4d ‘WW’ nu “III. Gum-choc] upen- 'l’uudny mom- lnl. 3m 3a; For particlhn we next week's Nun-Lena. Mr. Clan. Schneider made a visit to Ludhgtom'Mich. A lauded wu given by Mrs. F. M. Steele at her borne on Friglay evening. Mrs. George Hoï¬mn of Frankston, Texâ€, ls Vilfllnfier sister, Mrs. A. E. Dorsey. . ' . " There will be no services 'in the First United Enngellul Church Sunday be- cause of the Barrington camp meeting. A number of Mystic Workers of High- vhielx is to take plate on Standâ€. Au- Jl. The fortunate man in the cue. in Mr. A. Lawrence Mills of Chicago and the young couple purpouto mike their limit: Hilhhntl Park. where they will he sure of sincere iriendsh'qn and hearty congratulations. Ice-inc Hotelâ€"lieu} Arrivals. , Mr. and Mn. W. F. Bocvorth, lines. ville; Mr. and MrLgAlbert Bldr, St. Louis; Miss May and Miss Hyrtle Clarke, St. Louis; Mi“ G. Gullâ€: Milâ€" waukee; Miss M. Malice, Chiag‘o; Mr. L. D. Webster. Chicago; Mr. E. Drufl. 'Greem'illc. Miss; Mr. and Mrs. James A. Church. New Orleans. Both Bishop R. Dubs, 0.1).. and Rev. C. Newton Dubs, D.D., the latter recent- ly returned {mm China, will speak Sun- day at the Harrington camp. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McClure of Valpa- raiso, 1nd,, visited Mrs. McClurc’s brother. A. E. Dorsey. 'Mr. McClutc was fo'rmetly, in business berg. Wm. Morgan. grandson of Mr. O. H. Mom who has been‘ vety kick at the Streeter Hospiml, is getting‘along' very nicely. Dr. Sheldon was the attending physician. A number of Mystic Workers of High- land Pa‘tktnended the !_\iystic Workers’ Day Thursday at Sam Souci Park, Chi- Mr. Olaf Lindblom's son was taken to the hospital on Tuesday and operated upon for appendicitis on Thursday. He‘ survived the Operation and is doing ï¬ne. Dr. lngalls wés the attending physician. ' The Travel Club of .the Presbyterian {Church will hold a bake and candy sale Saturday afternoon. Aug 31, from 2 to 6 O'clock, at the old Library Building, North Sheridan road The proceeds are to be devoted to flic, club' 5 mission work Everybody is welcome, and satisfaction is guaranteed. The placing of a drinking fountain in a prominent convenient corner of Highâ€" land Park Main street, as advocated in our columns, is a live subject. Several citizens‘ have intimated'their interest in the project and it is quite likely that if #certain well known lady {vill donate one that a second fountain might be es‘ tablished by popular subscription. Wedding Dalila-A most interesting social event is «he approaching marriage of. Miss Frances Everett.,daughlcr of our esteemed citizen. Mr. F. D. Everett, Thrpugh the Chicago and North Shore press, the 6165 Hill Center wishes to express its most sincere thanks to all who have aided in the success of this year’s _ season at the encampment by their pet-5mm} interest and ï¬nancial sup- port. The management bespeaks the con- tinued support and backing of all its friends. . The Rev. F. C. Hoodof Indianapolis, who preached so acceptably at the Pres- byterian Church lasrt Sunday,- will preach again next Sunday in the same church, morning and evening. T he Erskine Bank Building, comer of Central and St. John‘s avenues. is progressing rapidly. It promises to be a handsome structure and will offer line business ofï¬ces. It Will certainly add to the architectural beauty of the street. HIGHLAND PARK ITEMS. Highland Perk Women Work (or! Geds Hill Encampment. The Highland Park women continue their inn-rest in Gads Hill Encampment this week. Saturday, Aug. 