I teachâ€. the no, in: the' hon Mt teachers. It: them". meme; gith a Medb'ytm a trip 0070!)" Ho inchqiuhe the ï¬ve Oman Misï¬t"; since [634 in mam Congratulations are being received it ' ' the home of Major and Mrs. Troxel over the arrival of a granddaughter, born to ‘ Capt. and Mrs. D W. Ryther the ï¬rst part 0! this week Mrs. Ryther is here with her parents and Capt Ryther 15 on his way to the Philippines and will not , tenth: [dud new: for a couple of weeks. ' An engagement-oi interest to Highland ligPark peupie is that of Miss Mildred Heim, daughter oi]. W. Helm of Evans- -ton, and John F rancns Boyle In, of Little t Rock. Ark. The wedding will take place ‘ . in'March Miss Helm has many friends in Highland Park and is a Irequent visi- Uoi here. - Mr. Ind Mrs. EdgauflM.‘ Snow will in a shot} time ‘go to California for me yinter Mia Lilh'an Tucker has been conï¬ned to the house: on- account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts, Miss Helen Roberts and Miss Aime Snow leave m a few weeks .for, Cuba. , Mist Grace Johï¬shn ,of'Chiqago spént the week-end with Miss Mildrcd‘COale.. The many friends of Lieutfi and Mrs.‘ George Patten were delighted to hear of the amval o_f a young son born iast week. Mn Patten is the daughter of TrM Clark 'and soon after their marriage she and Lieut. Patten went to the Philippines 'where they are now living. _ 1,], ' Min Floy Robinson has returned from Anderson, Indiana. where she has been [or the pan three Weeks. ' Geoi’ge Colbum has ‘Jrganiied an orchestra which 1: composed of several of hu pupils. -Mr. Edgar A. Turpin returned Friday from a business trip to Tcrre’ Eaute, Indiana. where he has be‘eu tor the past Mrs.- A. B, MaéCaug'Igey of Haze] Ave. gate a large _'c3rd_ party _last.Friday eve:- ning. :l‘hp decorations were 'pini roses and captions; ‘ , - ‘ Miss Catherine qukins entertained the members I f Theta Sig'ma Phi serority at her home on Saturday afternoon Sc'veraf members of the Engewater ch pter were also pr nt. » , r. 2° ,_ s, . Minï¬emice Klan: had a‘sher guests ‘lor the week: end. Misses Athelda Mc Clare and Marjorfe Keilogg of Edge- Mr. rand Mrs. Carleton Moseley have gone to California where they will remain for the next three months. . . Mr‘. Russel! Hili ex‘p’ects to leave shortly for a Mediterranean trig Mrs John Glass of North Sheridan Road gave a reception last Saturday. The house ‘7“ beautifme decorated with a profusion of pink roses; , ‘ Mrs. H. ' 1 Timer 6f North Sheridan Road give a luncheon last Thursday. The dec‘omions were in pink. ~ Mm Floyd entertained at dinner last Thursday. Covers were laid for ten; the decorations were in ‘red Mrs ‘E. B: Peirce of East Laurel ave- nue was hostess a; a luncheon last Thursday The color used was pink. Hgbhndpark,LlL,Wy, “jammy a, 191° Mn ’1 W. Prindiville of East Laurel avenue enycnained at cards TlQ/nday of last week. . Mrs. Walter Car! of» Pmpéct avenue ent‘enained ï¬fty guests at a card party Wednesday evening of last Inga-k Highlia’ndz-Park' Mia Berhice' Klgu is’on {he siékhst. N EW s. '. [The * icago and North Shore Plumb ing and ‘Hcating Co “Incorporated. " are prepared to make you close ï¬gures 'on any work' In the plumbing or healing lines. This company will make a spaci- 'alty of alte’rax’iun, repair and )0!) work; estimates cheerfully furnished. 