All the but-neat phoe- o! the city were dated Thur-city. 3nd every one went to the (air It Liberty- villu. an report- indium ‘hut n. m .h: bun. (.m- hold In Luke Conn] {01' yum. Mn, Idlers I. spending anal weeks with her brat her In Run-u. Donald Mucolm left this week to join M- “the: in Sucked: Kubor, N. Y. Th" flith'oo'! 8gb“: opened Tuesday with 3 larger ï¬tundtnoe thu- ever before. ' In! Winkle, Bowen" is spending A month with her went- in l'nplls, Indium. She wu uoompenied by her brother. P. N. Wheeler, who he: been visiting her (or severe! weeks put. A number of Highwood citlzenl Ire planning to attend the Wiseonntn State Fnlr u Milwaukee next All the City oaieiele etlended the opening of the Racine exteneion of the C. d: M. E. R. B. It Recine lent Betnrdey. Judge Peeee wee one of the spell:- enof the occasion. ’ _ .The degree teen 01 the Eeglee he. received the new, suite, end they will be in evidence et the next reguler meeting 0! the Aerie next Tharsdey even- ins. / The regular meeehg of the City‘Conncil will 'be héld next. Tueadzy evening. Edward Jones' 13 quite seriously ill with anemia poisionlng. . A baby gm wu born to 7r. and Mn. 11'. A. Fink of Waukegnn “chm last week. ‘ Hill Bebk, head nurse at the Monroe hospithl. Chicago, is spending a few days ‘1: Dr. Wescott‘m The Labor Day Dance of the Twilight Pleasure Club at Fort Sheridan Park Monday even‘ing, wss well attendefl, and the funds of the Club weve per~ oo'ptlbly swelled thereby. Gibbs Maroons played great ball at the Liberty’- ville Fair this week. beating the Libertyvilie team on Wednesday by a score of 4 to 3.011 Thursday the team played the Waukegsu Cubs, and the score at thé'feï¬d of the eight inning was ~7 to 0. in the ï¬rst of the 9 inning, however. the Maroons pitcher. McGill of Chicago. was influenced by compassion (or something more potent) and handed the Cubs 7 runs. tie'iyg the score. In the heated controversey which followed, the umpire declared the game end- ed in favor of the Cubs. (A protest was made. and the Maroons went over Friday prepared to beat everything in sight, and secure the purse, but it was not known when this was written, whether they got a square deal or not. . ' The Maroons have played 23 games this season and have lost only two. ' Private Riggs left. the Post last wéek' for Fort Benjamin Harrison in chag'ge of six men. When they left Chicago there were only four. - ‘ No need of hurry down stairs to nnnwer the tele- phone. Get an extension. Formerly $1 per month . -â€"now am cents. Anyone can afford it. Telephone the manager end place your orderâ€"mm. Chiago Telephone Company. Private hacker of the 27th Infantry, is ill In the hospital at Ft. Benjamin Harnison. Don't Slide The Banister W/mt People- flre Doing Perseverance Wins ' The mm o! I St. Louis wholesale hon“ me e seduce, et e recent. meme 5 dinner to Illu- mt - the velne of p-reevemnee. An opuuhtle frog end e peeelniefle (my, be eeid. fell into e pen of milk. end both were in denser of being drowned. me so .u lhc p. saimisflc. {my gave up the 301m. end no}: to the bottom. while use op'imiu kept swimming round. lit- becam- very tired end use tempted to give up the “rule. but swan on, end on. and "n. And eventueuy he lound himself flung comfort-My on a pet o! bu$ter!â€"Hsp¢oode Opportunmu. A ltd of Enld.0k1t., in the geognphy aim was deeply inure-mod in learning- .ho points of the com- plu. 831d the umber: "You lave in from of you the north. on you; right. the clue. 3nd on your left. the west. Whnt have you behind you?