its 0.! the behest to hers. the {the boys hackers. P prize is p wuld. } musical ‘2 sum. a by the help b:- I to em- mdcur ul 'innetka. the; 58 ï¬sh your Mon will I, as the tying the 9WD: praih'ng I elevab retina of wet; the eel ' with to Obey and: m hr with a 1634 ii: Street. _. , LanSaturdayexeninglhty-fl‘mg P9091: ol the Baptist Church made up a'eleigh- ing party of forty- -ï¬ve. They went to the home of George Skidmore in Wheeler-' ville and there a crowd from the “ heelâ€" erville church joined th‘em The sleighing was fin and the young people enjoyed themsetg: greatly. They were enter- tanned ally at the Skidmore home, and before leaving {or the home trip they ï¬lled up on refreshments. Vol. HILLâ€"No. 5 Highland Park N EWS I Miss lrene Russell has returned from ‘Lead, S. D. whel-e sheds «aching and has been \isiting her sister Miss Russell of Russell Ball and liar Highland Park friends dllring the week. . A Brotherhood Gathering ~ _ What is knoi'im as the Baptist Brotherhood met Tuesday ever!)â€" ing in the parlors of the church and proceeded to get acquainted overa banquet provided by the. ladies of the churCh. Prof. Smith of the Chicago University and Rev. Dr Boyington of Chicago gave stirring addresses. ' . D. M Erskine, president of the Brotherhood acted as â€toastrnas- tero“ A vote of thanks was ex- tended to the ladies who served so well and to the speakers. of the evening The purpose of the Brotherhood IS all that the name implies. Thev wiii hold another meeting-next St. Patrick’s day The‘ principal speakers h‘ad‘tp leave on an early? trai'n and the rest of the.eveniné ,was given over to extem‘poraneous speeches. M-r- Much credit is due to Rev. Le Roy Dakin. wh ‘is the' organizer of the club and gret wasgreatly felt by those present beiause of the illness of the pastor which conï¬ned him to his home. Dr. and. Mrs" Hall of Crystal Lake spent Monday with Mrs. Hall’s sister, Mrs. C H. Baker oi Glencoe avenue. We regret to hear of the illness of Mrs. Jordan. two months. john Finney, while sliding down the hill near the Grammar School,’ received a bad,fall and is under the doctor‘s Farc. Miss Jessie Boyet‘oiï¬North Shgridan Road has returned. from Hot Springs, Ark-,yhere she has ‘bee‘n for the pat MnEarle Spencer visit’ed‘ Highland Park friends ovgr the week-end. On Wednesday evening the Tri Mu Club held its meeting at llxe home of William and Edwin Wrenn of Oakwood avenue. M}: Hopp of Rogers:: Earl: his been the guest of Mrs. F. V. Klutz of Glencde avenue. Miss Josephine Prall ‘has’saiieé'for‘l Somh‘ America and Magellen. She 15‘ with \1r.and Mrs. L. U. Rutter of Lake Forest formerly of Highland ngk. {I ’ “Crawford" was very clevéiy produced by the members ofrthe Ossoï¬ Ciub on Tuesday at the Highland Park Club house. They are to be congratulated on the); initk. fl'he Ch'oral Club met ‘on Wednesday evening at the home of Lyman Prior ,on Sheridan Road. ‘ - - ‘ Mr. Emil Rudolph isat Palm Beach, Eda. for a few weeks. A Merry Sleigh Ride Under the direction of County Superintendent T Arthur Simp- son there Is to be a notable gatlh ering of the Lake County teachers .at an all- day meeting to be held in the auditorium of the. Elm Place School Highland Park Friday, February 4- The pro- gram includes addresses by State Superintendent Francis G. Blair Prof. Theodore'G Soares of the UnixerSity of Chicago and Dr. Charles ‘A. McMurry of DeKalb. three of the foremost educational leaders of Illinois; Supt. Jesse L Smith who has ‘charge of the local arrangements, authorizes us to announce that the general pub- lic Is invited to attend this great meeting. The following program will be given: ‘ I‘ 9:30â€"â€" Illustrations with Lantern and ‘ . Stereoscope - Supt. 1.1. Smith Mrs. Green of Milwaukee sang Very beautifully and artistically several songs. She was accom- pamed by Mrs. Kegnett who also gave a piano solo that was highly appreciated The hostesses of- the afternoon were Mrs. Charles Griswold Mrs. Watson Mrs John A. Putm‘an, Mrs. J. J. Parker Mrs.