w Mr. and Mrs William D Messinger nd Miss Helen Messinger have gone South where they will remain for several . months. Von HILLâ€"No. 7 The opening high: of the Automobile Show was attended by several prominent Highfand Park citizens, among them the m! mA Ten Bfoecks wok dinner at [lie Tip-Top Inn previous to the show. Qn Tuesday afternoon Mrs. lohn L. ‘Cunil was h: 57:55 at a large bridge party I! the mean’ 5 Athletic Club. Highland “Park N E W S ' “ Miss Kathleen Bergen entertained on Saturday afternoon and evening at me Mor‘ajne Hotel. ‘ . ' Mr. and Mrs. George M. Seward and Shirley Seward leave {0-day for the South where they expect to spend sev- enliweeks. The members of the Ossuii Club had as their sp‘eakcn Mrs. Edward L. Upton of \Vaukegan on Thursday. Mrs. Frank VI. “can entertained an informal lunch~ eon in honor of Mrs. Uptun preceeding the Club meeting. Miss Katherine Schumacher enter- tained several you-Hg peopleovér the week-end. ' Mrs. Trigg Wallcr_ was hostess on Thursday evening when she éntenained at Bridgt‘; and Von’ Saturday afternbon lheentertaincd at bridge, ' Mrs. R. Peyton gave Sam-day evening. ‘ The marriage ha; been arnnm‘mced of Miss Elizabeth Kohlberg of Half-Day and John Huhn of Decrï¬eld. Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Miss Elsie‘ Margaret MacPhcrson, daughtér of Mr. and"Mrs. L. O. MacPherson. and Mr. Guy T: Smith, on Wednesday, .the sgcond of February, at Josephine, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Pherson 'and family. were former reï¬dcnts, of Highland Parlz. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make thexr lréme ir’r Montgomery. Alabama. ', r ' ThiW man’s Auxiliary of the North avenuec urch met on Wednesday afte‘r- noon with Mrs. 0. Fl Bell. The Woman‘s Auvxiliarv of Trinity church will serve cake and tea on Satur- dai afternoons é}! Library Hail during Lent. ‘ The King‘s Daughters will meet at the home of Misses Helen and ’Mildred Coale duï¬ng 131; absence of Miss Alice David- sori with whom {hey formei'ly met. ‘ Miss Helen Rudolph is werk- end with her sister Stacie of Chicago. George Willis Cummings." sdn of our retired druggist George B. Cummings, is delivering a series of four lectures at Handel .Hall, before a Federation of Technical Clubs of Chicago. That these lectures are popular is shown by the fact that'every seat in the house is occupied. The ï¬rst two lectures have been delivered. the remaining two'will be. ‘on March lst IndZan. Novadmission is charged, and any one interested in Telephone Enginâ€" eering can attend. Mr. Cummings rs a -mduate of Deerheld Township High School, and copies of his book, “Efec- ltidty and Magnetism ' in I'l'elephone Milntenance,†can be found in the school and public libraries it has also been adopted as a text book in some technical schools . -uuul uv-rvâ€" w..â€" when they ,gathei’éd at his home and apem the evening. , On Friday the u‘lany‘ friendsof'juhn Kelly helped him celeb'rate his birthday. Rudolph is spendiné the her sister Mrs. Edward NOKI‘HES HOE 1:1 NEWS -- LET T E R a iarge dinner (in Mrs C. E. Thompson of Sgcond street is _entertaining her moxheers. Robinson of Anderson, Indiana. ' Miss Burgess is permanently looatgd with Miss Arm quabird Te! 1353 Miss Grace Woodbridgc OK La Salle, mimis spent the week- end as the guest of Miss Helen Coale C. M. Cafe, Vformerly o‘f Mo'mgomery, Ala" ha} been secured as -thc choir masxec at Trinity church. Mr and \lrs. McLim-mt returned on Saturday fmm the South where they have been for se\eral weeks. We feel sorry for the man who does not read his hqme paper He is like I man without a country. He is like a homeless cow that has no regular pasture, but grazes pmmiscuously on weeds and tl‘iistlés. No