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North Shore News-Letter (1907), 20 Mar 1909, p. 2

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In. Roberts ha! been very 'ill during the put tech. Mus A. S. Hipwell visited Mrs. C. G. Phillips Sunday- Mr. James Boyl'an is ill'witli typhoid {can The League of Right Living had a poor welcome on Thursday evening at the Library! Hall, on' 'account of the extremely wet weather of that night. Prof. Winchell, who was present an- nounces another meeting in the same place {or next Tuesday ev- ening, March 23rd; The Rev P. C Wolcott. who ha een elected President Yet the Hi hland Park branch, willlead int ediscussion, and all interested are invited to attend and take part. 1;: Apart from all philanthropy or humitarfanism, is 'it not public economy to see that such children are properly protected and cared for. Mam Fred and Hénry Belluein It is only within three'or four years, 35' I remember, that the county has made an appropriation for the support of this institution. The- first yezir the County ; board appropriated $250.00. if I.remem- ber' correctly. Since that the amount of appropriation has been $500.00 a year. “I ani correctly informed, other counties make an appropriation of $10.00 per thong? for each 'child placefl by the coun-1 ty. I know personally of little children who, had they not been taken in by‘the Orphange, would have been waifs in the street liv- ing in vice. ignorance and squalor, daily beingr equiped for worthless citizenship During the year 1908 seventy: , gyro of the children‘in that institu- ‘tion, ,or about one~half the whole number. \‘vere from Lake County. The total length of time these ‘. children were supported during the Year was 448 months, ‘or an ' aVerage of a little over six months. each. When children are left there and paid for the gharge IS $8.00 per month or a littleless / than $2. 00 per week. This has to cover not only board but to a con: siderable extent clothing and also schooling. for some three or four ,yearsago the court forbade them . the privileges of the public school. The total cost at $800 per monthi amounts to $3,584,“) for the year.. ‘ To offset this $487.00 Was paid by relatives of the children, and the county appropriated $500.00. mak- ing'a total of $987.00. which de- ducted from-'the $3,584,00 leaves $2,597.00 tobe raised. .In other words, the Superintendeht and , her a’ssistgmts have to find as best they can about 8216,00 per month}: 1‘â€" :9 ’ There is no other similar insti- tution in the County. These'ener- getic. selflsacrificihg, uncomplainâ€" ling young women are doing a no- ble work. Are they. not entitled to sclfos‘acrificing, u'ncomplaifiirig, whole-hearted support? . But isit right that it should be left to such an extent to public philanthropy, always an uncertain source of sim- ply? " If there is in this county an in- stitution worthy of liberai support (and thereare seven!) it is the Orphangc at'Lake ,Biuff. (We have before us‘ some statements kindly furnished as by’the superintendent ‘of tie Orpnnage. , LAKE BLUFF ORPHANGE Digblancl park News. G€0.. Campbell is visiting‘ in H. Pi DAVIDSON. E Thursday evening the social committee of the Ebenezer C. E. Socier had a social in I Hecketsweiler't restaurant. The weather was bad but still a good number were present. The ladies brought lunch boxes and with the aid 0! O. B. ed. His creditors 'are somewhat con- cerned about him and the business at- fairs du not seem to bfljs hopefui as our last weeks not: seems. to imply. , Thé mystery of Mr. W. j. McNanly's absence has not yethcen explained, He has beeh heard from, but has not return‘- J. 1. Arnold, .manager ofrthe .Fureign Exchange Department of the First National flank of Chicago, will address the congregation of the Ehenezcr‘ church next Sunday evening. Mr. Arnold is an interesting spgaker and it will pay to hear him. Wé have been asked several txmes if the Burgess refered tn is any relation to the Barges: family of the News Letter. Nu! they were unknown to us below his lunfortunate act brought them befure the public eye. " Mi'.'R.‘G. Burgess.