'A trial will convince you of our ability to servel'. ‘yo‘u‘. . _ j W J MCNANLV, 3-4:; ‘ ‘ . - -Manager. 0r1 \Vednésday evening" :1 â€Delhi! Social" was given in the parlors of the Baptist Church, under the auspices '0! the Finance Committee. Each one told how he or she . had earned their dollar Mrs? Thomas Rankin of Lake 8106 emenained the Art Club of Highland Park last Wednesday at a luncheon. Among those who attended were Mr‘s. Samuel Pariiément, Mrs. Ritter, \ir‘s. William Brace.’ Mrs H. H Chan'dlq‘r, Mrs. D M Erskine, Mrs George NIH- lard. Miss Floyd. Mrs. Woodcock, Mrs Fred Duï¬y and Mrs. Brady Mrs. Chm-Es SQuitei is planning 9n leaving ii) ‘a few weeLs for southern Cali? fornia; she will iater be ioined by Mr. Squires. Mr. and Mrs; RithardlL. Sandwick were at home on Friday eveningt the Councilors and honor students of the High School. ' The .young people of the post gavé a dance on Tuesday at the oï¬iccrs' Club under the direction ‘of Misses Dorothy Elark. Marian Bishop and Helena Griflis An unusually pleaSant afternoon was .joyed by the young children. in; The a‘pproaching marriage of Miss Elsie McPheran ofjosephiue, Ala.,-_and Guy 'Smith of ‘ Montgomery; Ala which will occur. un Wednesday, February the second, is of great interest to Highland Park people. Miss McPherson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0 Mr Pherson. The family formerly lived‘ here but 1‘s now living In the south. ‘Th‘e cï¬gagémeni of Miss Ethel Buqk- ingham and Williams, Ellie“ of Chicago was recently. ‘ahfmunced and is of great intetéstio Highland;-Park society. Miss Buckingham is a granddaughter .of Mrs. William G.’ Hibbard; Mr. Enm {53 Princeton griduate 'anda Chicago attor- ney.» ' The Senior class of Ferry Hall enjoy ed a sleigh ride on F nday evening to High- la‘nd Park where they -had refreshments at Monahar)’ s; ‘ ‘ MT. and ' Mrs .Jamh' Schnur Miss Ruth Schnur, and Mr. Ben Sclmur of Glencne leave next week- for a grip argund the world. . ' ' Mrs H. H. Chandler olSuthheri- dan Road entertained at luncheon riday of this week‘- , Mrs ]_ W Fyï¬c will give a 'sl‘eigh'ndc and refreshments to abom ftwemy children this afternoon. ‘ M4rs» Wifliam Tillman was hates: on{ Thursday when she entertained the members of the Home and Foreign Mis-_ sionary Society at their monthly met-ting. Mrs. W. V Rose a‘ ï¬rmer 'resident of Highland Park 15 here {qr a few weeks. Many soda! functious aré- being giver! in her honor. ' P ~;_ 3 On Thesd'ay afternoon the, members of the Women's" Club will! have the pleasure or listehing‘ to Mrs. Charles Henrotln ‘wbo will speak in them abbot â€three ; Queens†to whom'she hatbeen present- ed. The hulesse’s of the afternoon are hit-é. John A. .Putman, Mrs; Charla Griswald, Mm]. I. Parker, Mrs. Oliver' and Mrs. Sedgwick. Mm. Benjamin A’. Fessenden Vv‘ill give a luncheon iii-110M!" oersr Henrotin and} Mn. Campbell†president I)! the Club, p'receeding. the meeting; â€The .executive tblzxard will be the. guests. - " *> « Mu. quiflc; Two faced '1nan. Capt. Savnlle; C667 boy, Wm. Howe; Rose Bud Miss FeuendenL Bren Ras‘ms‘, Capt. Marshal}; Privates. Liam. Panun. and hasten: Newman“ girlr Miss Hunt of Washington; Mexican lady, ,- The guests were received by Col, ~amt Mrs. Bmwn and COL'Ind Mrs. Bishop. Some of Iiie‘ different characters repre- sented \iere Trained Nurse. Miss Bis- hbp; Folly. Mrs. E. C. Marshall: Swede Peas'aritrMiss Page; HoIIand' Dame, Mrs CraI'n; Japanese Capt. Crain: Yam: Yam: Twins, Lieut. and Mrs. Steven“ n; flighta'nd LassIe, Miss BeIIie Case; Bri- gaIId, Capt. Case; Oriental Maideh Mrs. Moore;‘Mr_s. GilbreIh wore the wedding ngn of her gran‘d- mother; Student; Capt. Brooke; Nnu. Mr'II. Van Poole; Spanish girls, Miss McLean, Mrs. McNamee, Miss Chase of Chicago: ‘ Miss Violo Shields and Miss Puma Greek Maiden. Miss WIlkinsoIChicsgo; Benjamin Franklin. Capt; HcNamee; Claim. Dr. Griffis and Lieut. Rnnbough; Chinamen, Capt Gilbretiiand Mr. Page: Winter. Mrs. Seigls; Baby girl, Capt. Emery; Phiiippine lady, Miss Hbie; DIIIch girl,_ Mrs. Kemp"; Shephed ' ‘ Oath of the clever!!! parties ev'cr given at the post w‘qs the masque ball. given at the club last week.' The decoration! were brilliant and apprbprimc. ‘ The Congregation Church of Glenooe g has called the .Rev. " as 8 Cornell :of Michigan City. lI toï¬ll the vacancy caused by the, reqign, innoi Dr. Darling Mr. ' Cornell has It" the call and will begin his niimstry‘ In Gleneoe on We ï¬lth of February. Be is at present pas- tor of the First Pr erlan Church of Michigan City where has been for the past the years. due: I very successful work. The committee 0! nine delegated by the church .to ï¬nd and unanimously recommend a‘ maniorthe place, were heartily united in the choice. The re- port oi the committee'deacribes Mr. Cor- nell as a man of about 35 years of age. of ii e personal appearance.- pleasing addr . good eduugon, a reader who makes use of what he reads. He'ha‘ been especially succe'nful with the young pebple in his present pastorate, and Is regaitletl as an exceptionally rtrong man. He I: said to be public spirited. modem and wide- awake in his thinking and methods and a leader among men: All of the members of the committee were pleased with his prelching. It would seem that the church is to be congratu- , tegl’uymtheWind it†Is hoped Ilia! The annual meeting of the church wifl occur on Wednesday uening. jau. 19 at which time reports 0! the .wérk [er the past year will he presented andoï¬icers 'elected fpr the ensuing year. As is cus- tomary-the business Meeting will be pre- Ceded‘iby.‘a dinner_ served by the ladies] of the church. This Is one 9! the mint eajoyable e\ ent- of the year. ; we: ' I mdan News The Ladies†Missionary Society of the Congregational Church held its annual meeting on Tuesday of this week. 06!- cers_ elected for the coming year are: Mr: F. L. Holmer. president; Mrs. Cal- man Martin. vice preaident: Mrs. F. P. Patton, secretary; Mrs Geo. J Pope, treasurer: Mrs B. D. Nichols, chairman- »ol program committee. the other mem bers ol’this Committee being, Mre. W A; Glagner, Mrs. C. Q. 'Brandrifl. Mrs R. W: Stevens and Mrs; Albert Olson. ihe pastorate mn’y hcja. most successful uhé' _In every respect. ‘ I. a the Ouoli Cl'ub , ; with an evening inegting: Mrs. H. . He‘eren gave an interesting addreu _ . “"‘Iédnc'athmal prob- lems .foilowed .by I W Through the kind invitation " Omli Club the members of the n'l Club .had another oppbnunity 2i) hear Mn. 