matter what pther papers he may read, a straightfoward citizen airways insists on having 'his home paper. â€"Exchange. * ‘ Mrs. P. C. Wulcon of‘l’fospect avr- nue gave a tea last Friday afternoon. Mr. add Mrs. Harry Sampson of Win- netka, furxnerlybf \he Park, celebrated their third wedding anniversary last Wednesday. ‘ ‘ - Mr. Walter C, Hately of Beech sweet entertained at dinner Thursday evening uf last week. Covers were laid. for nine and the decorations were white 'tulips. . The Round Tablé Club met‘lagt Fri- day evening at- the. residence of C} 0. Larsnn of East_Park avenue. Mrs. G. Maerklin. of North Second stre'et wxll entertain the Euchre Club next Wedn'esday afternoon. Mr. Emil RudOlph of Linden Park Place has returned from a .visi! in the South. - Mrs. F.' G. Gardener Of East Central avenue entertained at cards |ast Mondav evening V ' . ‘ even ’irlr. and Mrs. E, R. West of East Central avenue haVe gunet'o Tampa, Florida. rfor a mm. Mrs. E. H. Vivian and daughter-June are visiting in New Orleans. 2 Mrs. A. E. Strand of Milvi'aukee spent several days with Highland Park friends this week. Last Monday morning D. M. Erskine's Bank was} visited by another robber but this time it was a ‘waman who presented a check ior $50. purporting tu he signed by A. A. Moses. Mr: lohn Duffy the cashier went to the telephone and called up Mr. Moses to inquire if the check was all right butewas informed tlnit it must he I forgery as he had nct given 'any such check. in the mean‘ time “the woman quietly sliptied out of the bank and although a diligent Searchwas made she could not ' be found. ]. Huge Tyler, ex-governor of V irginia», spoke at the Wednesday evening meet- ing at the Presbyterian. Church his sub- ject being "Universal .Re‘igion.‘,' Mr. Tyier is the-guest «I Mr. and Mrs. Curtis N. Kimball of Green Bay Road. Mrs. F B Pratt of Waukcgaflras a Park visitur last Tuesday. Mrs. N. 1. Ross of (If: Avenue House, Evansmn, was the guest. of Mrs. M. J. Miller on Wednesday. The pupils of Mrs; Geoigc S. Cole gave a musiéale ‘at Mrs. Gale‘s home on 'Saiurday evening. '15 ’was very interestâ€" ing and largeiy aue’ndcd. P. Smim 0f East Laurgl ave- dinnér-hostess last Tuesday highland park LIL, ï¬guralâ€, february :3, The w " is Club ‘ The meeting on av of the Wu- m‘an' 3 Club was qLMble interest in that the endre pregnm in given by High- land Park women. “ ‘ Mus, leis: Sobey fling "The'Haunt of the Witches." by Coil Canard and one of Anita Owen's sonï¬i. She was accom- panied by Mrs Wauon. Mn. Daniel bb addreued the Club, her subjegt in: "What Clubs can do for us and @ï¬vc cm do for Clubs." Mrs. Cobb to d of the great help of the Women's Clubs in the community. the beneï¬t de- rived from them in'heiug_ of help to all Concerned. She told of how each woman could 'do her’ best toward her Club and the strength of a Club depends so much on the cooperation u} all the members. Among other ~things she spoke of the Men's'Cluh where tllelrswere given over to pleasures and .amllsements while the Women's Clubs were for civic and men- tal improvement- Mrs. Cobb's talk was very interesting and very helpful. The hostesses of the afternoon were Mrs. D. M. Erskine. Mrs. George B. Cummings, Mrs. Charles Warren, Mrs. L. VanRiper and Mi'ss Barlow. ( Mr. W. C. Lloyd. for several years a resident of Highland Park, has gone to Chicago to live. ' His many Highland Park friendg regret to hear of his depart- ure. Mrs. t 'Ro‘y Miller left on Monday [or F londa where she will spend. two months. Mr. and Mrs. W; B. W'hi‘te are spend ing the winter in California where they have built '1 beautiful 'bungalow over- looking the oc‘ean. "V . A marriage of interest is that of Miss (Lulu LeSa‘ge of Chicago and Mr. ‘Henry