Publiorllcd Every Saturda)‘ 'l'ELI-l‘PHIIXIC x... '92 he 'I’ustufï¬ce, Highland Pa‘rk Entered :4in H15 scmnd dass maizcr. llIlHAII .nhscmmzon. SI. ;0 a Year ' 5c per. Copy Subscription, s I. 50 Chm'lks wwwirml fur xu’uwriph m‘ellifrql. mul {hr duh changed (lbri 11‘6â€â€). u N'f‘l‘k m‘ lu-u " N :{YH SHORE; \F\V§ LE TER h Iod. If we have gzIIII'cu In man- and ipqlish have we miulc any progress in solid worth and sterl-V ing mu tle': Ix the zncrugc sznnf mudbrn civih/ Itinn more trIIh honest C(IurIgI‘UIIs and unselï¬sh .than .n the days’ “huI men and “omen \wrc ch IltLl< or “110“; a; sn\;1kcs,,§tlw'}u\ul Lhcii' own tribe but hated and fought HM Ir riva’l's? ls thv modem bandit {1D impuncmcnt on the aIIciLm high- I waymaI'I’: : I ‘ ‘ - . . 5 ‘. V Cowardly Weapons “:6 lia1c hospital equipment w1tl'1 surgeon's and trained nurses but rve li111'c multiplied suffcrms and intensiï¬tLl sulfcring l)v111r wea 011$ 11 h1cl1 s11ccp (l911 11 l11111d~ Ted ins'tcad at one for, L‘V'UCIV sin le bl011. . 1 \Vetz1lk CquUt ntl1 oflith=s111' ing stations while 11 L'Etngiiltipb; lifcakillin)‘y minL's 11111} nihtu'ï¬si We. enact lil\\5 11hicl1 declare; that all men are equal But which: {inï¬de- gatEnflaw ol mer11~tIn 111011 2111?] evasion f: r thc mm with money while it grinds Inst11ntl1 to p0‘_11'â€" der the poor and the l1Llplcss “r 1111: gCltï¬l‘t-US: 115 men (1111‘ a were. towards our elect {fiends :«ind lamilic: but 11":- 1'1re :13 bitter and exacting 101113111] :1 ri11'1l ur 11 debtor as tbnugn 11L- had never hL11rd tl1L .'L(11Ll‘spr;1y‘cr. .1 , .wé with! but Andi in; P. DAVIDSON. Prapramr. R. M, BURGESS. Managing Editor: FREDERICK c.1313 bANG. Ami“ I UIILIL -'rL‘I\III/IItIL)II “c hIIIL: nILI-_ dIï¬CLI some of the more brutal forms of L‘LIIILIuL't both III sport and In“ but “C III I\L IIIIILIL all too aIIIanbIc and popular, the most: bruIIII tjpv ()I IIILILILrn CI\III/.;IIIOI}. There Is no more CL)\\flr(IIy InstrtI-‘ mcnt (III CIIItII lhI'In II anmnn pigtol \ rcILIIIL-r or SI.\ shLILItL I Is the ï¬tting \\ capon 0f the bug- gart IIIILI thL IILIIIstLI’ and the Innst dIIIIgL'rnusof weapons III the IIIIIILIS of a youth or II LIILIIIkIIrLI ' ‘ ACCOILIIIIg to III“ I). LIII/AI’I Is pcrmittLLI to carry- C(HILCdIL’d “LIIâ€" poms but onL IIL-ILr IIL‘I‘H’S III a street ï¬ght ur a saloon rint but the rL'ILIhL r pIilYS II p IIt IIIIII 50- Cid)! has to tIIIIL- LISIIL (If the murâ€" dered and the nIU.I’(IL, . I 4 I “t: al‘Cl not pcssimisxsï¬tar lrom. it“ “c belicw that the \c“ Yq’ar ()f’ 191†“ill he the herald of hikhcr L‘nmlilicms and possibilities thin: this “nrld L-wrmw. ' “cheâ€" “ka that (In ‘humlLi‘il‘ul mlvimcc of applied >L‘iL-ncc 21ml ihL magiii- ï¬ck'nt C\()lutl()ll nl mlucatcd man- hqod is bri‘nghm u~ w-zulily onâ€" ward tmmnl n rL\i\ il<if nuc ethâ€" ical MC and applied (,hiist' lzms .suLh 1§ the World has, nL-x'erseen. iBut for the i'cn' rcamn wc thihk this a gunk} HHJC t0 pmtékt that the dcudiy and cowardly \vchpon hidden in a m'an‘sgpuckct is ncithâ€" cr munh m hm fulidnd that among the things~ to meat qtt fur the mm 3 ear is the pncket re\"“.01ur ' CUME'S nnCC mnre iimm \Veshingtun the rumor lint therdis‘ talk uf-asking Speaker Cunnun‘zu rcsign: There is ,“U reason m i‘w‘ï¬cve 1!_~.uugh that any uHhe talk is he‘nm mien}! directly tu'liincie he, mules “knight 1w uver Hm ngdis- taucc (clephmw. ’ I‘Zs‘cï¬ thcn .‘vir.’ Can- nun's leply wmid h.