HIGHLAND PARK GRAMMAR SCHOOL. The Elm Place Grammar School will open for the new school year Tuesday morning, September 3.‘ The teachers are beginning to arrive from the various places where they spent the vocation period. and children are counting the very few days remaining of the summer holidays. Miss Wood hats spent the sum- mer with a sister in Boston; Miss Cup- ser divided her‘ time between North- ï¬eld. Mass. and her home at Shabbona. ‘11]; Miss Smith visited relatives‘in New York city and attended the Jamestown Exposition; Miss White taughtprimary methods fin three county institutesâ€, in Illinois, meeting. with flattering success at each place; Miï¬'Guiney occupied the ‘ chair ' of geography during (the entire summer session of the Western Illinois Normal School at Macomb; Miss Wil- son spent the summer with her intents in a cottage in the Michiicaniwoods; Miss Barlow has been at her old home at Delavan, Wis GREAT DISASTER IN CANADA Eightyotour Men Perish Asxye-go to press ’we learn of the "terrible (at! or one-half the giant cantiI'ever bridge in course of construction ouer the St. Law- rence River six miles iron Quebec. The bridge was well on the‘way to Completion. and on Thursday af- ternoon one-half of it collap‘sed. carrying with it into the river many of the workmen. Of the eighty-four who perished many were American workrnen. The disaster is felt to be a na- tional calamity over the whole of Canada. The bridge, which has been under construction for six years. was the greatest cantilever bridge in existence. and it was expected that it would prove an important factor in developing eastern Can- ada. ‘ Miss Beulah Bass, who tench: fourth grade here last year; will spend next year’in the University of Chicago, ï¬t- ting " herself for special work in geography. Miss Miller Will teach id her home schools at Crystal Lake, Illinois. Miss Bohnstadt has been elected to a ward principalship in the Indiapapolia schools There are four new‘vteaéhers on the corps thisyeat. Miss Floy Robinson, of Anderson, Ind., will take Miss Caryl’s place in third grade. while the former will move up into the fourth grade posi tion made vacant by Miss Beulah Bass’ resignation Miss Octavia Blair, of Ke- wanee. will have theï¬fth grade posi- tion. occupied by Mia: Miller. Miss Florence Olson. of Weldon, 'Ill., will teach history in the upper grades and T/Je Nortb Shore News- Letter for the rest of we year for 50 m. , his pun, name. in music. Highland Park Mails aouto non-n close at 7:20 a. m..Leave at 7:50 a. In “ “ 9:08 a. 111.. “ ,4 “ 9;“ o. in. ‘ " “ 3:10 p. in†" “ 3:60 p. In. "‘ “ 6:20 p.111. . ‘f " 0:50 p. In. some sotrm Close at 8:39 a. anLeo'e It 9:09 a. In. “ “‘ 13:20 1). In. “ “ 12:56]». In. .. “ 9:47 p. m. g “ “ 3:17 p. in. "a ‘azgoprm 'Ir-wee' ampâ€. Sand-iv Moll awayâ€: .lt y. In. haves at 5: 43‘9.‘ m. Somebody ‘ltindly toolt the trouble to , send us two or three items for publica- tion, but forgot to give the name of the town to which they referred and also It is necessaryhthat we know the names of our correspondents -not for publication, but for reference -a â€" - r-r in case of need.- HIGHLAuD pARK t‘mus. The Moraine Hotel ts to remain open the coming mouths as a winter resi-l, deuce hotel as well as a summer home The rates for the winter months will be reduced, but the high standard of ~the hotel Will be maintained. This will be .of decided value to Highland Park, and we hope will prove an advantage to the management as well as to the pub- lic. A: we go to press there is much prep- aration for the interesting event of the Wedding of the daughter of Mr. F. D. Everett. which takes place tonight (Saturday) at the Everett home We shall take pleasure in giving an account of t marriage next week, so far. at lelst, a the occasion is of public interest. -,The ev. J. D. Lindsay, of Pittsburg, ill be the preacher at the Presbyterian c ureh on Sunday. Mrs. Erma F. Byers and her sister, Miss Lillie Burgeas, returned to their fathers home on Monday, after spend two weeks at South Haven. They as. W another siiter in Chi- ekgo “M†to leaving for home and duty It Omaha. ML}. B. Bdell, managerofthe ï¬endish Road Publishing Company. is outing to remove into the house next west to Brand's aphotograph gallery on E. Central avephe. He will bring his family and belongings negtt week and to become a Highland Pdrlt citizen A saunas born to Rev. and Mrs. Eu- gene ‘1". Fueaale, Thursday