Miss Elizabeth While ‘ue a innchoon launch {0? Miss Catherine Smith Rollo.- whose mun-rings to Mr. James Norm-n Wright. took plus on 'l‘hnrndny iniChictgo. ' . M r. But. Memnger i; very ill ii: Color-do. Mr. and Mn. Messenger and their duughur. Milo Helen Messenger, who cam house at once from VM. hlï¬e gone on COMM-5' "‘2‘ " ‘ Mr. jud Mm Raymond “in: h." ï¬lmed 16 their hand in Chicago that doom-c the any» in Highland Park. 'lrs. Oren E. Ta“ is visiting Ill-I. John Mush- Ili at Louisville. Ky. 511m. ll. P. Davidson eutechiuod informally on Friduy afternoan for a few young people. The affair was in honor of Mrs. Mznhnll. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. (Tutu are the hsppy parents of a baby boy. Mrs. Cums was formerly Min Lucy Judson of this city. :Judge Peter Grosscup has returned from his trip abroad. ' In. ("us of Clovelnnd is main; her son. Mr. John ulna. an“ Jean I oudeuhuk eaten-hind EC Ina-o†on Thursday for a few friends. 3 E. L. Des Jardins has resigned' his position as sdpeiiulendent of the Chlcagoéz Mflimnxkee Ek-ct- rig- Railroad, and contemplatés going into the cou- .s uction huisness, His resignation Suites effect Ntvclulwl' list. P h Lima-r: â€"â€"l“;ic1ny. small pgippirgehcomguipg tw9 ppmâ€"es Return to 2: 1 w. John. mane. See us 01 the sdling and renting 0! your High- land l’mk proper-tics. "ave immegliate customers. Mun-M , "lmn. 217 W central Aveuua. Phone 206. é Firs: ('hurch of Christ, Scientist, Hazel avenue néar St. Johns. Service Sunday 10:45 a. m. Wed- nesday 8 p. m. Reading room in church open We'd- net-«lays and Fridays from " to 4 p. m. Subject for Sunday, October" ., Are Sin. Disease, and Dent}: Real? ‘ 1'03]le â€"â€"â€"I\ice furniahen room; steam heat. ( all at 35‘.) South Second street. . Mrs. James Mae, of Rockwood, Tenn. who has been visiting here. and in Lake Forest, was called home last, week quite suddenly by the illness of M1. Mees mother Mr and Mrs. Walter Kirk have returned to (,hic.agu ' J. i’. Naurnes has resigned his position as éhper- intendent of transporatiun on the Chicago Mil- \vaukw Electric Railroad, and has accepted a simi- lar position with the Chicago Southern Traction (‘0. He leayes for his new duties about Oct. 10th. Shun“) 0i; STOLENâ€"Last; Monday night. a. dark Jersey cow. without. horns. A'nyone seeing or hearing of such a stray please notify Dr. L. M. liergen. In mnncction with the Elmendorf lectures be- ginning at Ruvinia theatre Oct. 6th, it is announced that Mr. Lester Price. genernl manager of the North Shore (iasCompnny, is toagnin preside It the organ giving as last. year a short popnilr recital before each performance. Enh- Bhechen ha been very ill duh week. [If/mt People flre' Daiflg * , in Highland Pa r/e 1mncifl Ir. 3nd In. E. L. Lobdcll ad funny luv. ro- wrnod to Chicago utter spooï¬ng the up.» hon u usual. . Chandler Egnngivel a dinner at the Exmoor Club to-nlght. A' number of dinners are tobc given proceeding the puma] harvest, party given by the Club. Ilia Vtoln Shloida entertained a luncheon on Tuuhy for It. Scott of Glue-(u. Ir. and In. 'Wimnm Mllhrd hue returned fro-n tlwlr trip to 8 Pull tad' Minneapolis. Mrs. L.‘B. llibbard. who was operaied upon. at the Hanuemgn Hospital recently. is expected to re- turn home the ï¬rst of next week. She'is still in a very weak candition, and will be unable to me her frienda'fbf wmg‘ime‘: ~~ - . a .x s .. , ~, . III- and In. Ben Buy.» bow on North In. Atwood nnd dumb“; ol’Bloston hue been the guest-oi Mrs. W. w. Flinn and kn for home on Thin-day. Sh- Nigel. Bob Hampton: The Late Tenant. Whispering Smith. The Fighting Cheuoe. and other up to due papal: r books at “.25 I. copy. Alba-s Larson. news deeler and stutloner. Mr. Joseph ll. Garaghtv has returned lfter a six week’ 8 hunting trip in the West and with Mrs. Garaghty and her little daughter. Louise. is at the Moraine. Miss Carolyn Shields left on Mohday for Fredotï¬a, New York. to attend the marriage of