- Oliver and Mrs Sedgwisk. Ihe nextmeeting will be In two weeks Mrs. Daniel Cobb being the speaker. Mrs. Knudsen of Oakwood avenue, entertained the Birthday Club last Thun- day afternoon, Mrs. Hnber and. Mrs. James Grim were prize winners. Lake County Teachers yo Meet Wotnan’ s Club On Tuesday afternoon the mem- bers of the Woman' sClub and their friends had an unusually In- teresting afternoon when they had the opportunity of listening to Mrs. Charles Henrotin, wife of the Consul to Belgium. who spoke to them ot Empress Eugenie of France, _ Empress Frederick of Germany and Empress Carlotta of Mexico, who played important parts in the history of their res- pective nations. ' ' -' â€" - Miss Bertha L. Harvy ' Lake Forbst Schools 10: 45~Address, The Home and the School ~~ Stale Supt. F. G. Blair I1: 45â€"7â€"Problgnis In Tuué Pruduclion ‘ â€"â€""(‘lass Demonstration - .- “Our history has no picture- esqueness; it is the most dull and limited historv of any great na- tion, and the reason for it is‘ that woman lfas been ignored. Woman makes history romantic and in: teresting-" Mrs. ‘Henrotin is a very mag-* netic wgman with a wonderful personality and she created Such an_ atmosphere that the listeners felt that they tOO had met and known these women. Highland Peï¬k School ‘ V xNTERMIsswï¬ 1:30â€"Address, The Opportunity of _ Moral an Religious Education I in the P lic‘Schools 1- .- Mm ram; 0! Lake Bluff visited Highland Park friends this week. _ Ui’yiï¬ï¬iy 1i! ' Chicago Address, Cl§s§ Room. Wark '- . CharlesA. McMurry .N I. S. N. S DeKalb. ’- Highland Park Story Telling - Theodore G. Scares Herman L. \N’alker Digbland Dark, Ill., Saturday, January 29, 1910 Miss Grace Nihilist daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mihflls, who is training at Michael Reade hoipital, spent Monday 'at her hbme. 'Miu Mihills ï¬nishes her course in the spring. The many [ï¬ends of Mr. ï¬nd Mn. Wil lam Ullrich were sorry to hear of the deay of Mr .Ullrich' 3 mother 'whic‘h oc- cur ed last week; ‘ ‘A very delightful evening was spent last Thursday when the members of the Ossoli Club eigenained their friends and the Highland Park Woman 5 Club at- the Club House. Mrs H. U. Hefleren gane h‘er interesting and instructive address on “Educational Prpblems. ' the relation of the teacher to the parent and the (our; ages of tieveli'ipment in the child. The hostesses of the evening were Mrs. Daniel Cobb, Mrs. Frank L; Weén. Mrs. 'Mrs. Charles E. Sclmumer. - . On Tuesday Mrs. Benjamin A. ‘Fes en- deu gaveavui delightiul lunche‘in honor of Mrs Charles Henroiin and Mrs George Campbell. The guess were the executive board which is Composed of Mrs. EverettLMn. Charles Baker, Mr’p. 0; Olsen. Mrs. A. B. Holeherl. Mrs. Underwood. Mrs. Roberts. Mrs. Eddy, Mrs. Geer, Mrs. ..W Schumacher. Mrs. Vivian and Mr: Green of Milwau- kee The decorations were yellow and white. On Friday/evening Mr. and Mrs R. Iv Sandwich entertained some at the teach ers, ofï¬cers,“ the senior class, coucilnrs and honor students , a"! the High School Mrs. Bolil is havn'ng a sale on China. (his chin: £9.90???