evening, Aug. 22. Miss Bertha Vallbrecht at Chicago {was a guest over Sunday of. Mrs. haeï¬el. on St. johns Ave. Mr. R. N. Speatlt of Chicago visited Geo. ’M. Water at this city last Sunday. Mrs. E. A. "Montgomery and 'Gene- vieve have g'one East for a week. havcchnmofammh‘ndemm Mia Helm But. of Indianapolis. tack lathe-mics in the upper in m likewise have charge of: seventh year is as blows: Cornelia Barlow. ï¬rst grade Esther White. ï¬rst-second grade. Cora T. Benedict. second grade. Ploy Rohiuoo. third grade, Bessie Donaldson†third grade. Kathryn Caryl. fourth grade. Janet Wood, fourth grade. Oetavia Blair, ï¬fth grade. Edith J. Smith. ï¬fth grade. Jessamine Crapser. sixth grade. . Catherine V. Wilsdn. sixth grade. Florence Olson, seventh grade. Helen Bass. seventh grade. Ellen M. Guiney. eighth grade. Mr. Morse will have charge of the manual training shop as usual. Mrs. Benedict will. supervise the work in drawing and modeling, and Miss Martin- dale will agairfluve charge of the work in music. Gone soars Close :1. 8:39 I. 3.140." 3t. 9:09 3. In. “ “‘18:†p. In. “ “ 12:569. In. Somebody «kindly took the amide to send us two, or three items for pubiim- tion, but forgot to give the harm of the town to‘which they referred and also his own name. It is necessary that we know the names of our correspbndents -not for publication, but for reference in case of need. “Observing“citizcns are talking a?! the lack of Vfait play to visiting baseball «cums, They say we like to pee a good game of W); and we naturafly favor our home‘ boys, but it tends to'disgust us to ‘ue visiting teams treatedflmeanly‘. Benet 3to_ lost: a game “3th 'fair piay and counesy than to win hy unfair and bad Conduct. Miss Mice Evms has returned home after spetidiflg a few ï¬ts Wall her winner, the Rev Herbert twins Mackinac; Mich. .:j.- 9;“ s. in. 3:60 p. In. 6:50 p. In. fot the Mannaâ€"At Mtg. PL. on 25th day 0! AM In» Cuhetinc Bender. a the W of he: parents, to Mr. Su'nml Wï¬i‘hhnd Put. Ill. Thi‘ imï¬nï¬ event occuncd eighteen yananuldiu celebratedonlhc anniversary by this week. Mrs. AM Litton bu «flayed I vim from Mn. 1“. Idling... from Sar- Mr. lulu“. Meddin spent a week with her Mother in Milwaukee. She returned home Thuuday.‘ The I‘e calmly Fait dues ate â€W3, ‘. SNQIIUbfltyvme Punichlnu m given in our edveflidu colunizt. Drwever and his son were cue“: last May of Mrs. Bender and (laugh- The bowl" theme of the week is the dfihi'pc fogmuin m The nub- ject will be brought before the council at its next meeting on Tuesday evening. lets. ‘New sidewalks are now completed in Laurel avenue in frontal the News-Let- ter ofï¬ce and extending rewrite the west side of the property on Second street, belonging to Col. H. P. Davidson. Miss Joy maul-Th; returned home from her Vacation via: to Lake James, Indiana“. and Fort Wayne, and she re- ports a delightful time. and incidentally has been indulging in her favorite work of china painting.l ll-‘ID UI' "L'Ullcl' at reuonalile lave orders n. cute work. Tel. 3‘92. quusnho , room with elm tnd bath. ‘. Go: Nine-Lynn Minn-tn -â€" '1 will buy I get hora. Apply The editor of the North Shore Let- Niwl- Luna. m, with Maï¬a†9‘!!! u phat d†m the in,‘ I’ll] A " I ! Hum." 00- Monty hit. main. over tome Michigan rcsonwdntum‘ucin time no he and“ in the W noun during which a perfect delta of rain fell. Pillow Top in three colon. 2:. act 8: m and ask [or Tn¢i~~5fl~t Buy your thndktus before prices advance. Quamrly Style Books. including 15c patents. free, at ‘Our trade hiring increased to ouch game proportions. we have been obliged to min increase our working room to neatly double its former size. Isn‘t this proof that we are pleasing the people with our high-grade laundry work. "We are here for a putpoee.†\ Wants. For Sale; Rent. Etc. MR8. C. W. ALDRIDGE, Ran. Earn: Amen-r. Telephone 2532. â€in bat for Sale. bargain for put. cub, human on time. Also good home. , Mrs G. W. Aldridge. Relhble party will cure for . fur- nished home during the winter months. App1y to Mrs. Aldridge. Dr. Thad Unoopked What Bread. Hommde Tomato Camp. Strained Pure White Clem Honey. Ladies’ Home Journal Patterns in ‘ MRS. BOHL’S STORE. Telephone 45. Wanda-Board and lodging or fur- mom for light-housekeeping. by arried couple. Address R. F. W. care otth Shore News Letter. ' ITEIB OF INTEREST. ' concrete; work promptly RELIABLE LAUNDRY. 51. Pm 8m,_m. Highland Park, HIGHLAND PARK 85c "W