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North Shore News-Letter (1907), 18 Dec 1909, p. 2

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The annual installation of officers 0f every lOOOAmerican men, women and A 0 Fay Lodge No 676A F A M children ten have been divorced and an- was held at Masonic Hall. Highland “1‘" '9“ perhaps have separated from Park, Thursday, December 15m The the" marital partners? What Is it in the installing officer was Right Worshipful lives "I 50 many 0- the younger genera- Brother I L Brewster of Waukegan. tion of Americans that render: them" In- Marshal Wonhiplnl Brother 1 L Day c.pab1e of matrimoninlthpineu? of Glencoe 3mm”: William J. Walter Why somany divorcea?-â€"-New You: of stem trill be the Worshipful Mas- World. 1“ for 2910.1'he Other officers” installed are as folloan; William H. Thomas. MmW. 1. Underwood lies heen spend- Senior Warden; Fred R. Moon. Junior inga few days with her daughter Alice Warden. David A Helm”, Treasurer; who Is at Uniaersity of Wisconsin, Mad- William 1.0bee. WNW; Charles I... hon a The Christmas number oi New Trier Echoes. the bright little paper published by the pupils of the New Trier High School, promises to be very interesting. Miss Marjorie Lane of Glenc'oe designed the cover (or this issue. , 1' lnvixations are out innonncing the mar- riage of Miss Katherine Sanborn and Mr. William S. Boice. The cuemony will take place at the Christ Church, Win- netka, Saturday evening, January 15!. . Mrs. S. G. Gosst Longwood avenue, Gle'ncoe. will give a lame party Wednes- day evening December twenty‘ninth at the Woman’s Library Club in honor of her daughter Hazel, who will be home frcim School during 'the holidays. M The New Trier High School was clmd Thursday for the holidays. The Glenroe Choral Society gave its first, concert of the season on Thursday ‘cvening.’December 16 in the Congrega- tional church to a large and appreciative audience. » Mr. Ahdrew MacLeish . left last Tues day tor New York. Mrs. William Bough Is at Bilaxi. Miss. . where she IS visiting ‘Mrs. Oliver C. Kemp is in the West where she wi’l remain for several weeks. Mrs; Cass has issued cards tor a huge reception at her home- on December twenty second ‘ Gilbert Johnson is expected home from xhe UniVersiw‘ of Hflnois. to spend the holidays thh his parents, Mr. Mrs. Wm. C. Johnson. r Mrs. Mihun W Darlrng is Spending the week at Cedar Falls. Ia. ‘ Miss Helen Care has returned to her home in Dlymn, Ohio. after spending several weeks with Mrs. Oscar West. Mrs. John Fanning is’ in Bufialo. N3} Y. where she will spend the holiday! as the guest of her mother, M.rs Good-v ndge. I Mr.‘and Mrs. H. M. Paynte? have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Clifford West of Alamosa,'Colorado. Several inlormal entertainments have been given in their Mrs. o. c. Kemfi is_ at Oklahoma City, Neh, the'guest of her ‘sister. Mr. and Mrs E. E. Brown of Waupa- ca, Wisconsin, have been the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Schure, during the past week. T. R. King has returned from Toronto Canada, where he has been on a busi~ ncss trip. Glencoe News .. 6 <;.,;;~.;.;> E have a faScinatin'g line of Whitin and Crane s Fancy Stati6nery in tlie shape of Hana erchief, Glove and Necktie Boxes. Alsope Perfumes, Soaps, Books, Ink- ’ “I Stands, Ready-fill Fountain Pens, Pipes, Cigars, Candies. Gold and Silver Plated Jewel Boxes, Toilet Sets, Match Boxes. Huerr's and Morse’s Fancy box Candies, ‘ What is the trouble? Why is it that of every 1,000American men, women and children ten have been divorced and an- other ten perhaps have separated frqm their marital partners? What Is it in the lives of so many of the younger genera- tion of Americans that render: .them in-i capable of matrimonialthpineu? The problem must “be a serious one when, not :0 be soived by the family, by religion or by social Considerations, it is almost despairingly :aken" up by that rather bungling workman+the state., A woman of good sociill- position who recently secured a divorce. did not hesi- tale to say that most men were inconstant, that they had little interest in their homes; and that they ~were easily lured by men and women to loose habits of life. Men who have complaints to make against their wives do not usually speak with ‘ such freedom. but it is propab‘ly true that} they could. if they would, present some eriidence iconespohdingiv damaging against the other sex. 7 ‘ ' It has been shown that marriages are many and that they' increase