“ causation [new Tokio Japan, consequently. is genuine. one third off for Cash until sold. " Edward Broddard, sun oi \Irs Iuhn Happ, passed away while being cared for at a hospital' in Minneapolis. He had ‘been a sufferer for some time 'with tuber icuiusi's of the throat. The remains were brought, to Highland Park for burial and the funeral semiccs were held at ihc hbme‘étead Wedhcbday morning. Rev. B. R. Sh'ul'fzc ofï¬ciating. in‘g, jessie Taylor Constance Shields, Rth and Mary King and Bertha Campv bell; Messrs Shirley Seward, Allison, Erriuger, Moï¬it. Carlburv-I Brand, Ben net Schauffler, Lunt, Howard Williams. Norris Parrotl, Merle. Tibbits. Arthur Chantry and Edward Atteridge. A {very enjoyable evening was spent it: playing games and dancing: refreshmexm were se'rved. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Hill. Misses Donaldson. Ehsvus, Nevins, Smith, Katherine Schu- macher. Theresa Peters. Margaret Dem Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLimom why are myingin FIorida. are expected home next week. ’ i Several exciting frames of hockey are planned by khe Lake Forest and High- land Park teams. .; Lingo: FOREST HIGHLAND PARK Carl Stevens, _C. Parliament, H._Sannuels,_ ' . Ruben Hussey. E. Sannuels, John Peirce. john Brooks. ' ' Robert \ ' rner, Fredic Watson ' L' Under nod, Louis Swift. ‘ J'. Buurnir , Mr. John Oliver: handsbme new hon e on Sheridan Road ll nearing rumpletion. The young peoï¬ie of. the Presbyterian church enjoyed in ‘ sleighihgpany on Fri- day evenin‘g.. ' Thefliicago and North Shoreflumt- in; an Heating Co’. "lncufp‘vraled," Are brepared w puke you clog: ï¬gures on' any work in the plumbing or heating lines. This company will make a speci- alty of mention. repair and iub work; estimates chcerlully lumisbed. A trial will convince you of our ability it: serve you. w. J._ Iantu'. ' 3-4:. L , - -Mmgcr. The mid-year exammations are waking place at the High School. HIGHLAND PARK _C. Parliament, Robert Hussey. John Peirce. Robert mrner, Ly Under 00d, 1. Buurnit , S. Watk' s. 5Tb: Church For All Th “The Church Fgr All The Pet be conducted by‘ the pastor. Oahu :1 10:30 and 7:80;»: Su morning abject will be "Re gion " The evening subject Farmer " Music under the of Mr. Lyman Prior. A cordi- for all. Mr. Chalet H. Thayé; h; purchased [our lute on Nun aVenue where ‘Ie expects t cu'ming Spring. ’ \Thc Tniel Club 01 the P Eh Lcrian church met on “ educsdaysa \ho'n in (he church parlors' The hot“: 3! ill: afternoon were Muses Coma. c Shields and Ethel Van Riper , The Sophmore Class 0! the I is making plans fur its dance occur a! the High School. gy: the near luture‘. . Mia Man Mepinzer, :w'l 33‘: re- cenayswmteu on f...- app! 3i¢itis.'is improving. ‘ . Mrs. Richard H Pickering avenue. entertained at cards temoon ‘ BOARD OF LOCAL IMPRO\ OF-THE CITY OF HIGHLAY‘ Nutiéeis herehy'gix en to a pctsuns interested. that thehids fur the Tl ishing of all labor tools and Inatetials id In du the work of constructing a cas_ ‘run Iat~ eral main 'water supply pipe Iight (8) inches In‘ternal diameter tum Ier with ï¬re hydrants. shut off valtes aI special casting: to be cmnructed and d alungv and under Sheridan Road in t (Zityrd Highland Park connecting 3th water maih now laid‘ in said heridan‘ Road at a point In 'Illd main tv . Ity feet 3 north of the southerly line oi R er Wil I iarus avenue and running ther 2 ° south- ‘ crly and easterly following I! ‘ line of’ the Boulevard known as Sherid Road, to the south city limits of III" City of Highland Park. were upenc: on the twenty-tint day oi January, A. 1. I910. and T. H. lawman being .I‘ : ‘luwest responsible bidder, the' cunt :t was awarded to said '1‘. H.. IGLEHM ', can the twenty- ï¬rst day of lanuarv, A. I. mo. Said bid is tor the w-urlt as a v .le and is aa folluwa: _ I 603612". ft. of 8 in cast irqu pig includ- ing special castingl, lead, yarn. I :artage and labor at 99c per it. - - 1975 (A 46 lin. it; at 4 in. cast iron pite