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North Shore News-Letter (1907), 4 Dec 1909, p. 1

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The Highland Park Club announces the following entertainment: for Decem- her: Highland Park NEWS Thursday Dec. 2â€"0uoli afternoon. “A Plc'a {pr Simplicity," Mrs; James B Prindcvillc, Mrs. A. L. Drum, ers- R. H Pickering. Suturday Dcc. 4-Indoor Baseball. Tuesday Dec. 7â€"-Bridgc and 500. Saturday Dec. llâ€"lndoor Baseball. '.Tucsday Dec l4-Miss Ellen Van Volkcnbnrg‘in imitative interpretation of Miss Maud Adams in “What Every Woman Knows.‘ ’ fiahiuiving at kheirr homes, returning ”WM “god: ‘i:"“‘ Thursday Dec. lGâ€"Ossoli altemoon. ”Impressions of Anistic HoHand," Mrs. Marshall Sampsen, Mrs. Katherine Kfiowles Robbins and Miss Anna Morgan. Sa'urday Dec. 18-â€"Mens' Minstrel Show. .11): Chriflmas Cotillion 'will be given Saturday evening. Dec. 25. A night watch oostume’ dance will be given Fri- day evening ‘DOC- 31. The annual Childrenl' Pu‘ty on Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. C. Foulds and lamuy on Eibenyville. spent the week-end at tlic home of Mr. and, Mrs. F. G. Foulds of South Sheridan Rad. v 1am. land the junior Cotillion the same evening. , - Mn. ' Lovell is moving into her new home on Ravine avenue, east of Linden Wag holidays brought Harry Bodand John Conrad home from the University/of 1mm J A young peéple's dance vm given last Friday evening at the Highland Park Egngn spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mihins of Forest Mn. Frances Barton of Chicago, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mn; 1. G. Beltduley of St. Johns Ave. Mr. and Mn. Emi ed at dinner on Th um laid for niche. Mr. and Mrs: Charles C. Yoe emer- tsined sixteen guests It’dinner on Thanks- giving at the Moraine. ‘ ' J ' . 'The Woman's Club will meet on Tuesi day afternqon to listen to Mrs. ‘George Watkins whose topic is “Civics." Mrs Watkins has been secured under the auspices of the Civics Committee. The hostesses of the afternoon will be Mrs. v 9‘ Rice. Mrs. H. M. Prior, Mrs.-F. benman and Mr!- Miss Mildred Mihills has been visiting friends in Chicago for the past week. . ,;e . ’ Mr. Thomas W. J, Eichley (if High- land Park and Miss, Florence M. D. Williams of-440 3Deerfield ‘Avenue were married at First United Evangelical Church Saturday, November 27th, at 4:30 by .Rev. B. R. Schultze. A recep- tion was held at the home of the bride, 440Deerfield avenue. The bride mihe daughter of Mr. and Mrs‘rCha: ,Wil- There will be: supper in the parlor oi the Presbyterian Church on Friday. De- cembei 10, grumb to 7 o'ciock. Supper Bridgve- pm on last Friday: honor of her guest: Mrs. Cl Hams, and Mn. Highland Park, Club Program Serenl Russell Hall boys‘ spgm Mil! Helen Conrad had an her guest nhe week-end Miu' Alice Hart of and Mr‘s. c. Féulds and family 9: Everyone wekcume. my on last Friday afternoon in her guest: Mrs. Charles Squires \Va‘her Catch of Chicago. :, Illinois. Champlin entertained at a Emil Rudolph cummin- Thanlugiving. Covers A. G. MacPherson. NOKI‘H ’8 H ORE NEWS â€" LETTER [ in the parlor of Hayden of ' The services at the Baptist Church, Sunday. December 5th, will, be con- tdueted by Pastor E. L llakin. The subject for morning fiervice will be "The Child‘s Prayer " followed by regular monthly communion service. The even- ing service at 7:30 will be a Brmhelrhood meeting, the subjeci being j‘Why I Am a Christian.