‘.10.00 ‘f‘f’ ..... 1.98 ,..,6.98 valueMpetggm. Moan-bet tunic. cc immense plum- 16.98 iff‘f..1.98 :‘r...3.98 50¢de t 0! ï¬ne Beaver ietyoluyluand as well ~ and black span- 5.98 rim and 4.98 'cc tbét mds of 23m our wimmdthe dnyleohho L_I'_iighland ‘ Park I: Oscar Bell oi the class of 1909 has ac- cepted a position with the Chicago and Milwaukee Electric Road V her man-riage. M r. and Mrs. Charles Gram have re~ named in'm their wedding (rip'and will go to house keeping on Green Bay Road. Mrs. Gram was Miss Elsie Bqnd héforc Harry Osborn of North 51.101103 ave. me is in with the measles Miss Joy Miller has returhed from Troy; and Dayton, Ohio, where she has been visiting for several weeks. RobenPeau'e has returned to 81‘3th aher worliï¬g for several months in Ch?- caguand is emplpyed-a: The Ehterprise Drug Sum: of which Mr. Juh'us Laegler is’owner. Mr. Pease is boarding at the home of Mr. R W. Davies. ' Haâ€, Higbwood. October 28, .29 and 30,‘ under the auspicss oi the Cathoï¬c ladies of Highwood.‘ for beneï¬t of the new Ichool. Dancing every evening. Every- body is invited to attend. Admission free. Miss Alice Wamer ‘oi North Second St. had as her guqst, Saturday and Sunday, Min Lela!) Wilson of Manon Park. Mrs. Ma; A. War'ner hf Detmir, Mich. is visiting her .son Mr. M. Warner m Nurth Second ereet. ' ' Mrs. C. C. Thoma of Battle Creek, Mich" visited at the homeof Mr. and Mn. F. B. Williams for the pas} two techs. Mr F. B. Williams was the ï¬rst Manual Training teacher m Battie‘ Creek. A Dime Social was givemat the home of Mrs. B. O, Fritsch on Tuesdaj eve- ning of last week. Mrs. Boyd of North avenue entertained the guests by singing several beautiful songs. Mr. Alvin Ger- chel of Wheelerville gave several read-t ings. Games were played and relredt- ments were Served; All those present hope that Mrs. F ritsch will soon be hust- ess again. Hr. Mn Mayer of Toledo, Ohio. was the ï¬nest of Mr. and Mrs. O. F; Bell of North avenue last week. Mr. Mayer is Mn. Bell's brother. A Box Social was given by me Epwonh League of the North avenne' Methodist church on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. R. W Davin. Ever} the 1:- ports a very enjoyable evening ’ George Shelton at Moraine Road was III"! while playing foot- hall lunveck’. Mr. John Pmmanand inmily have re. turned from Green Lake, Wisconsm, mum; have been £0: the put three A Binaris tube given at the City Linâ€"and Mn. â€C. M. MacDonald of 015030 w‘ere the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Prior on Sunday. Misc Helen Hm of Green Bay Road hu recovered from the measles. Mrfjohn PJUine, who ha been en- joying a long walk. tome two hundred and ï¬fty miles. has returned and‘ is again at his Mom. Mr. Kline Eels much inward intent}: and heartily advocate! drum brahandsomc homembe erect- edon Lake avenue between Mr. BaIdwin‘ 9 ans! DE Andrew! residences. Vol. XIII. â€" N633, is having plans NOflH ‘ S HORE x N EWS "LET TER { i ‘A crab his bgen brganizedin the North :end oi Highland Fark. 'Ibme iwcnty young mm have made Ihe Po'rz Climm Schuoi house Safe 3 ciub house. and (tail tlmnseheé â€The Pun Cli mm Turners. " Saturday tvening they entertained at a cache patty: _ A Mr. Lester Levin is studying idrnmitic an a! one of- the Chicago studio's. Min Katherine Sullivan spent the wepkveltd with herpareMs Mr. and Mm C P. Sullivan of Park avenuc.‘ We regret to hear of ‘he illness of Miss. Lioyd and imp: 'that she will soon he. Mr. Kéritjelh R. Smoot was in High- land i’ark 1m week on a short visit from his Canlumia home; Mr. Palmer A. Mohtgomcr, of Che-en- ing, Michigan, for many years a tesident of_ Highland Park; is visixing friends hen. Mr. Charles E Schaufller has just re- turned from a meeting of the Railway Associationax Dimer While there he VisiI'Ed Pike' 5 Peak during the recent blizzard where the mecnry was um below zero. Mr. and Mrs. A; Adler and their daugh- Ier Mrs. Samuel'A. Gentley are at their Chicagu‘residctitc at 4048 Grand Boule- va'rdc after having spent the summer at Mrs. Wiemets'. on Laure! avenue. > Mr. and Mn. - Erich ’Gerstenberg and daughter Alice. have opened their wimer home in cnm‘go after having went :he summer at ï¬ve Moraine Miss Alice is the author of‘the play that was given at the Moraine for’tbe Gad‘s nifl charity; MAP'SHOWING‘WHIT .PEARY cums IS ROUTE TRAVELF“ RV 0!. 