'Hef- fen-n. . . ,every and: Inn in mg city cumin in his desire whelp ma; vital in 01kt liven. Out wan br‘oad bun'om’ guns are ml. d paidve. ( .Ovcr twenty yd sleigh ride 1611:: h alter ‘a jolly tim delicious supper. tuincd home. A verv luypy d Friday when thel1 Miss Lillian F ram. Ind helped her i birthday. the sick lip: is mu: mm'ed her work. Highhnd Park: ’ Mr. Eugene is much better. Mr. Wimevesk cemly moved into haulc Much uéiteme t In icnw last week. when doubt dead on the c. M. Si, P. r lrud distributing host in every dir all near Ind their lungs lull . hogr togekher again. The Brut Bmid wh organized some of: Deerï¬eld is progressing friends are uniting thet can 3h e a concert_ Mr. and Mn. 'ji mm the week en - Monday. Wed ary 24. 26 and 23 \Amateur lectuq I pictures. Sunday momi January 23. holy man by F er Kefly. Sunday momi l-January o ‘clock union ac ic_e by Chapl; Sunday evening january service by ChApl+in Snyder. Sunday eyeni January 3 service by Chap! in Rice: Tuesday evcni january . moving (imam. ‘ . Satulday nith January 2‘) Mia Gloria HI! home in the loud here. has mung ver. ‘ ‘Col and Mn guests Mn Wad ten. guest Mlq “CM!†0! Austin. 33- - . ~ g It!â€" ‘ Col. Pitcher" ho In: beer :pn have (m the.†I the put «I :fmonthl, Helena Grim . Much emu lemu- cau‘ud when Lien. Kempevend Mc~ Nabb acmbhed ever‘y' ' ‘in 3b! and aid that they vere In: _.Ie,bclla highly polished with The di'icing and jnl'lityof the hull: continua an n early in ever! dir aim. and m In: retï¬rx ,fltié lu'er etday and F" putt school. en‘ waméd ker. :h better. . with Dr. I (mg peopk me of M r. e ‘Ind alter the young femur: â€km“, Among the out-of-town mem- \kthetme fteh me, bets of the association wen: Webster Rice. of' Winï¬eld. UL; â€"sibe - 1.!on R3930: Diï¬imnd Lake. Sun 3'“ Y Funny Hale. Canada; Ella Damon, d "m D" â€M "h Rockefeller: William Rice and Ice Colbum, Chicago? Mr. and It um 1cm: lone thy Mfl- Hm Sim. Winnetka. douhl dec' stuck car and even! from Lake Forest and P. r land '0th adjoining town's. â€" J vening ya} may 1mm gathered a celebraie h i and lam“: Mr. G. H. der who ha In- I «3 Mill. 5' ‘III'I -3 inite and Nomi a CINIIQ pjo) in: a pop]: no meet on p In: re- milwn in I an vine i soldier‘s been ill: er lune ï¬fteenth ' oi luck. hue 'I'e- '0» men Roi " W "w . - . On Saturday evpning the Altim- ' ni of the High'ISc'hool held their ' innualihop at Ravinia'l’ukflasino. ‘ 4;; vi: undoubtedly t1); 951m ‘l‘hio alum at Ravinia Park the drum Club 0! him": ‘Uuimo 31% m g is! w mum“ of- Iain: the cot-d] ‘You Never Can Tell,†Imam Shaw,‘1‘hedn MdubofiheUuivemwienwhh («native mum-hum» mummmmmmhh airlock. It. Curl Odell oi mm wdagmoéeouumum din. the-it undertaking Bgflt‘mat president. Miss Nellie Fimeruld; ureusurer; Arthur McCuï¬rey. sec- retury; Mia's Ullie Bell. historian; Williuui B. Wren. president of the clubs of [*9 and the bourd of directors. theliv'e former pres»- idea“ of the uuoociution. Mn. ilarry Subpron. George Millard. trunk Conrad. Frank Mc’C’uï¬rev’ . The Alumni were laminate ir neturin‘ for their music Brunï¬ orchestra of Evumon. ' . The committee in chame con- titted of Ilia Gertrude Nevins. ï¬resident; Leslie McPhetson. vice i ’fllip.:iï¬ we Wm vinocamein (or: 6‘ hit (me lunch. It would incl-e“ tr W W’W'l ul the and“ a! me mad m: mevhou have thhr Mes. cased! III-uh Mahdi! Inlhigdï¬ft near Edison Conn. Whahpalot mWimhmp Horhothe picked hi chief dispatch“. Wm. ï¬lmy. Subbed the ioumq whi- IIinI. Ht} I'll-[Icy I"! Itill conï¬ned to his had ohm chemâ€: «mom. M'r. MI m his «a '31: (dead ,nd Lyinu an'or. 7- Fn’m. Jumquth. when! in. “mammalian-mu mandatintthIomf