-- iathcr of Frank Burgcsé. “ho iS-tmw ‘awaiting trial in the county jail for the murder of a soldier at Fort Sheridan, is in Highland Park and Ti: wnrking hard to snve his son. Mr. Burgess has been allowed the use of :he‘ inquire; Bureau and will engage in the business of gildingu old picture frames and furniture; It is to be lmpégd that he will get all the business he can do. His son' 5 trial dprs not cume 98' until the October term of court ‘ Mr. J; H. Hamly, Chicago traveling representative of thg Ami Saloon League,- was a Caller at the News Letter office Tilesday. My. Hamly is [gaining a‘ rare treat (07‘ Highland Park in the near future. The many friends of Mr. Arthur Purdy will be phased to 'learn he recc'ntlv entertained his majesty (he Stork and is now ~me happy father mf a bouncing. twehe pound sun On Wednesdiy evening a merry party assembled at th}: home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wiiliams and '«duly f'surprised" Mr. ngld Harbamzh who‘ is staying with mem. . Olaf Limdblon'i :49. so anxious to get hack his overcoat filial: some- -body took from his back porch that he will give 320 reward for mremrn and will ask no questions< , A reporter of the News Letter visited Glencoe on Wednesday and was soil prised to nme the side- walks in south Glcncoe in a shockingly bad’ stake of rei pair. Mr. A. W. McLimqm. manager of the C. M. E. R. has Isa'sed the Hipwell house.'cor. Centra|_and Park avenue and will take possession eariy in April E , Miss LilBan E. Burgess has retejved flattering invitation! fmm' Montreal. .Cannda', to flu qposition as vuchl in- struczbr. We wish to correct an er or in nur last iséuc. Instead of a child being born to Mr. and Mrs. Carlin. :! shouid be Mr. and Mrs. E. Carling. ' ‘ It will pa) our readers ‘0 look or. the back page for A. A Moses ad, there are same good‘bargains right at home. Mr. and Mrs. 'Carlh'm Moody are in Florida and are expected to remrn the iaxte-r pan of next week. .Mr. Hope has rimanhed a bible class for the young men meeting fit Trinity church every Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs Bulless'of South High: land Park. left Wednesday {or a [rip through'thc South. - Miss Priscilla" Carver will giv_e a recital with Dr. Hugfi Schussler, March 30th at Cable Hall, Chicago. ‘ ' Miss Gertrude Nevins who was under the weamer the early part of the week I: out again. Mr. T. H. Spencer has returned (mm the East for an indefinite stay ,. Mr. james Allen «if Chicago, spent Sundav with Highland Park friends. Dr. Ffeda Baker was an out of town guts! Tucsdayfltgrnoon. Mr. Thomas Trnxcll left Saturday fur St. Paul on a business trip Oh Friday the hrst and second teams journeyed into the camp of our' friends, the enemy. at New Trier to play their remm engagements. The second-team re en- "iorced by Glenn Man's easily dcieated the New Trier second teem 19-9. This game closed the second team‘s schedule. The tenm‘has ion 13 and lost '5 gamel. a wonderfully fine record. The first team then lost a tight game to the New Trier first team by the score of 26â€"21. This 1game was as rough an exhibition as we. ‘have ever witnessed. Great credit must he accorded Referee Brown of Waukegau In: his work as an ofiicial u Gray'oi New Trier kept him busy calling lock on him. Gray is the roughest player we have Iee'n during the ptcsent season. ' The first team dates Rs teason tunight with a game with lano'sha at the local ”Kym-n V An iu'téresting fact about (he local High school which we have recently became awhrc of is that {or a student to take all the courses of instruction offered it would be neéessary fo'r him :9 remain in sch'ool doing normal. average,- wurk for eleven years. - - On Monday the clubs claghed in the deciding game bf the hasketball series. The Hermes representatives experienced no trmhlé in delealing the Marathons the final cuu n being 54-22. This'awards the basketball point to the Hermes club and ties the mo clubs in standing for the Deerfield cup each having one point. The many friends of Prof; wm..A._ ,Wilmn, formerly principal of the Higli school and founder of the Alumni Assad:- lion, will be glad kudw :liat, according w a rzecem letter uecehed by one of the Alumni. heisil': charge of nearly 1400 Students and is head of a High school 9L about 300. He has been‘ elected to his ‘ present position until 19”. ' Miss Annie McKensie aria Miss Alice Lillian Baqu‘of the Alumni have joined the Festival chorus which Dean P. C. Lutkin of 111:, Nynhweslcrn University school of music is organizinanr the lune festival at qulhwesxem ’ Mr. Merle Tihbets of the Jumor clue is'cmusidering