peace, it is not enough to cry "Peace! Peace!" It is essential that We should promote and insist upon the willingness of our coun- try to do justice to all countries o£_ the earth. In the exercise of those titties in which ambassadors of Great Britian. of Brazil and of £Japan have piayed so great a part , gin the‘ last few years in Washingâ€" ;ton, the great .obstacles to. the do-‘ fling ofthings which make for peace éhave been not the wish of the di-_‘ 1“Peace can never be except. as ' it: is founded upon justice. And :it rests with us in our own country tosee to it that the idea of justice prevails, and prevails against the decimation of the demiggig, against the interesteci exhortition of'theflpoiitician. against the hot temper of the thoughtless and in- cénsidetate. If we would have 'Since our last issue Memorial Day has ,come _and gone._ We have. pa'id our respect: to those patriotic . heroes 5th “fought the :n'ation’ s battles m behalf of human freedom one half century ago. It' was eminently ï¬t that we should. ‘Bnt may we not also here with emphasis ' call attention to the words of President Benjamin Har- 2 men mew for-W audio“: 'WM as am; we «NW =lablmbamorbo > > be placed neat'the freight house as there are a‘great number of. men and teams employed there. 5111:: two fountains which we now enjoy were donated, The one on Cen- trai near St. John’ 5 Ave. by W. B. White and that opposite the City Hall through the efforts of Miss Ruth Ewing. Who will he the next one to (all in line? Such gifts are a beneï¬t to the public and a blessing to the donator, W “NOTHING BUT A GREAT ' AND UNAVOIDABLE CAUSE CAN JUST- ' [FY WAR†vWe are also -in thisl‘conncction reminded of a speech made by Honoxabie Elihu Root at a ban- guet of the Peace Society of the City of New York last February. W 31:50 . Yen“: sc‘Ser'Copy NOKI‘H‘ SH‘ ‘ “Let those who would die for the Flag on the ï¬eld of battle give better proof of their ‘patribtism and a higher glory to their country by Wting fraternity and jus- It has been suggested by‘sever- a] citizen: who ’have ‘their eyes open' it) necessary improvements of Highland Park, that a fquntain Emdfl Maï¬a†0}â€, 117131.11 For}. Illini: a: â€all (In: adult ‘ rison, without in the least detract- ingfrom the gratitude justiy due those who {ougln in the â€cruel‘ ANOTHER FOUNTAIN NEEDED plornatist, not the policy of the government, but the inconsiderate and thoughtless unwiilingnese of the great body of the people of the respective countries to stand behind the man who was willing for the sake of peace and justice, to make fair concessions." R. u’. amass. um 33.... SATURDAY. JUNE 5. 1909 H. P. DAVIDOON. PW“ :2 aw M. In. The {Decent cicctioa for the on- ganization of the Park District rcâ€" sultcd in a victory for the promot- ors of the plan by a substantial majority. The County Judge has canvassed the returns and declared the district duly organized and the commissioners duly elected) While there was considerable dif- terenee of opinion prior to the election as to the merits of the proposed plan, the matter was fairly fought out :at the polls, and it is the duty‘ of all g'ood Eitizens to forget their differenCes and to give their support to the newly elected commissioners. The pet» sonnel of the commissionea and the fact that they represent diï¬er- ent sections of the: district are a guarantee that the affairs of the ldistriet will be economically an: lwisely administered and that eat part of the district will receive i share of the: improvements nd benefits to flow from the organiza: tion of the district The creation of the Park Dis- itrict marks a decided step in .ad-' E‘Iratxce in the history of Highland fParlt Ifdhe commissioners move slowly and Cautiously. we have no ;doubt the impmvements they will jinstitute will amply justify the creation of the district. There is i_much work to be done. such as isprinkling of streets. the care and? maintenance of park-ways the planting of trees. the taking over iof streets and the construction and, maintenance of boulevards and public parks. the restoring of the submerged street