All the North Shore Music-I Club: had Chonl Societies numbering ï¬ve hundred‘ voices met atone grand organization a! ‘the Fin! Congregational Church, Evan:- ton last Monday night for a general re- heanal under the leadenhip'of Prof. P. C. Lntkin. The June Festival is-to be held a: the Northwestern GYmnaiuni on junea, lends. wkhlhe'l‘homoréhet eilnand also: chorus ofonethousend Bonds. . . '. ............... 44,647 00 Furniture and ï¬xtures ...... 1,659.75 Accrued Interest ............ , 735.9! Call and due from lanky†. 3037025 82!. 896.66 since the February statement, The following is a copy of me repon sent to the Sale Audiuit: The Glencoe State Bank of which' 1n- uimliaa Mr. F. A. Andrey is cashier, issues a very utislactoty statement show in; the audition of the bank at the time of the all 0! the State Auditor, April 29. unsouncns Ian-us and discounts. . .. The Chicago Nonhwesxcm ticket agent at Glencoe reported sales of one hunched and {any-um regular monthly commuter: (or Chicago in addition to 10.‘ rides, and 25 ride tickets [at month. A_n i new“: '0‘ 85000“ the last year'e sale of tickets and m Increase 01 $600 mumth on freight bnï¬neu as compared with last ' Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas and family are in Gleneoc visiting a: the home of Mr. and Mn. Jacob Schnur. Glencoe now has one regular all day police ofï¬cer and one regulJr all night police oï¬cer. On Mondny night of thin week three tramps and one drunk were lifted out of town in a hurry. Hobo's will nopn learn. Glencoe is no resting place (or them. it. Wm. G. Schroeder. cashier of the Continental National Bank of" Chicago has recently moved to Glenme and ex~ pecu to locate here permanently and build. Mr. Schroeder is at present on a business Hip to Cafliomia (or the bank. Thc Glencoe Choral Society will take pan in the North Shore Festival, June 3. 4 and S at the Nonlmestcm University Gymnasium at Evansum. ‘The Adult Chow: at 500 voice: is made up of musi- cal organizations lrom Evamton. Ravens- vood, Glencoe and, Winnetka. A chil- dren's chow: ol 1000 children voices. The soloists are Perceval Allen, Schu- mann HeJnk, Manure! Keyes. Dan Bed- doe, David Bisplxam and Anhm: Middle- Mr. and Mn. Murray Wright'an visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Walker. Park Ave" Glencoe. Although a large protest was ï¬led against ï¬ltering Beds and septic tat-ks in general the Glencoe Village Council has granted permission to E. Percy Maynard to bitild a septic tank and sewer to the beach at the foot of ravine next tn the Macheish property. Not long ago a cer- tain member of the former Glencoe coun- cil said, "the septic tanks at the Village Park beach ought to be blown up with dynamite and such nuisances forever for- bidden.’ ‘ . All drespiers along the lake from at Glencoe were badly damaged by the re- cent severe storms. and it win require several thousand dollars to make repairs. 7" “29".†Glam News. GLENCOE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. LIABILITIES 3|)3J57.†u :3, 157.90 “A tremendous success" was the var dict of Glencoe citizens when they teth- ered at Assembly Hall, May 8. to enjoy the production "A Day a the Depot" by by Glencue'l best impereonatou. It In remarked that although amateurs the act- ing was as well done as one muld tee It zany ol the lame timeless theatreeol Chi- page. The entertainment receipu 80 to ;the begun [and of the Glenooe Curm- lgationel church Space end time will 'notelloe‘r the publication ofthe and threaten and the tarot-hie ml 'whichisdueeachhelpr. MW.A. Glance received the congratulation of {or her good management unclean“ threaten. The play can practically re- written byher " Mr. Charles J. Stromback, [or thirty ‘chief gardner of Lincotn park. Chicago. has jut commend a ï¬ne pieced work onthcgroundtofCoLJ. H.Hiuch. Sherwin mad And Part ave. One of the new Council member: in Glencoe, just initiated imo the inne'rwork- ings of a viHage council. suggest: that the proceedings be published and dim keep ‘the people posted on matter! in which all are interested but hue not. or do not take the ume. lo visit the canned chamber when meeting: are held. and which are e0 very irregular, no one could keep track of them, any way a good idea to print the minutes. James B. Close Jr. hu arrived at South America. He expects to remain in that country three years. He Mites: "winter has just net in " He left Glencoc at the end of our winter here, then tuning in on another winter. is rather getting more than his share of 'culd weather. South Amer-ion is now having its winter months. I The questions oi obtaining a new site and erecting a new church building were presented at the annual meeting of the church in January, at which time a committee was appointed to investigate ithe needs and possibilities and make their lrecommendations on the same. This ‘they did at the meeting in February, ;when it was decided that me retain the present site and that new class rooms and parlors be erected at once in conformity with a general plan lor an entire new building to be constructed later. A Building Committee was then appointed and authorized to secure sketches and estimates. This committee now has in hand the architects’ sketch and floor plans of the proposed building which they presented to the Church at 8 p. m. on Wednesday of this week. The design of the building appeals strongly tothose who have seen it and is in harmony with the natural beauties of our village and its modern improvements. while the floor plan indicates that ample provision is made {or all those essentials and conven- iences which we now lack and which have for many years been the subject of so much discussion. With the earnest co- operation of the members and friends of the Church it is believed the proposed plans can readily be carried out. The board at trustees consists of the following: 8. 