“ There will be two five minute Talks, “The Business Man's Point of View," by D. M. Erskine and "The Professional Man's Point of View" by Prof. J. E. Bittinge‘r, to‘be followed by a talk by E. L Dakin. Come to this service and bring a friend with you. Music will be furnished by the Choral MISS Isabella Pitts has returned from Waukegan where she spent her Thankr giving vacation with reiatives. Miss Tessie McClory is spending a few days in Chicago this week visiting with friends. . Mr. Wars! Simmeb. who has i-esided in Highland Park for the past several months, expects to leave for his home in Virginia soon. .A The folbwing mercbmts, who have been closing their stores on Wednesday evenings. have decided to ke'ep open every_ evening until after the hoiidays: Chas M. Schneider, Mrs Bohl Chas. H. Warren Co. M12 and Mn. Charles Freberg of South Green Bay Road gave a family dinner rpmy‘Waeid‘ly twining In}. Club. Mr. and MrsJames Lane Allen'of North Sheridan Road have closed their house and will spend the winter‘in Chicago. Tuesday. turned this' week' from a visit in Canada and expect to leave for California next ' The Catholic Ladies of Highwood gave a card party Tuesday evening for the benefi! of St. Mary": Parochial School. avenue is hostess atacard party this evening. Mrs. A. B. MacCaughey will entertain at dinner this evening. Jesse Smith addressed the Botany Club of.Waukegan last Friday evening. . Mrs. W. F. 'Sunton of Montevideo. Minn., is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Edward Moon. Today marks the debut of Miss Olga Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor of Linden avenue. She will be introduced by her mother at an afternoon reception. assisted by the following young women: The Misses Annie Cobb. Mar-' The wedding of Miss Katherine Mani. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Marsh, and George Randall Roberts took piace Sat- urday evening at the Pre§bvterian church. Rev. C. 'P‘. Goods'on performed the ceremony. Miss Marsh was beautifully gowned in white satin and point lace. She carried , lillies of the val|ey. Her maid of honor. Mish Mary Porter of Boston, and her bridesmaids, Misses‘ Helen Roberts. Helen Messinger, Bessie‘ Smith and Priscilla Carver, wore dresses ‘ of whitemet'eor silk and carried bouquets oilKillarney roses. The best man was Gerald Cheney and Walter Egan, Allen Jones, Russell Jones and Fred Preston were the ushers. The church was beau- tifully decorated with smilax, palms and white chrycantliemums. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh on Belle avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, upon Ltheir return from the East. willbe at home“ in the house . formerly owned by Mr. Erickson on East Park avenue. a io;y Small, Margo Street, Katherine Cashing and Doro‘hy Fessendcn. Mr. Lyman Prior sang deveral sold: on Wednesday morning _a! the Church of tire Ascension, and Min Street re- highland Dark, 111., fiaturday, Dmmbcr 4, 1909 During the time of the World’s Columbian Exposition, there sprang up a set of four verses. which_ were used to. the tune of .”Sweet Marie," and which-be- came . popular as the nearest sug- gestion of a State Song Illinois has had. (The misfortune of those. words were, that they were unâ€" worthy of our great State. in that they‘ contained bad hammer, and many other faultsand'shortcom- ings, which make their permanent use undesirable. Nevertheless. they helped to foster State pride, and an approach to a proper ap- preciation of our great common- wealth. And for this service we are thankful to the author. sad as was his end. It is apity that the music selected was not more rug- ged and forceful. but itis tuneful. and perhaps it would be a' misfor- tune to forfeit any: advantage which has been gained. by' a change of tune. and the measure With these points in mind. our fellow townsman. 