†After 5 few mo'ments’ re- flection. Chnrlie onl‘limed: “A patch on my puma." And to nuke the infor~ nation more binding Chm-lie continued 1n n shunn- faced manner: “I knew you‘d see it; I told alumna you wonld. " When Bishop Potter was asked what he' thought of womun auflngo he made the diplomatic reply: “My dear msdun I hu'e got. away beyond that. I am trying to make the best. terms with the sex that. I can obtain. †This bring-s to amid the mot ot-wmiam M. ' Evan-ts when asked by a lady if he did not think that woman was thie‘ best judge of womn. lye re- plied: ’“ “Not only the b?st‘judge, madam, but the best executioner.â€-â€"Bosbon Record. Notice is hereby? given that application will be made to the State Board of Pardons to be held at Springï¬eld, 111.. the second Tuesday in- October, 1906,101' the pardon of W. J. Cummings, a, prisoner in Joliet. State prison, convicted of murder at the October term of the Circï¬it Court. of Lake County in 1901 and sentenced to fourteen years imprison- ment at Juliet. There are, though. Ribbons and laces nnd trim- mings. sold by‘the “down," measure nine or gen yuda. Therein Iio complaint, beam ~"they all do It." You huve the uni plane“ in your goods-â€" Hikhland Psi-k, Ill. Dear Sir: You sell a good many things by the gallon. Being a decent man. you give NH measure. You know wha-i. we meat: You know that. short. weight ind short measure are common amongâ€"Wei) we hope there we no mo". measures and weights in your town. ’ in Hig/ywooa’ Letter to Mr. Geo. F. Bock " The Little Lad's Patch Notice Mrs. Winnured Ouxï¬min‘gs. nan-l, everybody. waned or bottled. chem: ‘ qmtity. Manon nob ndy give. {all wright (weary-pub“! We are one o! the almost nobodieo. We sell pdnt. by the “Klon‘ to paint. your home; and um- I- just m an. a your: that you manure ‘\ in y" with-23! cubic inches. Good pun! too-Dem lod-nnd-ziuc duke. fewer (ulna: Hun mixed pint nod wars m Ice u long :- lowland-oil. You own 3 bonus. Thu}: why we to you. North Shore Distilling 00. ~â€" â€" â€" Inmfpor Mon. 1‘0 bfny and sele winu, etc. at Wuukegnn. ' August 21 1906. J. 8. Prallsnd wf. toChiesgokMilwnuke Electric Rnflroad Co.Su-ip100 feet through Pnll‘s Fort Sheridan Sub. G. L. Wrenn and wf. to Augugt De Bonn Sarah A. Higgins and us. tol'F‘. A. Shocks Lot 9, 811:. ll, meoor‘Addq High- land‘Purk. W. D. Sarah A. Higgins and bus. to Elizabeth Kimble Lat 5 Blk. 10 Exmoor Add. Highland Park. " W. l). J. J. Lancaster to John Grifï¬th Pat-t. Secs. ' Jane ‘qu Street. to F. L. W_ean L. ‘7 Blk ,Highland Park. W. D. Sarah A. Higgins and has to Arthur St Peter, Lot )7, Blko Exmoor add, High- land Park. w. d. J. A. Rewhelt and w! to Frank Anderson Lot m Village of Deerfleld. w. d. A. C. Frost etc 9.1 W. A, Alexmder Sduth 86 ucrespf N. E. h†Sec 22. Deerfleld TWP. w. d. v ' Maria J. Finpey and has to Jeï¬aie T. Maize], E. 35f). W. 100 ft 8. 1/; Lot 3, Blk 25, [Highland Park. w. d. Sarah A. Higgins and 11113000. A. Welch Loti. Blk 10 Exmoor Add Highland Puk. w. d. Sarah A. Higgini .pd bus to Minnie Carlson. Lot. 7, 81k 6, 3: r Add, Hith- lund Park. w. A; Your: truly F. W. Duo: 5; t'o. ’ -. New York and Chicago P. 8. D. C. Purdy a Son: all our pdim.‘ In H Parsons to A. A. Put-sons et. al 217% acres in Secs. 32. 33 ind 34, Jee ï¬eld . W. D. ,. 7_‘1_._,_- _- W-.. Lot. 3 Blk 4 Wrenh’sAddq High- land Park . W. D. 6 and 7, Deerï¬eld Twn) REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Furnished by Lake Goumu 1 tie and Trust 00. ncu Tude. Titles Gama MASON!» I'IIPLE BUILDING. WAUKEGAN. ILL. Loni- J. (inrhee. Sec. August. 20. 1909. Augï¬sb 25, 1906. Titles Gunmen! W. I). 3 1214.0(1 W. D. a 63mm Ire writing 81 0 0.00 F3†0 saw) 31" â€00.00 $100.00 61200.0.) 5 l at) 00 7mm a {he “()0 4K) 0Lâ€)