It to Mac. the mm 0! tin dating the night. butUDuRLIiko to bythothnctho ads-o. Ina-thunk. loam. noloch unahn-cbhlhtlhohn- mo’clocl. ‘ the “gamma!“ duh; rum tacit-his the “mint m ht'. Luna‘s“. “murmur. whodumbouthoflomfl’ ' tkï¬tConuon-tmrihtuhqphg :‘ GIPP ERIES 39$ Right†’ I w. I. McNanly C LIGHT 1h. heating plant looks after Izmdoveryourcodbinand ily tron colds due to uneven Highland Puk 68 A Gas Range PAY PLAN with the Phone 172 Mr. ‘Jackson spoke especially of Mr. Smoot’s association \v’ith the Bar of Lake county and he found in him a man who was never jealous of young members as they came along and was always free and wise in his counsel and friendship. Mr. Smoot had been of great value to Lake Forest in his ofï¬ce of city attorney and that city held him in high esteem. It was he who. made the otherwise enigmat- ical The mayor said we are not through yet. The city council of Lake Forest had come dOWn with its mayor ‘and he flow called on Mayor Jackson. in which anyone might be proud to live and his visions of the beautiful city have been realized. This was his home and while he was going to a sunny state he was not looking for a more ideal home than this is. Very heartily he returned thanks for the kind and generous tokens of esteem which had been tendered him. Mr. Smoot in replying was evidently much affected by the manifestation of good feeling expressed in the mayor’s speech and the gifts which attended it. He said he was more indebted to High- land Park than Highland Park could be to him. \Vhen the city elected him- as its attorney he was a young lawyer just en- tering his profession and looking for ex- perience and he got it; ' and he made up his mind that the city should be One The mayor's speech Was. suitably at- tended by the presentation of an address from tho city'council handsomely en- grossed on vellum and bound in Morocco. We give the full text of the address herewith. He also tendered~to Mr. Smoot. on behalf of a number of personal friends in Highland Park. a handsome gold watch and chain. Mayor Robertson, who presided. called for the reading of communications and after Mr. Smoot’s formal 'resignation had been acted upon. Mr. George Mason ten- d red his resighatidn in order to assume the duties of city attorney {Or the time being. This little formal business over, Mr. Robertson delivered the address which we print on another page. In the order of events Mr. Smoot ï¬nds it desirable to go ’to California not so much for climatic change as for business interests which invite him to that land of sun and flowers. The council chamber is often crowded on oceasions when some material inter- ests are at stake. but perhaps never before has it been the scene of such a thorough- ly representative crowd as on this occaâ€" sionf 'Men of every shade of political thought and social life were present. . Seldomiin the history of any one man is it given to faithfully and almost con? tinuously serve two sister cities for such'a length of yeats and it seemed , by com- mon consent this was a man whom the citizens delighted to honor. V The city hall was “crowded on Tuesday evening, March 2nd, with representative citizens of Highland Park and Lake For- est. It was the evening of the regular monthly meeting of the city council, but business was promptly suspended and‘for nearly. two hours the theme of speech and tokens of good will were directed to the man who for twenty-two years has been city attorney of Highland Park and for nineteen-yearsv'of Lake Forest. Thirteenth ‘ Year . NORTH -‘ S HORE NEWS -LETTER chprter of that city plain and work- CitizenSU iDo Honor to Kenneth R. Smoob Kenneth R. Sm'oot Esq., City Attorney for the City of Hi hland Park, has this day resigned his oï¬iceaa City Attorney, after a ’thful and efï¬cient service of twenty-two years, and, He has brought to the discharge of his duties at high order of ability and integrity; and has distinguished himself by his fairness and courtesy, and has earned the Conï¬dence and respect of this community both as lawyer and citizen, j ‘ , Be it Resolved, that in accepting his resignation, the Mayor and Aldermen of the -City of Highland Park desire torecord their appre- ciation of his valuable services, and to testify to his character, ability and long devotion to the city's interests, and extend to him their cordial' good wishes, hoping he may Tlong enjoy in health and hap- pinessthe leisure to which he is now. entitled. Address of City Council to Mr. Smoot. SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1909 MAYOR ALEXANDER ROBERTSON KENNE [H R. SMOOT. , Much interest was manifested inix‘he gifts which had been presented. The waich and chain is one of the bee! makes in a solid gold case and the silver act from Lake Forest is a phased pattern. After the speeches the mayor adjourned the meeting for thirty minutes of social conversation when Mr. Smoos shook' hands with all present. . bly, but he would remark that he muu be a careful man and would have to remem. her that if he did not do the tight thing he would be told "That' s_ not whit Smoot would have done. ' ' Mr. F. Cashing remarked that very much had been said of Mr. Smoot and the best thiqg about. it was that it is all true.’ Hedid not know'on whom Mr. Smoot's mantle would fall. although he thought the min was now in that use-m; Rev. J. R. Quayle. speaking [or Lake Forest as well as for himself. emphasined Mr. Smoot's work in promoting tlie edu- cational interests. It was largely by his endeavor that we have the High School. Mr. A. .A. Putnam had known Mr. Smoqt for 27 years. At the beginning of his career as a young lawyer lie-had given him two cases to work on and helwon them both. As a business man and a legal adviser as well as a personal friend he was sorry to see Mr. SmoOt go.\_ Mr. James H. Shields. who was in inti- mate association with Mr. Smoot fot sev- eral years asa member of the council and as a personal friend. spoke warm words of esteem. ‘ Mr. F. D. Everett said. it is‘agruid thing to be called an honest manâ€"“the noblest work of God." Mir. Everett em- phasised the constructive work of Mr. 1Smoot which had moved of inestimable value to this city. It was largely through 'his efforts that we have such s‘cityas this. â€I came to this city," said Mr. Everett, â€two years befone Mr. Smock. when the cows grazed in the streets and when we proposed to stop them the farmers said we would have to walk knee deep in grass if we did not have the cows. We love‘ Kehneth R. Smoot beâ€" cause'he is a man. and our latch string will always be open to him," Addressing Mr. Smoot the Judge said: "I do not know whether you will belong to the millionaire class in your new ï¬eld but I know you are better than a good many millionaires'and if you should come to be of that class I hope you will come back here and spend some of the money. And when voueome to the close of life I trust it may be said of you in the life to some.’ ‘Well done good and faithful ser- Vant.’ Mayor Robertson introduced judge Donnelly of Woodstock. The Judge's speech was reminiscent of Mr. Smoot's services as a member of the Bar of which he said there were few men who. were his‘ superiors He felt that In his departure he was losing a personal friend. It i; seldom. he said, that men meet with such uniform respect as Mr. Smoot had done- . Mr. Smoot in replying said that next to Highland Park he loves Lire Forest and that the 'Lake County Bar .held for him assocl‘tions of friendship which would 'never be blotted from his memory. fables On behalf of the city‘council of Lake Forest he presented Mr. Smoo! with a unique silver coï¬ee set. I IJJCAL SOCIAL GENERAL ECONOMIC INDEPENDENT Number [0