'Mr. F. M. Steele. has written .a six verse song. with the same melodious refrain. and which he ofiefi to his fellow citizens of t3 whole State. 1“ they see fieto adopt igua State Song. and it' I: hoped it will prove of a higher literary grade and more lasting quality than Its predecessor. The song complete appears below: in wgich the old words were writ- ten. ' P Illinois; Illinois.â€" ’Tie the name we love :0 but. ‘ Illinois See! ‘mid, flow‘n in mighty meme. Illinois, Illinois, Golden Rod. thy yellow treasure. Illinois, Illinois; ”Tie the emblem ol thy hon Gathered here from ev' ry coniâ€" Stalwart beam. thy p_ride and boat. O'er thy rivets. gently lowing, Illinois. Illinois. Where thy mtcly com in growing, illinoil. Illinois. Hark! that vet! to III. to dear. With its mange bold Ind clear, ’11: the name we love to hen. Illinois, 'mlnoigâ€" Stalwart hearts. thy pride and bout. \1 Illinois! Pride of all thy none and daughters. A Illinois, Illinois. By thy peopled inland WIICI'I,‘ lllirlola, Illinois, Fair Chicago, great and grand, Wealth and Progress on each hand. Welcome give: to ev‘ry land, ‘ A . Illilwu. Illinois.â€" Welcome ggvea to ev' ry land, Illinois! ' ' Thou has! heard lhv Country calling. ‘ Illinois. Illinois, ’Mld the din of War appalling. ’ Illinois. llhnois. Then thy manage and thy will Rose each heart to fire and thrill! ' Brave and loyal thou art still, Illinois. Illinois,â€" Brave and loyal thou an still. “limit! While thy Lincoln‘s fame is cherished, Illinoifl. Illinois, Tm thy Logan's name has perished. ”1‘ ' _ “limit. Illinois, . Wane thy Gum. man hanoted he Thio' our Nation grand and free, We shall love and honor thee, Illinois. Illinois; ' We shall love ma honor thee. , Illinois! ILLINOIS ! - "W. m an i") While thy glory we at ddging. Illinois. Illinois. Loytl homage to thee bringinx. lllinold. Illinois Let us pulse Hi. holy Name Thro’ Whose might all good we claim. Who In- wmugln thy wondrous lune. . Illinois. “limit,â€" Who has ml" thy wondious hue. ‘ Illinois! Chonl Club Unseen. The first concert of the High- land Park Choral Club was liven on Tuesday evening at the Bap. tist church under the direction of Lyman P- Prior- A large and appreciative audi- ence enjoyed the musical numbers which were beautifuliy rendered by the members of the club, as- sisted by Miss Edith Cox and Earle Iredale of Evanston. The other soloists. Misses Robinson and Aldridge. Mr. Abercromby. Mr. Moon and Mr. Prior ire members of the club. Mrs- W. E. Brand was the organist. Mr. Prior, Dr. Bergen. Mr. Nelson. Mr- Weiss and Mr. Greg: made ‘np the orchestra. . $821355: .5 2...... 2.8.. .639... 2F. .21.... #9553â€" 5-8-8: 1.3.85: 1.3.8 a... 83.3383...» 3:83:25... 