includiq‘g lead yarn. cartage : andla at 60cper it - - 2| m bLudl hydrantswithauxiliarv \alves cotnplete set in place! ' ausaoou rach - - - - - 2m 00 3Eight inch valvea with boxes “ compieteaetinplace um «I ~ K each-'o-m 69m ' Mrs. M. B. An Pratt. uh. very ill with la grippc. ivmucl Mrs. I-‘red Clay uf slmm‘ . tond St"; has been Conï¬ned in her ham (flair an attack of the gripp. ' Mrs. Katie; Zimmer of St( was the guest of her sun and ,Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmev mu. un Tuesday. The new house of Cut H; P is ncaï¬v Samplued. It i: a v and origiha! house. Nance-0F AWARDING co Tom . ~ - ‘ The owners 04 a majority 01 use of the ion and lands upon I dan Road wherein said wor done my. within ten days (mu hereof. 01:6! to take said wmk into a written contract :u dkrisai ten per cesium Icu llun the which the same has been â€(and \VILLIAI M. Um Imus H. Suxzu: Hlmux anzm "Board 0! Dual lmpn Services‘ at the Win! Bapti ht School f. vcc‘cmlv E: john.- ild this Pe ople Clutch. 1:. win 2. LeRov by The pd Ref:- [he Fool Endmhip Ewclcome flu been 5cm er. thich will [Inium m Id Strcei 'au glugr if I'm-hm- Da‘idsun y a rtistic t ‘ Lindpn jdAy af- MENTS ; PARK. I‘RACT I sacri- is tu-bc he due d can}: work at IV. We are glad to but that Min Gnu "humus. who recenuy underarm: m opemioa at one of an Chicllo hmpiuk. is' en's-LI! immed- Willi-'0 Seance! of Racine. Wiocomin. who am ca‘led home bv the illneu of hh - timer. has returned to Hizhiand Mr. and Mn. 1. M. jondan will close their midcnce ou'Bcach area next week. and gum Calilgmia for 1 (cu hgr friends at ten. Pdtk. ;Thc Royal Neighbors gave pgrly Friday evgnihg at Mamnic Mr, and Mn. Charles Lundgrcn s Suuth First St. entetumcd n‘lmggc con‘ puny of i'eluivec and triends last Sam day evening. 4. .u Mrs john Snyder of West“ Cchtnl an cnue, will entertain the Ladle. Mr: Club next Wedneoday afternoon. The Royal Neighb‘on of Highland Pafk give a verv deliglitlul cud party on Friday evening at Masonic Hall on Shai- dnn Road. Sewn! of the Noah Shit towns were repreoented. Several nighland ‘ Park gentlemen 'n- tended a ‘.‘Smoken" Wednesday even- ing at Lake Forest, given by the Knights M Columbus. Judge Gnu-cup expects to leave juda fï¬r a Visit in the can. - 1h: Luther Lemme, of the» Lutheran church in Highland, gave .1 sleighim: puny In! Study evening, after which relrethmenu um tented at the. rui- dp‘cc 9! Mn Johann of Highwood.‘ Mr.» Walter H. Chandler and‘ liner Miss Gertrude Chandier gave i very on: pm able week-end party [or their peice Min Ruby Chendler at Chicuh ï¬rmer- Iv of Highland Park. spent a {c whys M ‘week with that sister, Kri. J. Scottof South Second . mm Mti. um». um: utCthI Lake, were Park whim this week. The Delta Chi immunity dere' mac mined an a Iprad on‘ Friday evening at the how: of SamuelGou. . ,Mr. and Mn. D. hheahen have return- :i [mun-ix tech visit in Wisconsin. Gilbert Johnson. non of Mr. and In. W. H. kduuonhis home [mm mm University Eur-week. during lhtmid- year cumifmm Rubcnjolnloa rind Henry K. Goa!“ Jr. 0‘ mam M on Tut-day- - Mr. and Mn. Wm., Hogan of Big? wood. have gone Soqth for ale: months The Woman I Library Club an on Thunday nleemoon at the Club. Min :15!th Johnxun cmenund I few of be? Mon ,Imglary nth. Mr. Pemhoda narrow nape (tom death one day hm week. He was tum ning to and: a train end [ell wafer 6e apphnching min and Ira dragged out one huï¬drcd tea. - Fonmmety no bone: wen blokcn. )lrz'j'hd In. Jacob Schmur 1:"th (or . m.» «and the worm. Mr. and flu] K. Calhoun m- ed on Tuesday m {outwit young Dru-five Cat. Glcncoc News Mil Violl'Shicldq wu hottest mi Mm lnday evening when she cmertainod‘ Mr.,nnd In. Hugh Inigo! LlCflPe. Hall. é Cafdl