By par-ting in through rote; end division with the electric lines, it in eluted, the eteem mode would here to materially reduce their tariffs which they ere unwilling to do. if the commiss- ion should see ï¬t to compel such through rates it would undoubtedly have the elect of lowering freight echedulee in nanny port: of the country. ltie deciered the Illinois Centnl will ï¬ght the petition vigorouely.â€"Waukegun Gmtte. Several roads at. various times. inwthe effort to secure more business, have put in joint rates with connecting electric lines. The effort to boy- cott them on the part. of the steam roads‘ is due largely to the fact that'the electric roads have cut into the passenger revenue of the steam linen materially by reducing- rates. The question of entegingv into tramc relation- with electric roads has been discussed many times before the various traflic associations. As a. rule there is an ngreemeut'between the railroads not to have any business relations with the elec. tric lines, but in several cued this has not been adhered to. The my kind: of In. VChu. Brae. will be my to be" other mothers death. which took place in Wise-mail. Friday. lunch I. suddenly u tho home of Mr. J. Grill. A move inon foot bj‘the clan-lo road. of the country to compel the steam line. to interchange mine with them. The first stop was token M0!» «by, when the Chicago and Milwaukee Electric Miro“! oomdlny filed with the inheroute oom- merce commission 3 petition .gainst the lllinois Central and the Ynzoo and Mis’sissipinailey nil raids to compel them to enter 121:0 joint rato and trnï¬ie arrangements. The case will be a test.’ and its prosecution be~ fore the commission is arousing a great deal of interest. The petition is filed under section 5 of the commerce act, which gives the commission the power to establish through and joint rates This power has not. been exercised. The Eighwood Grebe-tr: pnedood u the home of It. Manama. in Buinlt, last Monday even- lug. The primer chm. wood from Ft. sum“ In: Hand-y. III captured in Chicago. Mn. Nehndn-mi. {oi-naily Dflu Robes", visited minions in High-cod Int Sunday. A meeting III held 'byighe People's Put, .I tho 0“: Hull Thursday evening. Lutheran cliu‘rchJThundav. inch 51. Eveï¬gy invited. It. Florence Rotten-g will attend I Thou." in chicane, Fridn evening. A pleasant thus was reported by nll who u- tondcd the my in honor of Ili- Dell; Brown. Int Sunrdny inning. A blrthduy puny will be given It the §wodinh «W/Mt Peop/Z flre Doing Now that Congrats in gonei you my be lorry for some of me man things you hue aid nbont it. ROBERT G; EVANS. JAS. B. SHIELDS. GEO. W. TURNER. Bond of Local Improvement... of the City of Highhnd Pun-k. _ 16 2t and enter into a written contract to do said work Itten per oentum less than the price at which the same has been awarded. Tom] ........................... $17,187.00 The owners 0! a majority 01 the frontage of the lots and lands upon said streets above named wherein said wo‘rk is to be done may, within ten days fromthe due hereo‘. elect. to take said Work pet-yard†............ .. 9,700 lineal feet of 2 foot. sod edgelts cents per foot... ................. 300 lineal feet. of 5 foot cross walks at 75 cents per foot†..... . ........ .. . .. 4,200 lineal feet of stone gutters MOO cents per foot.... . .--.... ......... 4,500 cubic yards of excavation n ac cent- per yard†.a 8.300 lineal feet. ofolnch tile “20mm: pérfoot ..,....... 220 lineal feet of 3 inch tile at 25 cehta per ..u.. toot ................................ 1, 260 lineal feet. of 12 inch sews-rat [ 5 cents pel- foot ........... . ............... 26 Catch basins at 880 00 each ......... . . . 