Notice is hereby given to all persons interested. that the bids for the grading. draining, paving with macadam and otherwise improving a sysu m of streetI, in the City of Highland Park, County of Lake‘end State of Illinois. consisting of Onwentsia Avenue. Glenview Avenue, Homewood Avenue and Midlothien Avenue were opened on the 14th dIy of September, A. I). 1906. and JII. Cape Sons being the lowestvreeponsible ‘bidder, the contract. “33 lwerded to ind Joe. Cope a; Sam on the mi. day of September, A. 0.1906. BIid bid iI for the work Is I whole Ind iI II folloWI: ‘ The funeral took piece on Tuesday afternoon It the Ebenezer Emnegelial Church. RevXMr. Schutle. the presiding elder of the Chicago district, preach- ing the funeral sermon in Mr. Ebert’s absence. The children‘s choir of the chm-ch furnished the ammo, which was mostlbeuutiful. The burial wné at. Lake_Forest. 1 Elsie, the â€might slaughter of Ur. tnd Mn. Funk Kirby. died .1. the Augusta: Hospital on Saturdly evening, of aphid menegitb, at the ag of 10 years. She had been in «rip-oar health for a year or more but during the lust two or three mquths she had become steadily worse. During the last. two week: spinial menegltiq developed wliich caused her death. Board of Local. Improvements of the City pf Highland Park. †The tuners! wn held a his I». residence on south Second and. at 8 o’clock on -Mv at". noon, Rev. A. A. .Phnsliehl deï¬ning. The bad“ wu M thkegm. Ho lam beside: his widow, s lumber, W. Alford of Downer-h Grove, [1].. old one non. E who is now unable to leave the hoopltd ll Junta, Colorado. sick with typhoid but. WWAsme “10' .. â€W" "“5"“ M" W “m" pee-cam Symonenk. UL. ehor’eiy Idler. There they built ee'verei buildings. , - W. D. - Alice! herded in ll“ line 0. I. Cutler, of Pleiniield, m. .d unwed to Lyon. love, movJ in. wein in I“? I0 Ahfloeh. 111.. end from thereto Weeke'en in I... where he wee for eeverel yeere in the etore bed-ea. He then treveled ee teleo- pen en'd deflector twelve yeere. querel yem efter burying hie 'Ivile. he egein untried, Mile Beanie A. Cgeninxhem of Highlend Pei-k. raiding here the ieei. ten yeere of hie life. ' Be wee e highly Repeated citieen. "experienced religion when e boy end hed elweye been e worker ,in the I. E. Church ell lhtongh hie lilo. «trying hie preetieei religion into hie delly life, pereonel, eoeiel end poiiticei. “uperfooe. ........ 9.530 lieeei feeidl-iooteoiewet {e pertuot........ ................. .. an lieeei lees a! I-iootero- welheee "cpl-loot. ....................... Tom... The eveere of e majority of the i the iote m ieede npoe eeid Unwenteie Homewoole'ed Ilidiothien Avenues I work ie to he done any. within ten the dete hated. elect to tehe eeid wor! into e wrinen «tree: to do eeid wori centnln ieee then the price el. which ti: been ewerded. ‘ . ' ROBERT o. EVANS, Wynn D. Alford won 77 non old old won born on his lolber‘o turn in Lewis county. New York Sun. July my. 1830. when he ton-{nod through boyhood. Thou bio fuller sold. and bought at Oneid- Ooitlo. New York. going Into the corponur Notice of Awarding Contract Death of Elsie Kirby q tree which he Notice of Awarding Contract Notice is hereby given to .11 pemonp‘interested that-the bids for the construction of s concrete cement. ildeï¬nik ï¬ve (5) feet. wide, in the City of Biahlond Pork, County of Lake nnd sun of III- inois, on sud slang both sides of ()uwenuh Ave- nue, from the westerly Hue of First sweet, other- per centum less than the price at. which the same has been awarded. Total. . . 4462.10 The owners of a majority of the homage of the lots and lands upon said st. Johns Avenue wherein said work is to be done may, within ten days from the - date hereof, elect to take said work and enter into a written contract to do said work at. ten Board of Local Improvements of the Oil'y of Highland Park._ Board 01 Local Improvement. of the City of Highland Park. . ' - Notice of Awarding Contract 13.0% iF-hmb! ziven t5 411 per-on! inflated. the; the bids for the oonslruétion of a sewer on St. Johns Avenue from Morning Rood south for a dis- tnnee of 523 (out, together with mnhOles, flunhing connection and†housewnnectkn talents. in the City of Hignlnnd Pork, County of Lake and Slate of Iiiinois, were opened .on the 15th day of September A. D.,'1906. Ind Patrick F. Cnnley. Thomas Mc- Nichols being the iowent responsible bidder the 0011 , tract. was nwhr'ded to said Patrick F. Gamay Thomas McNichols outhe 14th day of September, ‘ A. 0.3900. Said bid is for the work as n whole ' ~ and in as follows: ‘ ~ 523 lineal feet of 8 inch 36w" @ 70¢ Vï¬ow per foot .............. ' ...... 2 Manhole: (9 $28.00 each ........ I Flushing conneétion ........... The own»: of n Innjority of the frontage of the lot. gnghndn upon said Unwenuin. Glendon. Homewoodn'nd Nidlothinn Avenues: Wham pnid work is to be done any. within ten day- from the duo hm. duct to take aid work nod enter into n written mtrn'ct to do aid work It fen per centnnn Mu thnn the price at which the same bus been nwnrdod. . m "’0! tool of â€duh “or II 6'!) air tom ......................... Clo Illa] tent at 15 Inch tower at u. 00 ALtoot....r.,>.., .............. u“ 5v iw i" u L c \ ROBERT G. EVANS GEO. W. TURNER J43. H. 811mm» " Board of Local Improvements. ROBERT o. EVANS, GEO. W. TURNER. JA‘. 1]. SHIELDS. Baird of Locul Improvements .............. .1.-. . .. ............ 8 366.10 ......_....\ ..... 3 56.00 .......... ..3 40.00 Totu.... 10.†lo “8 Q Electrical Contractor LMQM‘ Thumb ' no "use“ all! work in to he done my. wiklnln a. day- from the am bored, elect. to uh ma Work Old on" inm a written mum to do an work a to. put out“ lnn than the prion It wMoh tho ï¬ne In: ., 2:... 23.... .r. r33... 1“ It'll-'5 Ina! fangz‘ I “fr-1.? ,5... 133133.330!qu gut-gr‘gtfl {Selina-3.930;.‘ol as. ............. . ................... 83.8 no. one? «.2732; O a 0.12. «.21.. .'â€"u.o¢ 3.26 5...... no: on 303.2. 0 . .530 v2. ‘89 ................. . _r_v. wâ€" w'v “bdï¬w‘guï¬uï¬w dtheroulwny at Milan amu‘wlth 0.- “uiguonnc were ope-don thc lull in a! . A. D. 1006. OM Edvard I. Lung it... tho ' "upon-{Ne bidder. th. dang-no. u... "are you Will approve. W6 have gqod writing m and the "PAPERS THAT APPEAL" Highland Linen and Twotonc Lmen are two styles we feel unlusyouwriteitonpaper YOur deck at thu moment ? W? can ShOW YOu a full line of Wm notrefllystmdforYOU Eaton-Hurlbut Writing Papers ‘ Newsdcalcr 8: Stationcr letterrwriting a pleasure. ALBERT LARSON 136 um Strut- Highland Park, [hob .J.LEUER Your Letter Ju. B. Sunni; Board 0! Lou! llpprovennu. Ml 31.37175 Laun