B. Clark of Highland Park Which 0c- cured on Monday. The wedding was a quiet .affair and was ‘ performed ' at 502 Aldine Square. the residence of Rev. William White Wilson. rector oi St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Mr. Clark and Miss LeSnge were school mates. Mr. Clark is vice president of the Hi- bernian Banking Asmciation'. He has been married before. his first wife getting a divorce from him in 1908:» Upon their return from New Orleans. ï¬r. and Mrs. Clark will reside in their home opposite the Highland Park lClub,. formerly the Russel School. Mr. and Mrs. A. A: Pun-nan will leave next week {or Florida where they ,will' remain sevefal months. ,‘ Some hgndred tnen attended the Men‘s Dinner mgen II. the Highland Park Club on Monda‘y evening where they gathered to talk over the La men's Missionary movement. L. P. Moore, W. P. Sterling and E. P. Bailey were the principal speakers. On Tuesday evening the members ol the Highland Park Club gave their annual Mardi Gm carniJgal 'at the Club House Every imaginable character was repre- sen‘ed. Colonial démes. Mexicans, Wild West men, clowns. Japanese, Spanish and llalian peasants all'gathered togeth- er and made the evening very interesting and entertaining. Egï¬givdrefy‘Clau at luncheon On. Wed- day at her hdme on North Sheridan Road. Mr.‘ and Mrs. Fraierick M. Steele ale spending a [cw mom? a in the south. MrsISteever' and her daughter Miss Sreever are in the South. During their absence Miss Frances Steever is staying in Evanston. em University, Evanston. Mrs; Samuel Parliameht entertained lhc Miss Estelle Clark has as her (new for the week-end Misses Florence Schy- vet and Fiance; Richards “Northwest- Miss joy Minn has as her guest for the weekend Min Winnilred Bray of (hicago‘. . I . Mihilll is ill with In grippe. New Moon Fred Moon was all smiles last Saturday morning when he came up mun to tell the news. “Wlm is it Fred?" some one uked. "A ï¬ne baby boy,“ the proud father replied. We priiphesy a bright (mine [or the New Moon. and: '. If. like his father. he aunin The ideal six- 40m pi: n, _ May he like him in heart and bruin Be every inch 1 man. A . “Larry“ Small his returned fluâ€"rm Tome fund will enter some school in Chicago. Mitt Grace Buffert entertained her uncle. Mr. P. W. Held of Varna, lll..’ who “tended the Many Show Unis week while here. A quartcttc of Highland Park’s plum- ising yuupg men meet tonight tu study special work undet the direction ol Miss Lillian E. Burgess, ' ' Mr. and Mn. Faxon of North SheridSn Road are in New York fur a couple of weeks Their son Ellis l-axon. ulw is at Cordell. came up and jnined them in New York. . Mia‘s Isabelle ‘Ghrk cmenaincd on Saturday ahcrnoon with a bridge party. The Choral Club held their meeting on TuesJay grening at the Bapliu church . On Friday afternoon a meeting was held a the Elm Place School {urzhe purpose at ,(orminu I permanent organ- ization of parents. those inlereued in the public schools and the teachers of . ((310018. , a Miss Mildred Coale is visiting Miss Ruth Colburn of Chicago. Mr. Cheney return: to-day from flew \ork where he has been on a short businer trip. Miss Carlyn Shields is u Major and Mrs. Mann of St- Miss Helen Conrad is spending the week- end «in: her brother and sister Mr. .and Mn. Conrad of Woodstock The Misses Muench antennined Mow day eveging. when they had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hall of Glencue. The annual meeting of the Lake Coun- tv Law and Order League will be held Friday evening. February' 18. at 8 o'clock. at Lake Forest. Reed Mer‘nunal Hall.‘ A bus will meet the train at Lake Forest. ludge Cutting will be the speaker. Mrs. John Gm. wile of John Gm“ of julliet, l||.. iormerly Mipl Evelyn Char- hunneau of ‘ Liberlyulle.