‘ p. .0 Box 218 Lake format, Ill. ' Laridscape Garfleners. and Contractors Road Building, j Grading : Wanting Trees Landscaï¬Ã© work Moving Fruits and Ornamental ’ Planfs and Estimates; Furnished. K _ Kn! Estate transfers The thidofteerieeofPomc'Reduk byKiaVidiSottonnnduthe direction of the English Depannieï¬b of Coimbiai University so eonneetiou with the at 8: 30 P. M., Weonesday. July 218. . I909 Subway station. Mutiny on 116th, Street. New York. Subject-â€" "Antony had Cleomtn." These min will be givenweekly during the Summer. "Twelfth Night†'wili be the program for Wednesday. July“ 28:»; at 8:30 P. M. Admission free. Miss Sutton has many trier-d: on the Noah Shore who will be interested as this notice Paul . Maitla nd Clarence W Diver (bath) et al. ta George WaMis, lot '6, b": 2. Ward Diver’s subdn. North Chicago,_ WD. (1m Elia E. Wrenn (widow) e! II, to Charles }. Streibcr tots. bk 3. GL Wrenn’s add to Hfgmand Park. w 0, Smog. _ ' , ‘ Mary C Allen and has. to the Horne“ for Aged and Disabled R R Empnkgre: of America, porno! kits 4 5.63 7., blk 78, Highland Park, Q C D, 81.0). Sarah A Higgins (widow), to Frank B Mathews. Mk I, Exmoor, ndd to High- land Park, â€.400. ' Chicago Tim.- Tum co.,-,:o wt: D N Moore, lot 27, Soul: Highland add to Highland Park, deed, 33.200; bard moo. pan M16, Wméï¬'ii'd‘ coLae MForcngDflOO. ‘ .j ohn Griflim and vf to Gardner Read, Biz-[“1030 6t, original plat Lake Forest, W tjohn fqlkmaun apd yr} 19 AEthei Ha} Lem Gixbcm'on (widow), to Wain‘o M. Peterson. lots 10 3nd I], blk 13, Lake Btu“. W D. ‘1’â€). ' I Wm J._Schearcr (back) to Gan-go SL3 Schwalbach, lot 11, b": 6. 15me add] to Highland Park, W D, $1,000. a Winifred Hoit et II, by gdn, to Nathan C M0611, '0‘ '5, b“ 28, Noah add to Lake Bluff. deed, 81,300. - F brence S. Hoyt (widow). Io Nathan: G Moore. lot 15, bk 28; North add to Lake Blulf. 0 C D. 31410. musical pieces. Nov‘ in its sixth week} to red-rd‘breaking ntendnncc, the ad- vance pale continue: a great a the usual; demands for a big success at the height a! a regular season From ennui; the to curtain fan :1: pmdoction alien nov- city , To visit Chicago this hammer and no. we “The Candy Shop†at the Stude- baker h to , miss one of the things that makes the Chicago nip inunh‘ what; Musical successe- in the good qlduun-j me: time have captured the planet", of} the Lake city during other teams, but not in all lhe dogdayhistoryo! the 3000'! theatrical: ha a success been recorded Lake County Title and Trust Company nut-mum. rides unnamed; the theatres W]. Game. 56:.“ . Here iqan unusual opportupity to' secure 3 pair 0! high-mac Shoes or Oxfords at an extremely low price. pm. Marlowe Shoes are widely known as thoroughly reliable footwear. ‘ Ladies and Mism‘ ï¬ne 82.50 .136“ godnring this gm; sale at .............. 81.63 All julia Marlowe $.00 shoe. ï¬ll be gpechlly reduced (0.x.l †33.50 and 84 00 Shoes and Oxï¬ordS. elect. now at only ’. ...................... $3.“ {lot of Waists made up with imported fronts, well worth $3.00. this 1.19 sale. go for .................... $3.50 Waists, for this sale - ' go at .......... '....‘ .............. 1.95 1 lot consisting of.ever200 hand- somely made; Waists. in ï¬ne im- poutcd lingerie. and dhinty lawo. also in white china silk, soft taffeta and iace.‘{or this great 2 95 ouflct sale. .................... . i I ,outlet- - ~ - ,‘ lot of beautifu] Waists. most of them, intended to sell for 82.00. 1 $1.00 Waists. go for Big-selection of beautiful Waists. duchess or high coll‘ar, short or long sleeves, worth $1.50, for ‘ MANUFACTUR Outlet Sale ~ "vumw and 75c, forvtï¬â€˜u :ale...'....' .......... I own: ........................... .‘ h! ! $1greatjfot night gowns. regularly I I great lot of night gowns. regularly I (or 81.50 and 82, go at thi: sale for...‘ Children 'sdmwen ... Ladies muslin nigh} gowns. worth 50c _ n». 1 lot of mm: genimm, wonhunLo: .9 m 1-- .L__ _,~ w-.. â€"--' “a... vu- sz.oo.'t«m§£i'§12....- ....... ..... : ggigs'pgh belts .......................... Jumper‘Suits and Dressci originally sold for $5.00. £91“ this salon__-._,.__-__,_._,.,--,-,.,_,._,,,_,m..._._..,,,_.; ............. _,’ Summer Dresses, in Beautiful ncw‘ stripe eï¬ects, marked to sell for as'high as $4.00 8: $8.00 for this‘saleh ............................... ’ 1 great lot consisting of over 200’ Beautiful! summer dread: in g I’ ï¬ne imported materials worth as high as $10.00forthi1 outlet ale $2.00 Jumper Suits for to.-- non uxonauut vav».nuon not ..-171 J "alaw, EU 1!)!" - V GREAT CLEARING SALE ON JULIA MARLOWE SHOES Waist: Reduced SCAN THESE BARGAINS CAREFULLY :uucu LU :cu lot “0W,95c I" ............................. nightgown; re ularl 34 Id 32. no At this ugh (nu-y 0.1. Jumper. Suits and Dresses ....Mnnuï¬cturer‘o All fgnc‘y Oxlotds, patent. dull uni tan leathers, button and lace, regula- I $5.00 1 3.2.2. ........ f‘.‘i.‘.’.‘?..‘..'..i. ........ 2.98 atta¢\ tutu unlit-I I: nxuuonl I: "3 Outlet Sale.... BIG} 1mm £5; hill 8m