enteling the Nurthnestem Law school or University of Wisconsin Law school after graduauon. Cb: North Show News-Later Mr. Melvin Dale Swectland of the Alumni, who graduates from the North- western school of Plummacy in April. in considering entering the profusion uf dentistry. V ~The debating team will line up for it! first formal try but against I picked temp of Alumni suna week from Monday. A Faculty (can; has also been orgdnizcd} and will clash with the school team. ' ‘ We learn that the Executive Commit tee of the Alumni Assbciatton‘had voted to giVe 10 pet cent 9|“ the proceeds of the annual Alumni play; to‘ the Athletic Association. The annual Hermes Marathon indoor track meet is set {or some time the latter part of Ma‘rch. Practice for this event, the only indoor track meet on our pro- gram, has already commenced. Confidence is supreme that our re- presentatives will defeat Xew Trier in the great forensic haul: of the 23rd. The cm: 'in Civics will be organized about the first of April Ir. Hill is [he instructor. Harry Bock has hgcn chosen a head usher for the Alumni play and Percy Prior to upe'rate the spot light. Buth me German and French clubs have re organized and «ill hold their usual- meetings. Thc debating lean under Mr. Hill'i carelul guidance is progressing npidly. The seventh and. eight grades of. the Grammar school gave a very interesting entertainment Tuesglny altemonn ind Thursday eyening. The story» of finn- geline was dramatised and everyonedid their pm well. In tpite «(the inclement weither. the albir was a financial success as they cleared between titty and sixty dulhl‘! and this sum WI" go touard buy- in: xenery [or the auditorium stage. Brand. the genial lament-er. “It! cleared between five and :1: dollars on the sale of .them. On Tuesday evening'a large number 0‘ fiends gathered at (be home of Geo. L. Vener to make merry. the occasion be- ing’ hi: 37m 'Mflhd8?, A'very pleasant evening was spent in games and singing: \ Mr. R. L Sandwich his announced ‘that the Valedictorv ha been awarded ‘to Min Mary A. Phillips and the Sli- ‘umury lo' Mia'llona Quite. Dita.- do“ an to who would, win their oovmd place: has been rile among the Genius for moulhh. l‘hey ale unaided no the students having the high”: moon! lot the complete fnur years. Hr- Sandwich also anmrunced that the “in of the Senior: (or a commencement “tire-had been granted and that nowher- nl ante mil be secured. The «we-dune!” ing the oxord up and gown u ch oflicial commencement drenvfidhfli? ed and the plan rejected. CII'. M7 pllhs were also discussed and m tions for it are under way- The dine! I909; by the way. it the lead! whichhn. eve'r graduated from the His“ chad. Sihgcr and Wheeler 8|? Wilson Scwind Machine. Manager Pam: ot me hue-hull said will now take up the «wt oi m I schgdulc. Practice it is Muffin”! about April In: The [M "D" men‘ol last year“: "an! m in M, Mgr. Parr-t. Grecmhde,'O'Nd|l. F“. Buck. "mm“... MierM. 3,0“. M Spénc‘rr. Griflis, McNauly; of these I! are I! present eligible cxocptheemhde. find ."° expects to heupbylhc time pracncc slam. ' Huonlnndafcwnflouofmmm and is GOING OUT OF BUSINESS natal-u Maples“ “manta-flu! all h u Fred W. Schumacher Telephone HIGHLAND PARK DELICIOUS BREAKFAST EGGS. Telcpbém Eva-m as”. PATTERSON “03.. Hanan. 696 but 8 Rwauumugmauushu:uuumhm SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. $1.50 per gallon. runaway-quakes... WY PAW in; nation will Imapafldmin- tended conm'buti-mfmdledlhm "The iTuberculouio Imam: nl Wam- _ Ill. " On Wednesday .Mudl 24. a and pay will be held I! Mannie Hull. "Wand Park. under the ancient o! the Wind Park Woman's Club. Ticket- my be punhued It twenty-6v. can! each d the Hum. Mu. William May. and Mn A. B. Hohhinl. fie Moi came shook! be can :0er Millatd Geo. E. Phfllipl.‘ Letter Levin. WW 5.99;: and uh." Germ-dc Nevins, Mar- jorie Aldridgc. Viola Shields. Helen Conic ma Nellie rm“. may in- quiriu [or out reservations have already been‘mlde and I" WHO! ”'15.! ‘Tbelendingrdnh "Ame”.- per,”lhcannulAhllui playmh Apmammmumedndtcm 3 Much!” dipped in” W- fieplayilmuwmm er.A. Kwnliuu. winning-non (hepandmcmmhm; inn-hide. He'lablyww apicudeunpmynfthe moat talcum dtheAlumni. Mam Jamil Colm- 1071. fill. m AW 1“ along titer It may is m is an acct. was Ht. at tel and that fiil‘ to l 261 IO“

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