‘ was burned by using a stove pulish last Friday morning. She we: so badly injured that she died Saturday (naming at a hospital at Julliet. The funeral was held Tuesday a! lo a. m. in the Catholic Church a! Libenvville and the body war laid to rent in the Libertyvllle Cemetctf. Mn. Gm was well . know here and her many (rienr‘l are grieved over her awful death. Thnrtcenth Deoeiminl Census Examination An examination is tohe held on March 5th, 1910, on the' Bill floor. Federal building. Chicago, Illinois. for pusitiohl in the additional .oflice force of the Cen- sus Bureau at Washington. D. C t This examination has nothing to do with the appointments of “pertain“. epeciai agents. or enumerate". there being no further examination: [or position: ol that ch‘a'racter in cpntemplntion. ‘A oopy'oi the announcement of examination and atiplicfliou blank will be furnished to applicants by the local secretary to! the civil gervice hand at the poetofï¬ce in the cities in which the examination will be held or by Mr. Peter Newton. dil- trict secretary. A woman‘s Id†at. pains in u flan whose necktie: I’ull his complexion. 191° is the gun: at ' St. Luuil.'Mt‘. w M") when they†1n“ rennin during 1H winter months. f m Sbcrida’n NW!“ ,tn. Gwncmnhnuberm In mother. In. Qnimby ,u Mr: John 3. Cook: menu“ It In :heonouw -'lr. Jack Mane. who recently ldukhio \ 'er ,ance examinulons lot Writ Point. it ' vi‘ ing his parenu. Main: and Mn. " . m. m...“ a. min who In. bx h 'enioyinga month‘Ik-uve, intri- pt. 'cd fur duty main. : â€"â€"â€" ' fl. ‘ In. \'an‘ Punk it whiting-Capt. and M’ . W. R. Duh u Fun ,Proctof. New 0 a bingo hotpiul tl . Ppuin Van Poole oeiebnted hie re- c: ‘t prumuï¬on to a mjgnlity Sunday c;- Thing when he eaten-ï¬ned meal of 1| ‘nfï¬cer! at n «a; dinï¬er. ; i‘iss Ethel Mcbeonlm [Stein's-biting T c Page. ' . ."1r. John H. 5mm. of New York ha a the guest ol Capt. nnd “It. Mc- .Services on Sunday will be oMuct'ed 7.1m pastor. E. “Roy Datin- Morning nbjed. “The Like! I Fticna." Eve- ing subject. “My Relation to Clark." telptul and inspiring music larder tho :adenhip 0‘ Mr. LVII'I Flint. The uhlic is invited to uni! incl! 0' due in- maven And Mount. 06»: m 'hin in “The Chunk fat I" the People. " 'ï¬e church where "M M†owe-and M-ï¬ichflwygohm M u mama Be Mon-5w!- the Army Relief Beneï¬t enteminé, .m was undwbtedly oneof them :ceniul events eve! given at the poet. ue entertniilment. which took place It ‘: gvmnuium. In veq unique.- "The n was decanted with 8133' Min nie Harding ï¬ve «men! hummu- ndmgs in sewn! difleteat diaiectl. \e oi herbest radial-b b‘The Man ithout a Country." Mitt Domtliy ark danced neveul lancy dances which he gracefully executed. The “Rev. in 9! a Maid and 8063210!" the very Her Amati: than taking pan were: [cuts O Brien. Paton. Dinon ' K. ount Stanley Rambo-(II. Mn. Seigie. inc: Clark. Dorothy Feel'eMen‘. Betty .se, Marjory Page. an L. C Steven- in. Mrs. Brown, Capt. A. ]. HeN'eb. ennelh Mom. I†â€mm weed. Mr.0. D. Guilder. Mn Moore. rs. Savilie. In. B. A. [Tu-code“. ï¬r: Gilbreth and Mn. Howe. .lajor and Mn. Mid will leave in cw weeks [or the m V‘c rcgrd to hear. that. the MI miner of Limit. and “mum in vim pneumonia. ‘. At the Mat-(limit {May when lb! Ice Club. ' in. “on ue rear“ to hear of the illncu of u Grain; whohu been conï¬ned to house by a sum lucid mainly. Sun. and Mn. kit I. «duo. have Imed from Fad {ï¬lm where y hue been floating. ienul Surge-m Llama from FOB ujamin Hudson. 196.. [at heed vic- 1 friends in the pan for the put 3k bclure leaving [or we Philippinet. pun the Return oLCobnel Caner (rum Monday reï¬ning to} her such. . IL dwell!“- 'I 'l‘. B.‘ Seiglg entertained .: din- Dries ï¬ve Ccnto family will