in pmpunion to pOpuiation. _The Bureau of Labor at ‘ Washington has established the lac: :hat jdivorCes in the, United ‘ States are three times as numerous new as they were a \generagion ago; There has been‘ no such percentage of increase in populatinn. If to the tutai of divorces were added the{ great number of matrimonial shipwrecks falling under the head of abandonment the‘i‘ecord would be even more startling. our body. Andr‘all insects are deep breathers especially the hard workers, like the ants and the bees. The More We Bmthe The morewe breathe the more we hve. From the mouse”- which Breathes one hundred and sixty times a minute, to the elephant which breathes six timcé a min- ute. All through nature one rule hnlds ~good. the Iargcrjnd stronger the. animal [the were slowly and deeply it breathes- ‘the mare oxygen it gets the more power in! it is. The gnt is. in proportion to us weight, a hundred times as strong as the elephant, and uses up‘vabout twentv times‘ as much oxygen. The ant, like all in- 1 sects, is very strong, being able to ens! lain two thousand times the we‘qht of its 'The' St. Paul's Men’s Cluboi Glencoe held its annual - election of oficer: and a free Dutch lumih in theGuild Hall Tue:- day evening December 14, and Yverv. enjoyable time was had. The Club was organized for the purpose of supplying its members with the'best first hand inform- ation obtainable on live topics relating to the general welfare of Glencoe and the North Shore. The underlying idea of the Club has appealed strongly to m . Glencoe men, and a majority of the active residents of Glencoe are now en- rolled as members. The° Club is non- ctarian and non-political though it has among its members, practically all of the church- -goers as well as the political ele- ment (if such may be said to exist in Glencoe). It in short. pmvides an arena for the untnflifial discussion of all matter! pertinent to Gle'ncoe's best interests. Nine meetings are held during the season and the 'annual dues are $2.00. , , Harder. Jr.. Marshal; Albert Larson, Chaplain; 121553;! 1.. Pinball. Senior Deacon; lame; W. Huriaon. junior Deacon: Hugo L. Snyder. Senior Stew- ard; Bert G. Skidmore, Junior Stewayd‘.’ George Smith, Tyler. Why So Many Divorces P EBZIDA Y GIF7§ L auna’ry Work ”But if she had a soft. low voice, wouldn’t she be advocating speak-easy methods?" ”That woman temperance ad- vocate has sugh a strident voice." ..~.L'éhtral lréiiile ; “So 'yob call ibis new style of8 The M 0%“ Sta”. shoe the Aflinity?” BY IRVING sn'rolm. “Yes’m. You will notice that Who'H payaccm with aaquarcimcnt? [the Soles are mates." Red for their hlood~|nd main man-:- ”I don't know. but perhaps it is because he is a sub marine.” so blue ?’-’ 'On‘ Friday schnul dismissed for the Christmas hnlidayz. 'l‘he'Assembly Room was decyr‘tcd with evergreen ropes and lbrznches of holly in honor oi the season. Regular recitations ended at two o'clock. Aprogram followed. The High School lChorus sang several songs well includ- inc the Hallelujah Chorus and 0 Thou tlIatTelle§t from the Messiah. Lester Levin sang two or three solo. with ex- ,cellent efiect. Theemdent committee on entertainment had written a brie! skit introducing a Santa Claus and innumer- able hits on individual etudEnts. Tl": was naturally a great source of amuse- ment and everyone felt in the best ul‘ good spirits when a Iocial hour in the gymnasium was announced Mia-ring the exercises” Mrs. R. Ila/ratani Der Deufiche club. held its Jim meet- ingon the afternoon «If December 15m at 3: 30 The club is composed of the three German dams. and directed by the instructor, Mm Bliss. The affair was most enjuyable to visitors. laculty. and students alike. German games were played and German songs were sung. For M erv English word spoken a penny had Io he paid. no some «I! the first yenr students were very silent Later on good I old iashioned German cufiee, and Ger- man ctrflee kuchen. and Christmas cake were served. Miss Bliss and the classes will be glad to receive a! Iheee meeting] any one aim is :mcrested in the study of German at the High Schwl; "I want to get some hard 'cash” "We". work some soft thing." On Wedne ay themoon lat. Profes- sor John M al Clapp 01 Lake Forest. gave several I ectious from Kipling‘l Barrack Room Ballads before an emhu ‘siastic audience of Deerfield studémt IHe brought out zhehiddcn rythm and «ring which may only be had by read- ‘ing them aloud. Theeeleczio‘m accom- panied with his exéell‘ent delivery‘ brought frequent