connecting Ra- vine avenue with Beech street and ithe ï¬lling' In and reclaiming of the ishallow waters of the Lake oppo- isite the public park at the foot of Central avenue and the restora- ition of the beautiful Ravine drive. It Is not expected of course that the commissioners will do every- thing at once but it is believed that "their conduct of the district affairswill vindicate the wisdom of their selection and the creation of the new district. icomraac 313.5! Illness. “in†." ‘ . “'0‘ m public “it, : ’But Bartlett. who was a private mmmmmï¬mgu mucus in Battery F, Fifth Field Artillery. h‘fflgwdï¬hmghgmwauï¬-gq ‘hadbeeninthe ' Iv “_. HM, " ‘ °"' :had seen Miss efï¬n§uoastggdk "°““"~“‘ M“ 3"“ ‘“ M“ . in machine: with the otdlnancc therefor Po‘m'Whe“ Shc t°°k Phage 0‘ Said bids will be opened on the mu day affaits ‘thcre and went down to' the oil-n: A. D. 1909. at the has: ‘0! 7:30 WardW. Willits, 169; Fréd N. l Baylies. 150; W. C. Egan. 148;“ Joseph L Fearing. I41. Fred W Cashing. 140. = - - -} Th; féllowingis the result of the election of Park Commissioners; A Fort Sheridan Romain!i Every commissioned Ofï¬cer and soldier in the army, when his death occurs "in the line of duty," is permitted to designate some one to whom shall be paid his. death beneï¬t. the equivalent of six :months’ pay. Us‘rally the money kpaid to a near relative; some- times to arr array Hpal†who his stood by and helped during his comrade 5 last illness.’ No more interesting' story to North Shore people has been giveh for a long time than that of the will of Private John’Jan’ies Bennett f Battery F. Fourth Field Artilé few. The Will reads as follows: â€To Miss Helen M. Gould, the friend of all sOldiers, I hereby give and bequeath my death beneï¬t. to be paid to her by the United States government and to be used by her, her heirs and assigns as she or they may see ï¬t." Bennett died a few, weeks ago at the Fort and the willhas been made known this week through a commuhication from Washington. Await-rm-hm; “tubal-H.006! PARK COMMISSION cmï¬â€˜in p’crson to work fof the“ Wouadcd soldiers. Miss Gynld has,†t been much in the ppblic eye gf late. but Bartlett had not forgdttcn. mes Gould has ' received word from. thergovemment of the facts in the case and she has replied in a‘letgcr of great appreciation and says that the money will be used to furnish 1 room in a new yin. of tlie naval dcpartmcnto othc Brooklyn Young Men' 5 C stian Ambation. beThp new wing which has just n‘dcdicated is the gift of Mrs. 1! Sage ~ On the door of the §Barkiett room†time will be a bronge tablet bearing the soldier' s namé and giving the circumstan- ces wider which the room was furnithcd. "" ' The city of Highland Park 'is decidedly on the upgrade. Busi- ness is good and new department of trade are openinggnp the otï¬ces and ptores of the Erskine bank building which for avtime seemed to ï¬nd no tenants ire. now; being occupied and new stores are in course-oi building in the immedi- atevicinityof that building. That property is growing in value is noticeable not only};- cause new houses are going up in every part of the city but real es- tate agents are opening new quart- ers. and 'all of them seem to be getting busy. The street improve- ments on West Central Ave. are increasing the value of property on that street and if all we hear is gospel there will be new buildings erected there soon and some of the old shacks removed. ‘ ’ Bond 0! Local Improvements of the City otflighland Park. '; NOTICE lS HEREBY‘GHI'EN- that bids will he received torthe fumuhingol all labor and material. neéelelry for the construction of a lever in Shokie Avenue imapointeiahty-eight teeteutoithe went corporate limits 0‘ the City of High- land Park. thence east along the center line of aid Shahe Avenue and aid cen- ter-line extended eat toand connecting with the publicrewerin Green Bay Road (formerly known“ Pint Street) together with manhole: and house junction- u a whole, in accordance wit the ordinance therefor. Said bids will be‘ opened on the 17th day oljdne A. 0.. 