3 Pope. F. C Delang. Benjamin Newhall. M J. Power. Geo. J. Pope, Calman Martinand Thos. C. King The members of the building committee are: J. Schnur. chairman: Calman Mar- tin, «Fred L. Holmes. Geo. w. Tracy and John Jeflrey. ‘Mr. Oscar 1. West, the western anna- ger. and engineer of the Phoenix Badge Co. is out of town for 10 day: on I bui- neu trip for his Company. “A Diy It the Depot†NEW CH UCRH FOR GLENCOE hunt!" Mo; CluNorflaï¬bmWr out the â€a. who but Ind mm the bodies and rill tho xm- ol the unfortunate chain- of the m. movement I. not ucceulul n th‘ LOUIS PIERSON. but It: greatest work In Christan "ll-oh nut ad will loo-ulna to be them out of the Gold- ml “to ma. who commit. “spool-bio crime- mtnot childhood. who not 93000 at In old um. and am for n19 a man it were t puppy and many [Ivan to n disreputable woman 1010 had been 3 psychoact- ou Adam- conlty (or nut. Those no but sample- of the work this donut-neat o! vuluuou In done. In: chlldnn. through it have found good home: and enjoy the love and-curt of foster puma. This deporunent has also found numerous launces where Inn-u have boon acid (or u price, when children have been (motel-rod by hull of ale to one would all t pl: or u dog. In other cud they hove been [We'- no: to gum crunch" (minnow purposes. Not long no u my m col-flail an“ the am or Quincy In on old nu- ket baht with no clothing but u There in one nary of the life In Chinese ot- a 3"! In the land: of her eleventh" from the tlme the m seven nntll no in seventeen years 0! age which in no cruel and no bruul thit lt eeeue incredible. It is too (nascent uni toe horrible to relate. Peui venderhurg, e twelve~yesr- old'hoy wee indentured to Austin Gsssldy, e horse trainer, st Kewsnee. Peni's mother hsd committed sui- cide by poisoning herself end the (ether geve the boy. then eleven yeers old. to Ceeeidy to rsise es his own child. While with Csssidy the child wee hrutnily mistreeted. On the lesst provoostion Cnesidy would tnke him to the oellnr. strip him nnked end host him with s row-hide whip until his heck wen s network jot geshes end scers. Occesiousiiy :he would turn the but end of the whip, on which wee e spur shout two inches long end with leshing blows drive thet into his heck. At times he took him to the eeller. coul- pelled him to stsnd on en Inverted hell bushel messure. penned s rope through s steplo driven, in e pat. instened one end of the rope sround tLe hoy‘s neck end the other sround en the: post, then ' kicked the me sure from under him end let him in: until his tome protruded end his (see turned hleck. Follow-3 ing thus hestlnxs end housings the; boy'would sometimes be conï¬ned to} his had for deys. He also compelled‘ the child to steel A seerch wsrrent‘ brought to light numerous srticles,‘ including horse hlsnkets,lnp-rohes.1 forks shovels. chickens. etc. the childi hed stolen Cessldy would looste- the sin! he desired during the dex- tllne' and “night he would tske the boy with him to steel. it the little tcltow wen not succesle in ohtsin- _ing whet he wented. he got en ed: ditionsi hosting. After Peul come into the custody of hit. Vlrden, on exnminstlon by physicinns. there were iound one hundred sud eighty- eigllt distinct scers end twenty-nine linesl feet end 1ij Inches of ashes cut through the skin on the boy's personl His left erm wes trnotsred end en the white of his eyes were clots of blood issued" from hiows on the head with the hott end of the whip. When this deed wns tried. instruments at torture introduced in-‘ evidence were s rewah ids Jockey whip withsshsnunnrenthersverseend. ehesvyredpinshroonl stick. e mace o1 hon hosrd one inch thick, eighteen inches long end three inches uud upon an innocent chili! within the past six months. in the twentieth century _in the stale oi Abram Lincoln which point: back to barbar- Then no A low of the extraordi- nuy cue. on record in the ole. of u. cute mm, but they no enough to show that w. are not yet beyogd the In of ï¬endish crime nd lulu bruttllty. - ' Wide. I but! end or n hone whim: Ila fourteen Inches Ion. one Inch wtde 3nd n eighth o! n Inch thick and a [nu claw hummer. We tend in history lbO‘fl culls. ot torture and In the castle- of Europe durlu the middle us. but here u n exhibit ot- mine-mo Home of Remï¬vg Springï¬eld. Ill. The Visitntién of Childmn Adopted Homes. W m- Iutveeh tau gyms]. I mmmg g Chas H. Warren Co. I Reliable Laundry “ pk... Hanna Purl cs. ' 51.. s.“ “a 5.. ' HIGHLAND PARK. 1L1; LIGHT AND POWER North Shore Consolidated Gas Co. During the Year at at A Coal ' Stove North Shore Electric Company. HIGHLAND PARK. . ILL. Phone 107. Means at icast 365 trips to the bin for’cofl 365 trips carving out aha. ‘5. y Dm’tfafltodtopinandlookomomlku- A line ofPant: with a world wide repu- tation. 'The Pant: with Guarantee, against tip or defective workmmthip. Youcan't helpbdngathflod withour Buckskin Breeches or our working Pants .3 z: z: :. z: ironcrs. Two Starchtrs. 00¢ Them-Idaho Itch-loam“ mute-Bright. 4-6-8 Wat Cantu! Avenue sow Agents a: Buckskin . Breeches WHY? ASK US The Gas Rangé U s ‘E ‘ ELECTICITY F o R THINKWIHIS OVER ! Docs away with all this. Phone 110 Highland Park.