applause. The most‘ popular of the teleckiom were ”Bans,“ ”Troopin," “The wiv'esol Windw“ ”What makes that young officer Burton Nichols has returned to his home after spending a week at Aurora. H J. Punter and family have return- ed 1mm Lynn and Indianapolis where they have been visiting DALE SWEETLAND clap/lone 200... {f‘f't , . Tau-phone 2733 20 Laurel Ave. Strictly ”and an “gnu Green‘s for the brow, and not the bier: Who'll drab a penny its-tend 0‘ u tear To lessen the list indie. bundvne'w 7m? ' White’s for the peace 01 the brand Green for their gravesâ€"and death. he fleet! . Who'll pay a ecu} [or a chance to cheat The great white plague of in winding 'Iheet? One Swap for a pennyâ€"you'll take how my? . Red for their blood~lnd {no iL 3;}; White [9r_ the gleam of their ndingv -LA,. Ann Be 11- Fun-mu Rescuer), that we extend to hit (unity our deepest sympathy In their bereavement and that these momm- be spread upon the re- cords of this council' : pmccedinge. and a. copy of them be sent (0 1m bereaved family “Hue m c tutor at. mums" "Y“; '3! ehnfleur. He's . ‘ Bl: ‘ Ir Tut-tam“ Resowno. that this City' has lost by the death of Mr: Boulton, a public spirited men who VII univemlly honored by a" who Imci him. or who were Icquninted with his pubticut private life; a who counseler in a" public attain; and 1 painmking oo- Iaborer in public matters; and at all times a christian gentleman. Axo Wazxms. the arengtfi o! chu- acler a'nd' abilitv uIMr. Boullon were pote'm factor: In lheJraming and advo eating matters of public policy in and hv this council, which have remit-ted much to the progress and pmsperitv of the City of Highland Park. Wanna, It hit plclud the 'Al- mighty God. in His imcnmhle pnwi- deuce. w remove (mm mat with. our beioved cifilen. George be Any Boui- on who Served as I memberol this ’Cuunci! for the term from June 1890 (o Mav 1892 and to who“ experience‘ mm ability in financial and nccounm fixilfl ten the City of Highland Park is in- debted for its well organiud system of Wk keeping and accounts, which has been the” Item for may of our neigh- boring mu ' 'paiitiel to copy. 150M!“ Thefllollowingm’nelmble and Resolu- lion {was unanimously adopted ‘hy the Cilv Council of Highland Park, at I meeting hcid December 7th. I909. .‘ Resofiuion q .0. ‘cspect. ”1 “noose then I tight fit." I” my tailoroo ajag " hat I! was SI-IL Aucn. 10," Fumn, City Clerk. WILLIAM H ........ u-III W a! 'Ihe time {he nnnual appmpxiadon flan provided [or the Monument. appropria- tion and levyof them of Four Thous- ‘and (4,000.00). dollar: {at each of aid Sr c1105 4. Said 'hunds the 411:» January 1. 19m and we Ci cil 01 said city shaurnmuugly, cu 'mg in the year 1910 gmwe, ‘3‘ [fly a regular annual u: {or flag otpavi. g the imercfl us: said b.“ much 0! them I: mu remu‘u. :- Sal not! 2. Each huud shall he [or ,the sum of Five hundred (500.00; dollars {and aid 'hmds shall be Mind the lpnxveds tin-rm! shalt be used torCencr- al C. ~rpontc purposes {or (he said City of High and Park. - 5‘HON 3.- Said bonds Shall be signed by the Mayor and L" Clerk. and mtemizned by the City' Tracer" and shall have the. Corpurue rel. at said city afixed thor'flu. and .said hand: Oh!“ be in the mm: {mm 0Lcin' hands issued [or dmilhr purpose» a; n c..rn’ ”the dim. “menu! the use I'ill aflmr. «1.! «here dull we “locked to each at said '1 s imp-a ampms evidencing thc tum ml mun-9'! (0 he laid upun the In? ac. datr January 1. 19m and the City cum, d! 01 said my shallrnmuu'fly, con} - in; in the year I910 amide, And ‘Q'U a ram-1.. ‘.._-,~ Four Wu: (4.0mm) dollars a”... jammy I. l9l2. Four Thouuxd (tab. on, dollars due Jinan-,1. 1913. Four ‘T‘u‘uund «atom: don": due January I. I9“. Four Tbmund (4.m0.wldol~ Ian due Jlmry I. I915 1nd Two Thom. and (2.000 00) dollar! due Jinan I, 1916. Said hawk 1h." be. 1 interest a! me rate of fire super cent pet comm. payable send-mummy. bod. 'pn‘ocqul and interval m be payable at the Bank of the Mechanic Lam and Tmst Company at Chintgo. “flunk. Szcnou I. That bond of Highland Park, to the Eighteen Wad Dollars be named as Inflows: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING R31 THE 18501166 (01‘ ”N08 IOR CORPORATE WES. Be it Ordained by the City Council 01 the City 0! Highland Park. County of Lake and State of Illinois. h“ MW VVVVVV chm in Melton and 11. Wilton! and Mica- IP‘T ccm pet .mm. nuafly. bod. 'pn‘ocjp.‘ Plnble at we Bank of m and Tim: Company ° Impose midterm Wat flmoum of (I! 81110.00)

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