- iilwly tu ï¬xelt the wire. : - I L SATURDAY. JAN- Editor. Clencac. h [pliml ll rr link “a pub. Illinoi- l9l0 m an» Minn am Hm prinlyd Associate Where SpeakemICdnï¬on Errs « Speaker Cannon, :in . defehding his .rbitrdry rufe; pf the natidnal house of fepresen‘tatjves, recaHs that formet; speakérs Were open to the charge which is made against him._»:b:peakcr, Reed is named by â€"â€"'Vâ€"-')- "â€"â€" theipï¬eient weilder A'of h - as one of the most notable of his predecessors whosekxample heis 'tollouing ’ Speaker Cannon of course,is may noit the only man nor the ï¬rst †" man, to dominate a legislatixe body in an arbitrary manner In“ , our state legislature and in politijb: cal I:.on\ entions as well as in [her national house of representatives; the poner of the gavel frequentlyr 3M hzis been used .In such a mannefy ._ as to cause bitter complaint -B_' e\cr3 \\ here except in the nation", house ot representativesit is grad-U u‘nlly disappearing in the face- Iof groning‘popular disapprove :jl mad 33;" g Speakers of state legislatives gs- <cmbles are not nearly so arbitra- r\ as they were a dozen or meta wars ago ' As a means of dais; nwm with the evil of conventiuc ruled by the gavel direct prim ics are being instituted in gnaw l1 1» set his face like flint will!!! the gener ral m'oxement for when}. lle husxented personal spleen-w- p1t'-tEé.;ad10cates of remit. i11‘miiiicmion of the house 191111;,- in the interest of broader coated}; 'l-Eé rs 'sfhowmg himself a hdptlefl ‘r'eac'timiury' IIe remainsasup- porter of the old order “ï¬fth: hour ofbetter things has am c has ltuvered over the birth of e1 erv 311ng being in the inï¬nite series of our has followed the practice offflm â€wears-u ‘er spe:ik_ers as in the fact than, I36 .. without which it Would have perisl1ed;a11d the wlzsle sum ul this i11- ite. lu11r1g care has passed on to us by heredity. All that has been done and lttempthd by each individual member of the 10111,}; long series of which we too are members. all that has been suffered and fought tor, has le‘t its trace in us. has taken shape in our li1 es No. there is nuthing in the idea that a man is seli- made L1ke all u11t1utl1 and half tr11tl1, it revenges itseli upOn the man who cherishes it. Self- made, 'sell dependent men are condemned to think onlv oil themselves and of their 011111 [Cb rllk, IJU us A .n. .... .V- states. . In the national hous; of rcprcsentutiVES however the HE of the prcsihing ofï¬cer appear to "he g1o\\1_ng'more and more â€55* trary as the :years pass. just-p11 Cannon is 6an W cm. ' â€c .35 of thc"'ston¢ »' Americaq“politics. An â€chaï¬n- gicfl curidsity, he WWI/3.156 ï¬cid "bf‘action on Which-men of the [modern Time have" iï¬'fp‘oitaht tasks to ’p'crform.’ Aï¬nochAd- ~_‘ vertiscr. , \ \Lxx Year 5 is a gr‘and,’ ah in- spiring occasion for it is always satiirated with hope! We are wont to scoff at and deride it as a day when men make'gooc only to bfeak .them; turn over new caves, ed, merely to turr and THE (lays, Weeks and years slip away like water in a running stream Time 5 great clock never loses a moment. quentlessly, surelv the moments pass and' our ea-ger hands>are not able to detain them We cannot keep back the flying years but we can and should keep the blessings they bring. Hold fast to the lessons they have taught.’ Keep the memory of ‘jms. .Itnnch exery day of life lxxith the garn edr wealth ofthe ldau behindui he years pass but lthex lea ve their treasure with us, lifoeqhands aml‘ heart are open t" make‘good resolutions has stitch" ‘ ofa tome: 3:03: M An archaeIO' thaws} to ., [Modern science'gii'es us an intimatinn “5* oi the fast. illimitableâ€" fund oi life, of mgrgth and love which is stored up in fqur 0‘11 life. A superintending parental , e haq huvered. over the birth of everv ï¬ring being in the inï¬nite series niuur >fo§beafs, ,withuut which it Wuuid have R 'aerished; and the whple .sum uf this in- f ‘ .ite. luving care has passed on to us by 3“? heredity“. Ail that has been done and “y lttemptkd by each individual member of wq st! Nu, theie is nothing in the idea’ that a man is seli- made LIke all untruth and half trIiIth, it revenges itself upnn the man who cherishes it. Selfâ€" made. self- dependent men are condemned to think onlv o themselves and of their own int-crest ‘ and thus ultimately become the III immï¬m at} eventuus. Man must lIEve’; men to whum he can pa a part of he g‘reat debt which lie asï¬d with? his life. ï¬self, else his life not wo‘th llivingl 'elsc he s'mn knqu Jfly no longer, else his spirit soars not else he is only a w_0 m that bites the dust. Little Bob. Who [on some months had invariably ended his evening pray- er with Please send me a baby broth- er, “ announced 10 his mother that he “as tired of praying fox what he did not. get. and that. he did not believe God had ism; more little bogs to hem! oNot long afterward he was carried into his mom 1" a room very early one morning to 5 twin boys who had ar- rived during he night. Boh looked ‘at the babies riticajly, and then re- marked. “it' a a good thing I stopped prayinb, or theiâ€" ’d. been three of them. â€"The Delinentor. WI men have labored and we are W into their labors- \Ve eattlie nit flinch, apart from our icare, has m upon'the tree of life. The best m-we know. the spiritual treasures of My, the language we speak, the use: we sing, the truths we possess, the W05 life we shareâ€"all this and such limit did not .spring' from our care for It (nun private selves alone, but from 3e great, all prevailing impulse to live :16 labor {or others. ’ 555th that (4 due 84 the C tral Pleas Ofï¬c‘ untiH .l-tf 1 . ’One Sénonq Deï¬cuhcy. ‘ Miss Chntter is a sort. uf talking machine. isn 't shp‘?" ‘ “\0, not a perfect machine: lhe lacks You are hereby notiï¬ed that the regu- lar alnnual meeting of the stockholders of the Highland Park State Bank [or the election of Directors for the ensuing year will lie held at the Banking House of the Bank.i (Na. 21 St. johns Ave. S E) in the City of Highland Park. Illinois,“ on Saturday January 8th. A. D. l9IU. he- ‘twee ‘ the hours of four and six o'clock p. m . D.‘A. HOLMES. Cashier. Hi 11’1an Park, lll.. Dec. 27. 1909. Glad He Stopped, Praying All Wt individual life. There I ‘ ade meri No man is what L H him'selfalone. lib enters into a World which K;make. He is supported by a '73hose aggregation nomberless ’ of toilers have worked. The prta t values which have be- [Common «property of all he has “'{rom others. Even in his per- lï¬ipmcnt, in 13's endowment, in {acter he has entered upon a ivhose' scope and history no one hlate. .The best in the life of us is a debt which we owe to Notice to Stockholders. who ‘arc interestéd in Special Sment‘sj are hereby notiï¬ed he current ins allmefrit i_s now ‘nd payable it the goflice of my Collewct'or 105 West Cen- wenue Highland Park Iâ€. I: call or send .‘for bills. F open ~Ir‘on1'9o'cl<')ck a. n;. 