1.388.321.1363: 38m 183. Silesia; 5. gifiiigihatfli iagmicauxzh Highlénd Park is to be congrat- ulated on having Inch‘a'finc'musi- cal organization. and much credit is due Mr. Ptior for his able ind- crship. L. R. Dublin. and Lawrence L. Moore at Redhode. Celitomh. weremuried or. Wednesday “term a! three o'clock at the home 0‘ her brother and {urchin-li- Mr. and Mn. Robert 1. Dunk-III oil-lub- blrd Woods. Mia Anna Dunbar: served The body of Serge-minute: W. Dick- son of Compmy C. 27th Infantry. who was found deal in the basement of the bunch on Tiled-y llll been uhipped to hil mother in New Brunwick. N. 1. Sergeant Dickm in: shot through the Moon amended hie brother. Mr. and It; Moon will revue in Redhnds. Mn- Dunlmn end herdeuhter have been at the Moraine date October when they closed their home a Luke Geneva. bean butno ream torn: mall!" been obnined. I M the Vesper Senicel u the Presby- terian church on Sunday ahemoon. the public will hue the oppumlnity of lien in; :6 Mn. Trance )- Diefenderler who wi'l talk on “Humanism" u it it today. The Highland Park Churn! Club rm furnIIh the music. The public it invited Io this eetvice on Sunday at five o'clock. The annual olfioen' dance It the nad- emy was held Thanksgiving _night and wt: :3 ml 1 very prefly puny. Seven! out of town people attended. - Shirley Seward. son of Mr. Ind Mn.’ Geurge M Scwlnl. In. severely cm In! Tuesdav when. he plunged‘ through I glass duof at the High School. Dl’. Rubens was summoned and drened the wounds. His hand an} min were badly cut and alm his bend. He escaped vety cerium ipjury by a due margin. but i. now able to attend school Apia. . Miss Dale Bnahello‘ Canada it Visit- ing berm", Mrs. Brethren. at North Nance. 4 Mrs. W M. DooTeyocw Ccnua! meme entertained the Kate Club Wednfldav ultemoon Miu Ella Dunhuu. «mam Lactate Postponed. Friday and Ma. dinner of Mill Beatrice Patterson and MI. Mu- jory Struble of Chicllo Open! the veh- cnauthegumoluiuAmy Hohhinl. ..Mn.w R. Den nu ma. budge puny on Wednesday nhemoond Chicago. Capt. anen Deanwhohubeeuon lavelmhbdetdl um City span-evenldnyl «themmly. fort Sheridan Nm Major and Mn. A.C. Mace-uh Ht 1m tech for Washington. D- C. m Mnoomb will rennin our the W133 unrwe'ck. V Dr. me In. Deumm visiting in Washington beiore animal hr the Phflippina. Mn. w. C. Regen m hue-niche Lndien' Luncheon Club on Tuadly oi lutyeek. Covmwen hid Ion-duh!- Wemvquhdble-nlluln]. unknown. M ther- ”mutt-Wound!“ ahaqiulinm sisterMn. Why otl-‘on Thou-Ky. Mi- lan-bull Ib- Variants-I mmummhubmhm duh-mummm Haunt). condoned MW“- Tull". Mm vfldnxlln N"! Mn. Roger! eaten-ind the W Bridge Club Inc My. In. Regan is now h the In mac-hum upon expiration 0! a thou hue “350' Mucomb will join us regimen-t M D. A. Rune“. ' ,C:pt.ChuhIl-‘.Cnin. mink”. hunmu- men: In. Any Wu College. He Infill“. Cl". ntmmthemdm. «Illn- MiuCocheb- numedmwm inTem that having beanie” 0‘ known-Lieu! John Cocktail”- Coclxe. “mother. lot men! nth. cm. ancil cum )- bu- mmedllour monthl' luv.) HO“ Mn. Marsh-[I'm mun chain the”!!!- . Lieu. John MN! m sherMn. PlihlPflpt.” New York when M Vi“ levers] momhl. hi .The gnu-rim actual {unison I!" mnnedlordumudumm otCapL].L.Gflbnthvboinow aclauolmtmwinfiddm mg. Liem. Jamel M_. .y Kimho. Jan, in 1' turned (mm a but yem‘ college M It the Univenky oi Cough. V 'We sometimes receivehull tuck I» ten. The when detail their my at great icngth. It karma-cinch letter: that they nre long and “use. The man with plenty at My never wastes wards. The ”any W comm mg Wherefore it seems up: look at concentminn is one great a!” 0‘ null earning COMV- . Down in (WI-hum the bone 0! jun laws. day have In Wanted mpuhoq educmon law. I! provide- that when u widow needs the m of henna. d evening hem the hop Capt. Manmee give 1 W (our tables. in hone! of 63* pfiafiowtu

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