17, Mr. and' Miss Lobdell and friends of Highlnnd Park game a most interesting entertain- ment. Mrs. W. A. Alexander and a' group of young Highland Park society ‘ folk will entertain one night this week, A and Mrs. Andrew McLei'sh of Glencoc E expects to éive. a reading. Mrs. N. Co- ' rinth of Highland Park kindly donated I large quantity of fruit, and Mrs. Wil- lets, Mrs. F. R. McMullin and Mrs; R.i 3. Gregory have given a considerable quantity of old glothinï¬. I Sunday, Aug. '18, Rev. J. \V. Martin of California, father- in- law of Mrs. Leila A. Martin. had charge of the religious .sewkes. Dr. VanHousen of Chicago spoke Tuesday afternoon at the Mothers‘ meeting. Miss Holmwood. 'one of the volunteer workers, has arranged a shadow picture show for Friday even- ins. As (3de closes thisweek, a word of summary might be apprOpriate. This year the total number of week outings has been 2008. Many nationalities and religious denominations are represented: Bohemians, .‘Irish.' Swede“s,_ï¬ Germans, Italians.,Poles,_ and this last week thirty colored children are in Camp. Protes- tants Catholics Jews and frees-thinkers are alike admitted. Thirty-one vbhm- teer. workers have shared" in the .eare of the social and educational work. Many of these were students or’graduates from Chicago and Northwestern universities and from the Ohio State University. Miss Fitch, with the assistance of Miss Fleishman, has had charge of the kin-_ dergarten work, and Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Stead, special trained' teachers, have conducted kitchen-garden classes, that is, instruction in practical house- keeping. The nork along the educa- tional lines has been made especially strong. Items of Interest. Stylish millinery. , ' Children 6; Ladies Embroidered Hats A lsrge assortment of Zion Laces. lap-nose Chins Wsre. The lsmt thing in Belts. A tall line of Muslin Underwesr. A ï¬ne line of Summer Shirt, Waists. A lsrge usortment. of dress pstterns in foils Du Nord Ginghdms; The ladies’ Home Jonrnsl Ptttemo for sale M. Mu. Bom.‘ a 810nm. ‘E Lake County Fair Everybody should see it. 'To new subscribeis OUR PREMIUM ALBUM of the BIRDS OF HIGHLAND PARK is now readv. BWGWE IEBBBBBBISW The Ladies. Home Joann] Good Clothes Pleasing in Appearance Mn. 6. Bohl Highlmd Puk, 11L, Phone 4.; Becqmlth‘nkthcy arches! ad. nedtonhcmcnolAmv rim. 1 haw taken the agency or and mm as put;- tical and an“: models {or the creation 0‘ your garments. To see thou- pattems on their ï¬rst appearance you must but in the columns at l have both the Item: and The Juumal itsel on sale in my store. [will be glad to «apply you with the Inn“! from my counter. each Inumh. at l5 cents per copy, or lomrd your annu- al subscri ' to the publish- ers at 8!. per year. THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS Two Ball Games Every Day, Morning Afternoon ' A Good Speed Program Daily ThoLakeCountytlpodtion MnnnochAm-acdouam Amounts of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Sept. 3, 4, s and 6. I902 The Great Live Stock Show FAIR GROUNDS, LIBERTYVILLE Horses. Cattle, Sheep. Swiss and Pod]: . farm and Dab-y Products, Domestic mm. Orin-«mu Newark and Works of An, More um. Digger helium: and on a Larger Scale than my Previous Ymr If You W; gnnigumqpm Hun! Launch-y HIGHLAND PARK STATE BANK Bread, Cakes and Pics 22 South Gmn By Road PHWE 1563 HIGHLAND PARK (3011!“de {or Public Works P AUL GERHARD T Fm Home-Made Phone 320' ' 328 Park Aveune HOLMES. Cubic E. M. LAING Hana Work for Man and MC Puma; 1561