190), at the hour of 7.33;). m. etthe ofï¬ceotthe ‘Board of Localhippmvemente in the City. Hall of said city. e Bond of Lou! Improvements of the City of Highland Park. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bidswfll be received bf gliding. drain. ins; curbing. paving yithmmun and "mm a M'xmbmmm re serve the right; a; reject any (if in bid: should they deed it best for the public ' The speciï¬cation. for Inch improveâ€" ment and blank m1: will be fum- ighed It the 05cc of the City Cletk 0! said City in the City Hall. The contnaor hillbgpuid inborn!- Irhich 50nd! villdnw Interest It the rate of ï¬vc (5) per cent per. amnm ' All pmpoeahot‘hids man be accom- panied by a certiï¬ed check payable to the order 0! the President _of the Bond of Local Improvements of the Cityol Hiihlnnd Park fur e m not lees than ten (10) pet centmn‘ of the mate of the proposal. Said proposals or bids inns! be deligered to the President pf the Board of haul Improvements in open. lee-ion of said board at the timemd place ï¬xed herein for openinc' the name. No propane! or bid will beéonddend nnleuaccbmpnnied-byachcckuheuin - ‘, Wm»! M. Doouv, ~ Pnoidcm of the. Budd. Inc-Hu- provementl of the City 91 W Park. Dated June 3. A. Danna. ‘ Notice for Letting Contact WM LoohUp Notice of Letting Contact .9. nattheoï¬udtholnld «(W W in a. City In! and! city (not la- than â€annotation†'l5 day-[m date of nuke.) WW" scuba breach immmuflm proposals will be tarnished It the 0.0! 01:11er Clubln meaty Hallo!“ city. “conundrum!†paid in bout whlch banal-ill am intereIt at the inte‘ of ï¬ve (5)1»! cent per annual. All proponlo‘or bid: must be' accompanied bynceniï¬edcheckpnyobletotheotdet olvthe Prooidento! the Bond of Lou] lutpmements o! the City 01W Pull for a sum not le- ten (10) percent- nm of the INC 0! the pmpoul. Said mpoulu or bid: must be delivered to the Pro-idea} ol the Board (1 Lou! Improvements in open sedan of cold board at the time and place ï¬xed herein foropening the name. No propoal or bids will be considered unless Imp-n. ied by a check :1 herein pmvided. The Board 0! Deal. Impmvemenu metre the rightmrejectlnyotlll hide should theydeemitbenlotthopubflcpod. Wnpuu It. Douay. Preoidentolthe Bond 0! Lou! lu- pmvemenn of the Cityof Highland Park. Dated. lune 3. A. D. I909. To those who have read George Ban MoCmcheon'a lam book. “Beverly o! Gnunark." the 6m dramatic menta- tion inChicaso. Sunday evening ante Studebaker. was an annually plea-any aurpdeeandtlwaewhobad leiledmread': thi‘lnteneating novel vitae-ed oneol’lhe moat likeable and entenainln' playa ol many aeaaona. The dnmatiaatlon was; done by Robert M. Baker. a talented‘ miter of considerable lame. and bin matej story carded withit more m enqu lively interest than any 056%; on»? year. Sunday night‘s andmuce at M Studebaker applauded every act with en- lhuaian- which left no doubt regarding the hinedilte succe- of the pliyuul the hush! Vere prolunxed and frequent. The (out acts fairly bristle with load. Punxonl. wholeme hum: I! which the non blue could laugh. and lag. w. W. and throughout the evening the all be "author" and band-clapping for the Phi"! {u unthinkable it My. A. G. Delirium and Willi“: Noni. who walked “Beverly of Gramrk" have given their oleï¬n; the â€elegant me mpndng at any play evet nut in ï¬le-co and the Mam-me win-away olGnIlurk. within-0040116090.. in mud moaning. sad in exhumed cadet. named like. [1th of ro- mance and laughter. leak Riley. In: urolflnm mac-nine," achievednmnouueuwu "Bend!†and the memben o! be: up lamina compuny carried scuba o! the 110'! entirely commemum with: Mï¬on in Ameriacn me m to "Mt-h Chev are entitled. at Just-like HIGHLAND PARK. “Keystone" ROMPERS AND PLAYSUITS ' ï¬for Children ,IF DramaticNotc: 4â€"6-8 West. Catt-cl Am “Not just synod Bubalittkbotur" {muggm‘am ‘2â€1‘LG ‘uhthfm W0 ll SmhA W a: Dem Evan- Iâ€"n 1gene-15¢.10mmGamma:Ionbu: ~13, honor. “ICU!“ 90* w D “$5.00 N H 851m and"! to Maria H Bum s so: a :03 Riot 52.1mm W D 35.“) lewmdgho qNflAnmgms H. L. Bowen n Lw u'ï¬" «31': 3%me Chrinim Hmï¬ï¬pfliflifla Cin’l E ngineer Surveyor Contractor. Ra! Gumtrmohn. Km 1“!!!" '9 WNW“?! Highland Park Phone 1516