Miss Eliabeth Macheod, \vha visited Miss Shields last summer. Miss Shields will be one of the bride's atlenduhts. WAan:-â€"Warm furnished room for two. Btue terms uni location. Address “A" this ofllce. Losr:â€"-,A blue umbrella, on Laurel avenue, Inuit Saturday evening. ' Finder please return to Newsâ€" Letterotflce, and receive reward. The friends ‘of Mr. Carl New, an instructor at; the Northwestern Military Academy, will regret to learn of the death of his mother, which occurred this v. eek at his home" 1n BetaVia, N. Y. Mr. New .was called home by a telegram last week. 001. H. oP. Davidson went to Chicago Thursday evening to attend the annual banquet. of the Geographical Society, of which he is a. member. . FOUND~1 In Highland Park, Sunday evening Sept. 9th, very valuable pin. ()Wner can have game by discribing and addressing No. 80 Wis- consjn street, Chicago, One case’of Gibson‘s (England) Fruit Tablets. The best, in the world. Headquarters at Mrs. Bohl‘s more. Fun REST: â€"_â€"New seven room stenm- heated flats, with janitor seivice, only 835 per month. Hard- wood floors, burlap decorations, gas and electric lights, gas ranges. near electric cars and high schooi. Corner Moraine Road and St. Johns sve- nue. Finished November lst. Also modern eight- room house in ï¬ne order. Address H. Filmer. Highland Park.“ Tel.2262. ' just Received I ll miner. Hr. and tin. A. I. Bus-ell 3nd “any. who inn been living in Mr. Jm' home this summer, nun-Ind ‘o to" «Mu. ‘ Mr. Robert [1. Gregory returned last week from Moosehead Lake. Ma. where the family have been for thesummer, and is M the Mdraine until Mrs. Gregory and his daughter return. They will be in Highland Pmkabout a month belore going. back 10 Chicago. lil- label Scott. 0! Ghiu‘o bu been ï¬lm" friends in Highlund Purl: for the put weak. ' Loanâ€"Silver chain with pendnnt. Blub drums with drop pearl. Finder return to 5"? at. Johns avenue. Fox Bunâ€"Sewn-room house. Furnace. cu. uricuy modern. â€I. Call In this om“. , IE. Ember-t of Lafayette; Indium. has opened 3 picture gellery in the Fletcher Building. Central svenne. ' To RnN‘raâ€"Seven-room hous‘e at. lqo Park no- nue. Ail modern improvement... Addreu' J; vi’. Nanmcs, Highland Pu-k. , Mrs. John Stupey, who has been in the August- an‘a Bosnital for: 10w weeks, is at home again much improved in health. Mr. and Mrsteorge Marcy gave a large dinner on Munday evening at. the Moraine. The table deem-Minna were in keeping With those in the ball- room where the dinner was held. The guests which numbered ï¬fty ï¬nal: part in a beautiful cottillion after dinner. Specialties are: Home-made Tomato Catsnp, Orange and Apple Marmaladea. Wild Crab Apple Jellies, Zion [’ure candies, am; Dr. Thomas Un- cooked Wbeat Bread ï¬tMrs. Bohl’s store. II. Freibele, who lsst week opened up a paint and piper store in the basement of the new Hawkins Block. invites the public to can and in. spect his new quarters. 'Mr. Friebele has several ï¬rst class workmen, and will be pleased to quote prices on painting. papering and inter‘or dgcorating. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Rowland and their daughter, Miss Rowland. are among ‘ new arrivals at the Moruine. t9 stay until the closing pf the hotel on "anlrember 13%. Mr. Arvid Magnnsou is back at his old position in the poet oflice after his trip to Sweden. He re- port: a most enjoyable summer. The Harvest Ball given at. the Moraine on last Seturday evening was 'he mecca of the season. The hall was decorated in the naval style with wheat and pumpkins. [intermingled with green lave: lestooned about the ceilings and walls were red and white electric lighten“! jack-‘o’-‘|Interno. After the dune supper was tot-wed «a number of guests. ' In. James Prlndoville 1- hack Iron Bond-g wk. Duchy-mulls" Ibo has boon upeudlnc the II. Freibele, who last week ‘ da; N“ w ‘thin n F It F! from bad 05;)! left New Cub: Cub: whiq Fiel dty. Aer! an i W2 r1 side nue dim las‘ ing an