10 300 square yards of paving at 89 cents Notice is hereby gin-n to ell pereone interested. thet the bids for the arr-ding, dreiuinv. peving with mecedelu w otherwiee lmnrovlngn system of etreete. in the City of Bighlezd Perk. (‘ouuty of Luke end Stete of llliuoie. es lollowe: Deerfleld Avenue trove the westerly line of the pend roed- wey on Green Bey Reed. thence westerly to the westerly eorporete limite of eeid City. Hickory Street. from the eoutherly line of the pevcd roed- vvey on Centrel Avenue, thence Iontherly elong Hickory Street. end Hickory Street produced. to end joining with the northerly line at the pend roedwey herein provided for to he built on Decr- fleld Avenue. McGovern Street from the eonther- ly line of the peved roedwey Ion Centre] Avenue, thence eoutherly eloug McGovern Street end licâ€" Goveru Street produced. to end joining with the northerly line of the [lived roedwey herein pro- vided for to be built on Deerfleld Avenue. end Leurel Avenue iron: the weeterly terminue of the present mecedem pevement on laurel Avenue. thence weeterly eloug eeid’ Leure! Avenue end Lhurel Avenmeproduced to end joining with the eeeterly line 0! the peved roedwey herein provid~ ed foeto be built on Hickory Street, In eccor- deuce’ï¬'ith the ordi’nencc. plene end speciï¬ce- tione pl’epered thcrclor were opened on the eighth (8) day of Merch A, D. 1907. end Edward M. being being the lowest respondble bidder, the contrect wee ewerded to said Edwerd M, Leing on tEe Eleventh day of March, A. D. 1967. ' 851d hid in for the work u 3 whole and is as follows: in Higbwood of Local Improvements of the City of 'Highland Park. Notice of Anna... comm . .8 1350,00 1660,00 9167.00 2520,00 225.00 485,00 945,00 780,00 55.00 A man in Cannda died the other dry at ‘he age of m without. ever having bought tn umbrella, ’ But think of the number he p‘gm hue borrowed daring hi: lilcflme. Banding. ready for occupancy M3] 1.1 next. Ape ply sum Bank. ,. 3-10 t1 Surgeons now declare that. the attempt to cure evil‘dispoailiona by removing pressure from the brain. has proved a failure. The only success in that. “he was achieved by the old-time operation which removed the head itself. The man who expects to be insultad never has to wait lqng. _ Bond of Local Improvements of the City of Highland Park Notice of Awarding Contact. Notion is hymby given to all person: intemléd. flat the bids for the grading. Gaining, pnvlng with nmdun Ind other-wine improving Circl- Annuo in the City of Higblnod hrkJm “I. Nohheutcrly terminus of aid Cimlé Anna. thence westerly 3nd tannin-curly to and con- noeung with the pcvnd roadway of Prospect Ave- cnno were owned on‘thg eight day of March A.’ D. 1.07. und’ Edward I. was hell: the lonut' u- .pouible bidder, flu contra“ Ill "waded to Md “my. hing ‘on tho Elena“: it, oi Inch. A. D. m. ' i. Total ' . 710 on The owners of a majoflty of the irbnhge 0! \he lot.- Iud lends upon said Circle Avenue where- in said work is to be done may. within ten day! from the date hereof,e1ect to take aid work and enter into a. written contract to do said work at ten per centum less than the price at which the aim has been awarded 140 cubic 3:11]: of guiding It 35 cents per yud ..... . ..................... 430 line-.1 foot of 6 inch tile u so cents per ' foot... . ................... ..... I Ouch basin: It 30 00 each oenh per foot ...................... 540 square ynrds of Puing 5t 75 cents per yud .............. . . . .............. 760 lineal feet. of sod edge gt 5 cents per Wunrsn~Girls for general housework, ecuks clerks, dishwashers, laundresses; also women to do day work. Call at 222 Washington St†Waukegun. Phone 5051. It Bud bid is tor the workuu wholo and in .- {allow-z Few men can be fooled twice in the suns wav; but. there are so many ways. , Board of Local Improvements, of the Cityof Highland Park. ' ' Fan RENTâ€"Some deainble once: in State Bank ROBERTG. EVANS. ‘GEO. W. TURNER. JAS. H. SHIELDS. “9,00 405,00 42.00 $6.00