9 p. m. Telephone 2741. T. M. DOULEY, J, not n perfect? machine: ï¬hc the ‘exhaust. " ‘â€"‘â€" Baltimore Amer; Lal Asaessment Notice. 1' hers decided it when they 1:“nothing beyond me 'cmt but that “itis an eternal that one is an indi\idual a lie of the whole, spiritually llyI pulses in may pulse No Self Made Men. with one hand we†to 1909 let us the other hand to and Welcome 1910. ity Collector. A Street Dialbgfl. “Tllg're she goes. the belle town. She his beautiful eyes. ‘you think so?“ ;_, 2‘1 can clwerfully testify that. has one beautiful me 'I couldn the other on account of Iu-r flap- -l med hat. "â€"-l.nuisville Courier Jon “What, seems u be the matter ‘ t “l m troubled with inmmunia.’ _ - "Car! t sieep nfgms. (1h. " . i - “I can't even (sleep mornings. pm" â€"5~l.ouisville Courier Jnurnal. Lt ‘ “I enjoyed this bodk." ,’ "But. is it a proper stury for a ; man to read?†“Absolutely madam. The her er sees thgheroine excepk in thg ence of/Mclnaperou.“â€" Louiévilla ier-juurnal‘ Specially Fortiï¬ed: ‘ ' ‘ "Wiggins says he thinks he i'ouid like to go mm the diplqmalh: se ~ice " " But he stutters iterribly?’ “That! s where he is struug- ' "2 has to think ntleast twice hefme l? ‘ane Lnythiqg."â€"3V'ashington Sur. J (“by Not - Give yam wife . H Christmas p: 5301} ‘ Elm St. Phone No. 68 , ‘Was it a quiet wedding "Of course. You didn't they would quarrel right the clergyman. did yOu ?" A Formal, Romance. that will always’bcï¬r/eri embefed. \Vhat c0u1d‘ be better than having‘ yc’flr house wired for elec't‘rié light under our {WO'yyzfll'S’ to pay plan. we; {ï¬râ€" nish: Ihe} ï¬xturcq ‘gnd Ainstall the-wiring at cost; giving you 24 month :‘rto pay for same, without interest. Do not del. 1. Send for pur represm- tative at once. Gemine'fh 6 GI'PP‘ GROCERIES . Nothhm T9 It A Bit] Cue. 22 W. w: KEE PACE u _ -. THE SEASON. and 3t. Iohn’s Avcn‘ue' Highï¬nd Te":phone 172 " “Lung .1 uncle ": Post. .0 die It and “them KP?“ :cforc ihese tiny ores "(‘V- bdr UN. Lhc tn \qten.‘ " ‘ \(runger. Sisterâ€"“ N0 . ‘ J hi rl Mfltl â€"‘ \‘V hyé’. "" " \';mnger Si erâ€" â€""Becnup¢-I like' I lira-l; ul_mut the suï¬raMés."â€"l’lnch 4 Graphic Vaniadou, â€Cix'liziltinn," remarked t cannibal king. â€promotes s" sin-mm: idvas." â€To whom do you cspcci ,rcfcr'r" inquired the missiona ' â€Amung ynu the ultimate mecr is regarded with sympa Here he is considered very" luc \\'nshingt0n Star I ’~ Continuous. V\ Inn «re tlu- fullirs of 1â€?†“first like thus-v of nny oth’er flu; writing love letters. speeding luldmo Mics. rocking the bout. going on thin ice and leaving-it? overcofln."â€"Boflo“ lleraid.’ a.’ ' All Kinda. 7 "ll takes all kinds of 'pcoflc 1111:1111" :1 world?†said the 'rca‘ 111.1111: philusuplwr. - ' “Ccrluinlyf ' answered the/Bl. pcmm; lnuk at explorers. So nflhcm owe] “illi mathematical instr 191115 and some with tvpc 11v 116‘.) .1111] picture machinms' 1shi11gluu "tar. ' Nmobc For the Lone". â€There's this about a football scnr‘c.†said Uncle Hc'nry Butter- Worth. later returnscan' t change the 'rcsults.‘ " Kansas City 'I Imcs- Before He Shâ€. Should you call éI cashier who buys a yacht a skipper. "â€No- we would call him into the priwtc oï¬ice-' TBIIffalo Ex- . ‘ press. HI! Ambition. ' â€The h‘mkwoxm is < unicin Ira duodinalis." T‘And'Rockcfcllcr i_s tryin shorten that do ‘D_innis."*--li ton Post, er Much-“110' you omen I_ wunt womcll called gbc 'H h nu holid“ [ï¬esta wean-n n00n In Mr. (auto