030K Miami-h, Iltinota, Saturday, Octobcr 16,. 1999 7 Miss Eleanor Em of Hue! avenue will assist at the tcl to‘be given by Mn. James Vilcs or Lake Fora: to introduce her dz hterMin Helga Vim on Satur- day a! con. WIM' } Mrs. A. O.v Manon entertained at a reception, arid musical in honor of her daughmr Marion andthe 'latter's guest, Miss Daphur Cane OIBooton. The fol- lowing young ladies â€linear In receivinr Misses Aline Snow,- Brief": Carver, Ber sic Smith, Margaret Atmer,‘ Eva Egan and Helen Meanings. ' ‘ Mr. Ind Mrs. Clarence Woolley after having spent the summer at the Moraine have returned to Clï¬cago {or Que winter, where they have taken Mr. and‘ Mn. Rében Holz‘s apartment in North State The debut of Mist Ruby Chandler. daughter of R. G. Chandler will take place on December fourth at theil’ home 106 Belkm Place. ‘ The woman’e’Ianry club of Glencoe listened to a very interesting talk by Prof Jesse Smith on “Autumn‘ I Pageantry" Thursday afternoon ’ Several Highland Park peupue atténded Madame ~(induki'c concert. Miss Pricilla Carver win sail for Europe in; few months yhere she 'wfll continue her musical education“ Mrs. William Hogan of Higwood visithg friends in Kénoshn. Wisconsin. 'We are glad to learn that Mr. W. K. ,Sidley of Linden avenue. who has been ill in improving. Miss Emma Muench and MG†Heifer: o‘f thin city. "not in m Suwdnï¬ Ma G F. Be" and Mn. Shaman spent Wtdnesday u the sumo! Mn. Huffy Sampson o! Winnctlu. [ The new tennis card I! the nigh School have been ï¬nish] and the new back [tops are being put up The “ï¬ll Schopl with its running tuck. foot-h“ ï¬eld, tennis mum. W- ball ï¬eld and gymnalium given m3 modem in opportu- nity to enjoy his “win: upon. [ Louil Shetziey of High“ m: m. ‘merry-go-round have arrived at 8W3“! Park. ljr. Shetzlty lowly owned a barber shop in High“) d but for the pan yea‘r he has been unveiling “I'm the country with his Merry-proud. The paving of the lollowing mm,“ nude 1 great improvement in the North end of téwn: St. 1M avenue. North avenue. vClark uréet and Broadway. former basket ball add a: the' Guard»: School. Mn. Schultin of Nonh nyemae pie 1 quilting! bee on Tuendny afternoon. Mr dawn BIuin M the United Smu- Geologic? Survey, stopped «wet I (cw days at the We of Abhie Min of 5!. Johns atenue on his way from Colorldh. where he has been I" bummer. to his home EMWIIhingtun. D. f . Mrs kale Zlmmer m Mn Edward Cole {ppm 1h:- week-end with In. Phi:- ip Rodn‘chev o! Chucago. A tennis cum bu been made on Ihe Continued OI. Mini N9] who: of on. at thin “@3555 who no may mm will ï¬t but Journey. Ind who all that m tech for the remaining th them. wu .- deocflbd to h son after In. return vlth Dr. M. S 'E Sign“ m of Fury. Ionian. McMillan. lamp and Hm In I. and to_ Tammany 9! our. Ty. Eskimo Ion. Th0 two lbw-Io hon. Minot-och“ "'0 “ï¬lth. who went-nun 1». Cook while ho was any tre- AM (oh hum and 1009. won â€on“ 3'9." W Writ-chad. m6 limo. than and m the two i.- mmmnmmcun join-Icy to Incl-Nu at .1 m nu myult. M “by CI 1: sum bolo'. ((ilxned) B. I. may. a: 3 my _mwmmumm; w mmmm Wm I touched (Nuke. no: known them hon thou- childhood. One was “out“! and shout unique: you. or a... On my return be. 0100 Mn and “who very In: Tho tum III In“ but copryï¬gPaI-JM“ unraoouc‘nou av m". Imammmmm ammunotcomthonoraph wwbelumwodbymmwlomd this following mum-u of tho two A snn'ruua 6mm! IF mu: GIVES 8M1 IIF TIE RIMS 0mm Into-mu March Wanamak- WWW“ ISSUESLWBPIOI‘SE STATE- IENT "I learn POLE DISPUTE. PEAHY BEHIIES IHE BLAIMS flF EXPLUBEH 603K Contiuucd 5’" mi Mg; n m I. “I.“ jy My. â€MMIMIOM-uflu- muthmâ€"m â€ï¬nch-flywwm mummmmï¬u‘ “3““th WWW E22521