, at ' » 7 ’ ‘pink piping, at. CLEARING 0F DRESSY SILK COATS The selection is so large that it would be diflicult to give a description. but they all go 3t CLEARING‘OF YOUNG FOLKS COATS A clearing tint will prove interesting for mothers outï¬tting the young folks for achool,[u the entire anortmcnt goes n \ 50c on the Dollar is Clea CLEARIQG OF FINE LOT OFKIMONAS Swell lot of them, made up in Dotted Swing, Crepe: Ind stnl. launching slwnyl needed, M > + Flue Blues and Blacks, as well as a. few other desirable colors it so cents on flat doll“ August 2 5 ‘ t So cents on the dollar 50 cum on the 50 cant: on the dollu cents on the doll“ cents on the doll“ CLEARING OF' FINE WHITE )ACKETS Including Brflliantine, Serge, Poplin and Pongee, t grout urii select from, It .. 50 cant: on thg CLEARING 0F MISSES WHITE DRESSES For on this great occasion we propose to excel! .{m‘ superb line of ready-towear garments that have everthm Any t1midity we may have felt in the past in selectingery past. A year ago we were what people might call “g at: cater to the demands of the most fastidious. This'ye are effort will be spared in ~aaecuring positively the best. fem: told when our customers see the truly remarkable pu W and other: are arriving daily, and while we arek u at the early arrivals if you ask. ’ Watch for Our 212 NORTH GENESEE 50 cents on the IL